Uni of Adelaide research ranked above world class

Physics - among the many areas rated well above world class

Physics - among the many areas rated well above world class
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Thursday, 6 December 2012

The University of Adelaide's reputation for world-class research has been further boosted by the latest results of the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) process.

Having already performed strongly in the first ERA process in 2010, the University has been rated even higher for the quality and impact of its research in this latest round.

At the University of Adelaide, 18 research areas have been rated by ERA at the highest level as well above world class and 21 research areas have been rated as above world class. A further 21 research areas have been rated at world class.

ERA is a Federal Government initiative to assess the research quality at universities across Australia. This is based on a series of measures looking at areas such as research outputs, research income and impact.

"With 60 of our research areas being rated at world class or above, that is an outstanding result for the University of Adelaide and a real boost of confidence for our research staff and collaborators," says the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), Professor Mike Brooks.

"The University of Adelaide is making an enormous contribution to a great many fields that impact on people's health, the economy, the environment, and our understanding of the world.

"Areas of major strength include: geology, evolutionary biology, cardiology, oncology, nursing, nutrition, physics, chemistry, horticulture, artificial intelligence and image processing.

"This year, our Dental School has been reaffirmed as a leader in the nation. Year on year, our School receives more than 50% of all research funding for dental projects from the National Health and Medical Research Council. Furthermore, we are once again the only university in the nation to achieve the maximal rating for each of paediatrics and reproductive health, and performing arts and creative writing.

"We have also seen stronger recognition in this ERA for the outstanding research being undertaken in mathematics, economics and psychology."

Professor Brooks says the latest ERA results cement the University of Adelaide as the research leader in South Australia given that it has obtained 18 of the top 23 subject ratings achieved in the State.

"Research is core to our University's existence," Professor Brooks says. "Today's result is a major step forward in achieving the targets of the University of Adelaide's new Strategic Plan 2013-2023."

ERA 2012 National Report


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