Professor Martin Lambert

Professor Martin Lambert
 Position Professor
 Org Unit Civil Engineering
 Telephone 831 35838
 Location Floor/Room 2 ,  Engineering North ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    See research profile


  • Qualifications

    Goto Civil Engineering Home Page

    1988 Bachelor of Civil Engineering at The University of Newcastle,
    Part-time, Awarded First-Class Honours.
    1994 Doctor of Philosophy at The University of Newcastle.
    Topic: " Hydraulics of Compound Channels ".

  • Awards & Achievements

    2009                     ALTC Citation Award - For the sustained maintenance of a caring community of practice among water engineering students that enhances student learning through interactivity and facilitated discussion.

    2008                     University of Adelaide Award for Excellence for Higher Degree by Research Supervision recognises sustained excellence in the supervision and support of Higher Degree by Research students.

    2008                     “GN Alexander Medal” awarded to the authors of the best paper in Hydrology and Water Resources published in an Institution of Engineers, Australia publication in the preceding 18 months. Medal awarded for “Leak location in single pipelines using transient reflections” published in the Australian Journal of Water Resources, Vol 11, No. 1, 2007, pp. 53-64.

    2008                     ECMS Faculty Prize for Excellence in Teaching recognises and rewards outstanding teaching.

    2008                     ECMS Faculty Award for Excellence for Higher Degree by Research Supervision recognises sustained excellence in the supervision and support of Higher Degree by Research students.

    1999                     George Stephenson Gold Medal” awarded by the Institution of Civil Engineers, London for one of the best papers in the seven journals they publish. Medal awarded for the paper entitled “Estimating the discharge capacity in compound channels.” Published in Water, Energy and Maritime, Journal of Institution of Civil Engineers,, London Vol. 130, pp. 84-94.

    1997                     Telford Premium” awarded by the Institution of Civil Engineers, London for the best paper in water engineering. Awarded for the paper “Velocity distribution in a doubly-sinuous compound channel”. Water, Energy and Maritime, Journal of Institution of Civil Engineers, London, Vol 118, pp. 10-20.

    Other Awards

    1988 The Hunter District Water Board Gold Medallion.
    1988 Awarded the Australian Water and Wastewater Association, Newcastle Group Prize for Year IV Project Report.
    1988 The Tony Herzog Award for Final Year Project Report.
    1988 The Australian Consulting Structural Engineers Prize in Structural Engineering.
    1989 Awarded a Commonwealth Postgraduate Research Scholarship.
    1989 Awarded a Department of Civil Engineering Scholarship at The University of Newcastle.
    1995 PhD thesis nominated for the Lorentz-Straub Award in the USA

  • Research Interests

    Current Research Areas

    Discharge reduction in straight compound channels caused by momentum interaction effects between the main channel and the floodplain.

    Development of techniques for discharge assessment in meandering river channels.

    Development of point rainfall simulation model for hydrological risk assessment (joint with Associate Professor George Kuczera at the University of Newcastle).

    Charaterization and modelling of long term persistence effects in Australian rainfall and augmentation using climate indices to determine hidden states.

    Determining the effects of catchment moisture conditions on flood frequency distributions.

    Artificial mixing for destratification and control of cynobacterial growth in reservoirs (with CRC for Water Quality and Treatment).

    Leak detection in water distribution systems, University of Adelaide (joint with Associate Professor Angus Simpson)

    Modelling the dynamic nature of tidal inlets and the effect on flooding and water quality of coastal areas.

    Developing links between River Engineering and River/Floodplain ecology with Associate Professor Keith Walker)

    Coastal Flood Modelling: Allowing for Dependence Between of Rainfall and Tidal Anomaly in the Joint Probability Problem associated with river and ocean flooding

    Presentations and Keynote Addresses

    "Modelling the Effect of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation on Spate Flows and the Development of Models for Climate State Identification" Indian Institute of Technology, University Lecture, Kharagpur, March, 2005.

    Keynote speaker at the 31st Indian National Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Conference, December, 2004 Laboratory Verification of the Inverse Transient Technique for Leak Detection in Pipe Networks", Javapur University, Calcutta.

    Gave a series of four invited seminars at Harbin Institute of Technology, China, February, 2004.
    Titles of the seminars were
    a) "Inverse Transient Methods for Leak and Blockage Detection in Pipelines and Pipe Networks"
    b) "Modelling Unsteady Friction in Transient Events"
    c) "Leak and Blockage Detection in Pipelines using the Damping of Fluid Transients"
    d) "Using the Frequency Response Function and Impulse Response Function to find Leaks and Blockages

    "New thoughts in Hydraulics and Hydrology" Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, January, 2004.

    "Inverse Transient Methods for Leak and Blockage Detection in Pipelines and Pipe Networks" Invited Seminar - Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, January, 2003.

    "Rainfall Modelling in Australia" Invited Seminar - Australian Water Quality Centre, Bolivar, South Australia, September 1999.

    "Prediction of discharge in Compound Channels" Invited Seminar - Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, Bolivar, South Australia, September 1997.

    "Gender dynamics in laboratory classes" at Workshop on Teaching Efficiency and Effectiveness, Division of Engineering & Mathematical Sciences, The University of Adelaide, September 1996.

    International Collaborative Research Programs

    2001 to Present - Professor Bryan Karney, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Toronto, Canada. Topics: Leak detection using transient techniques and unsteady friction in pipelines during transient events.

    2001 to Present - Associate Professor Subhasish Dey, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India Topic: End depth prediction in compound channels and sediment transport.

    2000 to Present - Dr John O'Sullivan, University College Dublin, Ireland. Topic: Sediment Transport in Compound channels and joint probability problems arising from freshwater floods and ocean levels.

    International Visitors to Adelaide

    Dr Norman Lawgun, Hytran Solutions in New Zealand. Incorporation of new unsteady friction and viscoelastic responses in the HYTRAN program.

    Professor Hong Bin Zhao and Associate Professor Huebin Wu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China, (March-April 2004). Unsteady flow in pipelines and water distribution systems, leak and blockage detection in water distribution systems.

    Professor Bryan Karney, The University of Toronto, Canada. (April 2002). Collaboration on leak detection using transient techniques and unsteady friction in pipelines during transient events.

    Professor K. Gee, Yeungnam University, Korea (Jan 1998- Jan 1999). Collaboration on hydraulic and hydrological modelling.

    Professor James Liggett, Emeritus Professor, Cornell University, U.S.A. (October to November 1998, February 2000). Collaboration on leak detection and pipe roughness calibration in water distribution pipe networks using the inverse transient technique and coded transients.

    Professor Chris James, Associate Professor, Waterwatersrand University, South Africa. (Sept 1998). Collaboration on flows in compound open channels and sediment transport.

    Professor Robert Sellin, Professor of Hydraulic Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Bristol, United Kingdom. (Jan 1997). Collaboration on discharge prediction in compound open channels

    Dr. Anton Bergant, Litostroj Industries/Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia (October 1999 to November 1999, February 1997 to April 1997, April 1995 to July 1995, Collaboration on unsteady friction in water hammer in pipes.

    Dr. Jason Cassells, Department of the Built Environment, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland, Jan 2000, Collaboration on sediment transport in open compound channels.

    Associate Professor Subhasish Dey, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, December, 2001, Collaboration on end depth prediction in compound channels and unsteady friction effects on sediment transport.

    Editorial Boards

    Associate Editor - Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (2004-2007).

    Overseas member of the Editorial Advisory Panel for the Journal "Water Management" published by Thomas Telford for the Institution of Civil Engineers in the United Kingdom (2003-present).

    Reviewer for Journals

    Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, USA.

    Journal of Engineering Mechanics, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, USA.

    Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, USA.

    Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, USA.

    Water Resources Research, American Geophysical Union, USA.

    Water Management, Thomas Telford.

    Hydrological Processes, Wiley.

    Australian Journal of Water Resources, Institution of Engineers, Australia.

    Regulated Rivers: Research and Management, John Wiley & Sons, UK.

    SADHANA - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences, Indian Academy of Sciences.

    Advances in Water Resources, Elsevier.

    Reviewer for Conferences

    Hydrastorm Conference, The Institution of Engineers, Adelaide, South Australia, September 1998.

    7th International Conference on Stochastic Hydraulics, Townsville, Queensland, Australia, 28-31 July 1996.

    Water 99, International Conference on Water Resources Management and Environmental Engineering, Brisbane, July.

    14th Australian Fluid Mechanics Conference, 9-14 December 2001, Adelaide, Australia.

    XXX IAHR Congress, Thessaloniki-Greece - Student paper competition, 2003.

    Member of Conference Organising Committees

    Towards the 21st Century Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Sym., Inst. Eng. Aust.,Newcaslte, 1993.

    Hydrastorm Conference, The Institution of Engineers, Adelaide, South Australia, September 1998.

    Water 99, International Conference on Water Resources Management and Environmental Engineering, Brisbane, July.

    14th Australian Fluid Mechanics Conference, 9-14 December, Adelaide, Australia.

    1996 to Present - Professor James Liggett, Emeritus Professor, Cornell University, U.S.A. and Dr. Namsik Park, Korea. Topic: Leakage detection and pipe roughness calibration in water distribution networks using the inverse transient method and coded transients.

