Adelaide Nursing Network - Dean's Welcome

Dr Tamara Page

In May 2022 Adelaide Nursing School a new Nursing School Alumni Network was launched.

The Adelaide Nursing School has seen increasing engagement from our alumni community with many inspirational speakers, shared learnings and experiences. These informal mentoring and networking events provide opportunities to build lifelong relationships and support your career in nursing. We would encourage you to invite other alumni to join.

If you would like to find out information about future events and webinars please visit our ANSAN website and follow our socials on Facebook and LinkedIn.

With the anticipated merger of the University of Adelaide with University of South Australia, 2025 sees the Adelaide Nursing School celebrate its 30th and final year. To commemorate this milestone the Nursing School Alumni Network will be holding a special event later in the year in addition to planned scheduled networking events.

I look forward to meeting you at one of the scheduled events.

Dr Tamara Page
Interim Dean and Head of School