$40,000 scholarships
Two University of Adelaide students have each been awarded $40,000 Order of Australia Association Foundation Scholarships to help them complete their studies. Economics and Finance student Alexandra Grigg, 20, and Viticulture and Oenology student James Broinowski, 27, have been awarded Scholarships from the Order of Australia Association Foundation. The students will be mentored with eminent Australians whose background reflects the students' fields of study. Alexandra is in her third year of a double degree in Economics and Finance and is keen to pursue a career examining the role that human psychology plays in driving the economy. "Down the track I am interested in working at the Reserve Bank of Australia in their Economics and Finance graduate programs, gaining an insight into their core policies. Hopefully, I will also get the chance to work overseas," Alexandra said. In 2007 Alexandra was nominated for the Zonta International Community Service Award for her voluntary work, including helping to raise money for an orphanage in Nepal. The Riddiford Trust has provided funding for Alexandra's scholarship. Tasmanian-born James Broinowski enrolled in his Viticulture and Oenology studies at the University of Adelaide as a mature-aged student in 2010. Prior to taking up his tertiary studies he worked part-time in the hospitality sector and travelled extensively, working in restaurants in Australia and overseas. James holds certificates in hospitality management, wine knowledge and evaluation, and has already embarked on a wine-making project in the Barossa region. He has also been invited into the Waite Scholars program which connects outstanding students with industry leaders. His charitable work includes fund raising for Save the Children's Fund, the Heart Research Institute, Guide Dogs Australia, working with youth in Wales as well as helping to build a school in Africa. Funding for his scholarship was provided by Mr Baillieu Myer AC, past president of the Myer Foundation. The Secretary of the Order of Australia Association Foundation, Adjunct Professor Brian O'Keeffe AO, said the scholarships were based on a combination of academic excellence, leadership potential and community involvement and were aimed at supporting the next generation of leaders among young Australians. Story by Candy Gibson