Associate Professor Susan Freeman

Associate Professor Susan Freeman
  • Biography/ Background

    Associate Professor Susan Freeman is the Discipline Leader for International Business in the Adelaide Business School, Faculty of the Professions, University of Adelaide. She is also the Director of the International Business Research Group (IBRG); and the Program Director - Master of International Business (MIB). In 2011 she was the Associate Dean (Research and Higher Degree) for the Faculty of the Professions across 5 Schools. She was awarded a Faculty of the Professions Executive Dean's Commendation for Excellence in Research 2014.Susan is the Vice President of the Australian New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) (2014-2016) announced in April at the annual ANZIBA 2014 Conference held in Auckland, New Zealand hosted by the University of Auckland. Susan holds a PhD in international marketing/international business from Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. Her research focus is international business strategy including early accelerated internationalising smaller firms; international entrepreneurship; services internationalisation; CSR and global business; and emerging markets, with a particular interest in the Asian region, and on qualitative research methodologies. Susan is an Associate Editor of International Marketing Review (IMR) announced in June 2013. Susan has been invited to this position by the editorial board because of her international research expertise across international marketing and international business. In particular, her foci will allow IMR to develop and enhance its position in key areas at the border of international marketing and international business.She has received a number of competitive research grants including the Nationally competitive Marsden (New Zealand) Grant (2014-2016), European Union (EU) Centre Funding, Industry and both Adelaide and Monash University Faculty and centre funding. She has conducted research with UK Trade & Investment, British Consulate on international business since 2004. In 2006, she was a member of the judging panel for UK Trade & Investment's International Business Awards in Sydney. She has supervised 8 PhDs, 3 Masters and 14 honours students and currently supervises 8 PhD students in International Business, Management and Marketing. Susan was a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash from 2004-2009 and Department of Marketing from 1995-2003. She has extensive local and overseas teaching experience in international business, strategic management and marketing. She taught at universities in the Netherlands, Austria, Finland and Belgium while living in the Netherlands and Austria from 1989-1995. She has held diverse senior administrative roles at Central, Faculty and Department levels within Monash, including Director of Education, Department of Management (2008-2009); Associate Director Monash European and EU Centre (ongoing); Deputy Director International Business Research Group (2007-2009); Faculty Course Coordinator Masters of International Business (2007-2009); Director Higher Degree Research, Department of Management (2005-6); Monash Research Graduate School Steering Committee Member 2005-6; Monash Ethics Management Committee (2005-6) and Reader (2000-6). She has co-edited a leading Austral-Asian international business text book, by Cavusgil, Knight, Riesenberger, Rammal and Freeman, S. (2012) "International Business: The New Realities", Australasian Edition, Pearson Australia, written numerous book chapters and published journal articles on international business/ management/marketing in Management International Review, Journal of World Business, Journal of International Marketing, Supply Chain Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, International Business Review, International Journal of Service Industry Management, European Business Review, Journal of Services Marketing and Journal of East-West Business. She has also presented extensively in this field at international conferences and provided a number of reports to industry on Australian internationalising firms. She was one of 16 Higher Degree Research supervisors across Monash nominated for the 2006 Top PhD Supervisor of the Year Award, awarded by the Monash Post-Graduate Association; and nominated for the Vice-Chancellors Award for Excellence in honours supervision in 2009. She was appointed as a visiting scholar at the Manchester Business School, in 2008 in the United Kingdom. She was on Outside Study (Research) Leave from 1 July to 31 December 2007, while at Monash University and on Special Studies (Research) Program leave from July 2013 to the end January 2014.
  • Qualifications

    PhD (Marketing), Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University, Australia (2003)

    MEdSts (Education), Faculty of Education, Monash University, Australia (1989)

    DipEd Mercy College, Ascot Vale, Victoria, Australia (1983)

    BEco Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University, Australia (1980)

  • Awards & Achievements

    Research Awards/Nominations

    Best paper ‘Sion Raveed Award' awarded at the 2012 Business Association of Latin American Studies (BALAS) 2012 Conf in Rio de Janerio, Brazil 28-30th March, hosted by Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janerio.

    Nominated for the 2009 Vice-Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Honours Supervision, awarded by the Monash University Post-Graduate Association (MPA), Clayton, Victoria.

    One of 16 HDR supervisors across Monash University nominated for the 2006 Top PhD Supervisor of the Year Award, awarded by the Monash University Post-Graduate Association (MPA), Clayton, Victoria.

    PhD Award for 2003, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University, Peninsula Campus.

    Teaching Awards/Nominations

    Nominated for The Dean's Award for Outstanding Teaching 2008 by the Director, MBA Program, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University.

