Professor Justin Brookes
Position | Professor |
Org Unit | School of Biological Sciences | | |
Telephone | 831 33747 |
Location |
North Terrace
Biography/ Background
My major research field is the quality of source water for potable supply and river and lake ecology. I also lead a large research project on the treatment of reuse water using biofiltration. The importance of water to Australia and Internationally with the threat of climate change and a drying climate mean that my skills are in demand for research, consulting and educating the next generation of water scientistsCollaboration
I have published journal articles with over seventy co-authors and one additional opinion piece with fifty authors. I lead several multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional projects related to environmantal issues and the water industry.I actively collaborate with CSIRO, The Australian Water Research Centre, SARDI Aquatic Sciences, Flinders University, The Centre for Water Research UWA, Griffith University, Griffith University. Internationally I am involved in research projects with The University of California, Santa Barbara, Univesity of Wisconsin, Virginia Tech, The Chinese Academy of Science Beijing, Waikato University, NZ and the TZW, Germany.
Grants in past five years
Hydrodynamic Distribution of Pathogens in Lakes and Reservoirs AWWA Research foundation RFP 2752 $1,002,000 Total project budget $2,244,228
Proponent: Justin Brookes
Co-investigators Mike Burch, Nicholas Ashbolt, Jason AntennuciVelocity profiling around the submerged aerators in the Torrens Lake Awarded by the Torrens Catchemnt Water manegment Board Proponents: Justin Brookes, George Ganf, David Lewis, Rudi Regel $4,252
Carbon Sources in the Torrens Catchment Awarded by the Torrens Catchment Water Management Board Proponents: Justin Brookes, George Ganf, Todd Wallace $10,511
Impacts of de-stratification of reservoir waters on the character of natural organic matter and on the removal of NOM by water treatment processes Awarded by The CRC for Water Quality and Treatment Proponents: John van Leeuwen, Mike Burch, Justin Brookes, Alan Wade $184,950
Assessment and evaluation of changes in water quality in the Patawalonga Catcment since 1994 Awarded by Torrens Catchment Water Management Board Proponent: Justin Brookes, John Howard $6,330.50
Implications of Murray Mouth closure and/or restriction on water quality. Awarded by the Murray Darling Division of the Department of Water Resources. $3000 Proponent: Justin Brookes
Regional Evaluation Group (REG) Member
Consulting to the Murray Darling Basin Commission $6,400Reservoir Management for Control and Degradation of Algal Toxins 2003 AWWARF (US$300,000) $680,000 South East Queensland Water Corporation ($30,000 + inkind) CRC for Water Quality and Treatment ($200,000) Veolia ($50,000)
Proponent: Justin Brookes
Co-investigators Mark O'Donohue, Mike Burch Total budget ($1,667,057))Raw Water Quality Objectives for Reservoirs in the Torrens Catchment Water Management Board's Operational Area. Torrens Catchment Water Management Board $16,000 Proponents: Justin Brookes, Amber Lang, Thorsten Mosich, and John Howard
Evaluation of Water Quality Changes at various sites in the Torrens and Patawalonga Catchments Torrens Catchment Water Management Board $15,658 Proponents: Justin Brookes and John Howard
Flow requirements and resource delivery to the Lower Lakes and Northern Coorong Land and Water Australia $301, 474
SAWater $60, 000
Total project budget ($941,255).
