Professor Adrian Bradbrook

Professor Adrian Bradbrook
  • Biography/ Background

    Adrian Bradbrook initially graduated in Law at the University of Cambridge and has spent most of his working life as an academic.  Prior to taking up the Bonython Chair of Law at the University of Adelaide in 1988, he held full-time positions as an Assistant Professor of Law at Dalhousie University (Canada) (1970-72) and at the University of Melbourne, first as a Senior Lecturer (1972-79) and later as a Reader (1980-87).  He has held temporary positions as a Visiting Professor at the University of Calgary (Canada), the University of Poitiers (France), the University Paris-Descartes (Paris-V), the University of Mannheim (Germany), the University of Marburg (Germany).  He has also held research positions at Queens’ College, Cambridge (UK), McGill University (Canada), the International Academy of the Environment (Geneva, Switzerland), the University of Colorado (USA) and the University of Hong Kong.  He was Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Adelaide in 1991-95.


    Adrian’s main research work lies in the fields of sustainable energy law, environmental law and property law.  He has published extensively in these fields.  He has held the position of Chair of the Working Group on Energy Law and Climate Change for the IUCN (World Conservation Union) and has worked on a number of UN projects relating to energy law.  He is a Member of the Board of Editors of the Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law, the Australasian Journal of Natural Resources Law and Policy, the Journal of Renewable Energy Law and Policy and the Australian Property Law Journal.


    Adrian is the recipient of several major Australian Research Council Discovery and other grants.  He currently holds a grant (with Judith Gardam) on “Creating a Comprehensive International Law of Sustainable Energy: The Contribution of Law to Sustainable Development and Climate Change”.


  • Qualifications

    The University of Mannheim - D iur (h.c.) The University of Melbourne - LLD
    Cambridge University - Ph D
    Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Toronto - LLM Cambridge University - MA
    Cambridge University - BA (1st Class Hons) (Law)
  • Teaching Interests

    Property Law
    Energy Law
  • Publications



    Property and the Law in Energy and Natural Resources (ed), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010 (with A McHarg, B Barton and L Godden).   


    Commercial Tenancy Law, LexisNexis Butterworths, Sydney, 3rd ed 2009 (with C Croft and R Hay).


    Australian Real Property Law, Thomson Lawbook Co, Sydney, 4th ed 2008 (with SV MacCallum and AP Moore).


    Australian Property Law: Cases and Materials, Thomson Lawbook Co, Sydney, 3rd ed 2006 (with SV MacCallum and AP Moore).


    Energy Law and the Environment, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2007 (with R Lyster).


    The Law of Energy for Sustainable Development (ed), Cambridge University Press, New York, 2005 (with R Lyster, R Ottinger and Wang Xi).


         Energy Law and Sustainable Development (ed), IUCN Publications, Cambridge, 2003 (with R Ottinger).


         Australian Property Law: Cases and Materials, Thomson Lawbook Co, Sydney, 2nd ed 2003 (with S MacCallum and A Moore).


         Australian Real Property Law, Thomson Lawbook Co, Sydney, 3rd ed 2001 (with A.P. Moore and S.V. MacCallum).


         Easements and Restrictive Covenants in Australia, Butterworths, Sydney, 2nd ed 2000 (with M.A.Neave).


         Australian Real Property Law, Thomson Lawbook Co, Sydney, 2nd ed 1997 (with A.P. Moore and S.V. MacCallum).


         Commercial Tenancy Law, Butterworths, Sydney, 2nd ed 1997 (with C.E. Croft).


         Australian Property Law: Cases and Materials, LBC Methuen Ltd, Sydney, 1996 (with A.P. Moore and S.V.MacCallum).


         Family Law: Cases, Materials and Commentary, Butterworths, Sydney, 2nd ed. 1993 (with HA Finlay and RJ Bailey-Harris).


         Energy Conservation Legislation for Building Construction and Design, Canadian Institute of Resources Law, Calgary, 1992.


         Australian Real Property Law, Butterworths, Sydney, 1991 (with A.P. Moore and S.V. MacCallum).


         Commercial Tenancy Law, Butterworths, Sydney, 1990 (with C.E. Croft). 


         Revenue Law - Cases and Materials, Butterworths, Sydney, 1990 (with Y. Grbich and K. Pose).


         The Emergence of Australian Law (ed), Butterworths, Sydney, 1989 (with M.P. Ellinghaus and A.J. Duggan).


         Family Law :  Cases and Commentary,  Butterworths, Sydney, 1986 (with H.A. Finlay and R.J. Bailey-Harris).