    1996 to Present - Associate Professor Chris James, Witwatersrand University, South Africa. Topic: Modelling sediment movement and storage insemi-arid, bedrock-controlled rivers.

    1996 to Present - Associate Professor Robert Myers, The University of Ulster, Northern Ireland. Topic: Discharge prediction in compound channels.

  • Research Funding



    Granting Body



    Cost Effective Pipeline Condition Assessment Using Paired Pressure Sensor Arrays  (Lambert, Simpson, Zecchin and Arkwright)

    ARC (Discovery)


    Principal Investigator



    Combining transient micro-reflections and multi-sensor arrays for condition assessment of buried pipes  (Lambert, Simpson, Zecchin and Simmons)

    ARC (Linkage - Industry)




    A new flood design methodology for a variable and changing climate (Lambert, Kuczera, Thyer and Metcalfe)

    ARC (Discovery)


    Principal Investigator



    Frequency Domain Micro-Reflection Processing for Pipe Condition Assessment (Simpson, Lambert and White)

    ARC (Discovery)


    Chief Investigator



    Optimal Water Resource Mix for Metropolitan Adelaide Phase 1   – Task 4

    (Thyer and Lambert)

    Goyder Institute Project




    C.1.1  Climate Change (Thyer, Lambert, Maier and Dandy)

    Goyder Institute Project




    A stochastic space-time model of rainfall fields in large heterogeneous regions (Lambert, Kuczera, Metcalfe, Thyer, Cowpertwait)

    ARC (Discovery)


    Principal Investigator




    Micro-reflections for pipe condition assessment in water networks (Simpson, Lambert, Ghidaoui, Lee)

    ARC (Discovery)


    Chief Investigator



    A Bayesian hierarchical approach for simulating multi-time scale hydrological variability for water resource planning (Thyer; Franks, Kuczera, Lambert, Metcalfe, Berghout) Ind. Partner: Hunter Water

    ARC (Linkage - Industry)


    Chief Investigator




    Validation of pipe wall condition assessment techniques for major water pipelines in South Australia. (Lambert and Simpson)

    Contract Research

    SA Water

    Principal Investigator)



    A new approach to systematic blockage detection and mapping in water distribution systems. (Simpson, Lambert, Nixon)

    Ind. Partner: United Water International


    (Linkage – Industry)


    Chief Investigator




    Stochastic spatial rainfall model for engineering risk assessment. (Lambert, Kuczera, Metcalfe)

    ARC (Discovery)


    Principal Investigator



    Continuous non-invasive assessment of the physical condition of water distribution systems. (Simpson, Lambert, White, Liggett)

    ARC (Discovery)


    Chief Investigator




    Laboratory and field testing of a leak detection technique using fluid transients (Simpson, Lambert, Karney – University of Toronto).

    ARC (Linkage Int.) LX0242364

    Chief Investigator




    Coded transients for monitoring and assessment of fluid distribution systems. (Simpson, Lambert, Liggett)

    ARC (Large)

    Chief Investigator




    Inverse transients for detecting closed valves, blockages and pipe constrictions in water networks. (Simpson and Lambert)

    ARC  (SPIRT)

    Chief Investigator




    Leak detection for water distribution systems (Simpson, Lambert, Assoc. Prof. B. Brunone of University of Perugia, Italy).

    ARC (Linkage International)

    Chief Investigator




    An improved rainfall simulation model for use in engineering analysis and risk assessment. (Kuczera, Lambert)

    ARC (Large)




    Artificial mixing for destratification and control of cynobacterial growth in reservoirs (Lambert).

    CRC Water Quality and Treatment

    Chief Investigator




  • Publications


    Joint Author Works
    Walker D.J., Leonard M., Metcalfe A.V. and Lambert M.F. Engineering Modelling and Analysis, Taylor and Francis, In Press [25%]

    Editorial Works
    Lambert M.F., Daniell T.M. and Leonard M. Proceedings of Water Down Under 2008 incorporating 31st Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium 4th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research, Institution of Engineers, Australia, Adelaide, April 2008, 275 papers [40%]

    Refereed Journal Papers

    1.                   Gong, J., Lambert, M.F., Simpson, A.R., Zecchin, A.C. (2014). Detection of localized deterioration distributed along single pipelines by reconstructive MOC analysis, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 140, No. 2,  190 – 198.

    2.                   Westra, S., Thyer M., Leonard M., Kavetski D. and Lambert M.F. (2014). "A strategy for diagnosing and interpreting hydrological model nonstationarity." Water Resources Research 50(6): 5090-5113.

    3.                   Zecchin, A. C., Lambert M. F., Simpson A. R. and White L. B. (2014). "Parameter Identification in Pipeline Networks: Transient-Based Expectation-Maximization Approach for Systems Containing Unknown Boundary Conditions." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 140(6)

    4.                   Zheng, F., A. C. Zecchin, A. R. Simpson and M. F. Lambert (2014). "Noncrossover dither creeping mutation-based genetic algorithm for pipe network optimization." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 140(4):553-557.

    5.                   Leonard, M., Westra, S., Phatak, A., Lambert, M.F., van den Hurk, B., Mcinnes, K., Risbey, J., Stafford-Smith, M. (2014) A compound event framework for understanding extreme impacts, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change  5  (1)  PP. 113 - 128

    6.                   Li, L., Maier, H.R., Partington, D., Lambert, M.F., Simmons, C.T. (2014). Performance assessment and improvement of recursive digital baseflow filters for catchments with different physical characteristics and hydrological inputs, Environmental Modelling and Software, Vol. 54, 39 – 52.

    7.                   Li, J., Thyer, M., Lambert, M., Kuczera, G., Metcalfe, A. (2014). An efficient causative event-based approach for deriving the annual flood frequency distribution, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 510, 412 – 423.

    8.                   Gong, J., Simpson, A.R., Lambert, M.F., Zecchin, A.C. (2013). Determination of the linear frequency response of single pipelines using persistent transient excitation: A numerical investigation, Journal of Hydraulic Research, Vol. 51, No. 6, 728 – 734.

    9.                   Gong, J., Lambert, M.F., Simpson, A.R., Zecchin, A.C. (2013). Single-event leak detection in pipeline using first three resonant responses, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 139, No. 6, 645 – 655.

    10.               Gong, J., Zecchin, A., Simpson, A., & Lambert, M. (2014). Frequency response diagram for pipeline leak detection: comparing the odd and the even harmonics. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 140(1), 65-74. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000298

    11.               Gong, J., Simpson, A.R., Lambert, M.F., Zecchin, A.C., Kim, Y.-I, Tijsseling, A.S. (2013). Detection of distributed deterioration in single pipes using transient reflections, Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, Vol. 4, No. 1, 32 – 40.

    12.               Stephens, M.L., Lambert, M.F., Simpson, A.R. (2013). Determining the internal wall condition of a water pipeline in the field using an inverse transient, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 139, No. 3, 310 – 324.

    13.               Zecchin, A.C., White, L.B., Lambert, M.F., Simpson, A.R. (2013). Parameter identification of fluid line networks by frequency-domain maximum likelihood estimation, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 37, No. 1-2, 370 – 387.  

    14.               Li, L., Maier, H.R., Lambert, M.F., Simmons, C.T., Partington, D. (2013). Framework for assessing and improving the performance of recursive digital filters for baseflow estimation with application to the Lyne and Hollick filter, Environmental Modelling and Software, Vol. 41, March 2013, 163–175.

    15.               Conway, P., O'Sullivan, J.J., Lambert M.F. (2013). Stage-discharge prediction in straight compound channels using 3D numerical models, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Water Management, Vol. 166, No. 1, January, 3-15.

    16.               Zecchin, A.C., Lambert, M.F. and Simpson, A.R. (2012). “Inverse Laplace transform for transient-state fluid line network simulation.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 138, No. 1, January, 101-115.

    17.               Stephens, M., Lambert, M.F., Simpson, A.R. and Vitkovsky, J. (2011). “Calibrating the waterhammer response of field pipe networks using a mechanical damping model.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 137, No. 10, October, 1225-1237.

    18.               Vítkovský, J.P, Lee, P., Zecchin, A.C., Simpson, A.R. and Lambert, M.F. (2011). “Head- and flow-based formulations for frequency domain analysis of fluid transients in arbitrary pipe networks.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 137, No. 5, May, 556-568.

    19.               Skinner, A.J., and Lambert, M.F. (2011), “An automatic soil pore-water salinity sensor based on a wetting front detector”, Sensors Journal, IEEE,Vol. 11, No. 1, January, 245-254, DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2010.2051325

    20.               Skinner, A.J., Lambert, M.F., and Wallace A. (2011), “A null-buoyancy thermal flow meter: Application to the measurement of the hydraulic conductivity of soils”, Sensors Journal, IEEE,Vol. 11, No. 1, 71-77, January, DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2010.2049836

    21.               Jennings, S.A., Lambert, M.F. and Kuczera, G. (2010). “Generating synthetic high resolution rainfall time series at sites with only daily rainfall using a master-target scaling approach”.  Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 393, No. 3-4, November, 163-173.

