Professor Randy Stringer
Biography/ Background
Over the past thirty years, Randy has taught, published and conducted research and policy analysis on agricultural development, natural resource management, food security, land tenure, rural development, poverty and environmental issues in Australia, Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America. Before joining the University of Adelaide, Randy was Chief of the Comparative Studies Service at the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.
At FAO, Randy's Service produced FAO's flagship publication, the State of Food and Agriculture, focusing on biotechnology, trade and poverty and environmental services. From 1996 to 2002, Randy was Deputy Director of the Centre for International Economic Studies, where he managed research programs and lectured in the School of Economics, University of Adelaide. During most of he 1980s, he was an Associate Research Scientist and Lecturer in agricultural economics at the University of Wisconsin's Land Tenure Center.
Articles, Research Papers and Book Chapters
Sayekti, A., D Gregg, R Stringer. (2023). Some like it hot: household disagreement and productivity in smallholder chilli production in Indonesia, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 1-31. DOI: 10.1080/00074918.2023.2167929.
Amaruzaman, S., DK Bardsley, R Stringer. (2023). Analysing agricultural policy outcomes in the uplands of Indonesia: A multi-dimensional sustainability assessment, Sustainable Development, January 2023.
Hasibuan Abdul Muis, Daniel Gregg, Randy Stringer. (2022). Risk preferences, intra-household dynamics and spatial effects on chemical inputs use: Case of small-scale citrus farmers in Indonesia, Land Use Policy, Vol 122, 2022, ISSN 0264-8377,
Amaruzaman, S., Bardsley, D.K. & Stringer, R. Reflexive policies and the complex socio-ecological systems of the upland landscapes in Indonesia. Agriculture and Human Values 39, 683–700 (2022).
Hasibuan A, Gregg D, Stringer R. (2021) The role of certification, risk and time preferences in promoting adoption of climate-resistant citrus varieties in Indonesia. Climatic Change 164, 37 (2021).
Sayekti AL, Zeng D, Stringer R (2020). Impact of hybrid seeds on demand for labour: the case of chilli production in Indonesia, Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies 10(5).
Hasibuan A, Gregg D, Stringer R (2020) Accounting for diverse risk attitudes in measures of risk perceptions: A case study of climate change risk for small-scale citrus farmers in Indonesia. Land Use Policy, 95:1-18.
Bardsley, D., E. Palazzo and R. Stringer. (2019) What should we conserve? Farmer narratives on biodiversity values in the McLaren Vale, South Australia. Land Use Policy, 83 (April), 1-18.
Bateman, L., Yi, D., Cacho, O., & Stringer. R. (2018). Payments for environmental services to strengthen ecosystem connectivity in an agricultural landscape. Environment and Development Economics, 23(6), 635-654. doi:10.1017/S1355770X1800030X.
Yi, D., T. Reardon and R. Stringer (2018) Shrimp aquaculture technology change in Indonesia: Are small farmers included? Aquaculture, Volume 493, 1 August 2018, Pages 436-445.
Johns C, P. Lyon P, R. Stringer and W. Umberger (2017) Changing urban consumer behaviour and the role of different retail outlets in the food industry of Fiji, Asia Pacific Development Journal 24(1):117-145 2017.
Thomas Reardon, Randy Stringer, C. Peter Timmer, Nicholas Minot & Arief Daryanto (2015) ‘Transformation of the Indonesian Agrifood System and the Future beyond Rice’, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 51:3, 369-373.
Nicholas Minot, Randy Stringer, Wendy J. Umberger & Wahida Maghraby (2015) ‘Urban Shopping Patterns in Indonesia and Their Implications for Small Farmers’, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 51:3, 375-388.
Sahara Sahara, Nicholas Minot, Randy Stringer & Wendy J. Umberger. (2015) ‘Determinants and Effects of Small Chilli Farmers’ Participation in Supermarket Channels in Indonesia,’ Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 51:3, 445-460.
Stringer, R. (2015) ‘Food Security Global Overview, in Martin Caraher and John Coveney Editors, Food Poverty and Insecurity: International Food Inequalities, Springer Press.
Ogbeide, T. R. Stringer and C. Ford, (2014) ‘Are Australian Wine Consumers Willing to Pay for the Expert Service of Wine Retailers? Journal of Wine Research, Volume 25, Issue 3, July 2014, pages 189-208.
Brindal, M. and R. Stringer. (2013). Water Scarcity and Urban Forests: Science and Public Policy Lessons from a Decade of Drought in Adelaide, (2013), Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 39 (3): 102-109.
B. Boniface, A. Gyau, R. Stringer. (2012). Linking price satisfaction and business performance in Malaysia's dairy industry, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. 24 Iss: 2, pp.288 – 304.
E. Puspitawati, A. Gyau, R. Stringer, and Wendy J. Umberger. (2011) Determinants of Trust in the Indonesian Potato Industry: A Comparison Between Groups of Potato Farmers’ Journal of Agribusiness 29, 1.
