Dr Andrew Wendelborn
Biography/ Background
My first position was as a Meteorologist. I began a career in computing as a Software Engineer for ICL in Australia and the UK, and then for the Government of South Australia. I then undertook fulltime PhD studies, took up a Tutor position at the University of Adelaide, and as Lecturer at Flinders University. I joined the University of Adelaide as a Lecturer in 1985, then Senior Lecturer in 1988. I have international collaborations with several research groups, including the University of California at Irvine, INRIA Sophia Antipolis and invited positions at University of Nice / INRIA.
Research Interests
My principal research interests are programming models and applications in cloud and grid computing, e-Research and data intensive computing, parallel functional programming, and reflective computing.
Research Funding
Recent grants include:
A. L. Wendelborn, P. D. Coddington: "Stream-Components: stream processing on grid and cloud": research contract under DEST grant "The Utility Grid Project: Autonomic and Utility-Oriented Global Grids for Powering Emerging e-Research Applications" (Uni of Melbourne); $81,000; 2007-9
P. Dowd, G. Heinson, C. Mudge and A. Wendelborn: "Data-intensive Internet-Scale Computing", Microsoft Research -- Jim Gray Seed Grant 2010; $US46,000; 2010-
Refereed publications 2003-date
JOURNAL ARTICLESDonglai Zhang, Paul D. Coddington, and Andrew L. Wendelborn, Web Services Workflow with Result Data Forwarding as Resources, Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 27 Issue 6, pp 694-702, June, 2011, doi 10.1016/j.future.2010.12.015.
Peter Kelly, Paul Coddington and Andrew Wendelborn, Lambda Calculus
as a Workflow Model, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and
Experience, Volume 21 Number 16, pages 1999-2017, November
2009. Wiley.
L. Leong, P.D. Coddington and A.L. Wendelborn, Data Grid Services for
Biodiversity Informatics, SCS International Journal of Information
Technology, Volume 11, Number 3, 2005.
Woo, J.W., Gaudiot, J.L. and Wendelborn, A.L., Alias Analysis in Java
with Reference-Set Representation for High-Performance Computing,
International Journal of Parallel Programmimg, Volume 32, Issue 1, pages
39-76, Feb 2004.
CONFERENCE PAPERSShunde Zhang, Paul Coddington and Andrew Wendelborn, A national
grid submission gateway for eScience, 7th IEEE International
Conference on e-Science (e-Science 2011), Stockholm, Dec 2011.Shunde Zhang, Paul Coddington and Andrew Wendelborn, Connecting
arbitrary data resources to the grid, 11th ACM/IEEE International
Conference on Grid Computing (Grid 2010), Brussels, Oct 2010.Paul N. Martinaitis and Andrew L. Wendelborn. Representing eager
evaluation in a demand driven model of streams on cloud
infrastructure. Proc. 10th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on
Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, Melbourne, May 2010. (11 pages) IEEE.Paul N. Martinaitis, C. Patten, and Andrew L. Wendelborn. Component-based
stream processing "in the cloud". In The 2009 Workshop on
Component-Based High Performance Computing (CBHPC 2009), Portland,
November 2009 (at Supercomputing09).
Paul N. Martinaitis, C. Patten, and Andrew L. Wendelborn. Remote
interaction and scheduling aspects of cloud based streams. In The 2009
Workshop on Cloud-Based Services and Applications (CBSA09),
Oxford, UK, December 2009 (at e-Science 2009). IEEE.Shunde Zhang, Paul Coddington and Andrew Wendelborn, Davis: A Generic
Interface for iRODS and SRB, 10th ACM/IEEE International Conference on
Grid Computing (Grid 2009), Banff, Canada.P. N. Martinaitis, C. Patten, and A. L. Wendelborn. Stream-Components:
Component based Stream computation on the Grid, Seventh Australasian
Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2009), ed. P. Roe
and W. Kelly, ACSW, Wellington, New Zealand, January 2009. CRPIT, vol
99, 2009. ACS.
Peter Kelly, Paul Coddington and Andrew Wendelborn, The Lambda
Calculus as a Workflow Model, 3rd International Workshop on Workflow
Management and Applications in Grid Environments (WaGe08), in Proc 3rd
International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing (GPC 2008),
May 25-28, 2008, Kunming, China.