    22.               Zecchin, A.C., Lambert, M.F., White, L.B., and Simpson, A.R. (2010). “Frequency domain modelling of transients in pipe networks with compound nodes using a Laplace-domain admittance matrix.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 136, No. 10, October 1, 739-755.

    23.               Lewis, D.M., Lambert, M.F., Burch, M.D. and Brookes, J.D. (2010). “Field measurements of mean velocity characteristics of a large-diameter swirling jet”. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 136, No. 9, September, 642-650.

    24.               Wong, G., Lambert, M.F., Leonard, M., and Metcalfe, A.V. (2010). “Drought analysis using trivariate copulas conditional on climate states”.  Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 2, February, 129-141.

    25.               Skinner, A.J., and Lambert, M.F. (2009). ”Evaluation of a warm-thermistor flow sensor for use in automatic seepage meters”.  IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 9 , No. 9, September, 1058-1067.

    26.               Skinner, A.J. and Lambert, M.F. (2009). “A log-antilog analog control circuit for constant-power warm-thermistor sensors application to plant water status measurement”. IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 9, No. 9, September, 1049-1057.

    27.               Zecchin, A.C., Simpson, A.R., Lambert, M.F., White, L.B. and Vítkovský, J. P. (2009). “Transient modelling of arbitrary pipe networks by a Laplace-domain admittance matrix,” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 135, No. 6, June 1, 538-547.

    28.               Leonard M., Lambert M.F., Metcalfe A.V. and Cowpertwait, P.S. (2008). “A space-time Neyman-Scott rainfall model with defined storm extent.” Water Resources Research, 44(9), 9402. doi:10.1029/2007WR006110.

    29.               Lee P.J., Lambert M.F., Simpson A.R. and Vítkovský, J.P. (2008). “Experimental extraction of response functions in hydraulic systems using pseudo random binary signals.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers Vol. 134, No. 6, June, pp. 858-864.

    30.               Kingston G.B., Maier H.R. and Lambert M.F. (2008). “Bayesian model selection applied to artificial neural networks used for water resources modelling.” Water Resources Research, 44, W04419, doi:10.1029/2007WR006155.

    31.               Leonard M., Metcalfe A.V. and Lambert M.F. (2008). “Frequency analysis of rainfall and streamflow extremes accounting for seasonal and climatic partitions.” Journal of Hydrology, 348(1-2), pp. 135-147.

    32.               Tijsseling A.S, Lambert M.F., Simpson A.R., Stephens M., Vítkovský J.P. and Bergant, A., (2008). “Skalak's extended theory of water hammer.” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 310(3), pp. 718-728. 

    33.               Lee P.J., Vítkovský, J.P., Lambert M.F., Simpson A.R. and Liggett, J.A. (2008). “Discrete blockage detection in pipelines using the frequency response diagram.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 134, No. 5, May, pp. 658-663.

    34.               Bergant A., Tijsseling A., Vítkovský J.P., Covas D., Simpson A.R. and Lambert M.F. (2008). “Parameters affecting water hammer wave attenuation, shape and timing. Part 1: Mathematical tools.” Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 382–391.

    35.               Vítkovský, J. P., Bergant, A., Simpson, A. R., & Lambert, M. F. (2008). Closure to "systematic evaluation of one-dimensional unsteady friction models in simple pipelines." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 134(2), 284. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9429(2008)134:2(284)

    36.               Bergant A., Tijsseling A., Vítkovský J.P., Covas D., Simpson A.R. and Lambert M.F. (2008). “Parameters affecting water hammer wave attenuation, shape and timing. Part 2: Case studies.” Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 373–381.

    37.               Osti, A., Lambert, M.F., & Metcalfe, A. (2008). On spatiotemporal drought classification in New South Wales: Development and evaluation of alternative techniques. Australian Journal of Water Resources, 12(1), 21-35.

    38.               Misiunas D, Lambert M.F., Simpson A and Olsson G. (2007). “Assessing water mains condition using hydraulic transients.” Proceedings of The Institution of Civil Engineers-Water Management, 160(2), pp. 89-94.  

    39.               Lee P.J., Vítkovský J.P., Lambert M.F., Simpson, A.R. and Liggett, J.A. (2007). “Leak location in pipelines using the impulse response function.”, Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, 45(5), pp. 643-652.

    40.               Vítkovský J.P., Lambert M.F., Simpson A.R.. and Liggett, J.A. (2007). “Experimental observation and analysis of inverse transients for pipeline leak detection.”, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, 133(6), pp. 519-530.

    41.               Lee, P., Lambert, M.F., Simpson, A., Vitkovsky, J., & Misiunas, D. (2007). Leak location in single pipelines using transient reflections. Australian Journal of Water Resources, 11(1), 53-64.  

    42.               Werner M.G.F. and Lambert M.F. (2007). “Comparison of modelling approaches used in practical flood extent modelling.” Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, 45(2), pp. 202-215. 

    43.               Wong G., Lambert M.F. and Metcalfe, A.V. (2007). “Trivariate copulas for characterisation of droughts.” ANZIAM Journal, 49, pp. 306-323.

    44.               Dey S. and Lambert M.F. (2006). “Discharge prediction in compound channels by end depth method.” Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, 44(6)   pp: 767-776.  

    45.               Skinner A. and Lambert M.F. (2006). “Using smart sensor strings for continuous monitoring of temperature stratification in large water bodies.” IEEE Sensors Journal, 6(6), December, pp. 1473-1481.

    46.               Vítkovský J., Bergant A., Simpson A.R. and Lambert M.F. (2006). “Systematic evaluation of one-dimensional unsteady friction model in simple pipelines.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 132(7), July, pp. 696-708.

    47.               Vítkovský J., Stephens M., Bergant A., Simpson A.R. and Lambert M.F. (2006).”Numerical error in weighting function-based unsteady friction models for pipe transients.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 132, No. 7, July, pp. 709-721.

    48.               Leonard, M., Metcalfe, A.V. and Lambert M.F. (2006). “Efficient simulation of space-time Neyman-Scott rainfall model.” Water Resources Research, 42(11): Art. No. W11503 November.

    49.               Kuczera, G., Lambert, M.F., Heneker, T., Jennings, S., Frost, A., & Coombes, P. (2006). Joint probability and design storms at the crossroads. Australian Journal of Water Resources, 10(1), 63-79.

    50.               Jung B.S, Karney B.W. and Lambert M.F. (2006). “Benchmark tests of evolutionary computational algorithms.” Journal of Environmental Informatics, Atr. No. 06JEI00064/ 2006 ISEIS.

    51.               Kingston G.B., Maier H.R. and Lambert M.F. (2006). “A probabilistic method to assist knowledge extraction from artificial neural networks used for hydrological prediction.” Mathematical and Computer Modelling, MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING  Volume: 44   Issue: 5-6   Pages: 499-512.

    52.               Nield J., Walker D.J. and Lambert M.F. (2005). “Two-Dimensional Equilibrium Morphological Modelling of a Tidal Inlet: An Entropy Based Approach.” Journal of Ocean Dynamics, Vol 55 (5-6), pp. 549-558. 

    53.               Kingston G. B., Lambert M.F. and Maier H. R. (2005). “Bayesian training of artificial neural networks used for water resources modelling.” Water Resources Research, 41, 12, W12409, 11pp. 

    54.               Lee P.J., Lambert M.F., Simpson A.R. and Vítkovský, J.P. (2006). “Experimental verification of the frequency response method of leak detection.” Journal of Hydraulic Research, International Association of Hydraulic Research, 44 (5): pp. 693-707.

    55.               Lee P.J., Vítkovský J.P., Lambert M.F., Simpson A.R. and Liggett, J.A. (2005). “Frequency domain analysis for detecting pipeline leaks.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol 131 (7), pp. 596-604. 

    56.               Misiunas D., Lambert M.F., Simpson A.R. and Olsson G. (2005). “Burst detection and location in water distribution systems.” Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, Vol 5, No. 3-4, pp. 71-80. 

    57.               Wang X.J., Lambert M.F. and Simpson A.R. (2005). “Detection and location of a partial blockage in a pipeline using damping of fluid transients.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers, May/June, 2005, pp. 244-249.

    58.               Misiunas D., Vítkovský J.P., Olsson G., Simpson A. R., and Lambert M.F. (2005). “Pipeline break detection using transient monitoring.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, 131(4), pp.316-325.

    59.               Wang X.J., Lambert M.F. and Simpson A.R. (2005) “Behaviour of short lateral dead ends on pipeline transients: a lumped parameter model and an analytical solution.” Journal of Fluids Engineering, American Society of Mechanical Engineering. Vol 127 (3), pp. 529-535.

    60.               Kingston G.B., Maier H.R. and Lambert M.F. (2005). “Calibration and validation of neural networks to ensure physically plausible hydrological modelling.” Journal of Hydrology, Vol 314, (1-4), pp. 158-176.

    61.               Dey S. and Lambert M.F. (2005) “Reynolds stress and bed shear in non-uniform-unsteady open channel flow.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 131 (7), pp. 610-614.

    62.               Lee P., Vítkovský J. Lambert M.F., Simpson A.R. and  Liggett J.A. (2005). “Leak location using the pattern of the frequency response diagram.” Journal of Sound and Vibration 284(3-5), 21 June 2005, pp. 1051-1073.