Proponents Justin Brookes and Sebastien LamontagneWater resources in the Maralinga Tjarutja Lands - The current state Funding Body: Alinytjara Wilurara Natural Resources Management Board Total Budget: $120,000 Proponents: David Lewis and Justin Brookes
Development of monitoring methodologies to assess the condition of water dependent ecosystems Funding Body: Alinytjara Wilurara Natural Resources Management Board Total Budget: $65,000 Proponents: David Lewis and Justin Brookes
Managing stormwater and reducing fish kills in the Patawalonga Proponents: Qifeng Ye and Justin Brookes Total Budget $40,000
CLLAMM Ecology - Flow requirements of the Coorong, Lower lakes and Murray Mouth Proponents: Mike Geddes, Justin Brookes, Anthony Cheshire, Jason Tanner, Peter Fairweather, David Paton Funded by CSIRO Water for a Healthy Country Flagship Total Budget $2.2 million
Comments on the Ecological Case for a Flow Regulator on Chowilla Creek, SA Proponents: Justin Brookes, Darren Baldwin, George Ganf, Keith Walker and Brenton Zampatti Consultancy funded by DWLBC $18,820
Implications of the drought for blue-green algal blooms in the River murray, South Australia, Summer 2006-2007. Proponents: Justin Brookes and Mike Burch. Consultancy funded by SA Water $6,000
Ecological response to watering trials on Chowilla Floodplain, 2005-2006 Proponents: Kane Aldridge, Brian Deegan, Jason Nicol, Mike Burchand Justin Brookes (2006) Consultancy for the Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation. $22,000
Integrated Models and Guidance Manual for Reservoir Management (2005-2007) Proponent: Justin Brookes
CRC for Water Quality and Treatment $146,828 Total Budget ($248,992)The Ecology of Lake George (2007)
Proponents: QiFeng Ye, Justin Brookes
Centre for NRM $430,000The risk of black water events and cyanobacteria in Chowilla under flow regulation (2007) Proponents; Justin Brookes, Mike Burch, Todd Wallace, Darren Baldwin DWLBC $46,765
Sediment oygen demand and nutrient release in Lake George, SE Australia (2007) Proponents: Justin Brookes, Kane Aldridge SE Drainage Board $15,000
Australian Academy of Science International Travel Grant to work in the USA $6,500
Sediment nutrient flux in the River Murray under extreme low flows Funded by SA Water $10,000
Scoping a River Murray Model $30,000 Funded by SA MDB NRM Board
Expanding markets for reuse water by innovative treatment (2007) $600,000 Proponent Justin Brookes
A consortium of WSAA, Melbourne Water, SA Water, United Water, Power and Water, Ecowise each contributed $50,000 and AusIndustry funded $300,000 Acid Sulfate soilsIron and Manganese flux in the River Murray and thethreat to drinking water offtakes Funded by SA Water $15,000 Lower River Murray Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Model $470,000 Proponent Justin Brookes and Matthew Hipsey Funded by SA Water
Flow Ready : Ecosystem science based strategies for the recovery of the Lower Lakes $4.5 million Proponent Justin Brookes (Leader), partnering institutions include The University of Adelaide, SARDI, Flinders University, Geoscience Australia, The University of Western Australia, CSIRO. Funding partners National Flagship Collaboration fund ($3mill.), MDBC ($1mill), Soth Austrailan Water security technical group ($500k)--- pending
Lower Lakes Water Quality Monitoring $282,000 Proponents Kane Aldridge and Justin Brookes Funded by the Murray Darling Basin NRM Board
Doctor of Philosophy, Graduated April, 1998 Doctor of Philosophy completed at the University of Adelaide under the supervision of Dr. George Ganf (The University of Adelaide) and Mr. Michael Burch (Australian Water Quality Centre, CRC for Water Quality and Treatment). Thesis title: "The influence of light and nutrients on the metabolic activity and buoyancy of Microcystis aeruginosa and Anabaena circinalis."Honours Botany, Graduated April 1994
