BHP Billiton announces $100,000 funding

From left: Mr Keith Hunter from BHP Billiton talks with Adelaide University's Professor Peter Behrenbruch at the site of the new Petroleum School building.
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Friday, 7 September 2001
MAJOR international resources group BHP Billiton has committed $100,000 to research funding at Adelaide University's new School of Petroleum Engineering & Management, which opens next year.
A London-based executive of the group announced the commitment today during a visit to the University. Mr Keith Hunter, President of Petroleum Project Development and Operations for BHP Billiton, said the $100,000 would be provided over 2002 and 2003 to support research projects at the School.
Professor Peter Behrenbruch, who became the first Head of the new School on August 1 this year, was formerly Chief Reservoir Engineer with BHP Billiton.
"We were disappointed to lose Peter because of his experience and industry standing, but we're confident that his appointment will provide significant strengths to the School," Mr Hunter said.
"I have today been able to see the progress being made with the new building for the School and discussed plans for its teaching and research activities with members of its Board of Management.
"Adelaide University is on the right path with its emphasis on comprehensive degree-level programs, research programs and special training courses focused on oil and gas industry needs. We are looking forward to employing graduates from the School in four years time," Mr Hunter said.
"We have also asked Professor Behrenbruch to develop some in-house courses for engineers already employed in BHP Billiton."
Adelaide University's Vice-Chancellor, Professor Cliff Blake, said the commitment from BHP Billiton was the first from a private source since Australian energy company Santos Ltd announced its commitment to the School in 1999.
"The Santos gift of $25 million for establishment of the School was a magnificent beginning for the project, laying the foundation for the School for the next 20 years. However, the company and the University intended the School to operate as a major resource for the benefit of the entire oil and gas industry," he said.
"We welcome this commitment from BHP Billiton as an indication that this intention is recognised."
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The University of Adelaide
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Mr David Ellis
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The University of Adelaide
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