Student work on exhibition
A new public exhibition of student designs will show Salisbury's Civic Square in a way it's never been seen before. As part of its commitment to develop learning and employment initiatives in the northern area of Adelaide, the City of Salisbury asked first-year students from the University of Adelaide to come up with possible designs of what the Salisbury Town Centre could look like. The results will be shown in a free public exhibition called [SUB]URBAN [CON]TEXT, which opens on Monday 5 March from 5.30pm at the John Harvey Gallery, 12 James Street, Salisbury. Leading planning and urban design experts and professionals are expected to attend and show their support for the initiative. "The students' designs are hypothetical only, so their work is not aimed at shaping the future look of the town centre. However, the exhibition is an opportunity to demonstrate the City of Salisbury's progressive attitude and interest in new, innovative talent," said Julie Nichols, course coordinator with the University of Adelaide's School of Architecture, Landscape Architecture & Urban Design. "The collaboration between the University of Adelaide and the City of Salisbury has proved to be a fantastic experience for all, and the results of our students' hard work can now be seen by the public. "The exhibition also provides an opportunity for students - that is, the future leaders of urban design - to connect with the current leaders of urban design in Adelaide." The Salisbury Civic Square is a significant meeting place and a hub for cultural and recreational activities. The exhibition will run from 5-23 March, 9am-5pm Monday to Friday.