Awarded First class Honours (87%) for a thesis titled: "Field observations, laboratory experiments and buoyancy regulation of Microcystis aeruginosa."Bachelor of Science, The University of Adelaide, Graduated April 1993 Botany and Zoology Majors
Research Interests
Justin has broad research interests in limnology and water treatment. His primary research focus is coupling between hydrodynamics, biology and water quality contaminants such as cyanobacteria and pathogens. Justin currently leads several large inter-institutional projects examining degradation of chemical contaminants of concern (endocrine disruptors, pharmaceuticals), carbon cycling in lakes and rivers and the ecology of the Coorong and Lower Lakes of the River Murray.Students
Justin has supervised 13 Phd students with 7 completions to date, 11 honours students and numerous international interns from French and German University Engineering Schools. -
Refereed Journal Publications
1. Brookes, J. D., Ganf, G. G. and Burch, M. D. (1994)*. The separation of forms of Microcystis from Anabaena in mixed populations by the application of pressure.Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. 45: 863-868. * also published as a book chapter in Jones, G. (Ed.) Cyanobacterial Research in Australia. CSIRO Publishing. Cited by 22. Reid, R.J., Brookes, J. D., Tester, M. A. and Smith, F. A. (1995).The mechanism of zinc uptake in plants. Characterisation of the low affinity system. Planta 198: 39-45 Cited by 30
3. Brookes, J. D., Ganf, G. G. and Burch, M. D. (1998).Buoyancy regulation of Microcystis aeruginosa. Verh. Int. Ver. Theor. Ange. Limnol. 26: 1670-1673
4. Geary, S., Ganf, G. G. and Brookes, J. D. (1998). The use of FDA and flow cytometry to measure the metabolic activity of the cyanobacteria, Microcystis aeruginosa. Verh. Int. Ver. Theor. Ange. Limnol. 26: 2367-2369
5. Brookes, J., Ganf, G., Green, D. and Whittington, J. (1999). The influence of light and nutrients on buoyancy, colony aggregation and flotation velocity of Anabaena circinalis. Journal of Plankton Research. 21: 327-341 Cited by 23
6. Brookes, J. D., Burch, M. D. and Tarrant, P. (2000). Artificial destratification: Evidence for improved water quality. Water: Official Journal of the Australian Water and Wastewater Association. 27 (3): 18-22.
7. Baker, P. D., Brookes, J. D., Burch, M. D., Maier, H. R. and Ganf, G. G. (2000).Advection, growth and nutrient status of phytoplankton in the lower River Murray, South Australia. Regulated Rivers: Research and Management 16:327-344. Cited by 18
8. Brookes, J. D., Ganf, G. G. and Oliver, R. L. (2000). Heterogeneity of cyanobacterial gas vesicle volume and metabolic activity. Journal of Plankton Research 22: 1579-1589. Cited by 11
9. Brookes, J. D., Geary, S. M., Ganf, G. G. and Burch, M. D. (2000). The use of FDA and flow cytometry to assess metabolic activity as an indicator of nutrient status in phytoplankton. Marine and Freshwater Research 51(8): 817-823 Cited by 9
10. Brookes, J. D. and Ganf, G. G. (2001). Variations in the buoyancy response of Microcystis aeruginosa to nitrogen, phosphorus and light. Journal of Plankton Research. 23 (12):1399-1411. Cited by 26
11. Brookes, J. D., Regel, R. H., Ganf, G. G. and Burch, M. D. (2002). Applications of flow cytometry to phytoplankton research. Verh. Int. Ver. Theor. Ange. Limnol. 28: 1-6.
12. Regel, R. H., Ganf, G. G., Ferris, J. M. and Brookes, J. D. (2002). Algal esterase activity as a biomeasure of environmental degradation in a freshwater creek. Aquatic Toxicology 59 (3-4): 209-223. Cited by 19
13. Brookes, J. D., Regel, R., and Ganf, G. G. (2002). Changes in the photochemistry of Microcystis aeruginosa in response to light and mixing. New Phytologist. 158: 151-164. Cited by 3
14. Lewis, D. M., Antennuci, J., Brookes, J. D. and Lambert, M.F. (2002). Surface mixing for destratification: simulating the impact. Water 29: 27-29.
15. Brookes, J. D. Lewis, D., Linden, L. and Burch, M. D. (2002). On-line monitoring of reservoirs for risk management: linking reservoir data and treatment for improved management. Water 29(5): 20-27.