  • Teaching Interests

    Teaching and Research Roles Overseas and Local:

    Susan has recently introduced a new Graduate Program which commenced in Semester One, 2011, the Master of International Business (MIB). She is also the Program Director for the MIB (For details click on the following website link :

    She is currently teaching International Business and Corporate Responsibility for Global Business at undergraduate level; Advanced Theory in International Business (Honours); Global Business in the MBA Program; Managing People Across Borders and the Research Project in the (MIB) Program, in Adelaide.

    Previously, she lived in The Netherlands and Austria from 1990-1995 teaching at European Universities including Open University (UK; Netherlands, Belgium, Austria) teaching culture and business; Leiden University (Netherlands) research into university graduate attributes; University of Vienna (Austria) teaching Australian cultural studies and women's studies; International Christian University (Austria) teaching international business (Masters); Helsinki Business School (Finland) teaching strategic management and guest lecturer at Klagernfurt University (Austria) on Australian cultural studies and literature.

    She was the Unit Leader at Monash, for International Business (MBA) providing design, development and assessment (2006-2009); and Unit Leader, for International Business (Undergraduate) providing design, development and assessment (2004-2005).

    She was a regular guest lecturer on Qualitative Research Design in the Honours/Masters/PhD program, Department of Management, Monash, 2005-2009.

    She has taught a diverse range of graduate and undergraduate marketing and management subjects both on-Campus and off-Campus during her appointment at Monash University from 1995-2009, at Clayton, Caulfield and Peninsula campuses.

  • Research Interests

    Susan has received a number of competitive research grants from the European Union, Industry and Monash University. She has conducted research with UK Trade & Investment, British Consulate on international business since 2004. She has co-edited a leading international text book, Cavusgil, S.T., Knight, G., Riesenberger, J.R., Rammal, H.G, and Freeman, S. (2012) "International Business: The New Realities", Australasian Edition, Pearson Australia, written several book chapters and published journal articles on international business/ management/marketing in Management International Review, Journal of World Business, Journal of International Marketing, International Human Resource Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, Supply Chain Management, International Business Review, International Journal of Service Industry Management, European Business Review, Journal of Services Marketing and Journal of East-West Business, with an emphasis on smaller firms. She has also presented extensively in this field at international conferences and provided a number of reports to industry on Australian internationalising firms.

    She has supervised 8 PhDs and 14 honours students and currently supervises 8 PhDs and 2 Masters students, in both International Business, Management and Marketing disciplines, since the late 90s in the areas of early accelerated internationalising smaller firms; services internationalisation; cross border international management; foreign direct investment; entrepreneurship; international buyer-seller relationships; emerging markets; and cultural sensitivity.

    International Business Research Group (IBRG) The Business School has reinvigorated multiple aspects of its International Business discipline from its undergraduate pathway, through to the establishment of the new Master of International Business (MIB) program in 2011. Susan set up the International Business Research Group (IBRG) in early 2011, following her recent appointment as Associate Professor in International Business. Her research focus reflects her research strengths in international business strategy including early accelerated internationalising smaller firms, services internationalisation, international entrepreneurship, and emerging markets. Research and Ph.D., Masters (Research) and Honours supervision in the discipline of International Business covers a wide range of areas.

    The IBRG focus is on three broad multi-disciplinary areas:

    1. Internationalisation Process for SMEs
    2. International Entrepreneurship
    3. Globalisation and Trade

    In detail, the three broad research fields for IBRG cover a range of specific multi-disciplinary topics including: international business strategy, trade, globalisation, international entrepreneurship, family business/SMEs, international marketing, international buyer-seller relationships, international human resource management, cross-cultural management, leadership, mergers and acquisitions, strategic management of international alliances and networks, organisational sustainability, ethics, and technology, knowledge transfer and innovation management. The comparison of advanced and emerging and developing markets of East and South Asia are of particular interest given our geographic location, with specialisation also occurring in Central and Eastern Europe and Latin America.

  • Research Funding

    In 2009 she was successful in a three faculty (Arts, Business and Economics, and Law) grant from the European Commission (2010-2013) ME&ECC Relex Funding source for I million EUROS. In addition to which Monash University contributed a further 25% of the total amount of the EC Grant. The grant source was the European Commission Directorate-General for External Relations - for the Establishment of European Union Centre in Australia New Zealand. As Faculty Director of the Monash European and EU Centre, Susan coordinated the Faculty of Business and Economics for this grant source. The title of the grant was The EU and Global Challenges. Susan is now an Associate Director for the Monash European and EU Centre.