         Solar Energy and the Law, Law Book Co, Sydney 1984.


         Residential Tenancy Law and Practice, Law Book Co, Sydney, 1983 (with S.V. MacCallum and A.P. Moore).


         A Manual of the Victorian Residential Tenancies Act, Law Book Co, Sydney, 1982  (with J.G. Gardam and S.V. MacCallum).


         Easements and Restrictive Covenants in Australia, Butterworths, Sydney, 1981 (with M.A. Neave).


         Poverty and the Residential Landlord-Tenant Relationship, A.G.P.S., Canberra, 1975 .



    Articles and Book Chapters


               Solar Access Law: 30 Years On.  Environmental and Planning Law Journal 27: 5-22 (2010).


               A Human Dimension to the Energy Debate: Access to Modern Energy Services.  Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law 26: 526-552 (2008) (with J Gardam and M Cormier).


               The Role of the Common Law in Promoting Sustainable Energy Development in the Property Sector, in A McHarg, B Barton, A Bradbrook and L Godden (eds), Property and the Law in Energy and Natural Resources, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010, 391-412.


               Property and the Law in Energy and Natural Resources (with A. McHarg, B. Barton and L. Godden), in A McHarg, B Barton, A Bradbrook and L Godden (eds), Property and the Law in Energy and Natural Resources, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010, 1-16.


               The Development of Renewable Energy Technologies and Energy Efficiency Measures through Public International Law, in D Zillman, C Redgwell, Y Omorogbe and L Barrera-Hernandez, Beyond the Carbon Economy: Energy Law in Transition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008, 109-132.


               International Institutional Arrangements in Support of Renewable Energy, in D Assmann (ed), Renewable Energy: a Global Review of Technologies, Policies and Markets, Earthscan Publications, London, 2007, 152-168 (with A Steiner, T Waelde and F Schutyser).


               Placing The Access to Energy Services Within a Human Rights Framework. Human Rights Quarterly 28: 389-415 (2006) (with JG Gardam).


               Energy, Renewable Energy and Nuclear Energy, in United Nations Environment Programme, Training Manual on International Environmental Law, United Nations, Nairobi, Kenya, 353-368 (2006) (with E Duer).

                Creeping Reforms to Landlord and Tenant Law: The Case of Boarders and Lodgers.  Australian Property Law Journal 10: 157-168 (2004).


                Australian Initiatives Promoting Renewable Energy Resources in Electricity Generation.  Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law 23: 188-204 (2005) (with A S Wawryk).


               Energy Efficiency in Road Transport after the WSSD: An Evolving Area of Environmental Law.  Environmental and Planning Law Journal 20: 16-29 (2003).


               Electric Power Interconnection in North-East Asia: Towards a North-East Asian Energy Charter?  Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law 20: 135-143 (2002).


               Government Initiatives Promoting Renewable Energy for Electricity Generation in Australia.  University of New South Wales Law Journal 25: 124-159 (2002) (with AS Wawryk).


               Green Power Schemes: The Need for a Legislative Base.  Melbourne University Law Review 26: 15-31 (2002).


               Promotion of National Legislation for Energy Conservation: Advocacy for Market Transparency and Sustainable Development, in Guidebook on Promotion of Sustainable Energy Consumption, United Nations, New York, 2002, 50-60.


               The Development of a Protocol on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.  New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law 5: 55-90 (2002).


               The Legal Regime Governing the Exploitation of Offshore Wind Energy in Australia.  Environmental and Planning Law Journal 18: 30-45 (2001) (with AS Wawryk).


               A Statement of Principles for a Global Consensus on Sustainable Energy Production and Consumption.  Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law 19: 143-163 (2001).  Republished in revised form in A Bradbrook et al (eds), The Law of Energy for Sustainable Development, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2005, 181-201.


               The Commercial Arbitration Legislation, in V Waye (ed), A Guide to Arbitration Practice in Australia, Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia, Adelaide, 2001, 55-94.


               The Australian Torrens System: A Reappraisal, in d Meurer and H Leser (eds), Aktuelle Entwicklungen des Rechts aus Deutscher und Franzosischer Sicht, Marburg, 2001, 87-100.


               The Rule Against Perpetuities, in Halsbury’s Laws of Australia, Law Book Co, 2000, chapter 28.6.


               The Development of a Regulatory Framework on Consumer Protection and Consumer Information for Sustainable Energy Use.  Asia-Pacific Journal of Environmental Law 5: 239-263 (2000).


               Energy and International Law: 2000 and Beyond, in P Catania (ed), Energy 2000: State of the Art, Balaban Publishers, L’Aquila, Italy, 2000, 111-129.