16. Lewis, D. M., Elliot, A., Brookes, J. D., Irish, A. E. and Reynolds, C. S. (2003). Modelling the effects of artificial mixing and copper sulphate dosing on phytoplankton in an Australian reservoir. Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management 8: 31-40. Cited by 4
17. Regel, R. H., Brookes, J. D. and Ganf, G. G. (2004). Vertical migration, entrainment and photosynthesis of the freshwater dinoflagellate Peridinium cinctum in a shallow urban lake. Journal of Plankton Research 26 (2): 1-15
18. Brookes, J.D., Antenucci, J., Hipsey, M. Burch, M.D. Ashbolt, N. and Fergusson, C. (2004). Fate and transport of pathogens in lakes and reservoirs. Environment International 30:741-759. Cited by 17
19. Regel, R.H., Ganf, G.G., Brookes, J.D. and Griffiths, R. (2004). The influence of experimentally generated turbulence on the Mash01 unicellular Microcystis aeruginosa strain. Hydrobiologia 517 (1): 107-120. Cited by 4
20. Hipsey, M., Antenucci, J. Brookes, J.D., Burch, M., Regel, R and Linden, L. (2004). A three-dimensional model for Cryptosporidium dynamics in lakes and reservoirs. International Journal of River Basin Management 2 (3): 181-197.
21. Linden, L., Lewis, D. M., Burch, M. D. and Brookes, J. D. (2004). Interannual variability in rainfall and its impact on nutrient load and phytoplankton in Myponga Reservoir, South Australia. International Journal of River Basin Management 2 (3): 1-11. Cited by 1
22. Lewis, D. M., Brookes, J. D., and Lambert, M.F. (2004). Numerical models for management of Anabaena circinalis. Journal of Applied Phycology. 16(6): 457-468. Cited by 1
23. Antenucci, J., Brookes, J.D. and Hipsey, M. (2005). A simple model for quantifying Cryptosporidium transport, dilution, and potential risk in reservoirs. Journal of the American Water Works Association 97 (1) 86-93 Cited by 1
24. Ptacnik, R. G., Jenerette, D., Verschoor, A.M., Huberty, A.F., Solimini A.G. and Brookes, J.D. (2005). Applications of ecological stoichiometry for sustainable acquisition of ecosystem services. Oikos 109: 52-62. Cited by 3
25. Brookes, J.D. Hipsey, M.R. , Linden, L., Regel, R.H., Burch, M.D. and Antenucci, J.P. (2005). Relative Value of Surrogate Indicators for Detecting Pathogens in Lakes and Reservoirs. Environmental Science and Technology 39(22): 8614-8621 Cited by 9
26. Brookes, J.D., Aldridge, K., Wallace, T. Linden L.G. and Ganf, G.G (2005). Multiple interception pathways for resource utilisation and ecosystem resilience. Hydrobiologia 552 (1): 135-146. Cited by 3
27. Hipsey, M.R., Brookes, J.D., Regel, R., Antenucci, J.P., and Burch, M.D. (2005). In situ evidence for the association of Total Coliforms and Escherichia.coli with suspended inorganic particles in an Australian Reservoir. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 170 (1): 191-209. Cited by 2
28. Brookes, J.D., Burch, M.D. and Regel, R.H. (2005). Cyanobacteria in Australia. Lakeline. A publication of the North American Lake Management Society 24 (4): 29-32. ISSN 0734-7978
29. Hipsey, M.R., Antenucci, J.P. and Brookes, J.D. (2005). Decision support tools: Managing microbial pollution in Lakes and Reservoirs. Lakeline. A publication of the North American Lake Management Society 24 (4): 25-28. ISSN 0734-7978
30. Ho L., Hoefel D., Aunkofer W., Meyn T., Keegan A., Brookes J., Saint C. and Newcombe G. (2006) Biological filtration for the removal of algal metabolites from drinking water. Water Science & Technology: Water Supply 6 (2): 153-159.
31. Brookes, J.D., Davies, C.,Antenucci, J. and Hipsey. M. (2006). Association of Cryptosporidium with bovine faecal particles and implications for risk reduction by settling within water supply reserviors. Water and Health 4: 87-98 Cited by 5
32. Ho, L.., Meyn, T., Keegan, A., Hoefel, D., Brookes, J. D., Saint, C. and Newcombe, G. (2006). Bacterial degradation of microcystin toxins within a biologically active sand filter. Water Research. 40: 768-774 Cited by 6
33. Daly, R. Ho., L. and Brookes, J.D. (2007) The effect of chlorine pre-oxidation on cell lysis and microcystin degradation. Environmental Science and Technology 41: 4447-4453.
34. Wang, H., Lewis, D., Brookes, J.D., Newcombe, G. and Ho, L. (2007) Discriminating adsorbtion and biodegradation of microcystin in GAC filters. Water Research. 41: 4262-4270.