    63.               Whiting J.P., Lambert M.F., Metcalfe A.V., Adamson P.T., Franks S.W. and Kuczera G.A. (2004). “Relationships between The El-Niño Southern Oscillation and spate flows in Southern Africa and Australia.” Hydrology and Earth Systems Sciences, Vol  8 (6), pp. 1118 – 1128.

    64.               Lewis D.M., Brookes J.D., Lambert M.F. (2004). “Numerical models for cyanobacteria management.” Journal of Applied Phycology. Vol. 16, No. 6, December 2004, pp. 457- 468.

    65.               Lambert M.F., Whiting J.P. and Metcalfe, A.V. (2003). “A non-parametric hidden Markov model for climate state identification.” Hydrology and Earth Systems Sciences, 7(5), pp. 652-667.

    66.               Heneker T.M. and Lambert M.F. and Kuczera G.A. (2003). “Overcoming the joint probability problem associated with initial loss estimation in design flood estimation.” Australian Journal of Water Resources, Engineers Australia, 2003, 7(2), pp. 101-109.

    67.               Whiting J.P., Lambert, M.F. and Metcalfe, A.V. (2003). “Modelling persistence in annual Australian point rainfall.” Hydrology and Earth Systems Sciences, 7(2), pp. 197-211.

    68.               Lee, P., Vitkovsky, J., Simpson, A., Lambert, M.F., & Liggett, J. (2003). [Discussion of] 'Leak detection in pipes by frequency response method using a step excitation' by Witness Mpesha, M. Hanif Chaudhry, and Sarah L. Gassman, Journal of Hydraulic Research, Volume 40, 2002, Issue 1, pp.55-62. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 41(2), 221-223. doi:10.1080/00221680309499965

    69.               Vítkovský J.P., Liggett, J.A., Simpson A.R. and Lambert M.F. (2003). “Optimal measurement location for inverse transient analysis in pipe networks.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers, 129 (6), pp. 480–492.

    70.               Lewis D.M., Elliott J.A., Brookes J.D., Lambert M.F., Irish A.E., and Reynolds C.S. (2002). “The effects of artificial mixing and copper sulphate dosing on phytoplankton in a simulated Australian reservoir.” Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management, 8, pp. 31-40.

    71.               O’Sullivan J.J., Myers W.R.C., Lyness J.F. and Lambert M.F. (2002). “Discharge assessment in mobile bed compound meandering channels.” Water and Maritime Engineering, Journal of the Institution of Civil Engineers, London. Water & Maritime Engineering 156 (4), December 2003, pp. 313-323.

    72.               Lee P., Lambert M.F. and Simpson A.R. (2002). “Critical depth prediction in straight compound channels.” Water and Maritime Engineering, Journal of Institution of Civil Engineers, London, 154 (4), pp. 317 - 332.  

    73.               Frost A., Jennings S., Thyer M., Lambert M.F. and Kuczera, G. (2002). “Incorporating long-term climate variability into a short-time scale rainfall model using a hidden state Markov model.” Australian Journal of Water Resources, 6(1), pp. 63-70.

    74.               Lewis D.M., Elliott J.A., Lambert M.F., and Reynolds C.S. (2002). “The simulation of an Australian reservoir using a phytoplankton community model (PROTECH).” Ecological Modelling. 150 (1-2), 107-116.

    75.               Wang X.J., Lambert M.F., Simpson A.R., Liggett J.A. and Vítkovský J.P. (2002). “Leak detection in pipelines using the damping of fluid transients.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 128(7), July, pp. 697-711.

    76.               Lewis, D., Brookes, J., Antenucci, J., and Lambert, M.F. (2002). Surface mixing for destratification: Simulating the impact. Water, 29(1), 27-29.

    77.               Cassells J.B., Lambert M.F. and Myers R. (2001). “Discharge prediction in straight mobile bed compound channels.” Water and Maritime Engineering, Journal of the Institution of Civil Engineers, London, 148 (3), September, pp. 177-188.

    78.               Heneker T.M., Lambert M.F. and Kuczera G.A. (2001). “A point rainfall model for risk-based design.” Journal of Hydrology, 247, pp. 54-71.

    79.               Lambert M.F. and Sellin R.H.J. (2000). “Estimating the discharge capacity of a meandering compound channel.” Water and Maritime, Journal of Institution of Civil Engineers, 142, June, pp. 103-112.  

    80.               Vítkovský J.P., Simpson A.R. and Lambert M.F. (2000). “Transients for calibration of pipe roughnesses using genetic algorithms.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers, 126 (4), pp 262-265.  

    81.               Rana M.Y. and Lambert M.F. (2000). “Generation of a flood level probability map for Bangladesh.” Rural and Environmental Engineering, Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering, 38, pp. 30-39.  

    82.               Rana M.Y. Walker D.J. and Lambert M.F. (1999). “A storm tide beach erosion model for Adelaide Coast: Australia.” Rural and Environmental Engineering, The Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering, 36(2), pp. 10-19.  

    83.               Lambert M.F. and Myers W.R.C. (1998). “Estimating the discharge capacity in compound channels.” Water, Energy and Maritime, Journal of Institution of Civil Engineers, London, 130, pp.84-94.  .  

    84.               Field W.G., Lambert M.F. and Williams B.J. (1998). “The relationship between the energy and momentum flow equations in compound open channels.” Journal of Hydraulic Research, International Association of Hydraulic Research, 36(1), pp. 29-42.  

    85.               Lambert M.F. and Kuczera G.A. (1998). “Seasonal generalized exponential probability models with application to interstorm and storm durations.” Water Resources Research, 34(1), pp. 143-148.   

    86.               Lambert M.F. and Sellin R.H.J. (1996). “Discharge prediction in compound channels using the mixing length concept.” Journal of Hydraulic Research, International Association of Hydraulic Research, 34(3), pp. 381-394.  

    87.               Lambert M.F. and Sellin R.H.J. (1996). “Velocity distribution in a doubly-sinuous compound channel.” Water, Energy and Maritime, Journal of Institution of Civil Engineers, London, 118, March, pp. 10-20.



     3. Conference Papers

    88.               Gong, J., Lambert, M.F., Simpson, A.R., and Zecchin, A.C. (2012). “Distributed deterioration detection in single pipelines using transient measurements from pressure transducer pairs.” Proc. BHR Group - 11th International Conferences on Pressure Surges, Lisbon, Portugal, 127-140.

    89.               Gong, J., Simpson, A. R., Lambert, M. F., and Zecchin, A. C. (2012). “Signal separation for transient wave reflections in single pipelines using inverse filters.” Proc. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2012, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 3275-3284.

    90.               Leonard, M., and Lambert, M. (2012). “Spatial variability of stochastically generated rainfall.” Proc. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2012, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1993-2002.

    91.               Gong, J., Simpson, A. R., Lambert, M. F., Zecchin, A. C. and Kim, Y. (2011). “Detection of distributed deteriorations in single pipes using transient reflections.” Presented in 2011 International Conference on Piping and Trenchless Technology, Bejing, China. The conference paper was recommended to Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice. It was published as journal publication [9] after a major revision and extension.

    92.               Gong, J., W., Lambert, M.F., and Simpson, A.R. (2011). “Frequency response measurement of pipelines by using the inverse-repeat binary sequence.” Proc. Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry (CCWI 2011), Exeter, September, 883-888.

    93.               Conway, P., O’Sullivan, J.J., and Lambert M.F. (2011). “An improved approach to stage-discharge and velocity distribution prediction in straight compound channels using CFD models,”  Proc. 34th IAHR World Congress – Balance and Uncertainty, Brisbane, Australia, 26 June-1 July, 4047-4054.

    94.               Conway, P., O’Sullivan, J.J., and Lambert M.F. (2011). “Scale effects in 3-D modelling of straight compound channels,” Proc. 34th IAHR World Congress – Balance and Uncertainty, Brisbane, Australia, 26 June-1 July, 4055-4062.

    95.               Leonard, M., Ball, J., and Lambert, M.F. (2011). “On the coincidence of extreme rainfall bursts with duration,” Proc. 34th IAHR World Congress, – Balance and Uncertainty, Brisbane, Australia, 26 June-1 July, 694-701.

    96.               Leonard, M., Lambert, M.F., Metcalfe, A., and Mohdisa, F. (2010). “An analysis of shifts in rainfall across Southern Australia.” Proc. Water 2010, Quebec City, July 2010.

    97.               Qin, J., Leonard, M., Kuczera, G., Thyer, M., and Lambert, M.F. (2009). “A High-Resolution Hierarchical Space-Time Framework for Single Storm Events and Its Application for Short-term Rainfall Forecasting.” Proc. 8th IAHS Assembly, Hyderabad, Sept. 2009, 330-340.

    98.               Stephens, M., Lambert, M.F., and Simpson, A.R. (2008). “A New Hydraulic Transient Calibration Model.” Engineers Australia”, Proc. 9th National Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering, Darwin Convention Centre, Australia 23-26 September, 150-157.

