A high five for research
The University of Adelaide's research capabilities have been further emphasised with the recent announcement of five new clusters. With four other clusters already in operation, this brings the total of clusters currently operating in the university to nine. The new clusters are: The Computational Neuroscience Research Cluster (see story "The future is eye-tech" for more details). The Preventive Healthcare Research Cluster which comprises membership from all five university faculties. The next stage now is to appoint a PHRC Co-ordinator who will bring together the various elements of the PHRC already identified such as research, formal and informal networking opportunities and the development of a graduate research program. The Integrating Sustainability Research Cluster, which will expand on the university's broad research interests in sustainability, ranging from technology through to environmental and economic concerns. This cluster will allow enhanced interaction between the university, the State Government and the broader community in the practical application of research into sustainability. The Food Plus Cluster has been established to facilitate enhanced integration across disciplines in food and beverage research, and draws upon expertise from within the university from plant and animal molecular biosciences, sustainable agriculture, food and beverage processing, human health and nutrition, and commerce and marketing. The cluster will engage the South Australian Government, businesses and the broader community in the practical applications of research into food and beverage production, food quality and nutrition, value adding and marketing. The Energy Research Cluster aims to deliver substantive social and economic benefits, while reducing the associated environmental impacts, in all areas of energy provision and consumption by establishing a single entity to coordinate and draw upon the specialist expertise available within the university. In particular, this expertise is focused on the areas of cleaner and more efficient production, conversion and utilisation of energy, and will include technology development, evaluation of socio-cultural phenomena and formulation of energy policy.