Professor Paul Medwell
Position | Professor |
Org Unit | Mechanical Engineering | | |
Telephone | 831 35920 |
Location |
Engineering South
North Terrace
Biography/ Background
Dr Paul Medwell is a Professor in the School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering at The University of Adelaide. He has over twenty years of experience in a broad range of activities related to energy systems. His technical research is particularly focussed on advancing fundamental understanding of combustion systems, especially through the development and application of optical diagnostic measurement techniques. His combustion activities have been diverse, including turbulent flames, sooting flames, high-pressure combustion, domestic/industrial appliances, and the so-called MILD (moderate or intense low oxygen dilution) combustion regime for lowering NOx emissions, increasing efficiency, and improving fuel flexibility.
Beyond combustion and laser diagnostics, Dr Medwell's research interests include fluid mechanics and energy utilisation more broadly, as well as biomass and biodigesters in the context of humanitarian engineering. He has published over 200 scientific articles, and regularly presents his findings to international audiences. In addition to his research work, Dr Medwell serves as an engineering consultant to industry and is an active contributor to the development of standards at national and international level.
Dr Medwell is an Australian Research Council Future Fellow and was a Discovery Early Career Researcher Award recipient. He is the University's Primary Contact to Standards Australia.
Awards & Achievements
- Future Fellow - Australian Research Council (2020-2025)
- Young Leaders Programme - Standards Australia (2017-2018)
- Discovery International Award - Australian Research Council (2017)
- Australia-Germany Joint Research Cooperation Scheme - Universities Australia and DAAD (2016)
- Australia-China Next Step Initiative - Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (2015)
- South Australian Tall Poppy Science Award - Australian Institute of Policy and Science (2013)
- Discovery Early Career Researcher Award - Australian Research Council (2012-2014)
- David Warren Travelling Fellowship - Combustion Institute, Australian and New Zealand Section (2010)
- Demonstrator of the Year - School of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Adelaide (2007)
- Outstanding Research Paper - 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (2005)
Research Interests
- Combustion
- Laser Diagnostics
- Humanitarian Technology
- Sports Engineering
I have projects available for Masters and PhD students in a wide range of areas including combustion, laser diagnostics and sports engineering. Please contact me for more information.
Research Funding
$375,000 Resolving flame stabilisation mechanisms in the transition to MILD combustion
P.R. Medwell
Australian Research Council: Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (2012)$320,000 Resolving the mechanics of turbulent noise production
C.J. Doolan; L.A. Brooks; P.R. Medwell
Australian Research Council: Discovery Project (2012)$30,000 Reuse Residual Heat & Energy Harvesting
P.R. Medwell; C.H. Birzer
Electrolux Australia (2012)$200,000 Supercontinuum fibre laser consortium for the chemical and materials sciences
T.W. Kee; E.J. Bieske; G.F. Metha; T.A. Smith; P.R. Medwell; K.P. Ghiggino
Australian Research Council: Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities (2013)$400,000 Controlled radiation facility to investigate turbulence-radiation-chemistry interactions in highflux solar reactors
G.J. Nathan; A.R. Masri; E.R. Hawkes; Z.T. Alwahabi; B.B. Dally; P.J. Ashman; P.R. Medwell; M.J. Dunn; R. Taylor
Australian Research Council: Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities (2013)$5,500 Windows on Science
P.R. Medwell
United States Air Force, Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (2013)$11,000 Design and Build a Model Gas Turbine Combustor
P.R. Medwell; D. Bey; J. Dean; J. Francis; A. Trainor
Santos (2013)$30,000 Development of Optical Methods to Measure Volatilised Metals in Hot Gases
P.R. Medwell, G. Metha, T. Kee, D. Lancaster, H. Ebendorff-Heidepriem, P. Ashman, Z. Alwahabi, S. Grano
University of Adelaide, Interdisciplinary Fund (2013)$1,083,000 Tools for design and scale-up of solar thermochemical reactors
E.R. Hawkes, G.J. Nathan, R.W. Grout, B.B. Dally, P.R. Medwell, Z.T. Alwahabi, R.A. Taylor, G.H. Yeoh
Australian Renewable Energy Agency: Solar Energy Collaboration (2013)$40,000 Tools for combustion research
P.R. Medwell, Z.F. Tian
University of Adelaide, Strategic Research Initiative (2014)$20,000 Towards the application of MILD combustion to gas turbines
P.R. Medwell
United States Air Force, Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (2014)$2,480 Next Step Initiative - Young Scientists Exchange Program
P.R. Medwell
Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (2015)$90,000 Towards the application of MILD combustion to gas turbines
P.R. Medwell
United States Air Force, Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (2015)$30,000 Establishment of a Humanitarian Technology Research Group Research Facility
C.H. Birzer, P.R. Medwell, P.J. Ashman, K. Davey, C. Thomas
University of Adelaide, Research Support Scheme (2015)$158,100 Gas Pipeline blowdown: Characteristics of natural gas pipeline blowdown in remote areas
N.L. Smith, A. Mimani, A.C. Zander, P.J. Ashman, C.H. Birzer, P.R. Medwell, T. Lau, B.S. Cazzolato
Energy Pipelines Cooperative Research Centre (2015)$25,000 Australia-Germany Joint Research Cooperation Scheme
G.J. Nathan, P.R. Medwell, M. Jafarian, W. Saw, A. Chinnici
Universities Australia and Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (2016)$20,000 New Solutions for Air Quality and Old Development Challenges: Biochar Technology
C.H. Birzer, T. Cavagnaro, S. Kidd, P. Kwong, P.R. Medwell, P.J. van Eyk, W. Umberger
University of Adelaide, Interdisciplinary Research Fund (2016)$90,000 Towards the application of MILD combustion to gas turbines
P.R. Medwell
United States Air Force, Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (2016)$60,000 Biodigesters: converting waste products from industry and rural communities, into byproducts for profit and quality of life
C.H. Birzer, M. Hutchinson, P.J. van Eyk, V. Moore, W. Umberger, G. Drew, T. Cavagnaro, P.R. Medwell, S. Kidd
University of Adelaide, Interdisciplinary Research Fund (2017)$367,000 Advanced Experimental and Modelling Study to Better Predict Spray Flames
P.R. Medwell, B.B. Dally, H.G. Pitsch
Australian Research Council: Discovery Project (2017)$80,000 Suitability of belt materials for CO2 pellet cleaning.
P.R. Medwell, C.H. Birzer
Cold Logic Pty Ltd, for Australian Meat Processor Corporation (2018)$5000 Comparison of Residential Heating Costs for Electricity, Gas, Firewood and Pellets.
P.R. Medwell, H. Wang
Australian Home Heating Association (2018)$956,700 Novel diagnostics capabilities in reacting, particle-laden flows.
A.R. Masri, B.B. Dally, M.J. Brear, S. Kook, M.J. Dunn, Y. Yang, Q.N. Chan, G.J. Nathan, R.L. Gordon, P.R. Medwell, M.J. Cleary, Z.T. Alwahabi, P.J. van Eyk, M. Talei, E.R. Hawkes
Australian Research Council: Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities (2018)$3000 Comparison of Residential Heating Costs for Electricity, Gas, Firewood and Pellets - Addendum.
P.R. Medwell, H. Wang
Australian Home Heating Association (2019)$520,000 Adaptation of carbon free fuels to high temperature industrial processes.
P.R. Medwell, B.B. Dally, G.J. Nathan, H.G. Pitsch
Australian Research Council: Discovery Project (2019)$119,000 Compatibility of current technology: opportunities and constraints of future fuel use in Type B and industrial equipment
P.J. Ashman, N. Smith, P.R. Medwell, Y. Yang, M. Talei, R.L. Gordon, M.J. Brear.
Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre (2019)$20,000 Bio-fertilisers and biologically-produced methane from anaerobic digesters
P.R. Medwell, C.H. Birzer, S. Kidd, T. Cavagnaro, M. Indren.
