AIML Special Presentation: Does a farmer want AI? Developing a Trusted AI Agronomist

A path to a productive, resilient, and sustainable agricultural future lies in the successful integration of disruptive AI-driven agritechnology into decision-making processes across the food supply chain. These advanced solutions are crucial for assessing trade-offs and risks in a world increasingly affected by climate volatility. However, these solutions cannot come without a deeper understanding of the underlying appetite for such solutions.

This seminar explored the pathway towards developing a trusted AI agronomist, combining the Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator (APSIM) with human-centered design principles and stakeholder engagement. APSIM is a globally recognised process-based crop modelling system that allows users to capture the complex dynamics of crop production, yet its uptake by industry has been limited. To enhance adoption, the speakers proposes a new architecture that captures the cropping dynamics but in a simpler representation via an APSIM-based emulator, built using machine learning. This emulator, when coupled with user-centered studies, aims to create a novel, impactful tool that interprets crop growth and its uncertainties effectively and rapidly, bridging the gap between research and practical application for farmers.

Drs Sarah Hartman and Petra Kuhnert during their AIML presentation

Drs Sarah Hartman (left) and Petra Kuhnert during their AIML presentation, June 2024

Tagged in Artificial Intelligence, Agriculture, Data61