35. Smith, M., Shaw, G., Eaglesahm, G., Ho.L and Brookes, J.D. (2007) Elucidating the factors influencing the degradation of cylindrospermopsin in Australian drinking water sources. Environmental Toxicology (published online)
36. Wang, H.X., Lewis, D.M., Newcombe, G., Brookes, J.D. and Ho, L. (2007). Separated adsorption and bacterial degradation of Microcystins in GAC filtration. International Journal of Environment and Waste Management. (in press accepted 12 Feb 2007).
37. Aldridge, K., Brookes, J. D. and Ganf, G.G. (2007). Rehabilitation of stream ecosystem function by the reintroduction of particulate organic matter. Restoration Ecology. (in press: acepted 2 feb 2007)
38. Wallace, T., Ganf, G. G. and Brookes, J.D. (2007). A comparison of phosphorus and DOC leachates from different types of leaf litter in an urban environment. Freshwater Biology (in press 2 June 2007)
39. Hipsey, M.R., Antenucci, J.P., Brookes, J.D. (2007) A generic, process-based model of microbial pollution in aquatic systems. Water Resources Research (accepted 18 September 2007)
40. Lewis, D. M., Brookes, J. D., Burch, M.D. and Lambert, M.F. (2007). Large diameter jet hydrodynamics for water quality management. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (accepted)
41. Gilbert, P., Azanza,R, Burford, M., Furuya,K., Abal, E., Al-Azri,A. Al-Yamani,F., Andersen, P., Beardall, J., Mine Berg, G., Brand, L., Bronk, D., Brookes, J., Burkholder,J., Cembella, Al.,Cochlan, W., Collier, W., Collos, J., Collos, Y., Diaz, R., Doblin, M., Drennen, T., Dyhrman, S., Fukuyo, Y.., Furnas, M., Galloway, J., Graneli, E., Ha, D., Harrison, P., Heil, C., Heimann, K., Howarth, R., Jauzein, C., Kana, A., Kana, T., Kim, H. Kudela, R., Legrand, C., Mallin, M., Mulholland, M., Murray, S., O'Neil, J., Pitcher, G., Qi, Y., Rabalais, N., Raine, R., Seitzinger, S., Solomon, C., Stoecker, D., Usup, G., Wilson, J., Yin, K., Zhou, M., Zhu, M., and (2008). Ocean urea fertilization for carbon credits poses high ecological risks. Marine Pollution Bulletin. (accepted 2 March, 2008).
42. Aldridge, K.T., Brookes, J.D., Ganf,G.G. (2008) Changes in abiotic and biotic benthic phosphorus uptake across a gradient of stream condition. River Research and Applications (in press)
43. O'Brien, K.R., Burford, M.A. and Brookes, J.D. (2008) Effect of light and mixing on primary productivity in Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii-dominated reservoir. Freshwater Biology (in press)
Invited Book Chapters
44. Brookes, J. D. and Hamilton, D. (2008) Lakes and Reservoirs of Australia and New Zealand. In Likens, G. (ed). Encyclopedia of Inland Waters. Elsevier Press. (accepted, in press)
45. Brookes, J.D., Burch, M.D., and Grutzmacher, G. (2008). Controlling toxic cyanobacterial occurrence: Drinking water offtake in Chorus and Fastner (Ed) Toxic cyanobacteria. World Health Organisation (in review)
46. Burch, M.D and Brookes, J.D. (2008). Controllong toxic cyanobacterial occurrence: Water Body Management. In Chorus and Fastner (Ed) Toxic cyanobacteria. World Health Organisation (in review)
47. Hipsey, M and Brookes, J (2009) Management of stream flow and reservoirs for drinking water management in Chorus and Schmoll (eds) Protecting Surface Water for Health. World Health Organisation. (in review)
Other refereed publications
48. Burch, M. D., Steffenson, D. A., Bursill, D. B., Bain, D. B., Ganf, G. G. and Brookes, J. D. (1994).Critical flow and blooms of the cyanobacterium Anabaena circinalis in the Murray River system. In Environmental Flows, Canberra (August 25-26), 44-51. Australian Water and Wastewater Association (ISBN 0 642 20463 2).