    Other grant sources have included 2 Monash University Faculty of Business and Economics, and 1 Monash University Institute for the Study of Global Movements, focusing on Australian high technology, knowledge intensive firms involved in services internationalisation and international new ventures entering emerging and developed economies. She has had numerous department grants and a number of external grants: 1 from the Italian Chamber of Commerce, in Melbourne, focusing on buyer-seller relationships in Italian food imports; and 2 from the Monash Law Faculty, focusing on course structure and viability; and precinct facilities. She also has two external grants from the British Consulate-General, UK Trade & Investment (UKTI), Australia, focusing on Australian exports and foreign direct investment (FDI) into the UK. In 2007-2008, she was commissioned by Lord Digby Jones, the then Minister of State for UKTI, UK to conduct a research project focusing on born-global and service internationalisation, in the context of Australian high technology knowledge intensive multinational enterprises involved in FDI in the UK.

  • Publications

    Publications By Category

    Books (refereed)

    Cavusgil, S.T., Knight, G., Riesenberger, J.R., Rammal, H.G, & Freeman, S. (2012) "International Business: The New Realities", Australasian Edition, Pearson Australia.

    Book Chapters

    Freeman, S., Rao Hill, S. & Troshani, I. (2012), ‘An eclectic perspective on the internationalization of Australian mobile services SMEs', in Strategy, Adoption and Competitive Advantage of Mobile, published by Idea Group Global (IG Global)), edited by In Lee, Western Illinois University, USA.

    Freeman, S., (2012) ‘Born Global firms' Use of Networks and Alliances: A Social Dynamic Perspective,' in Mika Gabrielsson and V.H. Manek Kirpalani (eds), Handbook of Research on Born Globals, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.

    Freeman, S., Matanda, M. & Lam, T. (2012) ‘The relationship between market orientation, internal marketing process and Guanxi', in The Global China - Institutional Challenges, published by Routledge, London, edited by Russell Smyth and Madhumita Bhattacharya, pp. 1-22. (forthcoming).

    Freeman, S. & Lim, C. (2008) ‘Trust, Dependency and Reciprocity: Interconnections of Key Dimensions of Guanxi', in Small and Medium Enterprises in East Asia: Small and Medium Enterprises in East Asia - Sectoral and Regional Dimensions, Studies of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in East Asia, Volume IV by Charles Harvie and Boon-Chye Lee (Editors), University of Wollongong, Part II International Perspectives and Linkages, Chapter 5, pp. 112-134, published by Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.

    Freeman, S. (2005) ‘Understanding the Internationalisation Process of the Small Firm', in Charles Harvie and Boon-Chye Lee (Editors), Sustaining Growth and Performance in East Asia: Studies of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in East Asia, Volume III, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, USA, Ch. 9 ‘Key issues in understanding the internationalization process of the small firm: An Australian perspective', pp. 209-233.

    Freeman, S. (2002) ‘Understanding the Internationalisation Process of the Small Firm', chapter in SMEs in a Global Economy, Volume 3, published by Edward Elgar, edited by Charles Harvie and Boon-Chye Lee, Wollongong, University of Wollongong, NSW, pp.1-30.

    Freeman, S. (2001) ‘Technology and Global Competitiveness: International SMEs Participating in High Technology Industries' book chapter 6, in Small and medium enterprises in the information age: Asian perspectives, (edited by Moha Asri Abdullah, University Sciences Malaysia), pp. 208-239.

    FitzRoy, P., Freeman, S. & Yip, G. (2000) ‘Australia - Asian Future' (Revised) in Asian Advantage: Key Strategies for Winning in the Asia-Pacific Region, by George Yip, Published by Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc., Chapter 14, pp. 294-315.

    FitzRoy, P., Freeman, S. & Yip, G. (1998) ‘Australia - Asian Future' in Asian Advantage: Key Strategies for Winning in the Asia-Pacific Region, by George Yip, Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc., Chapter 14, pp. 294-315.

    Refereed Journal Articles

    Trudgen, R. & Freeman, S. "Measuring the Performance of Born-global firms throughout their Development Process:
    The Roles of Initial Market Selection and Internationalisation Speed", Management International Review, (forthcoming)

    Wang, D., Fan, D., Freeman, S., & Zhu, C., "Skill - Cross-cultural competence" mechanisms: Empirical evidence from Chinese expatriate managers", International Business Review, (forthcoming)

    Smans, M., Freeman, S., & Thomas, J., "Immigrant entrepreneurs: The identification of foreign market opportunities", International Migration, (forthcoming)

    Kristin Hah & Freeman, S., "Multinational enterprise subsidiaries and their CSR: a conceptual framework of the management of CSR in smaller emerging economies", Journal of Business Ethics, (forthcoming)

    Felzensztein Jimenez, C., Benson-Rea, M., Stringer, C. & Freeman, S., "International marketing strategies in industrial clusters: insights from the southern hemisphere", Journal of Business Research (Forthcoming).

    Wang, D., Freeman, S., & Zhu, C. J, "Personality traits and cross-cultural competence ofChinese expatriate managers: A socio-analytic and institutional perspective", International Human Resource Management (Forthcoming).

