Our Charter

AIML: Our Charter

Research excellence

AIML members are committed to maintaining excellence through publication in top-tier conferences and journals. We are also committed to showcasing this excellence by participating in global technology challenges and competitions.

Industry translation

AIML translates cutting-edge research into impact through collaborating with partners, including world-leading companies and local SMEs. We are committed to raising the profile of South Australia as the place to be for innovation.

Training future leaders

AIML is building an ecosystem of machine learning experts by training and employing our state's greatest minds. AIML embraces a culture of curiosity, collaboration, mentorship and sponsorship, trust, diversity, and accountability.


As an institute of the University of Adelaide located at Lot Fourteen, AIML is committed to engagement across the University community and to facilitating the development of the Lot Fourteen ecosystem. AIML staff and students are members of the broader University of Adelaide community, benefiting from established policies and protocols for research and business excellence.


AIML has developed an open model for research and innovation. By open, we mean that nearly all our research outputs are open to the outside world—through either top-tier conferences/journals, open-source software, or talks and seminars. This model drives the University’s world rankings and ability to attract and retain top talent, and it allows AIML to drive the fundamental science of ML, CV, and AI and their application across industry in South Australia.

Sovereign capability

AIML contributes to Australia’s sovereign capability through capacity building and partnering on projects of national importance. We actively engage with the University’s Defence and Security Institute (DSI) on projects and research associated with the defence industry. Our members who undertake research relating to defence are automatically members of DSI and meet the obligations of this membership.