Major wins in New Colombo Plan
The University of Adelaide's strong international focus has helped it secure significant involvement in the Federal Government's signature New Colombo Plan. During the start-up pilot phase, Adelaide has attracted $287,000 for exchange programs in the Indo-Pacific and our students have also won key scholarships. The $100 million flagship program officially began in 2014 and is designed to forge closer ties with the region through greater study exchanges and internships. Professor Kent Anderson, Pro Vice-Chancellor (International), says the early success is a fantastic result for the University and great news for students. "Building international connections is an important part of the University's Beacon of Enlightenment strategy so we are very keen to have a major role in the New Colombo Plan," says Professor Anderson. "In recent years we've achieved a four-fold increase in the number of our students studying overseas and this latest funding will help us improve on that. "By 2023 we are aiming for 30% of our students to have an international experience during their degree. It adds a breadth of skill and knowledge and a sense of global citizenship that can only be achieved through first-hand experience of other cultures." Professor Anderson is a member of the New Colombo Plan steering committee, a position he shares with two high-profile University of Adelaide alumni - Minister for Foreign Affairs Julie Bishop, Chairperson of the committee, and Minister for Education Christopher Pyne. As part of the pilot, the University of Adelaide has won funding to work with several Japanese universities through study tours, internships, language and cultural programs, and other short courses. Animal science students are also spending time at the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) in Indonesia on study activities relating to live cattle exports. The exchange has important commercialisation interest with involvement of both Elders and Meat and Livestock Australia. A group of Indonesian students has also visited the University of Adelaide as part of the initiative, while funding has been provided for an exchange involving architectural students. In another exciting development, three University of Adelaide students have been chosen among a group of 40 in the flagship scholarship program to live, study and gain work experience in either Japan, Indonesia, Singapore or Hong Kong. They include Bachelor of Arts student Sarah Mitchell who was chosen as one of four Fellows, and two engineering students, Huw Grano and Jacob Shearer. Mr Pyne says the New Colombo Plan scholarships will provide an invaluable learning experience for Australia's best and brightest.

New Colombo Plan Fellow, Sarah Mitchell Photography Credit: Calum Robertson /Newspix
Fellowship winner Sarah Mitchell is heading off to Hong Kong to study next year after winning a prestigious scholarship as a New Colombo Plan Fellow. Only four fellowships were selected by the Federal Government from the 40 New Colombo Plan Scholars chosen for its scholarship program. The scholarships are worth up to $67,000 each and the fellowships are reserved for the top student in each overseas country. Sarah, a 20-year-old Bachelor of Arts student from Mt Compass on the Fleurieu Peninsula, has been placed at the Chinese University of Hong Kong where she will study linguistics and history, and undertake an internship. "Eventually I want to work in speech pathology or a related discipline, so this is a fantastic opportunity to pursue further linguistics study in various specialist areas," says Sarah.