    99.               Stephens, M.L., Simpson, A.R., and Lambert, M.F. (2008). “Internal wall condition assessment for water pipelines using inverse transient analysis.” Proc. 10th Annual Symposium on Water Distribution Systems Analysis, American Society of Civil Engineers, Kruger National Park, South Africa, 17-20 August, 911-921.

    100.            Osti, A., Leonard, M., Lambert, M.F.., and Metcalfe, A. (2008). “A Temporally Heterogeneous High-Resolution Large-Scale Gaussian Random Field Model For Australian Rainfall.” Proc. 17th IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling, Corfu Greece, June 23-25, 297-302.

    101.            Arbon, N.S., Stephens, M., Lambert, M.F., Simpson, A.R., Lucas, B., Milsom, G., and Braendler, J. (2008) “Field validation of transient analysis for in-line valve condition assessment.” Proc. 10th International Conference on Pressure Surges, BHR , Edinburgh, May 14-16, 169-179.

    102.            Cantone, V., Simpson, A.R., Stevens, R., and Lambert, M.F. (2008). “A comparison of a pressure vessel and flywheel for surge mitigation in a long pipeline system.” Proc. 10th International Conference on Pressure Surges, Edinburgh, May 14-16, 211-225.

    103.            Zecchin, A., Simpson, A.R., and Lambert, M.F. (2008). “Von Neumann stability analysis of a pipeline MOC visco-elastic model.” Proc. 10th International Conference on Pressure Surges, BHR , Edinburgh, May 14-16, 333-347.

    104.            Leonard, M., Osti, A., Lambert, M.F., and Metcalfe, A. (2008). “Spatially inhomogeneous poisson model of rainfall across Australia.” Proc. Water Down Under 2008, April 14-17, Adelaide, South Australia, 459-470.

    105.            Need, S.F., Lambert, M.F., Metcalfe, A.V., and Sen, D.J. (2008). “Stochastic cyclone modeling in the bay of Bengal.” Proc. Water Down Under 2008, April 14-17, Adelaide, South Australia, 2327-2338.

    106.            Osti, A., Leonard, M., Lambert, M.F., and Metcalfe, A. (2008). “A high resolution large-scale gaussian random field rainfall model for Australian monthly rainfall.” Proc. Water Down Under 2008, April 14-17, Adelaide, South Australia, 1783-1794.

    107.            Qin, J., Leonard, M., Kuczera, G., Thyer, M., Metcalfe, A., and Lambert, M.F. (2008). “A high resolution spatio-temporal model for single storm events based on radar images.” Proc. Water Down Under 2008, April 14-17, Adelaide, South Australia, 1582-1594.

    108.            Whiting, J.P., and Lambert, M.F. (2008). “Forecasting hydrological variables at a monthly time-scale using hidden Markov models.” Proc. Water Down Under 2008, April 14-17, Adelaide, South Australia, 121-132.

    109.            Wong, G., Leonard, M., Lambert, M.F., and Metcalfe, A.V. (2008). “Forecasting drought in Eastern Australia.” Proc. Water Down Under 2008, April 14-17, Adelaide, South Australia, 133-144.

    110.            Lambert, M.F., Brookes, J., Kildea, M., Grantham, T., and McFarlane, B. (2008). “Understanding the impact of biofilm growth on pipe roughness.” Proc. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008, Ahupua’a, Hawaii.

    111.            Need, S.F., Lambert, M.F., and Metcalfe, A.V. (2008). “A total probability approach to flood frequency analysis in tidal river reaches.” Proc. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008, Ahupua’a, Hawaii.

    112.            Need, S., Lambert, M.F., and Metcalfe, A. (2006). “Modelling extreme rainfall and tidal anomaly.” Proc. 30th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Past, Present and Future, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 92-97.

    113.            Whiting, J., Lambert, M.F., and Metcalfe, A. (2006). “Identifying persistence in rainfall and streamflow extremes and other hydrological variables.” Proc. 30th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Past, Present and Future, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 98-103.

    114.            Osti, A., Wong, G., Lambert, M.F., and Metcalfe, A. (2006). “Drought severity-area-frequency curves for NSW.” Proc. 30th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Past, Present and Future, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 309-314.

    115.            Wong, G., Osti, A., Lambert, M.F., and Metcalfe, A. (2006) “Drought forecasting using adaptive stochastic models in New South Wales.” Proc. 30th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Past, Present and Future, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 315-320.

    116.            Wong, G., Osti, A., Lambert, M.F., and Metcalfe, A. (2006). “Modelling multivariate extreme flood events.” Proc. 30th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Past, Present and Future, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 344-349.

    117.            Qin, J., Leonard, M., Kuczera, G., Thyer, M., Lambert, M.F., and Metcalfe, A. (2006). “Statistical characteristics of rainstorms derived from weather radar images.” Proc. 30th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Past, Present and Future, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 420-425.

    118.            Leonard, M. Lambert, M.F., and Metcalfe, A. (2006). “A simulation method for calibrating cluster-process rainfall models.” Proc. 30th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Past, Present and Future, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 504-509.

    119.            Bergant, A., Vitkovsky, J., Simpson, A.R., Lambert, M.F., and Tijsseling, A. (2006). “Discrete vapour cavity model with efficient and accurate convolution type unsteady friction term.” Proc. 23rd IAHR Symposium – Yokohama, Japan, October, Paper 109, 12 p.

    120.            Tijsseling, A., Lambert, M.F., Simpson, A.R., and Bergant, A. (2006). “Wave front dispersion due to fluid-structure interaction in long liquid-filled pipelines.” Proc. 23rd IAHR Symposium – Yokohama, Japan, October, Paper 143, 10 p. 

    121.            Ahmer, I., Lambert, M.F., Metcalfe, A.V., and Need, S. (2005). “Combined influence of storm rainfall and tidal anomaly on coastal flooding.” Proc. 29th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 366-374.

    122.            Whiting, J.P., Thyer, M., Lambert, M.F., and Metcalfe, A.V (2005). “Simulating catchment-scale monthly rainfall with classes of hidden Markov models.” Proc. 29th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 518-525.

    123.            Nield, J.M., Walker, D.J., and Lambert, M.F. (2004). “Self-organization and the 2-D Morphological modelling of an obstruction in an open channel.” Proc. 6th International Conference on Hydro-Science and Engineering (ICHE), Brisbane, May, 2004, Proceedings on CD, 13 p.

    124.            Kingston, G.B., Maier, H.R., and Lambert, M.F. (2004). “A Statistical Input Pruning Method for Artificial Neural Networks Used in Environmental Modelling.” In Pahl, C., Schmidt, S. and Jakeman, T. (eds) iEMSs 2004 International Congress: "Complexity and Integrated Resources Management". International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Osnabrueck, Germany, June, 87-92.

    125.            Vítkovský, J.P., Stephens, M.L., Bergant, A., Simpson, A.R., and Lambert, M.F. (2004). "Efficient and Accurate Calculation of Vardy-Brown Unsteady Friction in Pipe Transients." Proc. 9th International Conference on Pressure Surges, 24–26 March, Chester, United Kingdom, 405-419.

    126.            Stephens, M.L., Vítkovský, J.P., Lambert, M.F., Simpson, A.R., Karney, B., and Nixon, J.B. (2004). "Transient Analysis to Assess Valve Status and Topology in Pipe Networks." Proc. 9th International Conference on Pressure Surges, 24–26 March, Chester, United Kingdom, 211-224.

    127.            Lee, P.J., Vítkovský, J.P., Lambert, M.F., Simpson, A.R., and Liggett, J.A. (2004). “Frequency Response Leak Detection Using Inline Valve Closures.”  Proc. 9th International Conference on Pressure Surges, BHR Group, 24–26 March, Chester, United Kingdom, 239-253.

    128.            Misiunas, D., Vítkovský, J.V., Olsson, G., Simpson, A.R., and Lambert, M.F. (2004). “Burst detection and location in pipe networks using a continuous monitoring technique.” Proc. 9th International Conference on Pressure Surges, BHR Group, 24–26 March, Chester, United Kingdom, 225-237.

    129.            Whiting, J.P., Thyer, M., Lambert, M.F. and Metcalfe, A.V (2005). “Simulating catchment-scale monthly rainfall with classes of hidden Markov models” 29th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Canberra, ACT, Australia.

    130.            Nield, J.M., Walker, D.J. and Lambert, M.F. (2004) “Self-organization and the 2-D Morphological modelling of an obstruction in an open channel.” 6th International Conference on Hydro-Science and Engineering (ICHE), Brisbane, May, 2004, Proceedings on CD.

    131.            Kingston G.B., Maier H. R. and Lambert M. F., “A Statistical Input Pruning Method for Artificial Neural Networks Used in Environmental Modelling.” In Pahl, C., Schmidt, S. and Jakeman, T. (eds) iEMSs 2004 International Congress: "Complexity and Integrated Resources Management". International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Osnabrueck, Germany, June 2004.

    132.            Vítkovský, J.P., Stephens, M.L., Bergant, A., Simpson, A.R., and Lambert, M.F. (2004). "Efficient and Accurate Calculation of Vardy-Brown Unsteady Friction in Pipe Transients." 9th International Conference on Pressure Surges, 24–26 March, Chester, United Kingdom.