    Freeman, S., Deligonul, Z. & Cavusgil "Strategic re-structuring by born-globals using outward and inward-oriented activity", International Marketing Review (Special Issue: SME Internationalization Patterns) Issue 2, (forthcoming).

    Freeman, S., Giroud, A., Kalfadellis, P. & Ghauri, P. (2012) Psychic Distance and Environment: Impact on Increased Resource Commitment, European Business Review. Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 351-373.

    Bangara, A., Freeman, S. & Schroder, B. (2012) ‘Legitimacy and Accelerated Internationalisation: An Indian Perspective', Journal of World Business,

    Cavanagh, A., & Freeman, S. (2011) ‘The Development of Subsidiary Roles in the Motor Vehicle Manufacturing Industry', International Business Review, Vol 16

    Eibel-Spanyi, K., & Freeman, S. (2011) ‘The role of knowledge transfer and network relationships for stimulating growth in the professional services sector' Int. J. Economics and Business Research, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 494-513.

    Freeman, S., Hutchings, K., & Chetty, S. (2012) ‘Born-globals and Culturally Proximate Markets', Management International Review, Vol. 52, No. 3, pp. 425-460 .

    Freeman, S., Daniel, L. & Murad, W. (2012) ‘Knowledge and Network Development for Service Firm Entry into Emerging Asian Markets, Asian Business and Management, (Special Issue) Volume 11(1).

    Freeman, S., & Lindsay, S. (2011) ‘The Effect of Ethnic Diversity on Expatriate Managers in their Host Country' International Business Review.

    Freeman, S., Hutchings, K., Lazarius, M. & Zyngier, S. (2010) "A Model of Rapid Knowledge Development: The Smaller Born-global firm", International Business Review, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 70-84.

    Matanda, M. & Freeman, S. (2009) ‘Effect of Perceived Environmental Uncertainty on Exporter-Importer Inter-organisational Relationships and Export Performance Improvement", International Business Review, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 89-107.

    Freeman, S., & Sandwell, M.(2008) ‘Professional Service Firms Entering Emerging Markets: The Role of Network Relationships', Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 198-212.

    Freeman, S. & S.T. Cavusgil (2007) ‘Entrepreneurial Strategies for Accelerated Internationalization of Smaller Born Globals', Journal of International Marketing, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 1-40.

    Freeman, S., D. Cray, & Sandwell, M. (2007) ‘Networks and Australian Professional Services in Newly Emerging Markets of Asia', International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 152-166.

    Inglis, L., D. Cray & Freeman, S. (2007) ‘Managing The Arts: Leadership and Decision Making under Dual Rationalities', Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 295-313.

    Reid, I. and Freeman, S. (2006) ‘Foreign Market-entry into Central and Eastern Europe: Australian Firms in Poland and the Czech Republic', Journal of East-West Business, Vol. 12, No. 2/3, pp. 109 - 129.

    Freeman, S. and Reid, I. (2006) ‘Constraints Facing Small Western Firms in Transitional Markets', European Business Review, Vol. 18 No. 3. pp. 187-213.

    Freeman, S., R. Edwards, & Schroder, B. (2006) ‘How Smaller Born-global Firms Use Networks and Alliances to Overcome Constraints to Rapid Internationalization' Journal of International Marketing, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 33-63.

    Freeman, S. and Browne, E. (2004) ‘The influence of national culture on dissolution communication strategies in Western versus Asian business relationships: A theoretical model', Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol. 9, No. 2. pp. 169-182.

    Freeman, S. (2003) ‘The management of conflict in buyer-relationships: A case study of an Australian exporter in Asian and US markets', The Asian Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 8, No. 2, July, pp. 109-132.

    Freeman, S. (2000) ‘Industry Environment: Influence on Performance of Small to Medium Enterprises in Asian Pacific Markets', The Asian Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 5, No. 2, July, pp. 96-113.

    Refereed Conference Papers
    Freeman, S., C. Welch & L. Welch (2011) ‘Expanding perspectives on re-internationalisation', Academy of International Business - UK and Ireland (AIB UK&I) Chapter, April 14-16 2011, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, Scotland.

    Freeman, S., S.Deligonul & S.T. Cavusgil (2011) 'De-internationalization: A protective and corrective strategic choice for smaller born-global firms?', Consortium for International Marketing Research (CIMaR) 2011 Annual Conference, April 6-9 2011, Georgia State University, Atlanta Georgia, USA.

    Freeman, S. & Hutchings, K. (2010) ‘Born-globals and Culturally Proximate Markets', Academy of International Business (AIB) 2008 Annual Conference, Rio, Brazil, June 26-29, 2010.

    Freeman, S. & Trudgen, R. (2010) ‘The impact of a Global Crisis on the Performance of New Ventures', Academy of International Business (AIB) 2008 Annual Conference, Rio, Brazil, June 26-29, 2010.