               Legal Issues relating to Electricity Production by Offshore Wind Turbines, in P Catania, B Golchert and C Zhou (eds), Energy 2000: The Beginning of a New Millennium, Technomic Publishing Co Ltd, Pennsylvania, and Balaban International Science Publishers, L’Aquila, Italy, 2000, 1069-1080 (with A S Wawryk).


               Drafting a New International Convention on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy,  in P Catania, B Golchert and C Zhou (eds), Energy 2000: The Beginning of a New Millennium, Technomic Publishing Co Ltd, Pennsylvania, and Balaban International Science Publishers, L’Aquila, Italy, 2000, 1105-1115.


               Alternative Legal Measures to Improve the Fuel Efficiency of Motor Vehicles, in Compendium of Energy Efficiency Legislation in Countries of the Asia-Pacific Region: Volume One, United Nations, New York, 1999, 63-80.


               Regulatory Framework for Promotion of Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency in Australia, in Compendium of Energy Efficiency Legislation in Countries of the Asia and Pacific Region: Volume One, United Nations, New York, 1999, 113-126.


               Energy, Sustainable Development and Motor Fuels: Legal Barriers to the Use of Ethanol.  Environmental and Planning Law Journal 16: 196-211 (1999) (with AS Wawryk).


               Teaching Arbitration to Non-Lawyers.  The Arbitrator 17: 173-189 (1998).


               Legal Issues for Lay Arbitrators.  Adelaide Law Review 20: 265-285 (1998).


               Legislative Implementation of Financial Mechanisms to Improve Motor Vehicle Fuel Efficiency.  Melbourne University Law Review 22: 527-563 (1998) (with AS Wawryk).


               Motor Vehicle Registration Charges as a Means for Improving Fuel Efficiency.  Environmental and Planning Law Journal 15: 33-44 (1998).


               Anglo-Australian Property Law and the Doctrine of Fixtures, in O Werner, P Häberle, Z Kitagawa and I Saenger, Brücken für die Rechtsvergleichung, Mohr Siebeck, Tubingen, Germany, 1998, at 522-540.


               Residential Tenancies Law -- The Second Stage of Reforms.  Sydney Law Review 20: 402-434 (1998).


               Residential Tenancies Law -- Lessons from France.  Australian Property Law Journal 5: 107-129 (1997).


               Energy Efficiency and the Energy Charter Treaty.  Environmental and Planning Law Journal 14: 327-340 (1997).  Republished in modified form, The Significance of the Energy Charter Treaty.  Applied Energy 64: 251-262 (1999).


               The Development of a Legislative Framework for Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation.  Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law 15: 313-337 (1997).


               Constitutional Implications of the Restructuring of the Electricity Industry (with A.S. Wawryk).  Australasian Journal of Natural Resources Law and Policy 3: 239-270 (1996).


               Energy Use and Atmospheric Protection.  Australasian Journal of Natural Resources Law and Policy 3: 25-60 (1996).


               Energy Law as an Academic Discipline.  Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law 14: 193-217 (1996).


               Mining and the Environment: The Legal Perspective, in K. Anderson (ed), Finding Common Ground: Mining, the Environment, and Indigenous Australians, Seminar Papers 96-04, Centre for International Economic Studies, Adelaide, 1996, 1-13.


               Eco-labelling: Lessons from the Energy Sector.  Adelaide Law Review 18: 34-45 (1996).


               The Legal Right to Solar Access.  Environment Design Guide (Royal Australian Institute of Architects), Feb. 1996, 1-4.


               Le Developpement du Droit sur les Energies Renouvelables et les Economies d’Energie.  Revue Internationale de Droit Comparé 47:  527-547 (1995).


               Regulating for Fuel Efficiency in the Transport Sector.  Australasian Journal of Natural Resources Law and Policy  1:  1-31 (1994).


               Environmental Aspects of Energy Law: The Role of the Law.  International Journal of Renewable Energy  5:  1278-1292 (1994).


               Energy Law:  The Neglected Aspect of Environmental Law.  Melbourne University Law Review  19:  1-19 (1993).


               Environmental Aspects of Energy Law - New Means of Achieving Reform.   Environmental and Planning Law Journal  10:  185-197 (1993).


               Resource Use Conflicts:  The Role of the Common Law, in M. Ross and J.O. Saunders (eds.), Resource Use Conflicts, Canadian Institute of Resources Law, Calgary, 1993, 344-388.


               The International Legal Development of Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Technologies.  Environmental and Planning Law Journal 9:  31-43 (1993).