Waite Research Institute (2019)$944,000 Resolving the impact of pressure on hot and low-oxygen combustion
P.R. Medwell
Australian Research Council: Future Fellowship (2019)$25,500 Effect of dopants on hydrogen flames for improved safety and performance
P.R. Medwell, N. Smith, M.J. Evans, D.B. Proud
Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre (2020)$63,500 Metering and gas quality monitoring of future fuel blends in transmission pipelines
P.R. Medwell, N. Smith, C. Lu, A. Godbole
Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre (2020)$447,000 De-risking Hydrogen Adaptation to Industrial Processes
P.R. Medwell, A. Chinnici, G.J. Nathan, N. Smith, Z.F. Tian
Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre (2020)$75,500 Hydrogen gas specification and review of end-user instrumentation
N. Smith, P.J. Ashman, P.R. Medwell, T. Hosseini
Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre (2020)$394,400 Performance of Type A appliances with blends of hydrogen and natural gas
P.J. Ashman, P.R. Medwell, N. Smith
Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre (2021)$70,400 Planning detailed assessment of Type B appliances with blends of hydrogen and natural gas
P.J. Ashman, P.R. Medwell, N. Smith, Y. Yang, M. Brear
Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre (2021)$495,200 Biomethane injection into the gas network: impact of impurities on the performance of end-use appliances
M. Talei, Y. Yang, D. Davis, S. Kentish, P.R. Medwell, N. Smith, P.J. Ashman
Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre (2021)$954,200 Detailed assessment of Type B appliances with blends of hydrogen and natural gas and 100% hydrogen
P.J. Ashman, P.R. Medwell, N. Smith
Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre (2021)$191,400 A Novel Inline High-Efficiency Motor/Pump System
N. Ertugrul, P.R. Medwell
Australian Research Council: Linkage Project (2022)$356,500 Industrial pathways to 100% hydrogen
N. Smith, P.J. Ashman, P.R. Medwell
Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre (2023)$102,500 Assessment of hydrogen flame visibility
P.R. Medwell, P.J. Ashman, D.B. Proud, N. Smith
Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre (2023)$45,000 Thermal radiation enhancement of hydrogen flames
P.R. Medwell, B.B. Dally
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (2024) -
Journal Publications
- The influence of a bluff-body obstruction on the autoignition and flame acceleration of high-pressure hydrogen jets
Willmore, D.J., Lau, T.C.W., Medwell, P.R., Kildare, J.A.C., Evans, M.J.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2025) 110, pp. 336-344. - The mechanism behind jet entrainment into the upstream boundary layer for multi-regime mixing of a jet in hypersonic crossflow
Rowton, H.C., Medwell, P.R., Chin, R.
Physics of Fluids (2025) 37, 015176. - Predictions of instantaneous temperature fields in jet-in-hot-coflow flames using a multi-scale U-Net model
Kildare, J.A.C., Chung, W.T., Evans, M.J., Tian, Z.F., Medwell, P.R., Ihme, M.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2024) 40, 105330. - Radiating biofuel-blended turbulent nonpremixed hydrogen flames on a coaxial spray burner
Yin, Y., Medwell, P.R., Dally, B.B.
Fuel (2024) 366, 131381. - Ignition and combustion characterisation of hydrogen/methane blends in direct-injection compression-ignition conditions
Wan, Q., Lin, Y., Zhai, G., Wang, C., Medwell, P.R., Kook, S., Yeoh, G., Chan, Q.N.
Energy & Fuels (2024) 38, pp. 1383-1398. - A numerical study of the effects of jet-aft wall temperatures on the dynamics of jets in hypersonic crossflows
Rowton, H., Medwell, P.R., Chin, R.
Physics of Fluids (2024) 36, 016140. - Estimation and testing of single-step oxidation reactions for hydrogen and methane in low-oxygen, elevated pressure conditions
Kildare, J., Evans, M.J., Tian, Z.F., Medwell, P.R.
Fuel (2024) 360 130589. - Performance of biogas blended with hydrogen in a commercial self-aspirating burner
Gee, A.J., Smith, N., Chinnici, A., Medwell, P.R.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2024) 54, pp. 1120-1129. - Characterisation of turbulent non-premixed hydrogen-blended flames in a scaled industrial low-swirl burner
Gee, A.J., Smith, N., Chinnici, A., Medwell, P.R.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2024) 49, pp. 747-757. - Reconstructing temperature fields from OH distribution and soot volume fraction in turbulent flames using an artificial neural network
Dong, X., Nie, X., Zhang, W., Medwell, P.R., Nathan, G.J., Sun, Z.W.
Combustion and Flame (2024) 259, 113182. - Hydrogen addition to a commercial self-aspirating burner and assessment of a practical burner modification strategy to improve performance
Gee, A.J., Chinnici, A., Smith, N., Proud, D.B., Medwell, P.R.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2024) 49, pp. 59-76. - Hydrogen turbulent nonpremixed flames blended with spray or prevapourised biofuels
Yin, Y., Medwell, P.R., Dally, B.B.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2023) 48, pp. 25563-25580. - The reactor-based perspective on finite-rate chemistry in turbulent reacting flows: A review from traditional to low-emission combustion
Pequin, A., Evans, M.J., Chinnici, A., Medwell, P.R., Parente, A.
Applications in Energy and Combustion Science (2023) 16, 100201. - The influence of biochar position in a leach bed system anaerobically digesting chicken litter
Collins, B.A., Birzer, C.H., Kidd, S.P., Hall, T., Medwell, P.R.
Journal of Environmental Management (2023) 344, 118404. - Pressurised combustion in hot and low-oxygen environments: chemiluminescence imaging and modelling
Proud, D.B., Evans, M.J., Kildare, J., Chan, Q.N., Medwell, P.R.
Fuel (2023) 349, 128538. - Characteristics of ethylene and methane combustion in a range of high temperature and low oxygen environments
Shaw, I.J., Evans, M.J., Chin, R., Medwell, P.R.
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (2023) 147, 110929. - Soot structure and flow characteristics in turbulent non-premixed methane flames stabilised on a bluff-body
Rowhani, A., Sun, Z., Chinnici, A., Medwell, P.R., Nathan, G.J., Dally, B.B.
Fuel (2023) 344, 128118. - Characterisation of hydrogen jet flames under different pressures with varying coflow oxygen concentrations
Kildare, J., Evans, M.J., Proud, D.B., Tian, Z.F., Chin, R., Medwell, P.R.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2023) 48, pp. 20059-20076. - Coupling a biochar filter to a leach bed reactor for anaerobic digestion of chicken litter
Collins, B., Birzer, C.H., Kidd, S.P., Hall, T., Medwell, P.R.
Bioresource Technology Reports (2023) 21, 101362. - Two-phase anaerobic digestion in leach bed reactors coupled to anaerobic filters: A review and the potential of biochar filters
Collins, B., Birzer, C.H., Harris, P.W., Kidd, S.P., McCabe, B.K., Medwell, P.R.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2023) 175, 113187. - Parametric Study of Autoigniting Hydrogen-Methane Jets in Direct-Injection Engine Conditions
Wan, Q., Zhai, G., Wang, C., Evans, M.J., Medwell, P.R., Yuen, A.C.Y., Kook, S., Yeoh, G.H., Chan, Q.N.
Energy and Fuels (2023) 37, pp. 644-656. - Characterisation of ethylene flames under a range of low-oxygen concentrations
Shaw, I.J., Evans, M.J., Chin, R., Medwell, P.R.
Fuel (2023) 334, 126495. - Relationships between soot and the local instantaneous strain rate in turbulent non-premixed bluff-body flames
Rowhani, A., Sun, Z.W., Medwell, P.R., Nathan, G.J., Dally, B.B.
Energy and Fuels (2022) 36, pp. 12181-12191. - A Parametric Investigation of Methane Jets in Direct-Injection Compression-Ignition Conditions
Wan, Q., Zhai, G., Wang, C., Yuen, A.C.Y., Medwell, P.R., Kook, S., Yeoh, G.H., Chan, Q.N.
Fuel (2023) 334, 126521. - Fundamental insights into the effect of blending hydrogen flames with sooting biofuels
Yin, Y., Medwell, P.R., Gee, A.J., Foo, K.K., Dally, B.B.
Fuel (2023) 331, 125618. - Characteristics of turbulent flames in a confined and pressurised jet-in-hot-coflow combustor
Proud, D.B., Evans, M.J., Chan, Q.N., Medwell, P.R.
Journal of the Energy Institute (2022) 105, pp. 103-113. - Toluene addition to turbulent H2/natural gas flames in bluff-body burners
Gee, A.J., Smith, N., Chinnici, A., Medwell, P.R.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2022) 47, pp. 27733-27746. - A Conceptual Framework for Evaluating Cooking Systems
Bond, T.C., L'Orange, C., Medwell, P.R., Sizoomu, G., Abdelnour, S., Brinkmann, V., Lloyd, P., Pemberton-Pigott, C.
Environmental Research Letters (2022) 17, 0311002. - Dilute spray flames of ethanol and n-heptane in the transition to mild combustion
Proud, D., Evans, M.J., Chan, Q.N., Medwell, P.R.
Combustion and Flame (2022) 238, 111918. - Laser ignition of iso-octane and n-heptane jets under compression-ignition conditions
Zhai, G., Xing, S., Yuen, A.C.Y., Medwell, P.R., Kook, S., Yeoh, G.H., Chan, Q.N.
Fuel (2022) 311, 122555. - Smouldering fire and emission characteristics of Eucalyptus litter fuel
Wang, H., van Eyk, P.J., Medwell, P.R., Birzer, C.H., Tian, Z.F., Possell, M., Huang, X.
