New University professorial appointment at Lyell McEwin

Monday, 25 July 2016

Research and medical teaching will be boosted at the Lyell McEwin Hospital with the University of Adelaide’s first Chair of Medicine based at the Lyell McEwin Hospital, in a joint appointment with the Northern Adelaide Local Health Network (NALHN).

Professor Mark Boyd will take up his appointment on Monday 25 July. He will provide leadership in teaching and research, promoting a culture of research and teaching excellence, as well as undertake clinical duties and supervision of junior medical staff.

“The appointment of a Chair in Medicine at the Lyell McEwin hospital recognises the growing importance of the NALHN in teaching and translational research,” says Executive Dean of the University’s Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Professor Alastair Burt. “Professor Boyd’s appointment will strengthen the University’s academic presence at the Lyell McEwin Hospital, and build strengths in infectious disease research with the Adelaide Medical School.”

NALHN Chief Executive Officer Jackie Hanson says she is excited with the appointment. “Joint appointments such as this offer many benefits to the community, as they enable a direct link between research and health care delivery,” Ms Hanson says. Having a Chair of Medicine at Lyell McEwin will not only provide leadership to our already established and committed research groups but further enhance our academic standing and attract clinicians and trainees interested in an academic career. This will allow NALHN to translate research evidence to ongoing exceptional care.”

Professor Boyd is an internationally recognised infectious disease expert. He has led project teams in HIV research in Thailand, as well as at the Kirby Institute for infection and immunity at the University of New South Wales. He has had a key role in two major, multicentre, international randomised clinical trials (‘SECOND-LINE’ and ‘Encore1’) sponsored by the Kirby Institute, which have brought changes to the WHO guidelines on the antiretroviral management of HIV infection in adults and adolescents.

Until recently Professor Boyd was an Associate Professor at the Kirby Institute, a consultant physician in HIV Medicine and Infectious Diseases and a Visiting Medical Officer in inner Sydney as well as regional NSW.

In 2014 he was awarded the Frank Fenner Award for Advanced Research in Infectious Diseases by the Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases. He has published more than 100 papers, book chapters, reviews and commentaries and been an investigator on grants worth in excess of $17 million.

“I am a great believer in the conduct of research that aims to make a clear and positive difference in peoples’ lives,” Professor Boyd says. “High quality clinical research and the rapid translation of robust research findings into clinical practice is key to driving improvements in patient outcomes and public health. I am delighted to have been offered this unique position at the Lyell McEwin, where I aim to combine academic rigour with a commitment to the highest quality service delivery to the population of the NAHLN.”


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