Adelaidean - News from the University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide Australia
June 2008 Issue
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International recognition for dental scientist

A senior dental researcher at the University of Adelaide has been awarded one of the highest honours of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR).

Professor Gary Slade, Professor of Oral Epidemiology with the Australian Research Centre for Population Oral Health in the University's School of Dentistry, has been awarded the H. Trendley Dean Memorial Award.

The award is given for distinguished accomplishments in research and development in the fields of behavioural science, epidemiology, and public health. It is one of the IADR's Distinguished Scientist Awards, is supported by the Colgate-Palmolive Company in memory of H. Trendley Dean, a former president of the IADR and first dental officer of the National Institutes of Health.

Professor Slade is Director of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare's Dental Statistics and Research Unit and is responsible for coordinating the National Survey of Adult Oral Health.

He has played a leading role in various research achievements, including population studies of tooth loss, periodontal (gum) diseases, and dental caries.

Professor Slade has contributed to approximately 115 publications, original papers, books, and book chapters on the relationships between oral conditions and systemic health, the effectiveness of fluoridation and other health measures for caries prevention, and the impact of oral conditions and dental care on quality of life.

Professor Slade will receive his award in Toronto next month.

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Professor Gary Slade
Photo by David Ellis

Professor Gary Slade
Photo by David Ellis

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