Fire and Materials (2022) 46(3), pp. 576-586. - Experimental investigation of the flame structure of dilute sprays issuing into a hot and low-oxygen coflow
Proud, D.B., Evans, M.J., Medwell, P.R., Chan, Q.N.
Combustion and Flame (2021) 230, 111439. - Effect of wood biochar dosage and re-use on high-solids anaerobic digestion of chicken litter
Indren, M., Medwell, P.R., Birzer, C.H., Kidd, S., Hall, T.
Biomass and Bioenergy (2021) 144, 105872. - Numerical and experimental investigation of turbulent n-heptane jet-in-hot-coflow flames
Li, Z., Evans, M.J., Ye, J.J., Medwell, P.R., Parente, A.
Fuel (2021) 283, 118748. - The effect of fuel composition and Reynolds number on soot formation processes in turbulent non-premixed toluene jet flames
Kruse, S., Medwell, P.R., Davidovic, M., Sun, Z., Ye, J.J., Pitsch, H., Dally, B.B.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2021) 38, pp. 1395-1402. - Highly radiating hydrogen flames: effect of toluene concentration and phase
Evans, M.J., Proud, D.B., Medwell, P.R., Pitsch, H., Dally, B.B.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2021) 38, pp. 1099-1106. - On the use of oscillating jet flames in a coflow to develop soot models for practical applications
Jocher, A., Evans, M.J., Medwell, P.R., Dally, B.B., Pitsch, H., Nathan, G.J.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2021) 38, pp. 1309-1317. - Soot-flowfield interactions in turbulent non-premixed bluff-body flames of ethylene/nitrogen
Rowhani, A., Sun, Z., Medwell, P.R., Nathan, G.J., Dally, B.B.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2021) 38, pp. 1125-1132. - Feedstock Dependence of Emissions from a Reverse-Downdraft Gasifier Cookstove
Kirch, T., Medwell, P.R., Birzer, C.H., van Eyk, P.J.
Energy for Sustainable Development (2020) 56, pp. 42-50. - Study of Ignition and Combustion Characteristics of Consecutive Injections with Iso-octane and n-heptane as Fuels
Xing, S., Zhai, G., Mo, H., Medwell, P.R., Yuen, A.C.Y., Kook, S., Yeoh, G., Chan, Q.N.
Energy & Fuels (2020) 34, 14741-14756. - Progress in Combustion Diagnostics, Science and Technology
Medwell, P.R., Evans, M.J., Chan, Q.N.
Applied Sciences (2020) 10, 1586. - Effects of biochar parent material and microbial pre-loading in biochar-amended high-solids anaerobic digestion
Indren, M., Birzer, C.H., Kidd, S.P., Hall, T., Medwell, P.R.
Bioresource Technology (2020) 298, 122457. - Small-scale autothermal thermochemical conversion of various solid biomass feedstocks
Kirch, T., Medwell, P.R., Birzer, C.H., van Eyk, P.J.
Renewable Energy (2020) 149, pp. 1261-1270. - Understanding and interpreting laser diagnostics in flames: A review of experimental measurement techniques
Evans, M.J., Medwell, P.R.
Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, Thermal and Mass Transport (2019) 5, Article 65. - Effect of total solids content on anaerobic digestion of poultry litter with biochar
Indren, M., Birzer, C.H., Kidd, S.P., Medwell, P.R.
Journal of Environmental Management (2020) 255, 109744. - A Review of Hydrogen Direct Injection for Internal Combustion Engines: Towards Carbon-Free Combustion
Yip, H.L., Srna, A., Yuen, A.C.Y., Kook, S., Taylor, R.A., Yeoh, G.H., Medwell, P.R., Chan, Q.N.
Applied Sciences (2019) 9 4842. - Co-Combustion Characteristics and Kinetics of Microalgae Chlorella Vulgaris and Coal through TGA
Chen, C., Chan, Q.N., Medwell, P.R., Yeoh, G.H.
Combustion Science and Technology (2020) 192, pp. 26-45. - Flame-wall interaction effects on diesel post-injection combustion and soot formation processes
Yip, H.L., Rizwanul Fattah, I.M., Yuen, A.C.Y., Yang, W., Medwell, P.R., Kook, S., Yeoh, G., Chan, Q.N.
Energy & Fuels (2019) 33, pp. 7759-7769. - Air Permeability of the Litter Layer in Broadleaf Forests
Wang, H., van Eyk, P.J., Medwell, P.R., Birzer, C.H., Tian, Z.F., Possell, M., Huang, X.
Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering (2019) 5, Article 53. - Experimental and numerical study of soot formation in counterflow diffusion flames of gasoline surrogate components
Kruse, S., Wick, A., Medwell, P.R., Attili, A., Beeckmann, J., Pitsch, H.
Combustion and Flame (2019) 210, pp. 159-171. - Effects of the Bluff-Body Diameter on the Flow-Field Characteristics of Non-Premixed Turbulent Highly-Sooting Flames
Rowhani, A., Sun Z.W., Medwell, P.R., Alwahabi, Z.T., Nathan. G.J., Dally, B.B.
Combustion Science and Technology (2022) 194, pp. 378-396. - Effects of Flame-Plane Wall Impingement on Diesel Combustion and Soot Processes
Rizwanul Fattah, I.M., Yip, H.L., Jiang, Z., Yuen, A.C.Y., Yang, W., Medwell, P.R., Kook, S., Yeoh, G., Chan, Q.N.
Fuel (2019) 255 115726. - Effect of co-flow oxygen concentration on the MILD combustion of pulverised coal
Saha, M., Dally, B.B., Chinnici, A., Medwell, P.R.
Fuel Processing Technology (2019) 193, pp. 7-18. - Calculated concentration distributions and time histories of key species in an acoustically forced laminar flame
Foo, K.K., Evans, M.J., Sun, Z., Medwell, P.R., Alwahabi, Z.T., Nathan, G.J., Dally, B.B.
Combustion and Flame (2019) 204, pp. 189-203. - Generalisation of the eddy-dissipation concept for jet flames with low turbulence and low Damköhler number
Evans, M.J., Cetre, C., Medwell, P.R., Parente, A.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2019) 37, pp. 4497-4505. - Temperature and Reaction Zone Imaging in Turbulent Swirling Dual-Fuel Flames
Evans, M.J., Sidey, J., Ye, J.J., Medwell, P.R., Dally, B.B., Mastorakos, E.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2019) 37, pp. 2159-2166. - A New Correlation between Soot Sheet Width and Soot Volume Fraction in Turbulent Non-Premixed Jet Flames
Mahmoud, S.M., Lau, T.C., Nathan, G.J., Medwell, P.R., Alwahabi, Z.T., Dally, B.B.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2019) 37, pp. 927-934. - Experimental investigation of soot evolution in a turbulent non-premixed prevaporized toluene flame
Kruse, S., Ye, J.J., Sun, Z., Attili, A., Dally, B.B., Medwell, P.R., Pitsch, H.G.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2019) 37, pp. 849-857. - Downstream evolution of n-heptane/toluene flames in hot and vitiated coflows
Evans, M.J., Medwell, P.R., Sun, Z., Chinnici, A., Ye, J., Chan, Q.N., Dally, B.B.
Combustion and Flame (2019) 202, pp. 78-89. - The significance of beam steering on laser-induced incandescence measurements in laminar counterflow flames
Kruse, S., Medwell, P.R., Beeckmann, J., Pitsch, H.G.
Applied Physics B (2018) 124: 212. - Numerical Investigation of a Pulsed Reaction Control Jet in Hypersonic Crossflow
Miller, W., Medwell, P.R., Doolan, C.J., Kim, M.
Physics of Fluids (2018) 30, 106108. - Soot evolution and flame response to acoustic forcing of laminar non-premixed jet flames at varying amplitudes
Foo, K.K., Sun, Z.W., Medwell, P.R., Alwahabi, Z.T., Nathan, G.J., Dally, B.B.
Combustion and Flame (2018) 198, pp. 249-259. - Spray and Combustion Investigation of Post Injections under Low Temperature Combustion Conditions with Biodiesel
Rizwanul Fattah, I.M., Ming, C., Chan, Q.N., Wehrfritz, A., Pham, P.X., Yang, W., Kook, S., Medwell, P.R., Yeoh, G.H., Hawkes, E.R., Masri, A.R.
Energy & Fuels (2018) 32(8), pp. 8727-8742. - Influences of fuel bed depth and air supply on small-scale batch-fed reverse downdraft biomass conversion
Kirch, T., Medwell, P.R., Birzer, C.H., van Eyk, P.J.
Energy & Fuels (2018) 32(8), pp. 8507-8518. - Influence of nozzle diameter on soot evolution in acoustically forced laminar non-premixed flames
Foo, K.K., Sun, Z., Medwell, P.R., Alwahabi, Z.T., Nathan, G.J., Dally, B.B.
