MBA Case Study Game Night

Experience the thrill of high-stakes business strategy at our inaugural MBA Case Study Game!

We've invented our own game and want you to join us as we dive into a unique blend of a real-world case study and Dungeons & Dragons-style gameplay, where your decisions shape the fate of a fictional organisation and its stakeholders.

 Over TWO fast paced rounds, teams will tackle complex and changing business challenges, adapting to unexpected PESTLE shifts and letting the roll of the dice determine their success.

 Whether you’re in the hot seat as a player or observing the action as a ‘shareholder’, you’ll be on the edge of your seat.

 Sip fine wine, savour tasty cheeses, and network with fellow MBA minds on this unforgettable evening of strategy, chance and friendly competition. 

A bird's eye view of Adelaide overlaid with dice and a fantasy human character
Tagged in MBA Alumni network, alumni events, alumni network events