Dr Andrew Somogyi
Position | Professor |
Org Unit | Medical Sciences |
andrew.somogyi@adelaide.edu.au | |
Telephone | 831 35572 |
Location |
Helen Mayo North
North Terrace
Biography/ Background
Andrew is Professor in Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology.
He is a practicing pharmacist, having graduated from the Tasmanian College of Advanced Education in 1972. He undertook a higher degree (Master of Science-1978) and then PhD (1982) at Sydney University, School of Pharmacy. Andrew then undertook postdoctoral research at the Medical Hospital of the University of Bonn in Germany for 2.5 years under the mentorship of Prof Roland Gugler and Prof Michel Eichelbaum. Following a short period in Melbourne at the then Baker Medical Research Institute in Melbourne, he was recruited as a Research Fellow to the Department of Clinical & Experimental Pharmacology at the University of Adelaide in late 1982. In 1992 he was appointed as Senior Lecturer, then promoted to Associate Professor (1994) and Professor in 2002. He was Deputy Head of the Department between 1992 and 2010. Between May 2005 and December 2010, he was Associate Dean (Research) of the Faculty of Health Sciences. In 2018 he was made Chair of the Pharmacogenomics Section of the International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (IUPHAR)
Andrew teaches pharmacology in undergraduate medicine, dentistry, nursing and health science programs. He has an active research program centred on elucidating the dispositional mechanisms for altered human drug response in pain therapeutics, cancer and transplantation through pharmacokinetic, metabolism, pharmacodynamic and pharmacogenomic studies. He has translated his research into clinical practice by establishing a Pharmacogenetics Service at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. Pharmacogenomics and personalised healthcare is a theme of his overarching research and public health focus.
He provides regular consultancy on the role of pharmacogenomics in adverse drug reactions to clinicians, patients and the legal profession Australia-wide.
PhC (Certificate of Pharmacy), Tasmanian College of Advanced Education
Diploma of Hospital Pharmacy, Sydney University
Master of Science, Sydney University
PhD (Clinical Pharmacology), Sydney University
Awards & Achievements
2010: Honorary Fellow of the Faculty of Pain Medicine (Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists) (FFPMANZCA)
2016: Fellow of the British Pharmacological Society (FBPhS)
2021: Fellow of the Australasian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologists (FASCEPT)
Teaching Interests
He teaches undergraduate Medical, Dental, Science, Health Science and Nursing students and has the capability of teaching any area of pharmacology- clinical pharmacology such as Precision Medicine.
Research Interests
He has an international research track record in pharmacokinetics, drug metabolism, pharmacogenetics and genomics and pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic relationships with specific reference to the opioid class of drugs.
Current Projects:
Pain- pharmacogenomics of acute and chronic analgesic therapy; symptom control therapy
Palliative Medicine- ketamine, symptom control therapy
Addictions - immune pathway genetics
Organ Transplantation - Transporters, metabolism and pharmacogenetics of immunosuppressants
Leukaemias - tyrosine kinase inhibitors: population pharmacokinetics, genetics and response
He has a growing international standing in pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics-personalised healthcare.
He is the regional member of the International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (IUPHAR) Subcommittee on Pharmacogenomics.
Editorial Board Membership
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (Senior Editor)
Pharmacogenetics and Genomics
Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
Journal of Opioid Management
Research Training: He has an active Research Training Scheme programme and is currently supervising 6 PhD students. Over the last 4 years he has had 14 students who were finalists at nationally competitive scientific meeting with 4 students being awarded first prize (2005, 2006, 2009, 2010).
Potential PhD Projects available:
Fentanyl pharmacogenetics in acute and chronic pain
Nilotinib pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics-pharmacogenomics in leukaemia
Genetics of transition from acute to chronic pain
GWAS studies in severe adverse drug reactions.
Research Funding
His research program has been funded by the NHMRC continuously since 1999 and has had NIH, Leukaemia & Lymphoma Society (USA), National Heart Foundation, Alcohol Education and Research, Kidney Australia and ANZCA support over the last 5 years .
Current Funding
NHMRC 2015-2020: Personalised Medicines for Aboriginal People (APP1087986)[Somogyi,A, Jamieson L, Dettwiller P] $1,066,571.50
NHMRC 2016-2020 Ketamine therapy among patients with treatment resistant depression: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial APP110508. Loo C, Mitchell P, Glue P, Fitzgerald P, Glozier N, Lapidas K, Hadzi-Pavlovic D, Somogyi A, Hasckett M, Galvez V. $2,036,126.70)
NHMRC 2018-2020 A randomised controlled trial of low-dose ketamine in youth with severe depression and elevated suicide risk (APP1138736). Davey C, Loo C, Cotton S, Glozier N, Baune B, Amminger G, Harrison B, JHermes D, Somogyi A, Martin D. $2,270,626
Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists Project Grant: Predictors of persistent postsurgical pain following total knee joint arthroplasty. MT Kluger, PJ McNair, AA Somogyi, GN Lewis. $36000 (Year 1/2) 2019-2020
Bethlehem Griffiths Research Foundation: Genetics of symptom relief in palliative care. Philip J, Le B, Somogyi AA, Gibbs P. $50,000 (2018-2020)
Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists Project Grant:Biomerkaer determinants of ketamine in the ROCKet Trial $63000 [2020-21] Somogyi A, Peyton P, Foster D
Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists Russell Cole Memorial Research Award: Personalising pain relief for people with cancer- the right opioid for the right person at the right time; $49598 (2021) Somogyi A, Wong A, Phillip J, Rubio J
Google Scholar link to my publications
Consistently publishes in the top ranking clinical pharmacology (Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology), pain (Pain) and addiction (Addiction Biology) journals.
