Orientation better than ever
Orientation Week 2005
Adelaide's reputation for having one of the best student orientation programs in the country was confirmed with the success of the recent Orientation 2005, says Students' Association President David Pearson. Orientation consists of four main components - the O'Camp, O'Tours, O'Week and O'Ball. "All of these were incredibly successful, building up to the biggest orientation Adelaide Uni has seen in a long time," Mr Pearson said. "The O'Camp sold out, with 125 first years attending the camp in Normanville. The O'Tours was revived this year, the first time it has been run in a number of years, and was very successful thanks to the Union Activities Committee." O'Week is the heart of orientation and this year's wide range of activities included a professional wrestling ring set-up, national comedians for the comedian night, a superhero dress up disco dance party, a quiz night, cinema under the stars and events all day, including tricycle races, and O'Cup, and free breakfast, lunch and drinks every day. O'Ball, the premier event of Orientation, was the most successful of all, selling out with a capacity crowd of 3,200 people, and featuring many of Australia's best artists including Eskimo Joe, Gerling and Evermore. "The O'Ball was also made a substantial profit, the first one in at least 5 years, providing a firm financial standing for Orientation 2006," David Pearson said. "One of the reasons for such great success was the number of helpers and volunteers, but also the hard work of the Orientation Co-ordinator Andrew Potter and the other orientation directors and SAUA office bearers."