               Energy Conservation Legislation for Industry.  Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law 10:  145-163 (1992).


               The Development of Energy Conservation Legislation for Private Rental Housing.  Environmental and Planning Law Journal 8:  91-107 (1991).


               Section 27 of the Uniform Commercial Arbitration Acts :  A New Proposal for Reform.  Australian Business Law Review   18 : 214-228 (1990).  Republished in (1990) 9 The Arbitrator 107-121.


               The Use of Income Taxation Incentives to Promote Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation.  Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Association Yearbook  1990:  1-37.


               The Development of Energy Efficiency Laws for Domestic Appliances.  Adelaide Law Review 12 : 306-331 (1990).


               Legal Aspects of the Promotion of Energy Cogeneration.  Environmental and Planning Law Journal 6 : 332-350 (1989).


               The Role of the Courts in Advancing the Use of Solar Energy.  Journal of Energy Law and Policy  9 : 135-175 (1989).


               The Retail Tenancies Legislation : Stage Two in the Landlord-Tenant Law Reform Saga.  Monash University Law Review  15 : 2 - 29 (1989).


               The Evolution of Australian Landlord and Tenant Law, in M.P. Ellinghaus, A.J. Bradbrook and A.J. Duggan (eds), The Emergence of Australian Law, Butterworths, Sydney, 1989, 104-143.


               The Stamping of Leases of Real Property in New South Wales.  Australian Tax Review 18 : 156-177 (1989).


               Study Methods and Sitting Law Exams, in  J. Corkery (ed), The Study of Law, Adelaide Law Review Association, 1988, 110-119.  Republished in J. Corkery (ed), A Career in Law, Federation Press, Sydney, 2nd ed. 1989, 140-149, and in R. Krever (ed), Mastering Law Studies and Law Exam Techniques, Butterworths, Sydney, 2nd ed. 1989, 58-69;  R. Krever (ed), Mastering Law Studies and Law Exam Techniques, Butterworths, Sydney, 3rd ed. 1995, 59-70.


               The Exception to Indefeasibility of Titles for Leases Under the Victorian Transfer of Land Act. Melbourne University Law Review  16 : 837-845 (1988).


               Recent Developments in Partnership Taxation.  Corporate and Business Law Journal  1: 12-35 (1988).


               Future Directions in Solar Access Protection.  Environmental Law  19 : 167-208 (1988).


               The Relevance of the Cujus Est Solum Doctrine to the Surface Landowner's Claims to Natural Resources Located Above and Beneath the Land.  Adelaide Law Review 11 : 462-483 (1988).


               American and Australian Perspectives on the Protection of Solar and Wind Access.  Natural Resources Journal  28 : 229-267 (1988).


               The Ownership of Geothermal Resources.  Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Association Yearbook  1987 : 353-380.


               The Contents of New Geothermal Legislation.  Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law 5 : 81-108 (1987).


               Environmental Controls Over Geothermal Energy Exploitation.  Environmental and Planning Law Journal  4 : 5-25 (1987).


               The New Era of Tenancy Protection.  Australian Law Journal 61 : 593-614 (1987).


               The Taxation of Maintenance Payments.  Australian Journal of Family Law  1 : 101-124 (1987).


               The Taxation of Partnerships, in R. Krever (ed), Australian Taxation - Principles and Practice, Longman Professional, Sydney, 1987, 212-227.


               The Liability of the User of a Wind Generator in Tort for Personal Injuries.  Melbourne University Law Review  15 : 249-278 (1986).


               The Protection of Solar Access.  Law Institute Journal  59 : 1326-1329 (1985).


               Solar Access Legislation.  Law Institute Journal  58 : 1054-1058 (1984).


               The Access of Wind to Wind Generators.  Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Association Yearbook (1984) : 433-482.  Republished in original form by University of Colorado Natural Resources Law Center, Occasional Papers Series No. 7 (1985).  Rewritten in everyday English and republished in abridged form in (1986) 20 South Wind (Journal of the Australasian Wind Energy Association) 7-11.


               Solar Access and the Law of Restrictive Covenants, in Szokolay (ed), Solar World Congress , Pergamon Press, 1984, Vol 4, 2625-2630.


               Liability in Nuisance for the Operation of Wind Generators.  Environmental and Planning Law Journal 1 : 128-150 (1984).  Republished by University of Colorado Natural Resources Law Center, Occasional Papers Series No 5 (1984).


               Your Client and The Small Claims Tribunal.  Law Institute Journal  58 : 685-687 (1984).


               Advising a Purchaser of Land on Easements and Freehold Covenants.  Law Institute Journal  58 : 651-659 (1984).