307 publications
H-index of 70
15997 citations
Publications since 2020:
295. Feb 20;10:1686, 2020.
296. Karnes JH, Rettie AE, Somogyi AA, Huddart R, Fohner AE, Formea CM, Lee MTM, Llerena A, Whirl-Carrillo M, Klein TE, Phillips EJ, Mintzer S, Gaedigk A, Caudle KE, Callaghan JT. Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC) Guideline for CYP2C9 and HLA-B Genotypes and Phenytoin Dosing: 2020 Update. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 109(2):302-309, 2021.
297. Crews K, Monte A, Huddart R, Kharasch E, Caudle KE, Gaedigk A, Dunnenberger H, Leeder JS, Callaghan J, Samer C, Klein, Haidar TC, Van Driest S, Ruano G, Sangkuhl K, Cavallari L, Mueller D, Prows C, Nagy M, Somogyi AA, Skaar T. Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC) guideline for CYP2D6, OPRM1, and COMT genotype and select opioid therapy. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 110;888-896, 2021.
298. Desta Z, El-Boraie A, Gong L, Somogyi AA, Lauschke V, Dandara C, Klein K, Miller N, Teri Klein, Tyndale R, Whirl-Carrillo M, Gaedigk A. PharmVar GeneFocus: CYP2B6. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 110(1):82-97, 2021
299. Rowsell L, Wu, JG-A, Yee BJ, Wong KKH, Sivam S, Somogyi AA, Grunstein RR, Wang D. The Effect of Acute Morphine on Sleep in Male Patients Suffering from Sleep Apnea: Is There a Genetic Effect? – an RCT Study. Journal of Sleep Research . 30(4):e13249, 2021.
300. Tacrolimus dose, blood concentrations and acute nephrotoxicity, but not CYP3A5/ABCB1 genetics, are associated with allograft tacrolimus concentrations in renal transplant recipients.
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 87; 3901-3909, 2021.
301. Barratt DT, Sia AT, Tan EC, Somogyi AA. Innate immune and neuronal genetic markers are highly predictive of postoperative pain and morphine patient-controlled analgesia requirements in Indian but not Chinese or Malay hysterectomy patients. Pain Medicine 22(11); 2648-2660, 2021.
302. Andriguetti NB, Barratt DT, Tucci J, Pumuye P, Somogyi AA. Instability of efavirenz metabolites identified during method development and validation. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 110, 3362-3366, 2021.
303. Andriguetti NB, van Schalkwyk H, Barratt DT, Tucci J, Pumuye P, Somogyi AA. Large variability in plasma efavirenz concentration in Papua New Guinea HIV/AIDS patients associated with high frequency of CYP2B6 516T allele. Clinical and Translational Science 14: 2521-2531, 2021.
304. 32. Thomas JHL, Lui L, Abell A, Tieu W, Somogyi AA, Bajic JE, Hutchinson MR. Toll-like receptors change morphine-induced antinociception, tolerance and dependence: studies using male and female TLR and signalling gene KO mice. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 102; 71-85, 2022.
305. Somogyi AA, Musolino ST, Barratt DT. New pharmacological perspectives and therapeutic options for opioids: differences matter. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care 50: 127-140, 2022.
306. Kisely S, Connor M, Somogyi AA, Siskind D. A systematic literature review and meta-analysis of the effect of psilocybin and methylenedioxymethamphetamine on mental, behavioural or development disorders. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2022; March 12.
307. Abuhelwa AY, Somogyi AA, Loo CK, Glue P, Barratt DT, Foster DJR. Population pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the therapeutic and adverse effects of ketamine in patients with treatment-refractory depression. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Accepted 30 April 2022.
Professional Associations
Australasian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologists : President 2006 - 2007; Honorary Secretary 1998-02
Professional Association Membership:
Australasian Society of Clinical and Experimenatl Pharmacologists & Toxicologists (ASCEPT)
Australian Pain Society (APS)
Australian Pharmaceutical Sciences Association (APSA)
American Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (ASCPT)
British Pharmacolgocal Society (BPS)
International; Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (ISSX)
International Association of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology (IATDMCT)
Professional College:
Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA): Faculty of Pain Medicine (FPM)
Community Engagement
Advisory Committee on NonPrescription Medicines (TGA)- Member 2002-2015
Australian Medicines Handbook (AMH) Pty.Ltd: Board Member 2002-present
Controlled Substances Advisory Council (Government of South Australia) 2019-present
Media Expertise
Categories Drugs Expertise Drugs; drug interactions; medicine; forensics; pain control; pain management; medicines (control); forensic medicine Notes Alt phone: (08) 8303 5571
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Entry last updated: Friday, 24 Jun 2022
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