Combustion and Flame (2018) 194, pp. 376-386. - Feature Article: Transient Interaction between a Reaction Control Jet and a Hypersonic Crossflow
Miller, W., Medwell, P.R., Doolan, C.J., Kim, M.K.
Physics of Fluids (2018) 30, 046102. - Structural Differences of Ethanol and DME Jet Flames in a Hot Diluted Coflow
Ye, J.J., Medwell, P.R., Kleinheinz, K., Evans, M.J., Dally, B.B., Pitsch, H.
Combustion and Flame (2018) 192, pp. 473-494. - Influence of primary and secondary air supply on gaseous emissions from a small-scale staged solid biomass fuel combustor
Kirch, T., Birzer, C.H., van Eyk, P.J., Medwell, P.R.
Energy & Fuels (2018) 32, pp. 4212-4220. - Combustion characterization of waste cooking oil and canola oil based biodiesels under simulated engine conditions
Ming, C., Rizwanul Fattah, I.M., Chan, Q.N., Pham, P.X., Medwell, P.R., Kook, S., Yeoh, G.H., Hawkes, E.R., Masri, A.R.
Fuel (2018) 224, pp. 167-177. - The Effects of Reynolds and Froude Numbers on Soot Volume Fraction in Turbulent Non-Premixed Jet Flames
Mahmoud, S., Nathan, G.J., Alwahabi, Z.T., Sun, Z.W., Medwell, P.R., Dally, B.B.
Combustion and Flame (2018) 187, pp. 42-51. - The role of primary and secondary air on wood combustion in cookstoves
Kirch, T., Birzer, C.H., Medwell, P.R., Holden, L.
International Journal of Sustainable Energy (2018) 37, pp. 268-277. - Effect of Multilateral Jet Mixing on Stability and Structure of Turbulent Partially-Premixed Flames
Thong, C.X., Dally, B.B., Medwell, P.R., Birzer, C.H.
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion (2018) 100, pp. 225-247. - Effects of oxygen concentration on radiation-aided and self-sustained smouldering combustion of radiata pine
Wang, H., van Eyk, P., Medwell, P.R., Birzer, C.H., Tian, Z.F., Possell, M.
Energy & Fuels (2017) 31, pp 8619–8630. - Characteristics of Turbulent n-Heptane Jet Flames in a Hot and Diluted Coflow
Ye, J.J., Medwell, P.R., Evans, M.J., Dally, B.B.
Combustion and Flame (2017) 183, pp. 330-342.
- Ignition Features of Methane and Ethylene Fuel-Blends in Hot and Diluted Coflows
Evans, M.J., Chinnici, A., Medwell, P.R., Ye, J.J.
Fuel (2017) 203, pp. 279-289.
- Experimental investigation of acoustic forcing on temperature, soot
volume fraction and primary particle diameter in non-premixed laminar
Foo, K.K., Sun, Z., Medwell, P.R., Alwahabi, Z.T., Dally, B.B., Nathan, G.J.
Combustion and Flame (2017) 181, pp. 270-282. - Effects of Oxidant Stream Composition on Non-Premixed Laminar Flames with Heated and Diluted Coflows
Evans, M.J., Medwell, P.R., Tian, Z.F., Ye, J.J., Frassoldati, A., Cuoci, A.
Combustion and Flame (2017) 178, pp. 297-310. - Optical thermometry for high temperature multiphase environments under high-flux irradiation
Gu, D., Sun, Z.W., Nathan, G.J., Dong, X., Dally, B.B., Medwell, P.R., Alwahabi, Z.T.
Solar Energy (2017) 146, pp. 191-198.
- Simultaneous
measurements of gas temperature, soot volume fraction and primary particle diameter in a sooting lifted turbulent ethylene/air
non-premixed flame
Gu, D., Sun, Z.W., Dally, B.B., Medwell, P.R., Alwahabi, Z.T., Nathan, G.J.
Combustion and Flame (2017) 179, pp. 33-50. - The Effect of Exit Strain Rate on Soot Volume Fraction in Turbulent Non-Premixed Jet Flames
Mahmoud, S.M., Nathan, G.J., Alwahabi, Z.T., Sun, Z.W., Medwell, P.R., Dally, B.B.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2017) 36, pp. 889-897. -
Classification and Lift-Off Height Prediction of Non-Premixed MILD and Autoignitive Flames
Evans, M.J., Medwell, P.R., Wu, H., Stagni, A., Ihme, M.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2017) 36, pp. 4297-4304. - Effect of particle size on the MILD combustion characteristics of pulverised brown coal
Saha, M., Dally, B.B., Medwell, P.R., Chinnici, A.
Fuel Processing Technology (2017) 155, pp. 74-87. - Laminar flame calculations for analysing trends in autoignitive jet flames in a hot and vitiated coflow
Medwell, P.R., Evans, M.J., Chan, Q.N., Katta, V.R.
Energy and Fuels (2016) 30(10), pp. 8680–8690. - Ignition characteristics in spatially zero-, one- and two-dimensional laminar ethylene flames
Evans, M.J., Medwell, P.R., Tian, Z.F., Frassoldati, A., Cuoci, A., Stagni, A.
AIAA Journal (2016) 54(10), pp. 3255-3264. - The transition of ethanol flames from conventional to MILD combustion
Ye, J.J., Medwell, P.R., Dally, B.B., Evans, M.J.
Combustion and Flame (2016) 171, pp 173-184. - Identification and quantitative analysis of smouldering and flaming combustion of radiata pine
Wang, H., van Eyk, P., Medwell, P.R., Birzer, C.H., Tian, Z.F., Possell, M.
Energy & Fuels (2016) 30(9), pp 7666–7677. - Burning Characteristics of Victorian Brown Coal under MILD Combustion Conditions
Saha, M., Dally, B.B., Medwell, P.R., Chinnici, A.
Combustion and Flame (2016) 172, pp. 252-270. - Automated Determination of Size and Morphology Information from Soot Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Generated Images
Wang, C., Chan, Q.N., Zhang, R., Kook, S., Hawkes, E.R., Yeoh, G.H., Medwell, P.R.
Journal of Nanoparticle Research (2016) 18:127. - Natural draft and forced primary air combustion properties of a top-lit up-draft research furnace
Kirch, T., Birzer, C.H., Medwell, P.R.
Biomass and Bioenergy (2016) 91, pp. 108-115. - Eulerian and Lagrangian Stagnation plane behavior of moderate Reynolds number round opposed-jets flow
Wu, D., Li, J., Liu, Z., Xiong, Y., Zheng, C., Medwell, P.R.
Computers and Fluids (2016) 133, pp. 116-128. - Improvement of precision and accuracy of temperature imaging in sooting flames using two-line atomic fluorescence (TLAF)
Gu, D., Sun, Z., Nathan, G.J., Medwell, P.R., Alwahabi, Z.T., Dally, B.B.
Combustion and Flame (2016) 167 pp. 481-493. - External Irradiation Eff
ect on the Growth and Evolution of In-Flame Soot Species
Wang, C., Chan, Q.N., Kook, S., Hawkes, E.R., Lee, J., Medwell, P.R.
Carbon (2016) 102 pp. 161-171. - Numerical Study of Pulverized Coal MILD Combustion in a Self-Recuperative Furnace
Saha, M., Chinnici, A., Dally, B.B., Medwell, P.R.
Energy & Fuels (2015) 29(11), pp. 7650-7669. - Stability and Accuracy of Aeroacoustic Time-Reversal Using the Pseudo-Characteristic Formulation
Mimani, A., Doolan, C.J., Medwell, P.R.
International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration (2015) 20(4), pp. 226-243. - An Interhemispheric Perspective on Environment and Energy
Matschullat, J., Armbrecht, L.H., Bachor, H., Bremhorst, K., Christian, M., Kanajanabootra, S., Lennox, P., Lowe, D., Matthews, W.A., Medwell, P.R., Mulvaney, P., Nelson, P., Nicholls, I., Read, R., Rizos, C., Spiccia, L., Zhang, Y.
International Journal of Performability Engineering (2015) 11(6), pp. 589-603. - An experimental study on MILD combustion of prevaporised liquid fuels
Ye, J.J., Medwell, P.R., Varea, E., Kruse, S., Dally, B.B., Pitsch, H.G.
Applied Energy (2015) 151, pp. 93-101.
- Modeling Lifted Jet Flames in a Heated Coflow Using an Optimized Eddy Dissipation Concept Model
Evans, M.J., Medwell, P.R., Tian. Z.F.
Combustion Science and Technology (2015) 187(7), pp. 1093-1109. - Mechanism for laser-induced fluorescence signal generation in a nanoparticle-seeded flow for planar flame thermometry
Gu, D.H., Sun, Z.W., Medwell, P.R., Alwahabi, Z.T., Dally, B.B., Nathan, G.J.
