Our nursing alumni

Many dedicated alumni contribute their time and skills to the Adelaide Nursing School Alumni Network events, as organising committee members, expert guest presenters and panellists.

Graduates of Adelaide Nursing School automatically become members of the Adelaide Nursing School Alumni Network.

Please update your details to receive information about the network and invitations to upcoming events. 

Meet some of our ANSAN contributors

Associate Professor Craig Lockwood

Associate Professor Craig Lockwood is a PhD qualified Registered Nurse, a staff member at the School of Public Health at the University of Adelaide, and Adjunct Associate Professor at Queen's School of Nursing, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. He has supported over 30 Higher Degree by Research students to completion as postgraduate coordinator.

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Christine Economos

Christine Economos is Interim Advanced Divisional Nursing Director, Paediatric Medicine, Women’s and Children’s Hospital Network. With over 25 years in nursing including executive positions, and on multiple strategic projects, Christine enjoys a healthy work life balance through travel, baking and spending quality time with family and pet rabbit Hazel.

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Phil Mauger

Phil Mauger is a Clinical Nurse Consultant specialising in paediatric haematology and oncology. He is motivated to ensure his patients and their families are given the highest quality care. A father and husband, he is dedicated to providing life-changing treatments, and says one of his greatest achievements is dedicating his life to the service of others.

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Crystal Tudo

Since obtaining her Bachelor of Nursing in 2013, Crystal has used her skills both in Australia and as a volunteer abroad. She is now sharing her expertise as a Clinical Lecturer at Adelaide Nursing School. In 2022, she became an ANSAN committee member and is the social media manager for the network. 

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Lesley Salem AM

Lesley is a Wonnarua woman, artist, author, and nurse practitioner with over 20 years’ experience in remote and rural nursing. Lesley works tirelessly to improve the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and in 2023 Tirkapena Indigenous Award at the 2023 Distinguished Alumni Awards

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Petrie Collins

Petrie Collins has over 50 years' experience in nursing and healthcare education. Her work has spanned continents and reached into corporate pharmaceuticals and business ownership as well as nursing practice. Petrie believes in the value of lifelong learning, and is dedicated to contributing to the education of others while continuing her own learning.

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Rob Ellinger

Rob Ellinger has always had a passion for magic. He brings joy to his patients and workplace through magic in his role as a Registered Nurse at the Women's and Children's Hospital while training in advanced clinical hypnosis. He was part of the first cohort to undertake the Master of Clinical Nursing in 2013.

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Connect with us

If you would like to find out more about this Network follow our social channels including our Facebook and LinkedIn group. 

If you are interested in joining our committee, please complete the nomination form.

Have your say

We want to hear what you want from your Nursing Network. What topics and activities are you interested in? How would you like to stay in touch? Please email your suggestions.