    133.            Stephens, M.L., Vítkovský, J.P., Lambert, M.F., Simpson, A.R., Karney, B., and Nixon, J.B. (2004). "Transient Analysis to Assess Valve Status and Topology in Pipe Networks." 9th International Conference on Pressure Surges, 24–26 March, Chester, United Kingdom.

    134.            Lee, P.J., Vítkovský, J.P., Lambert, M.F., Simpson, A.R., and Liggett, J.A. (2004) “Frequency Response Leak Detection Using Inline Valve Closures.”  9th International Conference on Pressure Surges, BHR Group, 24–26 March, Chester, United Kingdom.

    135.            Misiunas, D., Vítkovský, J.V., Olsson, G., Simpson, A.R., and Lambert, M.F. (2004) “Burst detection and location in pipe networks using a continuous monitoring technique.” 9th International Conference on Pressure Surges, BHR Group, 24–26 March, Chester, United Kingdom.

    136.            Ahmer, I., Lambert, M.F., Metcalfe, A.V. and Leonard M. “Stochastic Modelling of Tidal Anomaly for Estimation of Flood Risk in Coastal Areas.” 28th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Wollongong, NSW, Australia.

    137.            Whiting, J., Lambert, M.F., Metcalfe, A.V. (2003) “Identification of Probability Distributions within Hidden State Models of Rainfall.” 28th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Wollongong, NSW, Australia.

    138.            Whiting, J., Lambert, M.F., Metcalfe, A.V. and Walker, K.F. (2003) “Searching for Persistence in Unregulated River Murray Streamflows.” 28th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Wollongong, NSW, Australia.

    139.            Nield, J.M., Walker, D.J. and Lambert, M.F. (2003) “Entropy and Self-Organisation in the 2-D Morphological Modelling of an Open Channel.” 3rd IAHR Symposium of River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, 1-5 September 2003, Barcelona, Spain.

    140.            Kingston G.B., Maier H.R. and Lambert M.F. (2003) “Understanding the mechanisms modelled by artificial neural networks for hydrological prediction.” Modsim 2003 - International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc, Townsville, Australia, 14-17 July, Vol. 2, pp.825-830.

    141.            Kingston G.B., Lambert M.F. and Maier H.R. (2003) “Development of stochastic artificial neural networks for hydrological prediction.” Modsim 2003 - International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc, Townsville, Australia, 14-17 July, Vol. 2, pp.837-842.

    142.            Lambert, M.F., Simpson, A.R., Vítkovský, J.P., Wang, X.-J., and Lee, P.J. (2003). “A Review of Leading-edge Leak Detection Techniques for Water Distribution Systems.” Ozwater Convention & Exhibition, AWA 20th AWA Convention, 6-10 April, Perth, Australia.

    143.            Bergant, A., Vítkovský, J.P., Simpson, A.R. and Lambert, M.F. (2002). “Behaviour of unsteady pipe flow friction models in the case of valve-opening.” Proc., Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, 21st IAHR Symposium, Lausanne, Sept. 9-12.

    144.            Ahmer, I.R. Metcalfe, A.V., Lambert, M.F. and Deans, J.A. (2003) “Coastal Flood Modelling: Allowing for the Dependence between Rainfall and Tidal Anomaly.” Fifth Biennial Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference, QUT, Brisbane, Australia, September, pp. 49-54.

    145.            Jennings, S., Frost, A., Lambert, M.F., Kuczera, G.A. “Regionalisation of a High Resolution Point rainfall Model.” 27th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Melbourne, May, 2002.

    146.            Heneker T.M., Lambert, M.F., Kuczera, G.A. “Overcoming the Joint Probability Problem Associated with Initial Loss Estimation in Design Flood Estimation.” 27th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Melbourne, May, 2002.

    147.            Metcalfe, A., Heneker T.M., Lambert, M.F., Kuczera, G.A., and Atan, A. “A comparison of models for catchment runoff.” 27th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Melbourne, May, 2002.

    148.            Bergant, A., Vítkovský, J.P., Simpson, A.R. and Lambert, M.F. (2001).  “Valve Induced Transients Influenced by Unsteady Pipe Flow Friction.”  10th International Meeting of the Work Group on The Behaviour of Hydraulic Machinery Under Steady Oscillatory Conditions, IAHR, June 26–28, Trondheim, Norway.

    149.            Wang, X.J., Lambert, M.F., Simpson, A.R. (2001). “Analysis of a Transient in a Pipeline with a Leak Using Laplace Transforms14th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, 9–14 December, Adelaide, Australia, 929–932.

    150.            Lambert, M.F., Vítkovský, J.P, Simpson, A.R. and Bergant, A. (2001). “A boundary layer growth model for one–dimensional turbulent unsteady pipe friction.”  14th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, 9–14 December, Adelaide, Australia, 929–932.

    151.            Lewis, D.M., Antenucci, J.P., Brookes, J.D., Lambert, M.F.  (2001). “Numerical simulation of surface mixers used for destratification of reservoirs.” MODSIM 2001 conference, Canberra, Australia, December 2001.

    152.            Kuczera G., Williams B.J., Binning P. and Lambert M.F., “An education web site for free water engineering software.” 3rd Int’l Hydrology and Water Resources Sym., Inst. Eng. Aust., Perth, 2000.

    153.            Frost A., Jennings S., Thyer M., Lambert M.F. and Kuczera G., (2000). “Droughts, Floods and Everything Else In Between.” 3rd Int’l Hydrology and Water Resources Sym., Inst. Eng. Aust., Perth.

    154.            Vitkovsky J.P., M.F. Lambert, AR Simpson, A Bergant (2000). “Advances in unsteady friction modelling in transient pipe flow.” 8th International Conference on Pressure Surges, The Hague, 12-14 April: 587-597.

    155.            Vitkovsky, J.P., Simpson, A.R. and Lambert, M.F. (2000). “Transients for calibration of pipe roughnesses using genetic algorithms.” The 8th International Conference on Pressure Surges, BHR, The Hague, The Netherlands, 12-14 April.

    156.            Heneker T.M., Lambert M.F. and Kuczera G.A (1999) “Disaggregated rectangular intensity pulse model of point rainfall.” Water 99, International Conference on Water Resources Management and Environmental Engineering, Brisbane, July.

    157.            Lambert M.F. and Myers W.R.C. (1998) “Discharge Estimation in Compound Channels.” International Conference on Hydraulics in Civil Engineering, HydraStorm 98, Adelaide, September, 1998.

    158.            Lambert M.F., Widdows S., Roder E. and Parkes S. (1998) “Laboratory investigation of the effects of seagrass loss on nearshore processes along the Adelaide metropolitan coastline.” International Conference on Hydraulics in Civil Engineering, HydraStorm 98, Adelaide, September, 1998.

    159.            Wright C.J. and Lambert M.F. (1998) “Rainfall alarms for flash flood warning-a method for selecting alarm criteria.” International Conference on Hydraulics in Civil Engineering, HydraStorm 98, Adelaide, September, 1998.

    160.            Mares P., Lambert M.F., Copeland J., Lewis S., Simpson A.R., and Griffith M.C. (1997) “So That’s What a Flume is! - Making practicals more student friendly.” Australian Association for Engineering Education 9th Annual Conference, Institution of Engineers, Australia, Ballarat.

    161.            Mares P., Lewis S., Lambert M.F., Simpson A.R., Copeland J., and Griffith M.C. (1996) “What is a Flume” - Gender Dynamics inside the Engineering Laboratory, Australian Association for Engineering Education Conference, Institution of Engineers, Australia, Sydney.

    162.            Lambert M.F. and Kuczera G.A.(1996) “A Statistical Model of Rainfall and Temporal Patterns.” 7th International Conference on Stochastic Hydraulics, IAHR, Mackay, July, pp. 317-324.

    163.            Lambert M.F. and Kuczera G.A. (1996) “Total Probability Theorem Approximations for the Joint Probability Problem in Coastal Floodplains.” 7th International Conference on Stochastic Hydraulics, IAHR, Mackay, July, pp. 251-258.

    164.            Lambert M.F. and Sellin R.H.J. (1994) “The flood carrying capacity of an environmentally satisfactory river channel design.” First International Symposium on Habitat Hydraulics, IAHR, Trondheim, Norway, August, pp. 154-159.

    165.            Lambert M.F., Field W.G., Williams B.J. and Kuczera G.A. (1994) “A taxonomy of joint probability effects in coastal floodplains.” Water Down Under, International Conference on Water Resources, Adelaide, Australia, November, 1994.



    e) Conference Abstract or Presentation

    166.            Leonard, M., and Lambert, M.F. (2012). “Spatial Variability of Stochastically Generated Rainfall”, ASCE, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 21-24 May, 2012.

    167.            Bergant, A., Kim, Y.I., Tijsseling, A.S., Simpson, A.R., and Lambert, M.F. (2009). “Analysis of beat phenomena during transients in pipelines with a trapped air pocket.” 3rd IAHR International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, October 14-16, Brno, Czech Republic

    168.            Kim, Y.I., Lambert, M.F., and Simpson, A.R. (2009). “Test apparatus for laboratory and field unsteady pipe flows and transient signal characterization for pipeline condition assessment.” World City Water Forum 2009, Songdo ConvensiA, Incheon, Korea, August.

