Ms Monique Chilver
Position | ASPREN Program Manager |
Org Unit | Medical Specialties | | |
Telephone | 831 33463 |
Location |
Level Eleven
178 North Terrace - Terrace Towers
North Terrace
Biography/ Background
Monique Chilver is a University of Adelaide researcher with a background in molecular biology (B.Sc. Mol. Biol) and public health. Her early career experience was undertaking research in circadian physiology and pathology at The University of Adelaide from 2006 - 2008. In 2008 she developed an interest in the field of public health whilst undertaking studies in occupational health and safety management, which led to her joining the Discipline of General Practice in 2009 as the Australian Sentinel Practices Research Network (ASPREN) program manager. She is currently undertaking a PhD in Medicine, looking at ways to improve current influenza sentinel surveillance systems in Australia.
Master of Public Health, The University of Adelaide (2014)
Diploma of Project Management, Ferguson Project Management Services (2012)
Certificate IV in Frontline Management, Lee Hecht Harrison (2011)
Graduate Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety Management, The University of Adelaide (2009)
Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biology), The University of Adelaide (2008)
Research Interests
Respiratory virus infections
Vaccine effectiveness
Disease prevention
Pandemic preparedness
Research Funding
Stocks NP, Chilver M. The Australian Sentinel Practice Research Network (ASPREN). Department of Health, Health Protection and Surveillance Branch 2014-2017.
Stocks NP, Chilver M. The Australian Sentinel Practice Research Network (ASPREN). Department of Health and Ageing, Surveillance Section Bio-security and Disease Control Branch 2012-2014.Stocks NP, Chilver M. The Australian Sentinel Practice Research Network (ASPREN). Department of Health and Ageing, Surveillance Section Bio-security and Disease Control Branch 2009-2011.
Sullivan SG, Chilver MB, Carville KS, Deng Y-M, Grant KA, Higgins G, Komadina N, Leung VKY, Minney-Smith CA, Teng D, Tran T, Stocks N, Fielding JE. Low interim influenza vaccine effectiveness, Australia, 1 May to 24 September 2017. Euro Surveillance 2017; 22(43).
Fielding JE, Levy A, Chilver MB, Deng Y-M, Regan AK, Grant KA, Stocks N, Sullivan SG. Effectiveness of seasonal influenza vaccine in Australia, 2015: An epidemiological, antigenic and phylogenetic assessment. Vaccine 2016; 34(41):4905-4912.
Sullivan SG, Carville KS, Chilver MB, Fielding JE, Grant KA, Kelly H, Levy A, Stocks N, Tempone S, Regan AK. Pooled influenza vaccine effectiveness estimates for Australia, 2012-2014. Epidemiology and Infection 2016; 1(11): 2317-28.
Fielding JE, Regan AK, Dalton CB, Chilver MB, Sullivan SG. How severe was the 2015 influenza season in Australia? The Medical Journal of Australia 2016; 204(2): 60-61.Sullivan SG, Chilver MBN, Higgins G, Cheng A, Stocks N. Influenza vaccine effectiveness in Australia: results from The Australian Sentinel Practices Research Network (ASPREN). The Medical Journal of Australia 2014; .201(2): 109-11.
Media Expertise
Categories Medicine & Medical Research Expertise vaccination; influenza; surveillance; vaccine effectiveness; flu, respiratory viruses, infectious diseases; communicable diseases
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Entry last updated: Thursday, 14 Apr 2022
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