Development & Alumni Events
Friends of the Library Event: The Great Walls of China: an Exhibition, Speaker Claire Roberts Date: Thursday 5 July 2007 Time: 1.05pm Venue: Ira Raymond Exhibition Room Barr Smith Library Cost: Admission is free and open to the public: gold coin donation is invited Bookings by Tuesday 3 July to or telephone 8303 4064 Event: Thea Astley's Brilliant Career: Susan Sheridan Adjunct Professor of English and Women's Studies at Flinders University, talks about one of the outstanding Australian Fiction Writers of the 20th Century Date: Thursday 12 July 2007 Time: 6.00pm for 6.30pm Venue: Ira Raymond Exhibition Room Barr Smith Library Cost: Admission is free and open to the public: gold coin donation is invited Bookings by Tuesday 10 to July or telephone 8303 4064
John Bray Law Chapter Event: The Chief Justice's Shield Quiz Night Please join professional quiz master Chris Rebbeck to celebrate all things trivial Date: Friday 3 August 2007 Time: 7.00pm Venue: The Great Hall of the Freemasons 254 North Terrace Adelaide Cost: $25 per person ($250 per table of 10) - BYO wine and supper Bookings essential by COB Friday 20 July 2007 to or telephone 8303 6356
MBA Alumni Association Event: Networking Breakfast Date: first Wednesday of every month Time: Any time after 7:30am Venue: East Terrace Continental Café (between North Terrace & Rundle Street), in Adelaide
Cornell Chapter Event: Recital and Lunch with French Pianist Jean-Paul Sevilla and Concert Master of the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra Terence Tam Date: Wednesday 11 July 2007 Time: Recital at 1.10pm and Lunch 2.15pm to 3.00pm Venue: Pilgrim Church 12 Flinders Street Adelaide Cost: $20 includes the Recital and a delicious finger food lunch with juice, tea & coffee. Bookings essential (places limited) by 2 July 2007 to Development and Alumni Office University of Adelaide telephone: 08 8303 6356 or Fax: 08 8303 5808