    169.            Zecchin, A. C., Lambert, M.F., Simpson, A. R., and N. S. Arbon (2009). “Numerically efficient transient-state model for a pipeline based on the Fourier-Crump inverse Laplace transform.” 33rd IAHR World Congress, Vancouver, Canada, August.

    170.            Zecchin, A.C., Lambert, M.F., and Simpson, A.R. (2009). “Damage detection of operating transmission mains with measured boundary conditions.” 11th Annual Symposium on Water Distribution Systems Analysis, American Society of Civil Engineers, Kansas City, USA, 17-21 May.

    171.            Bergant, A., Tijsseling, A.S, Vítkovský, J.P., Simpson, A.R., and Lambert, M.F. (2007). "Discrete Vapour Cavity model with improved timing of prediction of growth and collapse of cavities." 2nd IAHR International Meeting of the Work Group on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Timisoara, Romania, October 24–26.

    172.            Arbon, N.S., Lambert, M.F., Simpson, A.R., and Stephens, M.L. (2007). “Field test investigations into distributed blockage modeling in water distribution systems using transient modeling.” 9th Annual Symposium on Water Distribution Systems Analysis, American Society of Civil Engineers, Tampa, Florida, USA, 14–18 May.

    173.            Kim, Y.I., Simpson, A.R., and Lambert, M.F. (2007). “Behavior of orifices and blockages in unsteady pipe flows.” 9th Annual Symposium on Water Distribution Systems Analysis, American Society of Civil Engineers, Tampa, Florida, USA, 14–18 May.

    174.            Stephens, M.L., Simpson, A.R., and Lambert, M.F. (2007). “Hydraulic transient analysis and leak detection on transmission pipelines: field tests, model calibration and inverse modelling.” 9th Annual Symposium on Water Distribution Systems Analysis, American Society of Civil Engineers, Tampa, Florida, USA, 14–18 May.

    175.            Misiunas, D., Lambert, M.F.  and Simpson, A.R. (2006). “Transient-based periodical pipeline leak diagnosis.” 8th Annual Symposium on Water Distribution Systems Analysis, American Society of Civil Engineers, Cincinnati, Ohio, Utah, USA, 27–30 August.

    176.            Arbon, N.S., Lambert, M.F., Simpson, A.R. and Memmler, P. (2006). “Transient reflection analysis to identify problems with a raw water pumping main.” 8th Annual Symposium on Water Distribution Systems Analysis, American Society of Civil Engineers, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, 27–30 August.

    177.            Zecchin, A.C., Lambert, M.F., Simpson, A.R. and White, L.B., (2006). “Laplace-domain comparison of linear models of a reservoir-pipe-valve system with a leak.” 8th Annual Symposium on Water Distribution Systems Analysis, American Society of Civil Engineers, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, 27–30 August.

    178.            Wang, X.J., Simpson, A.R. and Lambert, M.F. (2006). “Transient behaviour of pipeline blockages and blockage detection and location using fluid transients.” 8th Annual Symposium on Water Distribution Systems Analysis, American Society of Civil Engineers, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, 27–30 August.

    179.            Kim, Y.I., Simpson, A.R. and Lambert, M.F. (2005). “Unsteady friction models for conservative solution schemes in transient pipe flows.” Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry (CCWI 2005), Exeter, UK, 5–7 September.

    180.            Stephens, M., Lambert, M.F., Simpson A.R., Nixon, J.B. and Vítkovský J.P. (2005). “Water pipeline condition assessment using transient response analysis,” 2005 Modelling Workshop, 47th Annual Conference and Expo, New Zealand Water and Wastes Association, Auckland, September.

    181.            Misiunas, D. Vítkovský, J., Olsson, G., Simpson, A.R. and Lambert, M.F. (2005). “Failure monitoring in water distribution networks.” 2nd IWA Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation for Water and Wastewater Treatment, Busan, Korea, 29 May –2 June.

    182.            Misiunas, D., Simpson, A.R., Lambert, M.F. and Olsson, G. (2005). “Hydraulic transients for diagnosis of inline valves in water transmission pipelines.” Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry (CCWI 2005), Exeter, UK, 5–7 September.

    183.            Misiunas, D., Lambert, M.F. Simpson, A.R. and Olsson, G. (2005). “Condition assessment of water transmission pipelines using hydraulic transients.” Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry (CCWI 2005), Exeter, UK, 5–7 September.

    184.            Stephens, M., Misiunas, D., Lambert, M.F., Simpson A.R. and Vítkovský J.P. (2005). “Field verification of a continuous transient monitoring system for burst detection in water distribution systems.” Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry (CCWI 2005), Exeter, UK, 5–7 September.

    185.            Zecchin, A.C., White, L.B., Lambert, M.F. and Simpson, A.R. (2005). “Frequency–domain hypothesis testing approach to leak detection in a single fluid pipeline.” Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry (CCWI 2005), Exeter, UK, 5–7 September.

    186.            Stephens, M., Lambert, M.F., Simpson, A.R., Vítkovský, J.P. and Nixon, J.B.  (2005). “Using field measured transient responses in a water distribution system to assess valve status and network topology,” 7th Annual Symposium on Water Distribution Systems Analysis, American Society of Civil Engineers, 15–19 May, Anchorage, Alaska, USA.

    187.            Misiunas, D., Lambert, M.F., Simpson, A. R., and Olsson, G. (2005). "Burst Detection and Location in Water Distribution Networks." 3rd International Conference on Efficient Use and Management of Water, Santiago, Chile, 14–17 March, pp.  464-471.

    188.            Whiting, J.P., Lambert, M.F., Metcalfe, A.V. and Kuczera, G.A. (2004). “Development of Non-homogeneous and Hierarchical Hidden Markov Models for Modelling Monthly Rainfall and Streamflow Time Series.” Critical Transitions in Water and Environmental Resources Management—World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, 2004, American Society of Civil Engineers, Salt Lake City Utah, June, 2004. Proceedings on CD.

    189.            Stephens, M.L., Lambert, M.F., Vítkovský, J.P., Simpson, A.R. and Nixon, J.B. (2004). “Field tests for leakage, air pocket, and discrete blockage detection using inverse transient analysis in water distribution pipes.” Critical Transitions in Water and Environmental Resources Management—World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, 2004, American Society of Civil Engineers, Salt Lake City Utah, June, 2004. Proceedings on CD.

    190.            Wang, X.J., Lambert, M.F., Simpson, A.R. (2004). “Detection and Location of a Partial Blockage in Pipeline Systems Using Damping of Fluid Transients.” Critical Transitions in Water and Environmental Resources Management—World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, 2004, American Society of Civil Engineers, Salt Lake City Utah, June, 2004.

    191.            Misiunas, D., Vitkovsky, J., Olsson, G., Simpson, A.R., and Lambert, M.F. (2003). “Pipeline burst detection and location using a continuous monitoring technique.” International Conference on Advances in Water Supply Management, CCWI, 15–17 September, Imperial College London, UK, 89–96.

    192.            Vítkovský, J.P., Stephens, M.L., Lee, P.J., Simpson, A.R., and Lambert, M.F. (2003). “The Detection and Location of Leakage, Blockage and Air Pockets Using Radar-Based Techniques.” 2003 Australian Water Association SA Branch Regional Conference, 6 August, Adelaide, Australia.

    193.            Vítkovský, J.P., Bergant, A., Lambert, M.F., and Simpson, A.R. (2003). “Unsteady Friction Weighting Function Determination from Transient Responses.” Pumps, Electromechanical Devices and Systems Applied to Urban Water Management, Volume II, E. Cabrera and E. Cabrera Jr. (eds), 22-25 April, Valencia, Spain, 781-789.

    194.            Vítkovský, J.P., Bergant, A., Lambert, M.F., and Simpson, A.R. (2003). “Frequency-Domain Transient Pipe Flow Solution Including Unsteady Friction.” Pumps, Electromechanical Devices and Systems Applied to Urban Water Management, Volume II, E. Cabrera and E. Cabrera Jr. (eds), 22-25 April, Valencia, Spain, 773-780.

    195.            Lee, P.J., Vítkovský, J.P., Lambert, M.F., Simpson, A.R., and Liggett, J.A. (2003). “Frequency Response Coding for the Location of Leaks in Single Pipeline Systems.” Pumps, Electromechanical Devices and Systems Applied to Urban Water Management, Volume I, E. Cabrera and E. Cabrera Jr. (eds), 22-25 April, Valencia, Spain, 371-378.

    196.            Vítkovský, J.P., Lee, P.J., Stephens, M.L., Lambert, M.F., Simpson, A.R., and Liggett, J.A. (2003). “Leak and Blockage Detection in Pipelines via an Impulse Response Method.” Pumps, Electromechanical Devices and Systems Applied to Urban Water Management, Volume I, E. Cabrera and E. Cabrera Jr. (eds), 22-25 April, Valencia, Spain, 423-430.