Boniface, A. Gyau, R. Stringer and W. Umberger. (2010). Building producer loyalty in Malaysia’s fresh milk supply chain,’ Australasian Agribusiness Review, 2010 Vol.18, No.5, pp.66-84.B.
Stringer, R., N. Sang and A. Croppenstedt (2009). Producers, Processors, and Procurement Decisions: The Case of Vegetable Supply Channels in China, World Development, November, 2009 (Vol. 37, No. 11)
Payment for Environmental Services in Agricultural Landscapes: Economic Policies and Poverty Reduction in Developing Countries. 2009. Natural Resource Management and Policy, Vol. 31. Editors: Leslie Lipper, Takumi Sakuyama, Randy Stringer and David Zilberman Springer Press.
Managing Wildlife Damage to Agriculture in Bhutan: Conflicts, Costs and Compromise, K. Ura, R. Stringer and E. Bulte. 2009 in Payment for Environmental Services in Agricultural Landscapes: Economic Policies and Poverty Reduction in Developing Countries, Natural Resource Management and Policy, Vol. 31. Editors: Leslie Lipper, Takumi Sakuyama, Randy Stringer and David Zilberman Springer Press.
Elephants or Onions? Paying for Nature in Amboseli, Kenya, E. Bulte, R. B. Boone, R. Stringer and P. K. Thornton (2008) Environment and Development Economics Volume 13 Issue 3.
Payments for Ecosystem Services and Poverty Reduction: Concepts, Issues and Empirical Perspectives, E. Bulte, L. Lipper, R. Stringer and D. Zilberman (2008) Environment and Development Economics Volume 13 Issue 3.
Developing Countries and Multifunctional Agriculture, with Haen, 2006. Paper presented at the Scientific Conference Multifunctional Agriculture in the 21st Century, commemorating the 125th anniversary of the founding of the Agricultural College, Humboldt University, Berlin, 4 July 2006.
Eradicating Extreme Poverty and Hunger: Towards a Coherent Policy Agenda, with P. Pingali and K. Stamoulis, 2006. ESA Working Paper No. 06-01, Rome; FAO.
Poverty impacts of agricultural trade reforms, 2005. With Tom Hertel, Chapter 5, The State of Food and Agriculture, Rome: FAO.
Agricultural Trade and Poverty; Can trade work for the poor? 2005. Special Chapter Editor, The State of Food and Agriculture, Rome: FAO
The multiple roles of agriculture in developing countries, 2005. In Sustaining Agriculture and the Rural Environment edited by Floor Brouwer, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Resource quality and changing diets in Asia: Implications for research and policy. 2005, with Prabhu Pingali. Proceedings, Soil, Water and Environmental Quality Issues and strategies, Indian Society of Soil Science.
Agriculture's Contributions to Economic and Social Development, with Prabhu Pingali, 2004, Journal of Agricultural and Development Economics, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2004, pp. 1-5.
Food Security and Agriculture in the Low Income Food Deficit Countries: 10 Years After the Uruguay Round, (2004) with Prabhu Pingali, in Agricultural Policy Reform and The WTO, Where Are We Heading? Edited by Giovanni Anania, Mary E. Bohman, Colin A. Carter and Alex F. McCalla, Edward Elgar.
The Economics of Protecting Tiger Populations: Linking Household Behaviour to Poaching and Prey Depletion, with R. Damania, K.A. Karanth and B. Stith, Land Economics, Volume 79, No. 2, May 2003. pp. 198-216.
The Economics of Forestry Protection, 2003. In, The role of natural resources in food, agriculture and forestry, V. Squires ed., Paris: ELOSS/UNESCO Publishing.
Australia's Environmental Policies and Agricultural Trade, with K. Anderson. (2002) In, Public concerns, environmental standards and agricultural trade, F. Brouwer and D. Ervin Eds. Wallingford: CABI Publishing.
Food Security and Poverty in Developing Countries, 2001. In Contemporary Issues in Development Economics, B. N. Ghosh Ed, London: Routledge.
Grapes, Wine and Water: Modelling Water Policy Reforms in Australia, with G. Wittwer, CIES Discussion Papers 0141.November 2001.
How important are the non-traditional economic roles agriculture in development?, CIES Discussion Paper 0118, April 2001, Adelaide: CIES.
Constraints on Structural Adjustment and Trade: The Role of Land Institutions and Regulations, in East Asia, Pacific Economic Papers, No. 305 July 2000.
The Impacts of Indonesia's Economic Crisis on Food Crops and Food Security, In Indonesia's Economic Crisis: Effects on Agriculture and Policy Responses 1999, P. Siimatupang S. Pasaribu, S. Bahri and R. Stringer editors, Adelaide: CIES.
International Developments and Sustainable Agriculture in Australia, (with K. Anderson) Australasian Agribusiness Review, June 1999.
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