Going behind the scenes at Library
A group of alumni and friends of the University recently had an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of one of its greatest assets, the Barr Smith Library. The 28 attendees were invited by the Development and Alumni Office and University Librarian Ray Choate, and as part of the comprehensive tour saw many of the Library's most valuable items. The tour commenced in the Ira Raymond Room, where Mr Choate spoke briefly about the history of the Library and introduced Steve Thomas, the Library's Senior Systems Analyst, who demonstrated the new Library Portal System. The Special Collections area was a major highlight of the tour. Among the items displayed by Special Collections Librarian Cheryl Hoskin were a Trianon Press Facsimile edition of Spencer's Faerie Queen, which was originally published in London in 1609 and Epistolarum by Leonardo Brun, which was printed in Venice in 1472 and given to the University of Adelaide as part of Sir Samuel Way's bequest in 1916. "We also looked at the exhibition of some of the treasures of the Barr Smith Library, which are currently on exhibit in the foyer area. These include manuscripts with the signatures of George Washington and Queen Elizabeth I," Mr Choate said. "We genuinely appreciate the ongoing support we receive from the University's alumni and friends, and it was a pleasure for us to show people around and give them the opportunity to see what the Library has and what it does."
- The University's Bequest Officer, Mr Jon Russack, is organising a series of four fascinating events for alumni and friends of the University in 2006, including a day trip to Roseworthy Campus, a visit to key research laboratories and tours of other areas of interest at the University.
The next event will be a tour of research laboratories in the Faculty of Health Sciences to be held later this year. If you would like to receive an invitation, please contact Jon Russack in the D&A office on (08) 8303 3234.