A Guided Tour of Practical Data Science with R

Dr Ernest Fokoué

The Australian Institute for Machine Learning invites you to a free two-day workshop with Dr Ernest Fokoué, Professor of Statistics at Rochester Institute of Technology

The free workshop will provide you with a foundational working knowledge of R and R Studio as environments for exploring problems in Applied Statistical Machine Learning and Practical Data Science. You will get familiar with some fundamental statistical concepts and techniques that ubiquitously permeate Statistical Machine Learning, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. Working hands-on through diverse datasets, you will solve regression, time-series, classification and unsupervised learning problems.

No prior knowledge of statistical computing is required. The only prerequisites are basic college algebra, and a sincere desire to find patterns in data. You will also need to bring your laptop.

Detailed workshop details are here. Dr Fokoué's biography can be found here

If you have any questions, please contact Dr Zygmunt Szpak.

Tagged in Zygmunt Szpak, Ernest Fokoué, Machine Learning, data, Artificial Intelligence