    Lazarius, M.*** & Freeman, S. (2009) ‘Domestic Market Operations and Internationalization: How domestically acquired knowledge and networks constrain internationalization', Academy of International Business (AIB) 2008 Annual Conference, San Diego, USA, June 27-30, 2009.

    Freeman, S., Hutchings, K., Lazarius, M.*** & Zyngier, S. (2009) ‘Factors leading to new knowledge development in early internationalizing smaller born-global firms', Academy of International Business (AIB) 2009 Annual Conference, San Diego, USA, June 27-30, 2009

    Cavanagh, A.*** & Freeman, S. (2009) ‘The evolution of subsidiary roles in the Australian Motor Vehicle Manufacturing Industry', Australia New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) Annual Conference, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, April 2009.

    Wang, D.*** & Freeman, S. (2009) ‘Unique Motivations, Strategies and Challenges for Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment', Australia New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) Annual Conference, Brisbane, April 2009.

    Freeman, S., Kalfadellis, P.***, & Giroud, A. (2008) ‘The Effect of Psychic Distance on Repeat Investment Decisions: Australian Firms' Early Investment in the United Kingdom' in Knowledge Development and Exchange in International Business Networks Academy of International Business (AIB) 2008 Annual Conference, Milan, Italy, June 30 - July 3, 2008, Universita Bocconi, Conference Proceeding, (ed) John Cantwell. (CD-ROM).

    Freeman, S., Lazaris, M.*** & Zyngier, S. (2008) ‘An exploration of the effect of trust on absorptive capacity in smaller born-global suppliers', Business & Economics Society International (BESI) 2008 Conference Lugano, Switzerland July 15-19, 2008 Hotel De La Paix. Conference proceeding, p. 85.

    Bangara, A.***, & Freeman, S. & Schroder, B. (2008) ‘The affect of domestic experience on the internationalisation of smaller Indian firms' in Knowledge Development and Exchange in International Business Networks Academy of International Business (AIB) 2008 Annual Conference, Milan, Italy, June 30 - July 3, 2008, Universita Bocconi, Conference Proceeding, (ed) John Cantwell. (CD-ROM).

    Freeman, S. (2007) ‘An Integrated Framework of De-internationalization Strategies for Smaller Born-globals', The 23rd Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Group Conference, Manchester, United Kingdom, 30 August - 1 September 2007 (CD-ROM).

    Kerrigan, F. & Freeman, S. (2007) ‘Towards a typology of interpersonal relationship development: The International Art Market', The 23rd Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Group Conference, Manchester, United Kingdom, 30 August - 1 September 2007 (CD-ROM).

    Bangara, A.***, & Freeman, S. (2007) ‘International Market Selection by Indian SMEs: The Influence of Psychic Distance and Networks' AIB - UK Chapter, London, United Kingdom, Kings-College, London, Apr 11-13, 2007 (CD-ROM).

    Lazaris, M.***, & Freeman, S. (2006) ‘How organizational resources may inhibit the internationalization of older SMEs', Australia New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Annual Conference, 6-9 December, Rockhampton, QLD, Australia (CD-ROM).

    Bangara, A.***, & Freeman, S. (2006) ‘From emerging to developed markets: Entrepreneurship in smaller exporting firms', Australia New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Annual Conference, 6-9 December, Rockhampton, QLD, Australia (CD-ROM).

    Kalfadellis, P.***, Gray, J. & Freeman S. (2006) ‘The relationship between location advantages and investment intentions: perceptions of foreign subsidiaries operating in Australia', Australia New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) Annual Conference, 16-18 November, Wellington, New Zealand. (CD-ROM).

    Cray, D, Inglis, L. & Freeman, S. (2006) "Strategic decision making in the arts: Topics and processes', Proceedings of Australian Centre for Research in Employment and Work, July 1-4, 2006, Prato Italy. (CD-ROM).

    Inglis, L, Cray, D & Freeman, S. (2006) "Leading arts organizations: Traditional styles or different realities?', Proceedings of Australian Centre for Research in Employment and Work, July 1-4, 2006, Prato Italy. (CD-ROM).

    Inglis, L. Cray, D & Freeman, S. (2006) ‘Shared leadership in Arts Organisations', at the ANZSTR Conference, Adelaide, November 2006. (CD-ROM).

    Freeman, S. (2006) ‘Use of Networks and International Knowledge by Service Firms in Emerging Markets of Asia', Special Panel: International Competitiveness of Trade in Services, Academy of International Business (AIB) 2006 Annual Conference, Beijing, China, June 23 - 26, 2006, Peking University, Guanghua School of Management, Conference Proceeding, (ed) Mary Ann Von Glinow. (CD-ROM).