    197.            Wang, X.J., Simpson, A.R., Lambert, M.F., Vítkovský, J.P., and Liggett, J.A. (2003). “Simulation of Transients in a Looped Laboratory Network.” Pumps, Electromechanical Devices and Systems Applied to Urban Water Management, Volume II, E. Cabrera and E. Cabrera Jr. (eds), 22-25 April, Valencia, Spain, 791-798.

    198.            Stephens, M.L., Simpson, A.R., Lambert, M.F., Vítkovský, J.P. and Nixon, J.B. (2002). “The detection of pipeline blockages using transients in the field.” South Australian Regional Conference, Australian Water Association, July 5th, Adelaide.

    199.            Vítkovský, J.P., Lambert, M.F., Simpson, A.R., Wang, X.J., Lee, P. and Liggett, J.A. (2002). “A review of leading-edge leak detection techniques for water distribution systems.” South Australian Regional Conference, Australian Water Association, July 5th, Adelaide.

    200.            Vítkovský, J.P., Simpson, A.R., and Lambert, M.F. (2002). “Minimization Algorithms and Experimental Inverse Transient Leak Detection.” 1st Annual Environmental & Water Resources Systems Analysis Symposium in conjunction with ASCE Environmental & Water Resources Institute Annual Conference, 19-22 May, Roanoke, Virginia, USA.

    201.            Lee, P.J., Vítkovský, J.P., Lambert, M.F., Simpson, A.R., and Liggett, J.A. (2002). “Leak Detection in Pipelines Using and Inverse Resonance Method.” 1st Annual Environmental & Water Resources Systems Analysis Symposium in conjunction with ASCE Environmental & Water Resources Institute Annual Conference, 19-22 May, Roanoke, Virginia, USA.

    202.            Lee, P.J., Lambert, M.F. and Simpson, A.R. (2001) “Predicting critical depth in straight compound channels” Conference on Civil Engineering Hydraulics, Institution of Engineers, Australia, Hobart, Nov, pp. 299–308.

    203.            Wang, X.J., Lambert, M.F., Simpson, A.R. and Vitkovsky, J.P. (2001). “Leak detection in pipelines and pipe networks: A review.” Conference on Civil Engineering Hydraulics, Institution of Engineers, Australia, Hobart, Nov, pp. 391–399.

    204.            Vitkovsky, J.P., Lambert, M.F., Simpson, A.R. and Wang, X.J. (2001). “An experimental verification of the inverse transient technique for leak detection.” Conference on Civil Engineering Hydraulics, Institution of Engineers, Australia, Hobart, Nov, pp. 373–380.

    205.            Vitkovsky, J.P. and Simpson, A.R. and Lambert, M.F. (1999). “Leak detection and calibration of water distribution systems using transients and genetic algorithms.” Water Distribution Systems Conference, Division of Water Resources Planning and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers, Tempe, Arizona, 7-9 June.

    206.            Rana M.Y., Walker D.J. and Lambert, M.F. (1997) “Application of Storm Surge Induced Sediment Transport Equation to the Adelaide Coast South Australia.” International Conference Pacific Coasts and Ports 97, Christchurch, New Zealand, September.

    207.            Walker D.J., Rana M.Y. and Lambert, M.F. (1997) “Modelling the Dynamics of Tidal Inlets.” International Conference Pacific Coasts and Ports 97, Christchurch, New Zealand, September.

    208.            Smith D., Lambert, M.F., Dimmock M, Booker J. (1992) “Time Dependent Oxygen Sag in Streams.” International Conference on Computing Methods in Engineering, Singapore, November.



    Lambert M.F., "Hydraulics of compound channels", PhD thesis, The University of Newcastle, Australia, Nov. 1993.


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  • Professional Associations

    Positions in Professional Organisations

    1988 -1994 Member of the Newcastle Division Civil Engineering Branch of the Institution of Engineers, Australia.

    1991 - Jan 1992 Secretary and Treasurer of the Newcastle Division Civil Engineering Branch of the Institution of Engineers, Australia.

    1988 - 1991 Member of the Young Engineers Branch of the Institution of Engineers, Australia in the Newcastle Division.

    1989 Secretary of the Young Engineers Branch of the Institution of Engineers, Australia in the Newcastle Division.

    1990 Member of the National Committee of Young Engineers of the Institution of Engineers, Australia.

    1991 Member of the "Professional Engineering Week" Committee in Newcastle.

    1991 Member of the Engineering Heritage Committee of the Institution of Engineers, Australia in the Newcastle Division

    1991 - 1993 Member of the national conference committee for "Water in Engineering - Looking towards the 21st Century" conference held in July 1993.

    1993 Vice Chairman of the of the Civil Engineering Branch of the Institution of Engineers, Australia in the Newcastle Division.

    1994 Chairman of the of the Civil Engineering Branch of the Institution of Engineers, Australia in the Newcastle Division.

    1994 Member of the Division Committee of the Institution of Engineers, Australia in the Newcastle Division.

    1998 - Member of the South Australian Division Committee of the Institution of Engineers, Australia.

    2000 - cont National Congress Representative for the South Australian Division of the Institution of Engineers, Australia.

    2000 Junior Vice President of the South Australian Division of the Institution of Engineers, Australia.

    2001 Senior Vice President of the South Australian Division of the Institution of Engineers, Australia.

    2002 - cont President of the South Australian Division of the Institution of Engineers, Australia.

    Judging of Awards

    2001-2002 Chairman of jurors for the judging of the Engineering Excellence Awards in South Australia.

    2001-2002 Member of the Young Professional and Chartered Professional Engineer of the Year Awards judging committee in South Australia.

    2001-2002 Judge of the Institution of Engineers, Australia public speaking award the "RW Parsons Prize"

    Professional Experience

    1981 - 1989 : Cadet Civil Engineer
    Employed at Lake Macquarie City Council as a Cadet Civil Engineer. The majority of this period was spent working in the Design Section primarily in the areas of urban road, rural road and drainage design. Several major flood studies were undertaken as well as the investigation and stabilisation of several large landslides in urban areas.

    1989 : Senior Engineer
    Employed at Lake Macquarie City Council on a part-time basis at the Senior Engineer Grade 15 level to assess the hydraulic aspects of several proposed developments.

    1989 - 1991 : Tutor
    Employed on a part-time basis to tutor fluid mechanics and structural mechanics in the Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying at The University of Newcastle.

    1989 - Feb 1992 : Post-graduate Research Student
    Undertook Doctor of Philosophy studies in the Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying at The University of Newcastle. This work involved the development of methods for predicting the discharge in compound channels and an extensive experimental program examining the stage-discharge relationship in compound channels.

    Feb 1992 - Mar 93 : Research Assistant
    Employed as a Research Assistant by the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom working on the River Blackwater project which was jointly funded by the National Rivers Authority and the Science and Engineering Research Council. This project involved a detailed examination of the proposed diversion of the River Blackwater near Farnborough in Hampshire to assess the hydraulic capacity of a more environmentally satisfactory river channel design. Apart from solving a specific problem this study also had much broader aims which were to gain some insight into the complex interaction between the main channel its associated floodplains that results from the use of a doubly sinuous compound channel. The project involved the construction of a 600m2 model at HR Wallingford and the undertaking of an extensive experimental program to determine the stage-discharge relationship for the river for various roughness conditions and floodplain crossfalls. The model results were also used to extend previous work carried out on straight and meandering compound channels at HR Wallingford. The study also included the examination of flow velocity and direction and boundary shear stress at various locations within the model along with flow visualisation experiments. Analysis of the experimental data and the preparation of reports for the funding bodies was also carried out.

    Mar. 1993 - Oct 93 : Post-graduate Research Student
    Returned to The University of Newcastle to complete Doctor of Philosophy studies and submit thesis for examination.

    Nov. 1993 - Jun. 95 : Research Associate
    Employed as a Research Associate in the Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying at The University of Newcastle undertaking research into the joint probability problem associated with the interaction of freshwater floods with variable ocean water levels. This project has lead to the development of an approximate method of dealing with the joint probability problem using the total probability theorem which may help rationalise current approaches to this problem. To aid in the use of the total probability theorem it is important to identify the events which contribute significantly to joint probability. The initial phase of the project involved the development of an unsteady flow model of a river floodplain connected to the ocean to test the sensitivity of the various inputs. The current phase of the study is involved with testing the accuracy of the approximations made in the total probability theorem approach using Monte-Carlo simulation. This period also allowed time to further develop and begin publishing research on compound open channels. Collaborative work on flow in meandering compound channels was continued with Professor Robert Sellin at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom.

    June 95 - Jan 98 Lecturer in Water Engineering
    Employed as a Lecturer in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at The University of Adelaide.

    Jan 98 - cont Senior Lecturer in Water Engineering
    Employed as a Lecturer in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at The University of Adelaide. I am also affiliated with the Centre for Applied Modelling in Water Engineering (CAMWE) at the University of Adelaide.

    2002 - cont Deputy Head of Department (2000 - 2001)

  • Media Expertise

    ExpertiseFlooding; Water engineering (rivers hydraulics, flooding, rainfall, hydrology); rivers hydraulics; rain
    NotesAlt phone: (08) 8303 5451
    Mobile0400 541 682
    After hours(08) 8370 7469

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Entry last updated: Thursday, 12 Jan 2023

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