Dr Terence Williamson

Dr Terence Williamson
  • Biography/ Background

    Terry was educated in engineering and architecture in Australia and is Associate Professor of the School of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design at Adelaide University, Australia. He has taught, researched and published in areas of energy, thermal performance and sustainability related to the built environment. Terry is the author (or co-author) of over one hundred publications including books, journal articles and conference papers.

    In 2009 Terry was awarded the IBPSA Award for Distinguished Service to Building Simulation. This IBPSA award recognizes an individual who has a distinguished record of contributions to the field of building performance simulation, over a long period.

    His earlier research was concerned with the basic issue of providing relevant design advice for improving the thermal and environmental performance of buildings. He developed a variety of research tools and techniques to provide information to backup arguments regarding these issues including, computer simulation software, householder surveys and interviews, the recording of occupant behaviour (eg. Comfort Vote Logger) and building performance monitoring (eg temperature and energy consumption).

    An ARC Discovery project awarded in 2002 Building and Ethics: Understanding A Corpus of Contemporary Australian Award-Winning Houses as Responses to Ecological, Social and Built Contexts broadened research interests into the general area of the design of sustainable building. Early output of this research was a book Understanding Sustainable Architecture (Williamson, Radford & Bennetts, 2003) which is a concise review of the assumptions, beliefs, goals and bodies of knowledge that underlie the endeavour to design environmentally (more) sustainable buildings and other built developments. It shows that much of the available advice and rhetoric about sustainable architecture begins from positions where important ethical, cultural and conceptual issues are simply assumed.

    Recent and continuing research has concentrated on two issues. First, data has been collected with the objective of corroborating the operation of the Building Code of Australia's energy-efficiency provisions, in particular the effectiveness of the NatHERS Star Rating Scheme for dwellings. In 2004 Terry made a major submission to the Productivity Commission's enquiry into Energy-efficiency in the Australian economy. Subsequent papers have also investigated this issue and questioned the efficacy of the scheme.

    The second research area concerns the urban mirco-climate. In collaboration with Dr Evyatar Erell of the Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel the urban mirco-climate model CAT has been developed and evaluated on the basis of field measurements. The model predicts hourly air temperature in an urban street canyon for extended periods in a variety of weather conditions, on the basis of meteorological time series recorded at an open site exposed to the same meso-scale conditions, taking into account the geometry of the two sites and the thermal properties of their respective surface materials. This model is used to study design implications in relation building energy consumption associated with factors such urban density and street geometry.

  • Qualifications

    B.E. (Mon), B.Arch (Melb), PhD (Adel)
  • Teaching Interests

    Sustainable building & urban design; building construction; building economics
  • Publications


    Erell, E., Pearlmutter, D. & Williamson, T.J. (2010) The Urban Microclimate: Design of the Spaces Between Buildings, London: Earthscan.

    Williamson, T.J., Radford, A. & Bennetts, H. (2003) Understanding Sustainable Architecture, London: Spon Press.

    Williamson, T.J. (2002) R-values for Timber Framed Building Elements, Forest and Wood Products, Research and Development Corporation, Online: Available http://www.timber.org.au/menu.asp?id=104 (July 2007)

    Williamson, T.J., Pullen, S., Bennetts, H., et al. (2001) Environmentally Friendly Housing Using Timber - Principles, Melbourne: National Timber Development Council and the Forest and Wood Products, Research and Development Corporation. Online: Available http://www.timber.org.au/menu.asp?id=107 (July 2007)

    Refereed Journals

    Williamson, T.J., Soebarto, V., and Radford, A.D. (2010) The thermal performance of five award-winning houses: regulated, measured and perceived, Building Research & Information 38(5), pp 509–529.

    Williamson, T.J. (2010) Predicting Building Performance: The Ethics of Computer Simulation, Building Research & Information 38(4), pp 401–410.

    Williamson, T.J. and Erell, E. (2008) The Implications for Building Ventilation of the Spatial and Temporal Variability of Air Temperature in the Urban Canopy Layer, International Journal of Ventilation, 7(1), pp 23-35.

    Erell, E. Williamson, T.J. (2007) Intra-urban differences in canopy layer air temperature at a mid-latitude city, International Journal of Climatology, (27)9, pp 1243-1255.

    Erell, E., Williamson, T. J. (2006) Simulating air temperature in an urban street canyon in all weather conditions using measured data at a reference meteorological station, International Journal of Climatology, (26)12, pp 1671-1694.