    Bangara, A.***, Freeman, S. & Kalfadellis, P. (2006) ‘From Emerging To Developed Markets: Entrepreneurship In Smaller Exporting Firms' Academy of International Business (AIB) 2006 Annual Conference, Beijing, China, June 23 - 26, 2006, Peking University, Guanghua School of Management, Conference Proceeding, (ed) Mary Ann Von Glinow. (CD-ROM).

    Matanda, M.,& Freeman, S. (2006) ‘Using Buyer-Seller Relationships to Manage Perceived Environmental Uncertainty in Export Markets: Perspectives of Suppliers in Developing Countries', The Leadership & Management Studies in Sub-Sahara Africa 2006 conference, 25-27 June, Zanzibar. (CD-ROM).

    Kalfadellis, P.***, Gray, J. & Freeman, S. (2005) ‘The ‘National Interest' and the Screening of Foreign Direct Investment in Australia', Australia New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) Annual Conference, The Impact of Multinational Enterprises on the Business and Social Environment, Monash University, 10-11 November, Melbourne, Australia, Conference Proceeding (ed) Chris Nyland and Ron Edwards, pp. 1-22. (CD-ROM).

    Kalfadellis, P., Gray, J. and Freeman S. (2005) "The Environmental Factors that Impact on Foreign Subsidiaries Operating in Australia" Conference Proceedings of the International Management Development Association (IMDA), Fourteenth Annual World Business Congress, Granada, Spain 10-14 July, pp. 1-22. (CD-ROM).

    Kalfadellis, P.***, Gray, J & Freeman S. (2005) "Established Foreign Subsidiary Attitudes to the Environment: An Australian Perspective" Conference Proceedings of the European International Business Academy (EIBA) Oslo, Norway 10-13 December, pp. 1-8. (CD-ROM).

    Fry, R. & Freeman, S. (2005) ‘Small ‘Born Global' Exporters: A unifying Framework of their Internationalisation Paths', Australia New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) Annual Conference, The Impact of Multinational Enterprises on the Business and Social Environment, Monash University, 10-11 November, Melbourne, Australia, Conference Proceeding (ed) Chris Nyland and Ron Edwards, pp. 1-25. (CD-ROM).

    Georgiou, M.***, Freeman, S. & Edwards, R. (2005) ‘International Entrepreneurship: Antecedents and Outcomes', Australia New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) Annual Conference, The Impact of Multinational Enterprises on the Business and Social Environment, Monash University, 10-11 November, Melbourne, Australia, Conference Proceeding (ed) Chris Nyland and Ron Edwards, pp. 1-25. (CD-ROM).

    Reid, I.*** & Freeman, S. (2005) ‘A post-entry framework in the transitional market context', Australia New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) Annual Conference, The Impact of Multinational Enterprises on the Business and Social Environment, Monash University, 10-11 November, Melbourne, Australia, Conference Proceeding (ed) Chris Nyland and Ron Edwards, pp. 1-21. (CD-ROM).

    Bangara, A.***, Freeman, S. & Kalfadellis, P. (2005) "Drivers and barriers facing smaller emergent market exporters entering developed markets', Australia New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) Annual Conference, The Impact of Multinational Enterprises on the Business and Social Environment, Monash University, 10-111 November, Melbourne, Australia, Conference Proceeding (ed) Chris Nyland and Ron Edwards, pp. 1-20. (CD-ROM).

    Freeman, S., Edwards, R. & Schroder, B. (2005) ‘How Small Born-globals Overcome Constraints', Academy of International Business (AIB) 2005 Annual Conference, Local Roots, Global Links, Laval University, Quebec, Canada, Conference Proceeding, (ed) Yves Doz and Tunga Kiyak, pp. 1-35. (CD-ROM).

    Freeman, S. & Sandwell, M.*** (2005) ‘Barriers Facing Service Firms in Emerging Markets', Academy of International Business (AIB) 2005 Annual Conference, Local Roots, Global Links, Laval University, Quebec, Canada, Conference Proceeding, (ed) Yves Doz and Tunga Kiyak, pp. 1-29. (CD-ROM).

    Browne, E.***, Freeman, S. & Edwards, R. (2004) ‘Managing dissolution in Chinese-German buyer-seller relationships', ANZAM Annual Conference, New Zealand, December 2004 (CD-ROM).

    Sandwell, M.*** and Freeman, S. (2004) ‘The process of foreign market entry for professional service firms: A case study of an Australian law firm in a newly emerging market', Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) 2004 Conference Proceedings, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2-4, 2004, (CD-ROM), pp. 1-28.

    Freeman, S., Young, L. & Lim, C.*** (2004) ‘Business-to Business Relationships in Chinese Contexts: Conceptualising the interconnections of key Guanxi constructs', EMAC Annual Conference, Murcia, Spain, 2004, (CD-ROM), p.p. 1-9.