49. Brookes, J., Ganf, G. Burch, M. and Baker, P. (1997). Nitrogen: a factor controlling buoyancy and species selection in the Lower River Murray. In Current Issues in Australian Limnology, 12:25-27. (ISSN 0156-8426)
50. Brookes, J. D., Burch, M. D. and Ganf (2000). Nitrogen and cyanobacteria in Australian lowland rivers-unanswered questions. In B. T. Hart and M. R. Grace (Eds) Sources, Transformations, Effects and Management of Nitrogen in Freshwater Ecosystems. pp 129-133. LWRRDC Occassional paper 10/00 (ISSN 1320-0092, ISBN 0 642 76052 7)
51. Burch, M. D., Brookes, J. D., Tarrant, P and Dellaverde, P. (2000). Mixing it up with blue-green algae. Water: Official Journal of the Australian Water and Wastewater Association. 27: 21-22.
52. Lewis, D.M., Antenucci, J.P., Brookes, J.D., and Lambert, M.F. (2001). Numerical simulation of surface mixers used for artificial mixing in reservoirs. Environmental Engineering Research Event. Noosa, Queensland, Australia, November 2001.(ISBN 0-9580158-0-5).
53. Lewis, D.M, Antenucci, J.P., Brookes, J.D. & Lambert, M. (2001). Numerical simulation of surface mixers used for destratification of reservoirs. In Ghassemi, F., Post, D., Sivapalan, M. & R. Vertessy (eds), International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, MODSIM: 311-317.
54. Brookes, J.D. (2002). Implications of Murray Mouth closure and/or restriction on water quality. In: The Murray Mouth: exploring the implications of closure or restriction. A Report to the Murray Darling Basin Commission. Invited paper. pp. 33- 53 (ISBN 0 9581614 0 2) Cited by 1
55. Brookes, J.D., Baker, P.D. and Burch, M.D. (2002). The ecology and management of cyanobacteria in rivers and reservoirs. In â Blue-green algae: Their significance and management within water supplies. CRC for Water Quality and Treatment Occasional paper 4. pp 33-43 (ISBN 187661613X)
56. Brookes, J.D., Antenucci, J. and Hipsey, M. and Burch, M.D. (2002). Pathogen fate and transport: a review of the critical variables in Myponga Reservoir. Keynote paper at the Environmental Engineering Research Event, Blackheath, Dec 3-6, 2002. (ISBN 0-9580158-0-5).
57. Hipsey, M.R., Antenucci, J., Brookes, J.D., Burch, M.D. and Regel, R.H. (2004). Simulation Tools For Minimizing Pathogen Risk In Drinking Water Reservoirs. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Hydroinformatics - Liong, Phoon & Babovic (Eds.), Singapore. World Scientific Publishing Company, ISBN 981-238-787-0.
58. CRC for Water Quality and Treatment (2004) Pathogen movement and survival in catchments, groundwater and raw water storages. Management implications from the Cooperative Research Centre for Water Quality and Treatment catchments and storages Program, ISBN 1876616407.
59. Hipsey, M.R., Antenucci, J.P, Brookes,J.D., Burch, M.D., Regel, R.H., Davies, C., Ashbolt, N.J. and Ferguson, C. (2005). Hydrodynamic Distribution of Pathogens in Lakes and Reservoirs. Pp 164. Published by AWWA Research Foundation. 1P-4.5C-91073F-08/05-CM
60. Brookes, J.D. , Daly, R., Regel, R.H., Burch, M. Ho, L., Newcombe, G., Hoefel., D., Saint, C., Meyne, T., Burford, M., Smith, M., Shaw, G., Guo, P., Lewis, D., Hipsey, M. 2008. Reservoir Management Strategies for Control and Degradation of Algal Toxins. Published by AWWA Research Foundation. ISBN 978-60573-018-9
61. Lambert , M., Brookes, J.D., Kildea, M., Grantham, T. and McFarlane B.. Understanding the impact of biofilm growth on pipe roughness.
Professional Associations
Australian Water Association
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