Past ANSAN events
In-person events

2024 - Mentoring workshop
An informal networking event facilitated by Rosslyn Cox.
Tuesday 26 November, 6.00 pm - 7.30 pm.

2023 - A Country Practice: Spotlight on rural and remote nursing.
Insights from four expert panellists: Danielle Scott, Melanie Fudge, Jessica Radloff and special guest Lesley Salem AM.
Thursday 23 November 2023, 5.30 pm - 7:15 pm

2022 - ANSAN launch event
Officially opened by Professor Andrew Zannettino Pro Vice-Chancellor (Health Partnerships).
Guest presentations from Associate Professor Lesley Long AM and Professor Lesley Dwyer.
12 May 2022 International Nurses Day, 5:00 -7:30pm
Webinar 5 - International Nursing alumni stories from the UK and Singapore. International nursing alumni Harry Simmonds currently undertaking the Darzi Fellowship in Clinical Leadership in the UK and Josphyne Koh, is a Senior Clinical Manager for a women's health clinic in Singapore.
Webinar 4 - The global voice of nursing with guest speaker David Stewart, from the International Council of Nurses.
Webinar 3 - Sustainable Nursing Practice, speakers: Sara Fleming, Nurse Practitioner, Paediatric Palliative Care and Isla Woidt, Strategic Lead, Worker Wellbeing, Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health.
Webinar 2 - Voluntary Assisted Dying, alumni speakers: Emily Pumpa, Nursing Director, SA Voluntary Assisted Dying Care Navigator, SALHN.
Webinar 1 - Nursing Leadership, Driving the Future of Health care, alumni speakers: Christine Economos, Advanced Nursing Director, Corporate Nursing, Strategy and Workforce for CALHN and Associative Professor Rachel Kornhaber, University of Tasmania, (Sydney campus).