2018 Final
- Bernard Evans
People’s choice award
- Bernard Evans
ThincLab award
- Chidozie Alozie
- Veronica Coram: Future benefits, future burdens.
- Joseph Rossi: Love, betrayal and cunning: A biochemical interaction story.
- Aditi Roy: Missing: Women in management.
- Sarah Bernhardt: That time of the month: When menstrual cycle stage affects breast cancer treatment.
- Caitlin Gray: Understanding human interaction in the online world
- Chidozie Alozie: The new problem we all live with.
- Gia Dat Phan: Predicting and preventing landslides.
- Emily Skelly: Past mouth microbes for present mouth maladies.
- Constantin Seidl: Drought is here! Are water users ready?
- Bernard Evans: What dragonflies can teach us about motion adaptation.
University of Adelaide 3MT 2018 winner
University of Adelaide 2018 3MT ThincLab winner
3MT 2018 final - full event