Applied Physics B (2015) 118(2), pp. 209-218.
- Simultaneous planar measurements of temperature and soot volume fraction in a turbulent non-premixed jet flame
Mahmoud, S.M., Nathan, G.J., Medwell, P.R., Dally, B.B., Alwahabi, Z.T.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2015) 35, pp. 1931–1938. - A Sponge-Layer Damping Technique for Aeroacoustic Time-Reversal
Mimani, A., Prime, Z., Doolan, C.J., Medwell, P.R.
Journal of Sound and Vibration(2015) 342, pp. 124-151
- Temperature Imaging of Turbulent Dilute Spray Flames Using Two-Line Atomic Fluorescence
Medwell, P.R., Masri, A.R., Pham, P.X., Dally, B.B., Nathan, G.J.
Experiments in Fluids (2014) 55:1840. - Moderate or Intense Low Oxygen Dilution (MILD) Combustion Characteristics of Pulverized Coal in a Self-Recuperative Furnace
Saha, M., Dally, B. B., Medwell, P.R., Cleary, E.M.
Energy & Fuels (2014) 28(9), pp. 6046–6057. - Algorithm for soot sheet quantification in a piloted turbulent jet non-premixed natural gas flame
Chan, Q.N., Medwell, P.R., Nathan, G.J.
Experiments in Fluids (2014) 55:1827. - A biochar-producing, dung-burning cookstove for humanitarian purposes
Birzer, C.H., Medwell, P.R., MacFarlane, G., Read, M., Wilkey, J., Higgins, M., West, T.
Procedia Engineering (2014) 78, pp. 243-249
- Enhancing the focal-resolution of aeroacoustic time-reversal using a point sponge-layer damping technique
Mimani, A., Doolan, C.J., Medwell, P.R.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (2014) 136(3), pp. EL199-EL205. - The role of precursors on the stabilisation of jet flames issuing into a hot environment
Medwell, P.R., Blunck, D.L., Dally, B.B.
Combustion and Flame (2014) 161, pp. 465-474. - Multiple line arrays for the characterization of aeroacoustic sources using a time-reversal method
Mimani, A., Doolan, C.J., Medwell, P.R.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (2013), 134(4), pp. EL327-EL333. - An analysis of combustion from a top-lit up-draft (TLUD) cookstove
Birzer, C.H., Medwell, P.R., Wilkey, J., West, T., Higgins, M., MacFarlane, G., and Read, M.
Journal of Humanitarian Engineering (2013), 2(1), pp. 1-8. - Kinetic and fluid dynamic modeling of
ethylene jet flames in diluted and heated oxidant stream combustion conditions
Shabanian, S.R., Medwell, P.R., Rahimi, M., Frassoldati, A., and Cuoci, A.
Applied Thermal Engineering (2013), 52(5), pp. 538–554. - Temperature measurements in turbulent non-premixed flames by
two-line atomic fluorescence
Medwell, P.R, Chan, Q.N., Dally, B.B., Mahmoud, S., Alwahabi, Z.T., and Nathan, G.J.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2013), 34, pp. 3619–3627. - Experimental Observation of Lifted Flames in a Heated and
Diluted Coflow
Medwell, P.R, and Dally, B.B.
Energy & Fuels (2012), 26(9), pp. 5519–5527. - Feature Article: Effect of fuel composition on
jet flames in a heated and diluted oxidant stream
Medwell, P.R., and Dally, B.B.
Combustion and Flame (2012) 159, pp. 3138-3145. - Feature Article: New Seeding Methodology for Gas Concentration
Chan, Q.N., Medwell, P.R., Dally, B.B., Alwahabi, Z.T., and Nathan, G.J.
Applied Spectroscopy (2012) 66(7), pp. 803-809. - Flow seeding with elemental metal species via an
optical method
Medwell, P.R., Chan, Q.N., Dally, B.B., Alwahabi, Z.T., Mahmoud, S., Metha, G.F., and Nathan, G.J.
Applied Physics B (2012) 107(3), pp. 665-668. - Developing sports engineering education in Australia
Medwell, P.R., Grimshaw, P.N., Robertson, W.S., and Kelso, R.M.
Procedia Engineering (2012) 34, pp. 260-265. - Recent advances in the measurement of strongly radiating
turbulent and reacting flows
Nathan, G.J., Kalt, P.A.M., Alwahabi, Z.T., Dally, B.B., Medwell, P.R., and Chan, Q.N.
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science (2012) 38(1), pp. 41-61. - Assessment of Interferences to Nonlinear Two-line Atomic
Fluorescence (NTLAF) in Sooty Flames
Chan, Q.N., Medwell, P.R., Alwahabi, Z.T., Dally, B.B., and Nathan, G.J.
Applied Physics B (2011) 104, pp. 189-198. - The influence on the soot distribution within a laminar
flame of radiation at fluxes of relevance to concentrated solar
Medwell, P.R., Nathan, G.J., Chan, Q.N., Alwahabi, Z.T. and Dally, B.B.
Combustion and Flame (2011) 158, pp. 1814-1821. - Analysis of the lawn bowl trajectory as a teaching tool for
sports engineering: Development of a graphical user-interface
Medwell, P.R., Brooks, L.A., and Medwell, B.S.
Procedia Engineering (2011) 13, pp. 531-537. - Simultaneous Imaging of Temperature and
Soot Volume Fraction
Chan, Q.N., Medwell, P.R., Kalt, P.A.M., Alwahabi, Z.T., Dally, B.B., and Nathan, G.J.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2011) 33, pp. 791-798. - Solvent Effects on Two-Line Atomic
Fluorescence (TLAF) of Indium
Chan, Q.N., Medwell, P.R., Kalt, P.A.M., Alwahabi, Z.T., Dally, B.B., and Nathan, G.J.
Applied Optics (2010) 49(8), pp. 1257-1266. - Instantaneous Temperature Imaging of Diffusion Flames
Using Two-Line Atomic Fluorescence
Medwell, P.R., Chan, Q.N., Kalt, P.A.M., Alwahabi, Z.T., Dally, B.B., and Nathan, G.J.
Applied Spectroscopy (2010) 64(2), pp. 173-176. - Reaction Zone
Weakening Effects Under Hot and Diluted Oxidant Stream Conditions
Medwell, P.R., Kalt, P.A.M., and Dally, B.B.
Combustion Science and Technology (2009) 181(7), pp. 937-953. - Development of temperature imaging using two-line
atomic fluorescence
Medwell, P.R., Chan, Q.N., Kalt, P.A.M., Alwahabi, Z.T., Dally, B.B., and Nathan, G.J.
Applied Optics (2009) 48(6), pp. 1237–1248. - Imaging of Diluted
Turbulent Ethylene Flames Stabilised on a Jet in Hot Coflow (JHC)
Medwell, P.R., Kalt, P.A.M., and Dally, B.B.
Combustion and Flame (2008) 152, pp. 100–113. - Simultaneous Imaging of
OH, Formaldehyde and Temperature of Turbulent Nonpremixed Jet Flames in
a Heated and Diluted Coflow
Medwell, P.R., Kalt, P.A.M., and Dally, B.B.
Combustion and Flame (2007) 148, pp. 48–61.
- Medwell, P.R., Alwahabi, Z.T., Evans, M.J., Chan, Q.N., Chinnici, A., Tian, Z.F., Dally, B.B. (2019) Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium.
- Medwell, P.R., Evans, M.J., Chan, Q.N. (2020) Progress in Combustion Diagnostics, Science and Technology.
Book Chapters
- Shaw, I.J., Kildare, J.A.C., Evans, M.J., Chinnici, A., Sparks, C.A.M., Rubaiyat, S.N.H., Chin, R.C., Medwell, P.R. (2019) A Theoretical Review of Rotating Detonation Engines, IntechOpen, London, United Kingdom.
- Evans, M.J., Medwell, P.R. (2019) MILD combustion: modelling challenges, experimental configurations and diagnostic tools (eds. Parente, A., de Joannon, M.) Frontiers Media SA, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Selected Conference Publications
- New opportunities and challenges from a growing role for hydrogen in future low-carbon industrial processes
Nathan, G.J., Jafarian, M., Saw, W., Chinnici, A., Sun, Z.W., Arjomandi, M., Medwell, P.R., Tian, Z.F., Hosseini, T., Ingenhoven, P., Ashman, P., Metha, G.
Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (2021), ACS21001K. - Dilute spray flames of ethanol and n-heptane in the transition to mild combustion
Proud, D.B., Evans, M.J., Chan, Q.N., Medwell, P.R.
Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (2021), ACS21008. - Toluene addition to turbulent H2/CH4 flames in bluff-body burners
Gee, A.J., Yin, Y., Foo, K.K., Chinnici, A., Smith, N., Medwell, P.R.
Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (2021), ACS21012. - Visible and thermal radiation from toluene-doped hydrogen flames
Proud, D.B., Gee, A., Medwell, P.R., Smith, N., Evans, M.J.
Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (2021), ACS21013. - Preliminary experiments in a confined and pressurised jet-in-hot-coflow combustor
Proud, D.B., Evans, M.J., Chan, Q.N., Medwell, P.R.
Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (2021), ACS21014. - Modelling a dilute spray flame using the eddy dissipation concept
Kildare, J., Evans, M.J., Medwell, P.R.
Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (2021), ACS21023. - Autoignition of Hydrogen/Ammonia Blends at Elevated Pressures and Temperatures
Evans, M.J., Chinnici, A., Medwell, P.R., Dally. B.B.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Hydrogen Safety (2019), ID214. - Commissioning a Confined and Pressurised Jet in Hot and Vitiated Coflow Burner
Evans, M.J., Medwell, P.R., Chan, Q.N.
Proceedings of the 11th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium (2019), TC-24. - Preliminary Observations of Turbulent Flames in a Confined and Pressurised Jet in Hot and Vitiated Coflow Burner
Evans, M.J., Medwell, P.R., Chan, Q.N.
Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (2019), pg. 153. - Multiple injections of iso-octane and n-heptane: Part I
Xing, S., Zhai, G., Srna, A., Mo, H., Medwell, P.R., Kook, S., Yeoh, G.H., Chan, Q.N.
Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (2019), pg. 154. - Multiple injections of iso-octane and n-heptane: Part II
Mo, H., Xing, S., Zhai, G., Srna, A., Medwell, P.R., Kook, S., Yeoh, G.H., Chan, Q.N.
Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (2019), pg. 155. - Classification of MILD and autoignitive ethylene flames diluted with N2, O2 and CO2
Kildare, J.A.C., Evans, M.J., Chinnici, A., Medwell, P.R.
Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (2019), pg. 160. - Numerical Modelling of Mild Combustion at Elevated Pressures
Proud, D.B., Evans, M.J., Medwell, P.R., Vandenbussche, F.
Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (2019), pg. 161. - Experimental Investigation of Soot Evolution in Turbulent Non-premixed Bluff-body Ethylene/Nitrogen Flames
Rowhani, A., Sun, Z.W., Medwell, P.R., Nathan, G.J., Dally, B.B.
Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (2019), pg. 164. - Air Staging and In-bed Quenching for Autothermal Generation of Char and Low-tar Producer Gas
Kirch, T., Birzer, C.H., van Eyk, P.J., Hall, P.A., Medwell, P.R.
27th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (2019), pp. 876-880. - Measurements of oxygenated C8/toluene flames in hot and vitiated coflows
Evans, M.J., Ye, J., Kruse, S., Medwell, P.R., Sun, Z.W., Dally, B.B., Pitsch, H.
12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (2019). - Computational study of enhanced soot production in a time-varying laminar non-premixed flame
Foo, K.K., Evans, M.J., Medwell, P.R., Nathan, G.J., Dally, B.B.
12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (2019). - Biochar Addition in High-Solids Anaerobic Digestion of Poultry Litter
Indren, M., Birzer, C.H., Medwell, P.R., Kidd, S.
IEEE 2018 Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (2018) San Jose, California, USA. - Transient Start-up of a Sonic Jet in Hypersonic Crossflow
Miller, W., Doolan, C.J., Medwell, P.R., Kin, M.K.
21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (2018), Adelaide, P588. - Mixing uniformity of emissions for point-wise measurements in exhaust ducts
Kirch, T., Evans, M.J., Medwell, P.R., Rapp, V.H., Birzer, C.H., Gadgil, A.J.
21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (2018), Adelaide, P696. - Air permeability of the litter layer in temperate forests of south-east Australia
Wang, H., Tian, Z.F., Medwell, P.R., Birzer, C.H., van Eyk, P.J., Possell, M.
21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (2018), Adelaide, P818. - Variation of residence time in non-premixed turbulent bluff-body ethylene flames as a function of burner diameter
Rowhani, A., Chinnici, A., Evans, M.J., Medwell, P.R., Nathan, G.J., Dally, B.B.
21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (2018), Adelaide, P713. - Temperature imaging of gaseous n-heptane flames in a hot vitiated coflow
Evans, M.J., Medwell, P.R., Sun, Z.W., Dally, B.B.
11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (2017), Sydney, P502. - Characteristics of an acoustically forced non-premixed jet flame
Foo, K.K., Sun, Z.W., Medwell, P.R., Alwahabi, Z.T., Nathan, G.J., Dally, B.B.
11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (2017), Sydney, P139. - Effects of Di-n-butyl Ether Addition to Turbulent Toluene Sooting Flames
Ye, J., Kruse, S., Medwell, P.R., Sun, Z.W., Dally, B.B., Pitsch, H.
11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (2017), Sydney, P267. - Combustion Measurements of Waste Cooking Oil Biodiesel
Ming, C., Rizwanul Fattah, I.R., Chan, Q.N., Medwell, P.R., Kook, S., Hawkes, E.R., Yeoh, G.H.
11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (2017), Sydney, P208. - The Influence of Reynolds Number of Soot Concentration in Turbulent Non-premixed Jet Flames
Mahmoud, S.M., Nathan, G.J., Alwahabi, Z.T., Sun, Z.W., Medwell, P.R., Dally, B.B.
11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (2017), Sydney, P020. - Biochar production and characterisation—a field study
Indren, M., Cheruvu, N., Birzer, C.H., Medwell, P.R.
IEEE 2017 Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (2017) San Jose, California, USA, pp. 257-261. - Stability and liftoff of non-premixed large hydrocarbon combustion in MILD conditions
Walters, E., Medwell, P.R., Blunck, D.
10th US National Combustion Meeting (2017) College Park, Maryland, USA, 2H11. - Computational Methodology for Investigating the Transient Interaction Between a Reaction Control Jet and a Hypersonic Crossflow
Miller, W.A., Medwell, P.R., Kim, M.K., Doolan, C.J.
54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech (2016) San Diego, California, USA, AIAA-2016-0343.
- Quantitative Rayleigh temperature imaging in turbulent flames of prevapourised n-heptane
Ye, J.J., Medwell, P.R., Evans, M.J., Dally, B.B.
7th Australian Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Fluid Mechanics and Combustion (2015), Melbourne, pg. 85.
- Laser-induced fluorescence of hydroxyl in ethylene in jet flames in hot and diluted coflows
Evans, M.J., Medwell, P.R., Ye, J.J.
7th Australian Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Fluid Mechanics and Combustion (2015), Melbourne, pg. 75.
- Improvement of precision and accuracy of temperature imaging in sooting flames using two-line atomic fluorescence (TLAF)
Gu, D.H., Sun, Z.W., Nathan, G.J., Medwell, P.R., Alwahabi, Z.T., Dally, B.B.
7th Australian Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Fluid Mechanics and Combustion (2015), Melbourne, pg. 51.
- Soot reduction in cookstoves due to turbulent mixing
Lask, K.M., Medwell, P.R., Birzer, C.H., Gadgil, A.J.
Australian Combustion Symposium (2015), Melbourne, Paper 3A04. - Assessment of natural draft combustion properties of a top-lit up-draft research furnace
Kirch, T., Medwell, P.R., Birzer, C.H.
Australian Combustion Symposium (2015), Melbourne, Paper 3B01. - External Irradiation Effect on the Evolution of In-Flame Soot Species
Wang, C., Chan, Q.N., Kook, S., Hawkes, E.R., Medwell, P.R., Lee, J.
Australian Combustion Symposium (2015), Melbourne, Paper 2E09. - Preliminary experimental and computational study of time varying laminar non-premixed ethylene/nitrogen flames
Foo, K.K., Jocher, A., Thong, C.X., Dally, B.B., Nathan, G.J., Medwell, P.R., Alwahabi, Z.T., Pitsch, H.
Australian Combustion Symposium (2015), Melbourne, Paper 2D09. - Development of an in-flame thermophoretic soot sampling device
Wang, C., Chan, Q.N., Kook, S., Hawkes, E.R., Medwell, P.R., Lee, J.
Australian Combustion Symposium (2015), Melbourne, Paper 2E08. - The effect of exit strain rate on soot volume fraction in turbulent non-premixed jet flames
Mahmoud, S.M., Sun, Z.W., Dally, B.B., Alwahabi, Z.T., Medwell, P.R., Nathan, G.J.
Australian Combustion Symposium (2015), Melbourne, Paper 2E07. - Investigation of smouldering combustion of biomass fuel
Wang, H., Medwell, P.R., Birzer, C.H., van Eyk, P.J., Tian, Z.F., Possell, M.