    Reid, I.*** & Freeman, S. (2003) ‘A proposal for a modification of Johanson and Mattsson's (1988) typology of international business networks for entry into turbulent transitional markets', ANZMAC Annual Conference, Adelaide, Dec 1-3, (CD-ROM), p.p.1-9.

    Freeman, S., Lim, C.*** & Ewing, M. (2003) ‘Dependency, reciprocity and trust in Sino-Australian business relationships', ABERU, Institutional Challenges for The Global China, 13-14 November, Melbourne, (CD-ROM), pp. 1-19.

    Freeman, S., Matanda, M. & Lam, T.*** (2003) ‘The relationship between market orientation, internal marketing process and Guanxi', ABERU, Institutional Challenges for The Global China, 13-14 November, Melbourne, (CD-ROM), pp. 1-19.

    Freer, C.*** & Freeman, S. (2002) ‘Dual perspective of control mechanisms in international JVs: comparative study of Australian JVs in India' ANZMAC Annual Conference, Melbourne Dec 2002, (CD-ROM), pp. 1-7.

    Freeman, S., Freer, C.*** & Vaaland, T. (2002) ‘The external environment and its influence on the control dimensions employed by international joint venture (IJV) partners in achieving strategic objectives', Culture and Collaboration in Distribution Networks, The Inaugural Meeting of the IMP Group in Asia, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia, 11-13 December, 2002. CD, pp.1-21.

    Freeman, S., Vaaland, T., & Browne, E.*** (2002) ‘National culture and its influence on dissolution communication strategies in Western versus Asian business relationships', Culture and Collaboration in Distribution Networks, The Inaugural Meeting of the IMP Group in Asia, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia, 11-13 December, 2002, CD, pp. 1-21.

    Vaaland, T. & Freeman, S., (2002) ‘From industrial friendship to two years in Court: The design of a sensitive case study', The 18th Annual IMP Conference, hosted by ESC Dijon (Ecole Superieure de Commerce, Groupe ESC Dijon Bourgogne), 5th - 7th September 2002, the Groupe ESC Dijon-Bourgogne, Dijon, Province of Burgundy, France, (CD-ROM), pp. 1-18.

    Freeman, S. (2002) ‘A comprehensive model of the process of small firm internationalisation: a network perspective', The 18th Annual IMP Conference, hosted by ESC Dijon (Ecole Superieure de Commerce, Groupe ESC Dijon Bourgogne), 5th - 7th September 2002, the Groupe ESC Dijon-Bourgogne, Dijon, Province of Burgundy, France, (CD-ROM), pp. 1-22.

    Freeman, S. & Freer, C.*** (2002) ‘Use of formal and informal control mechanisms in IJVs: Australia and Indian JV partnerships', The 18th Annual IMP Conference, hosted by ESC Dijon (Ecole Superieure de Commerce, Groupe ESC Dijon Bourgogne), 5th - 7th September 2002, the Groupe ESC Dijon-Bourgogne, Dijon, Province of Burgundy, France, (CD-ROM),pp. 1-17.

    Walton, G. & Freeman, S. (2002) ‘Contemporary business responses to the ‘drivers of change' in our Asia/Pacific region', UKAM, Nottingham University Business School, 2 - 5 July 2002, (CD-ROM), pp. 1-23.

    Freeman, S. & Jahshan, D.*** (2001) ‘Country-of-origin and ethnocentrism influences on consumer preferences for a service provider: airline carrier', Bridging Marketing Theory and Practice: International ANZMAC Conference 2001, Massey University, Albany Campus, 3-5 December, Auckland, New Zealand, (CD-ROM), pp. 1-7.

    Freeman, S. (2001) ‘Conflict management and exit strategies in buyer relationships in foreign markets: a case study of an Australian citrus fruit exporter, The 17th Annual IMP Conference, Norwegian School of Management, 9th - 11th September 2001, Oslo, Norway, (CD-ROM), p.p. 1-23.

    Freeman, S. & Mavondo, F. (2001) ‘Consumer ethnocentrism and the evaluation of imported high and low technology products: A multicultural developing country perspective', 3rd Biennial Academy of Marketing/American Marketing Association Joint conference: A Contemporary Perspective of Global Marketing, Cardiff Business School, Wales, United Kingdom, 1 July, 2001, (CD-ROM), p.p. 1-18.

    Freeman, S. (2000) ‘SMEs and the Dynamics of the Internationalization Involvement Process', International ANZMAC Conference 2000, Griffith University, Conference Proceedings, Gold Coast, Australia, 28 November - 1 December, 2000, (CD-ROM), pp. 354-358.

    Freeman, S. (2000) ‘Internationalization of the Small Business: Understanding the Process', The 18th International Conference of The Academy of International Business SouthEast Asia Region: Advances in International Business 2000, Conference Proceedings, Edited by Oliver H.M. Yau, City University SAR, PRC China, 23-26 July, 2000, pp. 326-350.

