Artificial Intelligence – a gift from the Gods or a Pandora’s Box?

Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity to hear from Professor Anton van den Hengel and Australia’s Chief Scientist Alan Finkel for a roundtable discussion on AI.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning have already begun to revolutionise society. On one hand, this makes life easier, on the other, it threatens our freedom and security. So how far are we prepared to let AI remake our world? And will we even have a say in it?

“Every time we decide which technologies we allow into our lives we must ask ourselves, ‘what kind of society do we want to be?’ – Alan Finkel.

“If we don’t invest heavily in AI now our ideological position will be irrelevant because we’ll just be importing the products and services from overseas.” – Anton van den Hengel.

Further details and tickets are here .

Tagged in event, vandenHengel