Australian Combustion Symposium (2015), Melbourne, Paper 1B06. - Effect of turbulence on the MILD combustion characteristics of Victorian Brown Coal
Saha, M., Dally, B.B., Medwell, P.R., Chinnici, A.
Australian Combustion Symposium (2015), Melbourne, Paper 1B04. - The adequacy of laminar flame calculations for identifying MILD combustion
Medwell, P.R., Evans, M.J., Chan, Q.N., Katta, V.R.
Australian Combustion Symposium (2015), Melbourne, Paper 1B03. - The impact of carrier gas on ethanol flame behaviour in a Jet in Hot Coflow (JHC) burner
Ye, J.J., Medwell, P.R., Evans, M.J., Dally, B.B.
Australian Combustion Symposium (2015), Melbourne, Paper 1B02. - Classification of Non-Premixed MILD and Autoignitive Flames
Evans, M.J., Medwell, P.R., Wu, H., Stagni, A., Ihme, M.
Australian Combustion Symposium (2015), Melbourne, Paper 1B01. - Non-stationary analysis of noise from a subsonic fluidic jet
Schembri, T., Zander, A.C., Kelso, R.M., Medwell, P.R.
Internoise 2015 (2015), San Francisco, California, Paper 999. - Application of two-line atomic fluorescence to sooting flames under irradiation from a high-flux solar simulator
Gu, D.H., Sun, Z.W., Nathan, G.J., Dong, X., Alwahabi, Z.T., Dally, B.B., Medwell, P.R.
10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (2015), Beijing, China, Paper 382. - Ignition Characteristics in Spatially Zero-, One- and Two-Dimensional Laminar Ethylene Flames
Evans, M.J., Medwell, P.R., Tian, Z.F., Frassoldati, A., Cuoci, A., Stagni, A.
22nd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference (2015), Dallas, Texas, AIAA 2015-3210 - A Novel Algorithm to Estimate Soot Sheet Dimensions in Delft-Adelaide Flame
Chan, Q.N., Medwell, P.R., Nathan, G.J., Kook, S.
19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (2014), Melbourne, Australia, 376. - Optics and Photonics in Solar Thermal Energy Technologies
Nathan, G.J., Alwahabi, Z.T., Dally, B.B., Medwell, P.R., Arjomandi, M., Sun, Z.W., Lau, T.C., van Eyk, P.
Optical Instrumentation for Energy and Environmental Applications (2014) Canberra, Australia, JW2A.1 - Optics and Photonics for Combustion Diagnostic Studies
Alwahabi, Z.T., Nathan, G.J., Dally, B.B., Medwell, P.R., Sun, Z.W.
Optical Instrumentation for Energy and Environmental Applications (2014) Canberra, Australia, EW4A.1 - Humanitarian technology research group: Developments at the University of Adelaide
Birzer, C.H., Medwell, P.R., Kalt, P.A.M.
IEEE 2014 Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (2014) San Jose, California, USA, pp. 486-490. - On the effect of mean flow profile, wavelength and array length on
focal-resolution of a quadrupole source using aeroacoustic time-reversal
Mimani, A., Doolan, C.J., Medwell, P.R.
InterNoise 2014, 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering (2014) Melbourne, Australia, p81. - Aeroacoustic time-reversal in presence of a reflecting surface
Mimani, A., Doolan, C.J., Medwell, P.R.
InterNoise 2014, 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering (2014) Melbourne, Australia, p96. - A Biochar-Producing, Dung-Burning Cookstove for Humanitarian Purposes
Birzer, C.H., Medwell, P.R., MacFarlane, G., Read, M., Wilkey, J., Higgins, M., West, T.
Humanitarian Technology: Science, Systems and Global Impact (2014) Boston, MA, USA. - Enhancing the Resolution Characteristics of Aeroacoustic Time-Reversal using a Point-Time-Reversal-Sponge-Layer
Mimani, A., Doolan, C.J., Medwell, P.R.
20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (2014) Atlanta, Georgia, USA. - Modelling ethylene-hydrogen jet flames in the MILD combustion regime
Evans, M.J., Tian, Z.F., Medwell, P.R.
20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (2013), Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, pp. 1554-1560. - An investigation of cool roofing on urban street canyon air quality
Naidu, M.K., Tian, Z.F., Medwell, P.R., Birzer, C.H.
20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (2013), Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, pp. 434-440. - Localisation of a Stationary Time-Harmonic Dipole Sound Source in Flows using Time-Reversal Simulation
Mimani, A., Doolan, C.J., Medwell, P.R.
Proceedings of Acoustics 2013 - Victor Harbor (2013), Victor Harbor, Australia, p13. - Parametric study of EDC model constants for modelling lifted jet flames in a heated coflow
Evans, M.J., Medwell, P.R., Tian, Z.F.
Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (2013), The University of Western Australia, pp. 348-351. - Temperature Measurements in a Turbulent Spray Flame Using NTLAF
Medwell, P.R., Pham, P.X., Masri, A.R.
Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (2013), The University of Western Australia, pp. 279-282. - Spectral Assessment of Interferences to Two-line Atomic Fluorescence (TLAF) in Turbulent Sooty Flames
Gu, D.H., Sun, Z.W., Medwell, P.R., Alwahabi, Z.T., Nathan, G.J.
Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (2013), The University of Western Australia, pp. 263-266. - Particulate emissions from a wood-fired improved biomass stove
Lask, K.M., Medwell, P.R., Birzer, C.H., Gadgil, A.J.
Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (2013), The University of Western Australia, pp. 174-177. - The Influence of Coal Particle and Air Jet Momenta on MILD Combustion in a Recuperative Furnace
Cleary, E.M., Medwell, P.R., Dally, B.B.
Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (2013), The University of Western Australia, pp. 136-139. - A Study of Combustion Characteristics of Pulverised Coal under MILD Combustion Conditions
Saha, M., Dally, B.B., Medwell, P.R., Cleary, E.M.
Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (2013), The University of Western Australia, pp. 132-135. - Simultaneous Measurements of Temperature and Soot Volume Fraction in Turbulent Diffusion Flames
Mahmoud, S., Medwell, P.R., Dally, B.B., Alwahabi, Z.T., Nathan, G.J.
Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (2013), The University of Western Australia, pp. 104-107. - In-situ Measurements of Soot Production in the Berkeley-Darfur Stove using Laser Extinction
Lask, K.M., Medwell, P.R., Birzer, C.H., Gadgil, A.J.
Proceedings of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute Fall Meeting (2013), Colorado, USA.
- MILD Combustion of Pulverised Coal in a Recuperative Furnace
Saha, M., Cleary, M., Medwell, P.R., and Dally, B.B.
Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting (2013), Lund, Sweden, P4-78. - Application of Compact Upwind Biased Finite Difference Scheme for 2-D Time Reversal Simulations
Mimani, A., Doolan, C.J., and Medwell, P.R.
20th International Congress on Sound & Vibration (2013), Bangkok, Thailand, paper #75. - Compact Upwind Biased Dispersion Relation Preserving Finite Difference Schemes
Mimani, A., Doolan, C.J., and Medwell, P.R.
20th International Congress on Sound & Vibration (2013), Bangkok, Thailand, paper #74. - An
Experimental Study of MILD Combustion of Pulverized Coal in a Recuperative Furnace
Saha, M., Dally, B.B., Medwell, P.R., and Cleary, E.
9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (2013), Gyeongju, Korea, pg. 233. - New seeding methodology
for concentration measurement
Chan, Q. N., Medwell, P. R., Mahmoud, S., Dally, B. B., Alwahabi, Z.T., and Nathan, G. J.
6th Australian Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Fluid Mechanics and Combustion (2011), Canberra, Australia, pp. 51-54. - Invited
Review: Temperature measurement in
particle-laden reacting flows
Medwell, P. R., Chan, Q. N., Alwahabi, Z.T., Dally, B. B. and Nathan, G. J.
6th Australian Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Fluid Mechanics and Combustion (2011), Canberra, Australia, pp. 6-13. - New seeding
methodology for
two-line atomic fluorescence Part II: Reacting flows
Medwell, P. R., Chan, Q. N., Dally, B. B., Alwahabi, Z.T., and Nathan, G. J.
Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (2011), The University of Newcastle, pp. 211-214. - New seeding methodology
two-line atomic fluorescence Part I: Non-reacting flow
Chan, Q. N., Medwell, P. R., Dally, B. B., Alwahabi, Z.T., and Nathan, G. J.
Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (2011), The University of Newcastle, pp. 207-210. - Invited Review:
Turbulent Jet Flames under Hot Coflow Conditions
Dally, B. B., Birzer, C. H., and Medwell, P. R.
Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (2011), The University of Newcastle, pp. 23-30. - Analysis of the Lawn Bowl
Trajectory as a teaching tool for Sports Engineering: development of a graphical user-interface
Medwell, P. R., Brooks, L.A., and Medwell, B.S.
