International lounge boost for students
Student Facilities
The Barr Smith Library has extended its offerings to its international students with new facilities and staff dedicated to providing a better service. The International Lounge provides students with a casual reading environment and access to overseas, local news and current affairs material. The Library received University strategic initiatives funding to develop the reading area for all library users, which is resourced with current material, such as local and international newspapers, current travel guides and brochures, and monthly 'glossies'. Four computer terminals have been set up in the area, two for dedicated newspaper access and the other two for general library use. Tables are also available for users who wish to use their own laptops in the area. The Lounge contains a unique collection of international art works given to the University as gifts from foreign visitors. Ms Fiona Mariner, who has been appointed New Reference Librarian (International), said she is looking forward to working with the students in this role. "My job involves contributing to the planning and development of library support for international students by liaising with the University's International Office, International Student Centre, the Overseas Students' Association and other University units working with international students," she said. "I will also act as a consultant for international students and students for whom English is a second language, and refer students as appropriate to research librarians or to other University services. "A further task is assisting in the selection of appropriate library materials for users for whom English is a second language." Story by Howard Salkow