    Erell, E., Williamson, T. J. (2006) Comments on the correct specification of the analytical CTTC model for predicting the urban canopy layer temperature, Energy and Buildings, (38) 8, pp 1015-1021.

    Soebarto, V. and Williamson, T.J. (2001). Multi-criteria Assessment of Building Performance: Theory and Implementation, Building and Environment, Volume 36 (6) pp 681-690.

    Refereed Conferences

    Daniel, L. & Williamson, T.J. (2011) A study of the user behaviours in dwellings of earth construction, Proceedings of 43rd Annual Conference of the Architectural Science Association, ANZAScA 2011, University of Sydney (published on CD). Online: Available https://www.adelaide.edu.au/directory/terence.williamson?dsn=directory.file;field=data;id=20372;m=view

    Daniel, L. and Williamson, T.J. (2010) Deemed-to-Comply Wall Requirements in the 2010 Building Code of Australia, 44th Annual Conference of the Architectural Science Association, ANZAScA 2010, Unitec Institute of Technology, Auckland, NZ.

    Williamson, T.J. and Pullen, S. (2009) Sunk embodied energy as a means of valuing the built environment, 43rd Annual Conference of the Architectural Science Association, ANZAScA 2009, University of Tasmania.

    Williamson, T.J., Orkina, N. And Bennetts, H. (2009) A Comparison of Accredited Second Generation NatHERS Software Tools, 43rd Annual Conference of the Architectural Science Association, ANZAScA 2009, University of Tasmania.

    Williamson, T.J., Erell, E. and Soebarto, V. (2009) Assessing the Error From Failure to Account for Urban Microclimate in Computer Simulation of Building Energy Performance, In P. Strachan and N. Kelly (eds), Building Simulation 2009, Proceedings of 11th International IBPSA Conference, Glasgow Scotland,, pp. 497-504.

    Erell E. and Williamson T. (2007) The spatial variability of air temperature in the urban canopy layer”. In Santamouris M. and Wouters P. (Eds.) Building Low Energy Cooling and Advanced Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century. Proceedings of the 2nd PALENC Conference and 28th AIVC Conference, September 27-29 2007, Crete, Greece, pp. 304-308.

    Erell E., Soebarto V. and Williamson T. (2007) Accounting for urban microclimate in computer simulation of building energy performance. In Wittkopf S. and Tan B. K. (Eds.) Sun, Wind and Architecture, Proceedings of PLEA 2007, 24th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Singapore, November 22-24, 2007, pp. 593-600.

    Williamson, T.J., Plaves, Y. and Hart, R.L. (2007) An Evaluation of the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS), In Coulson, J. (ed) Proceedings of 41st Annual ANZAScA Conference, Deakin University, Geelong. (Published on CD)

    Williamson, T.J., Soebarto, V., Bennetts, H. and Radford, A. (2006). House/Home Energy Rating Schemes/Systems (HERS), In R. Compagnon, P. Haefeli and W. Weber (Eds), Proceedings of PLEA2006-The 23rd Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Geneva, Switzerland Vol I, pp. 227-32.

    Soebarto, V., Williamson, T.J., Bennetts, H. and Radford, A. (2006). The performance of award winning houses, In R. Compagnon, P. Haefeli and W. Weber (Eds), Proceedings of PLEA2006-The 23rd Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Geneva, Switzerland, Vol I, pp. 855-860.

    Andamon, M.M., Williamson, T.J. & Soebarto, V. (2006) Perceptions and Expectations of Thermal Comfort in the Philippines, in F. Nicole (ed), Proceedings of International Conference Comfort And Energy Use In Buildings -Getting Them Right, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, UK. (Published on CD)

    Williamson, T.J., Delsante, A. (2006) Investigation of a Model for the Ventilation of Suspended Floors, in S. Shannon, V. Soebarto & T. Williamson (eds), Proceedings of 40th Annual ANZAScA Conference, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, pp 143-150. (Published on CD)

    Williamson, T.J., Delsante, A. (2006) An Investigation of the Ventilation Requirements to Prevent Deterioration of Timber and Mould Growth beneath Suspended Floors, in S. Shannon, V. Soebarto & T. Williamson (eds), Proceedings of 40th Annual ANZAScA Conference, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, pp 159-166. (Published on CD)

    Williamson, T.J. (2006) Building Simulation and Sustainable Architecture: A Philosophical View, in V. Soebarto (ed), Proceedings of International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) Australasia Conference, The University of Adelaide. (published on CD)

