Philipp sets record on university "debut"
One of Australia's most brilliant young scholars will start full-time studies at the University of Adelaide this month, already setting an academic record before he enters the lecture room. At 15 years of age, Philipp Allgeuer is the youngest student to be accepted into a degree program at the University for at least the past 10 years, and one of only a handful his age in its 134-year history. The first-year Mechatronic Engineering student is no stranger to the North Terrace Campus, however. He has been involved in the University's Headstart Scholarship Program for gifted children since 2006, when he enrolled in Mathematics 1A and 1B as a part-time student at the age of 13 and finished in the top half dozen of 650 maths students. In 2007 Philipp scored a high distinction in his third-year university mathematics course. Philipp's family moved to Adelaide from the Hunter Valley in 2006 specifically to fast track his education via Prince Alfred College and the University of Adelaide. Prince Alfred College was the only school in Australia to allow Philipp to study part-time at university, despite his obvious ability. He has been studying accelerated Maths since Year 4. Philipp's talent was discovered at age four when he was found to have abilities similar to a 10-year-old. Dr David Parrott, the Director of 1st-Year Studies in the School of Mathematical Sciences, said Philipp had already demonstrated a capacity to perform at the highest level in university courses. "He has already impressed me with his ability to ask meaningful and searching questions, and he displays insight and maturity way beyond his years. I have every confidence that Philipp will excel at the University of Adelaide," Dr Parrott said. Story by Candy Gibson