               Nuisance and the Right of Solar Access.  University of Western Australia Law Review  15 : 148-187 (1983).  Republished by University of Colorado Natural Resources Law Center, Occasional Papers Series No. 6 (1984).


               The Tortious Liability of the User of a Solar Energy System.  Melbourne University Law Review  14 : 151-198 (1983).


               The Role of Restrictive Covenants in Furthering the Application of Solar Technology.  Adelaide Law Review  8 : 286-317 (1983).


               Access to Landlocked Land :  A Comparative Study of Legal Solutions.  Sydney Law Review  10 : 39-60 (1983).


               The Development of an Easement of Solar Access.  University of New South Wales Law Journal  5 : 229-262 (1982).


               The Rights and Duties of Landlords and Tenants Under the Victorian Residential Tenancies Act.  Melbourne University Law Review  13 :  159-197 (1981).  Republished in the Leo Cussen Institute for Continuing Legal Education, The New Residential Tenancies Act, Melbourne, 1981, 72-134.


               The Delivery of Deeds in Victoria.  Australian Law Journal  55 : 267-278 (1981).


               The Actions for Double Rent and Double Value Against Overholding Tenants.  University of Western Australia Law Review  13 : 420-433 (1979).


               Fencing Easements in Australia.  Australian Law Journal  53 : 306-310 (1979).


               Residential Landlord-Tenant Law Reform in Tasmania.  University of Tasmania Law Review  6 : 83-95 (1979).


               Loss of Services :  An Anachronistic Alternative to the Child Custody Laws (with R. Tracey).  Monash University Law Review  4 : 71-80 (1978).


               Discrimination Against Families in the Provision of Rented Accommodation (with S. MacCallum).  Adelaide Law Review  6 : 439-457 (1978).


               The Future of Domestic Rent Control in Hong Kong.  Hong Kong Law Journal  7 : 321-361 (1978).


               The Role of State Government Agencies in Securing Repairs to Rented Housing.  Melbourne University Law Review  11 : 145-163 (1977).


               The Discretionary Powers of the Hong Kong Housing Authority.  Hong Kong Law Journal  7 : 209-240 (1977).


               Methods of Improving the Effectiveness of Substandard Housing Control Legislation in Australia.  University of Tasmania Law Review  5 : 166-187 (1977).


               The Right of a Mother to Change her Child's Surname Unilaterally.  Australian Current Law Digest  111-117 [1977].


               The Role of the Judiciary in Reforming Landlord and Tenant Law.  Melbourne University Law Review  10 : 459-480 (1976).


               The Repair Obligations of Landlords and Tenants : A Plea for Reform.  University of Western Australia Law Review  12 : 437-466 (1976).


               The Application of the Principle of Mitigation of Damages to Landlord-Tenant Law.  Sydney Law Review  8 : 15-30 (1976).


               A Reassessment of the Laws Relating to the Determination of Tenancies.  Adelaide Law Review  5 : 357-380 (1976).


               The State Housing Commissions and their Tenants :  The Need for Legislative Control.  Melbourne University Law Review  10 : 409-440 (1976).


               An Empirical Study of the Need for Reform of the Victorian Rent Control Legislation.  Monash University Law Review  2 : 82-114 (1975).


               The Law Relating to the Residential Landlord-Tenant Relationship :  An Initial Study of the Need for Reform.  Melbourne University Law Review  9: 589-649 (1974).


               The Relevance of Psychological and Psychiatric Studies to the Future Development of the Law Governing the Settlement of Inter-Parental Child Custody Disputes.  Journal of Family Law  11 : 557-587 (1972).


               A Reassessment of the Scope of the Gift Mortis Causa.  McGill Law Journal  17 : 567-580 (1971).


               The Role of Judicial Discretion in Child Custody Adjudication in Ontario.  University of Toronto Law Journal  21 : 402-408 (1971).


               An Empirical Study of the Attitudes of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Ontario Regarding the Workings of the Child Custody Adjudication Laws.  Canadian Bar Review  49 : 557-576 (1971).

  • Professional Associations

    Admitted as Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria (Australia) (1973) and the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia (Canada) (1971). Fellow of the Center for Environmental Legal Studies, Pace University, USA. Fellow and Member, Board of Directors, of the International Energy Foundation (Canada). Fellow, Australian Institute of Energy.  Member, Interenational Bar Association's Academic Advisory Group to the Section on Energy, Environment, Resources and Infrastructure

    Consultant/Resource Person to various United Nations agencies (UN-DESA, UNEP and UNDP) on research projects related to sustainable energy development.

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