Paul Coddington, Gerson Galang, Waseem Kamleh, Derek Leinweber, Sam
Moskwa, Julia Patterson, Qiang Wang, Andrew Wendelborn, Shunde Zhang
and Qunfang Zhang, Experiences in Developing a Node of an
International Computational Physics Data Grid. In Proc. 6th
Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research, AusGrid 2008,
in conjunction with ACSW2008, Wollongong, January 2008. (8 pages)
Donglai Zhang, Paul D. Coddington, and Andrew L. Wendelborn, Binary
Data Transfer Performance over High-Latency Networks using Web Service
Attachments. In Proc. 3rd IEEE Int. Conf. on e-Science and Grid
Computing, Bangalore, India, December 2007. (10 pages)
Peter M. Kelly, Paul D. Coddington, and Andrew L. Wendelborn. A
Distributed Virtual Machine for Parallel Graph Reduction. In 8th
International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing
Applications and Technologies (PDCAT '07), Adelaide, Australia,
December 2007. (8 pages)
Donglai Zhang, Paul D. Coddington, and Andrew L. Wendelborn, Data
transfer performance issues for a web services interface to
synchrotron experiments. In High Performance Distributed Computing,
Proceedings of the 2007 Workshop on Service-Oriented Computing
Performance: aspects, issues, and approaches; Monterey, California,
USA, pages 59 - 66, June 2007. (10 pages)
Atkinson, I.M., du Boulay, D., Chee, C., Chiu, K., Coddington, P.,
Gerson, A., King, T., McMullen, D.F., Quilici, R., Turner, P.,
Wendelborn, A., Wyatt, M.J. and Zhang, D, Developing CIMA-Based
Cyberinfrastructure for Remote Access to Scientific Instruments and
Collaborative e-Research. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Symposium on
Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2007), Ballarat,
Australia. CRPIT, 68. Coddington, P. and Wendelborn, A., Eds.,
ACS. January 2007. (8 pages)
Peter M. Kelly, Paul D. Coddington, and Andrew L. Wendelborn,
Compilation of XSLT into Dataflow Graphs for Web Service Composition, 6th
IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid06),
Singapore, May 2006. (10 pages)
Peter M. Kelly, Paul D. Coddington, and Andrew L. Wendelborn, A
Simplified Approach to Web Service Development, Fourth Australasian
Workshop on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006), Hobart,
Australia, Jan 2006. In Conferences in Research and Practice in
Information Technology, Vol. 54, eds Buyya, R., Ma, T. et al.
Nickolas J. G. Falkner, Paul D. Coddington and Andrew L. Wendelborn,
Optimising Performance in Network-Based Information Systems: Virtual
Organisations and Customised Views, Proceedings of the 9th International
Workshop on Network Based Information Systems, Krakow, IEEE Computer
Society, Sep. 2006.
Nickolas J. G. Falkner, Paul D. Coddington and Andrew L. Wendelborn,
Capturing and Using the Operational Semantics of Large Distributed Systems:
Sharing Common Application Requirements in Virtual Organisations,
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Theory and Applications of
Knowledge Management, Krakow, IEEE Computer Society, Sep. 2006.
Nickolas J. G. Falkner, Paul D. Coddington and Andrew L. Wendelborn,
Bridging the Gap between the Semantic Web and Existing Network-Based
Services, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Web Semantics,
Krakow, IEEE Computer Society, Sep. 2006.
Nickolas J. G. Falkner, Paul D. Coddington and Andrew L.Wendelborn,
Using Ontologies to Support Customisation and Maintain Interoperability in
Distributed Information Systems with Application to the Domain Name System,
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and
the Grid, Guilin, IEEE Computer Society, Nov. 2006.
Peter M. Kelly, Paul D. Coddington, and Andrew L. Wendelborn,
Distributed, parallel web service orchestration using XSLT, International
Conference on eScience and Grid Computing, Melbourne, Dec 2005.
Nickolas J.G. Falkner, Paul D. Coddington and Andrew L. Wendelborn,
Developing an Ontology for the Domain Name System, 4th International
Workshop on Web Semantics (WebS 2005), Copenhagen, Aug 2005.
Huy Le, Paul Coddington and Andrew L. Wendelborn, A Data-Aware
Resource Broker for Data Grids, IFIP International Conference on Network
and Parallel Computing (NPC 2004), Wuhan, China, Oct 2004.
Paul D. Coddington, Lici Lu, Darren Webb and Andrew L. Wendelborn,
Extensible Job Managers for Grid Computing, Proc. of 26th Australasian
Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2003), Adelaide, February 2003.
Cramp, A., Wendelborn, A.L., Oudshoorn, M.J., and Best, J.P., Systems
of Systems Simulation using the High Level Architecture, SimTect 2003,
Adelaide, May 2003.
Webb, D. and Wendelborn, A.L., The PAGIS Grid Application
Environment, in Computational Science: ICCS2003, ed. P Sloot et al,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2659 (Springer, 2003), pp.
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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 19 Mar 2013