    Freeman, S. (2000) ‘Australian Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) Performance in the Asia Pacific Rim: Industry Structure Factors', The Inaugural International Conference on SMEs in a Global Economy: SMEs in East Asia in the Aftermath of the Asian Financial Crisis, Conference Proceedings, Edited by Charles Harvie and Boon-Chye Lee, Wollongong, NSW, Australia, 15-17 June, 2000, pp. 175-183.

    Freeman, S. (2000) ‘Government Initiative and Support for R&D, Innovation and Education: A Review of Markets in the Asia-Pacific Rim', The Inaugural International Conference on SMEs in a Global Economy: SMEs in East Asia in the Aftermath of the Asian Financial Crisis, Conference Proceedings, Edited by Charles Harvie and Boon-Chye Lee, Wollongong, NSW, Australia, 15-17 June, 2000, pp. 184-189.

    Freeman, S., Walker, I. & Gabbott, M. (1999) ‘Consumer Behaviour and Attitudes Towards Technology and Internet Shopping', Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Research in the Distributive Trades 26-28 August, Institute for Retail Studies (IRS), University of Stirling, Scotland, UK, Vol. 11, pp. 593-602.

    Freeman, S. (1999) ‘Framework for the Analysis of Influences of Internationalisation on Measures of Firm Performance', Conference Proceedings of The 17th International Business SouthEast Asia Region Annual Conference Academy, Edited by R. Edwards and C. Nyland, ‘Preparing for 2000: Opportunities and Challenges for International Business in the Asia Pacific Region', 8-10 July, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 109-118.

    ***Publications with supervised HDR candidates

    Industry Report (non-refereed)
    Freeman, S. (2008) ‘Experience of Australian Firms in the United Kingdom', Industry Report, Monash University, Australia, June (pp. 1-334).

    Freeman, S. & Gelman, D.*** (2006) ‘Australian Exporters' Perceptions of Constraints and Opportunities in the United Kingdom', Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, (pp. 1-55).

    Makin, A. & Freeman, S. (2005) ‘Monash University Law Report into Course Structure and Demographics: Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice', Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, (pp. 1-56).

    Makin, A. & Freeman, S. (2005) ‘Italian Chamber of Commerce Association: The Distribution Channels, Monitoring and Promotional Activities of Typical Italian Food Products in Victoria', Commissioned Report, (pp. 1-20).

    Freeman, S. (1999) ‘New Vehicle Supply and Stocking' Research Paper 2/1999, (October), The International Car Distribution Program Australia (ICDPA), Department of Marketing, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, (pp. 1-85).

    ***Publications with supervised HDR candidates

    Case Studies (refereed)
    Freeman, S. & Sandwell, M.*** (2005) ‘Key Barriers for Taking Professional Services (Legal) into Emerging Markets in Asia: The Case of Jacksons' Overseas Office in Thailand', in International Marketing, by Richard Fletcher and Linden Brown, Pearson Edition, 3rd Edition, pp 1-7.

    Freeman, S. & Weinman, D. (2005) ‘Benefits of ‘clustering' and niche strategies: How SMEs in the Australian Wine Industry can develop a competitive advantage for international expansion', in International Marketing, by Richard Fletcher and Linden Brown, Pearson Edition, 3rd Edition, pp 1-7.

    Freeman, S. (1999) ‘Ansell International", in International Marketing: An Asia-Pacific Perspective, by Prentice Hall Australia, P/L, Chapter 12 "Effective International Distribution", Case 7: pp. 384-389.

    ***Publications with supervised HDR candidate


  • Professional Interests

    Professional Associations
    Member of the Association for Australian Business in Europe (ABIE) 2005 (ongoing)

    Member of the Academy of International Business (AIB), International 2005 (ongoing)

    Member of the Australian New Zealand International Business Association (ANZIBA) 2005 (ongoing) Professional Associations

    Member of the Association for Australian Business in Europe (ABIE) 2005 (ongoing)

    Member of the Academy of International Business (AIB), International 2005 (ongoing)

    Member of the Australian New Zealand International Business Association (ANZIBA) 2005 (ongoing)
    Susan is the Vice President of the Australian New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) (2014-2016)announced in April at the annual ANZIBA 2014 Conference held in Auckland, New Zealand hosted by the University of Auckland.

    Member of the Australian New Zealand Management Association (ANZMA) 2005 (ongoing)

    Member of the Academy of Marketing Association (AMA), Australia (1995-2003); International (2006) (ongoing)

    Member of the Australian New Zealand Management Association (ANZMA) 2005 (ongoing)

    Member of the Academy of Marketing Association (AMA), Australia (1995-2003); International (2006) (ongoing)

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Entry last updated: Sunday, 29 Mar 2015