5th Asia-Pacific Congress on Sports Technology (2011), RMIT, Melbourne, Australia.
- Evaluation of Nonlinear
regime Two-line Atomic
Fluorescence (NTLAF) in Sooty Flames
Chan, Q.N., Medwell, P.R., Kalt, P.A.M., Alwahabi, Z.T., Dally, B.B., and Nathan, G.J.
8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (2010), Hyderabad, India. - Invited
Review: Recent advances in measurement of
turbulent reacting flows in which heat transfer is dominated by
Nathan, G.J., Kalt, P.A.M., Alwahabi, Z.T., Dally, B.B., Medwell, P.R. and Chan, Q.N.
14th International Heat Transfer Conference (2010), Washington DC, USA. - Investigation of the
Mixing Patterns inside a MILD Combustion Furnace
Dally, B.B., Szegö, G.G., Christo, F.C. and Medwell, P.R.
8th High Temperature Air Combustion and Gasification International Symposium (2010), Poznan, Poland. - Simultaneous imaging of
Soot Concentration and
Temperature in Ethylene Diffusion Flames
Chan, Q.N., Medwell, P.R., Kalt, P.A.M., Alwahabi, Z.T., Dally, B.B., and Nathan, G.J.
CHEMECA (2010), Hilton Adelaide, Australia. - Effect of Fuel Type
the Reaction Zone Structure of Moderate and Intense Low Oxygen Dilution
(MILD) Combustion
Medwell, P.R., Dally, B.B., and Chan, Q.N.
CHEMECA (2010), Hilton Adelaide, Australia. - Invited
Review: Progress and challenges in experimental
investigations of realistic turbulent reacting flows
Nathan, G.J., Alwahabi, Z.T., Dally, B.B., Medwell, P.R., and Chan, Q.N.
Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Institute (2009), University of Queensland, 23-37. - LCV Fuels Emissions
of Turbulent Nonpremixed Jet Flames Under MILD Combustion Conditions
Colorado, A.F., Medwell, P.R., and Dally, B.B.
Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Institute (2009), University of Queensland, 43-46. - Comparison of Water and
Acetone as Solvent for
Two-Line Atomic Fluorescence (TLAF)
Chan, Q.N., Medwell, P.R., Kalt, P.A.M., Alwahabi, Z.T., Dally, B.B. and Nathan, G.J.
Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Institute (2009), University of Queensland, 95-98. - Temperature imaging of
nonpremixed flames using
non-linear regime two-line atomic fluorescence (NTLAF)
Chan, Q.N., Medwell, P.R., Kalt, P.A.M., Alwahabi, Z.T., Dally, B.B. and Nathan, G.J.
Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Institute (2009), University of Queensland, 63-66. - Effects of Solvent on
Laser-induced Fluorescence
in the context of Two-Line Atomic Fluorescence
Chan, Q.N., Medwell, P.R., Kalt, P.A.M., Alwahabi, Z.T., Dally, B.B. and Nathan, G.J.
Australasian Conference on Optics Lasers and Spectroscopy (2009), The University of Adelaide, 44-45. - Temperature Measurement
Using Non-Linear Two-Line
Atomic Fluorescence
Chan, Q.N., Medwell, P.R., Kalt, P.A.M., Alwahabi, Z.T., Dally, B.B. and Nathan, G.J.
7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (2009), National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. - Development of Two-
Line Atomic Fluorescence
(TLAF) Technique for Temperature Measurement
Medwell, P.R., Chan, Q.N., Kalt, P.A.M., Alwahabi, Z.T., Dally, B.B. and Nathan, G.J.
5th Australian Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Fluid Mechanics and Combustion (2008), University of Western Australia, Perth, 115-118. - Non-Linear Regime
Two-Line Atomic Fluorescence
(NTLAF) For Temperature Measurement
Medwell, P.R., Chan, Q.N., Kalt, P.A.M., Alwahabi, Z.T., Dally, B.B. and Nathan, G.J.
5th Australian Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Fluid Mechanics and Combustion (2008), University of Western Australia, Perth, 119-122. - The Role of
Hydrocarbon Addition on the Structure and Stability of Hydrocarbon
Flames in a JHC Burner
Medwell, P.R., Kalt, P.A.M. and Dally, B.B.
7th High Temperature Air Combustion and Gasification International Symposium (2008), Phuket, Thailand. - Influence of Fuel
Composition on the MILD Combustion Reaction Zone Structure in a JHC
Medwell, P.R., Kalt, P.A.M. and Dally, B.B.
Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (2007), University of Sydney, 54-57. - Influence of Fuel
Type on Turbulent Nonpremixed Jet Flames Under MILD Combustion
Medwell, P.R., Kalt, P.A.M. and Dally, B.B.
16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (2007), Gold Coast, Australia, 1350-1355. - Structure of
Ethylene Based Nonpremixed Flames Stabilised on a JHC Burner
Medwell, P.R., Kalt, P.A.M. and Dally, B.B.
6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (2007), Nagoya Congress Centre, Nagoya, Japan, 452-455. - Effect of Fuel
Dilution on Jet Flames in a Hot and Diluted Coflow
Medwell, P.R., Kalt, P.A.M. and Dally, B.B.
5th Asia- Pacific Conference on Combustion (2005), The University of Adelaide, 325-328. - Effect of
Reynolds number on the Spatial Distribution of OH and Formaldehyde in
Jet Flames in a Hot and Diluted Coflow
Medwell, P.R., Kalt, P.A.M. and Dally, B.B.
5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (2005), The University of Adelaide, 381-384. - Quantification of
OH-LIF in Jet Diffusion Flames
Medwell, P.R., Kalt, P.A.M. and Dally, B.B.
4th Australian Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Fluid Mechanics and Combustion (2005), The University of Adelaide, McLaren Vale, 105-108.
- The influence of a bluff-body obstruction on the autoignition and flame acceleration of high-pressure hydrogen jets
Professional Interests
- Combustion
- Hydrogen
- Fluid Mechanics
- Energy Production & Utilisation
- Laser Applications
- Cookstoves
- Sports Engineering
- Standards Development
- ISO/TC 285: Head of Delegation and WG1 Project Leader
- EE-003: Chair
- AG-006: Member
- EL-048: Member
- EL-066: Member
- CS-062: Member
- ME-093: Member
Reviewer / Assessor Duties
- ACS Omega
- Acta Astronautica
- AIAA Student Conference
- Alexandria Engineering Journal
- American Chemical Society (Petroleum Research Fund)
- Applications in Energy and Combustion Science
- Applied Energy
- Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics
- Applied Optics
- Applied Spectroscopy
- Applied Thermal Engineering
- Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion
- Asia-Pacific Congress on Sports Technology
- Australian Combustion Symposium
- Australian Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Fluid Mechanics and Combustion
- Australian Research Council (ARC: DE, DP, LE, LP and FT schemes)
- Case Studies in Thermal Engineering
- CHEMECA Conference
- Chemical Engineering Journal
- Chemical Engineering Science
- Chemical Physics Letters
- Combustion and Flame
- Combustion Science and Technology
- Combustion Theory and Modelling
- Computer Physics Communications
- Design Science
- Energy & Fuels
- Energy Nexus
- Energy Technology
- Environmental Pollution
- Environmental Research
- Environmental Research Letters
- Environmental Science & Technology
- European Research Council
- Experimental Thermal and Fluid Sciences
- Experiments in Fluids
- Fire Safety Journal
- Flow, Turbulence and Combustion
- Food and Bioproducts Processing
- Fuel
- Fuel Processing Technology
- FWO Flanders Research Foundation (Belgium)
- Heat Transfer Engineering
- Heliyon
- Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
- Inhalation Toxicology
- International Journal of Sustainable Energy
- Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
- International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
- International Journal of Sustainable Energy
- Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research
- Journal of Applied Physics
- Journal of Cleaner Production
- Journal of Energy Resources Technology
- Journal of Humanitarian Engineering
- Journal of Porous Media
- Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology
- Journal of the Energy Institute
- Journal of Visualization
- Macquarie University
- Measurement Science and Technology
- Optics Communications
- Optics Letters
- Physics of Fluids
- Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
- Propulsion and Power Research
- Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
- Renewable Energy
- RMIT University
- Sensors
- Taylor and Francis (Routledge) book publisher
- Université libre de Bruxelles
- University of Melbourne
- University of New South Wales
- University of Southern Queensland
- University of Sydney
- University of Queensland
- United States Department of Energy
Teaching Interests
- Sports Engineering
- Introduction to Sports Engineering
- Sports Engineering I
- Sports Engineering II
- Sports Engineering III
- Combustion
- Aerospace Propulsion
- Combustion Technology & Emission Control
- Combustion Processes
Media Expertise
Categories Engineering, Sport Expertise Energy;
Laser Diagnostics;
Sports Engineering
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