Science Excellence Awards finalists announced

Science excellence at University of Adelaide

Science excellence at University of Adelaide
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Friday, 14 October 2011

Twelve scientists and recent PhD graduates from across the University of Adelaide are finalists in this year's 2011 South Australian Science Excellence Awards.

Three out of the four finalists for the prestigious 'South Australian Scientist of the Year' title are University of Adelaide researchers: Professor Peter Langridge, Professor Anthony Thomas and Professor Mathai Varghese.

Another nine researchers, including two recent PhD graduates now working elsewhere, are finalists in the remaining categories.

The Science Excellence Awards is South Australia's premier event to recognise and reward outstanding scientific endeavour, including its application in industry and the advancement of science and mathematics education.

This year's Awards have an exciting new set of categories focussed on high achievers in the early stages of their careers, including PhD graduates and early career STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) professionals and educators.

The winners will be announced at the Awards Gala Dinner on Thursday 3 November at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre.

To attend the Awards Gala Dinner and celebrate the outstanding achievements of South Australia's best and brightest scientists, book online.

The University of Adelaide finalists for the 2011 South Australian Science Excellence Awards are:

South Australian Scientist of the Year
Professor Peter Langridge, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics
Professor Anthony Thomas, ARC Laureate Fellow and Elder Professor of Physics, School of Chemistry and Physics
Professor Mathai Varghese, ARC Professorial Fellow and Director of Institute for Geometry and its Applications, School of Mathematical Sciences

PhD Research Excellence - Health and Medical Sciences
Dr Zlatko Kopecki, University of Adelaide 2011 PhD graduate, Research Officer with Women's and Children's Health Research Institute
Dr Natasha Rogers, University of Adelaide 2011 PhD graduate, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pittsburgh
Dr Sarah Thompson, University of Adelaide 201 PhD graduate and Consultant Surgeon, Royal Adelaide Hospital and University of Adelaide Discipline of Surgery

PhD Research Excellence - Life or Environmental Sciences
Kerry Pinchbeck, PhD Student, School of Agriculture, Food and Wine
Dr Raj Setia, Research Fellow, School of Agriculture, Food and Wine

PhD Research Excellence - Physical Sciences / Mathematics / Engineering
Dr Ali Eshragh Jahromi, Research Associate, School of Mathematical Sciences
Dr Kristopher Rowland, ARC Super Science Research Fellow, Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing (IPAS) and School of Chemistry and Physics
Dr Stephen Warren-Smith, ARC Super Science Fellow, IPAS and School of Chemistry and Physics

Early Career Stem Educator of the Year - Tertiary
Dr Femke Buisman-Pijlman, Lecturer, Pharmacology, School of Medical Sciences


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