    Radford, A., Soebarto, V. Williamson, T.J., Bennetts, H. (2006) Judgement in the design of houses: explanations by architects for design decisions, in S. Shannon, V. Soebarto & T. Williamson (eds), Proceedings of 40th Annual ANZAScA Conference, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, pp 143-150. (Published on CD)

    Williamson, T. J. (2004). Thermal Performance Research in Australia: The Formative Years 1942-1972. In Z. Bromberek (Ed.), Proc of 38th Conference of the Architectural Science Association ANZAScA: Contexts in Architecture. Launceston: The University of Tasmania, pp. 363-370.

    Erell, E., & Williamson, T. J. (2004). The CAT Model:Predicting Air Temperatures in Streets on the Basis of Measured Reference Data. In Z. Bromberek (Ed.), Proc of 38th Conference of the Architectural Science Association ANZAScA: Contexts in Architecture, Launceston: The University of Tasmania, pp. 210-215.

    Soebarto, V., Williamson, T. J., Radford, A., & Bennetts, H. (2004). Perceived and Prescribed Environmental Performance of Award Winning Houses. In Z. Bromberek (Ed.), Proc of 38th Conference of the Architectural Science Association ANZAScA:Contexts in Architecture, Launceston: The University of Tasmania, pp. 242-248.

    Soebarto, V. I. & Williamson, T. J. (2003) A multi-criteria assessment tool to assess the environmental performance of house designs, in Waldo Bustamante G, Eugenio Collados B (eds) Proceedings of the PLEA 2003 Conference; Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile.

    Radford, A.D., & Williamson, T.J. (2002). What is sustainable architecture?, in: Luther, M, Dawson, T., Ham, J., Moore, M., Rollo, J. and Treloar, G. (eds) Proceedings of 36th ANZAScA Conference, Australia and New Zealand Architectural Science Association, Geelong: Deakin University, pp. 427-434.

    Other Conferences
    Erell, E., Eliasson, I., Grimmond, S., Offerleand, B. and Williamson, T.J. (2009) Incorporating Spatial And Temporal Variations Of Advected Moisture in the Canyon Air Temperature (CAT) Model, In Proceedings of ICUC-7, The 7th International Conference on Urban Climate, Toyko Japan, Paper A11-8.

    Williamson, T.J. (2009) Building Performance: The Ethics of Computer Simulation, In A. Radford and G. Farmer (eds), Proceedings of Conference Ethics and the Built Environment 2009, The University of Nottingham UK.

    Reports to Government & Industry
    Williamson, T.J., Grant, E., Hansen, A., Pisaniello, D. and Andamon, M. (2009) An Investigation of Potential Health Benefits from Increasing Energy Efficiency Stringency Requirements: Building Code of Australia Volumes One & Two, A Report for The Australian Building Codes Board. Online: Available http://www.abcb.gov.au/index.cfm?objectid=44AACE13-C500-11DE-94590050568C0CD7 (March 2010)

    Williamson, T.J.. (2009) Review of Changes to the Elemental Glazing Provisions Proposed For The 2010 BCA, A Report for the Australian Building Codes Board.

    Williamson, T.J. and Bennetts, H. (2008) Proposed Changes To The Glazing Requirements Of The South Australian Housing Code, Adelaide: S.A. Department for Transport, Energy & Infrastructure.

    Williamson, T.J. and Beauchamp, B. (2005) Insulation Solutions to Enhance the Thermal Resistance of Suspended Timber Floor Systems in Australia, Forest and Wood Products Research and Development Corporation. Online: Available http://www.timber.org.au/resources/Insulation%20Solutions%20for%20Suspended%20Timber%20Floor%20Systems.pdf (Sept 2008)

    Williamson, T.J. and others (2005). Contribution to Submissions to the Productivity Commissions Enquiry into Energy-Efficiency #28 and DR133, The University of Adelaide. Online: Available http://www.pc.gov.au/inquiry/energy/subs/sublist.html (July 2008)

    Williamson, T.J. & Delsante, A.E., (2002) The Issues Associated with Residential Energy Performance Assessment Tools to be Used in Evaluating Alternative Solutions, The Department of Industry Science and Resources, Australian Building Codes Board, BCE Doc. 02/027 Online: Available http://www.abcb.gov.au/content/publications/REPATs_Scoping_Study.pdf (Sept 2008)

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