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The romantic legacy of the 1970 University Computer Ball

At the University of Adelaide in 1969, a program authored by two students was employed to match up nearly 1000 people with their ideal counterpart for the University’s first AUScA ‘Computer Ball’. Five decades later, the legacy of that night still lives on for at least one couple ... and perhaps many more!
[Read more about The romantic legacy of the 1970 University Computer Ball]
Li Tu

Li Tu is a professional tennis player and Bachelor of Commerce graduate whose unusual career path has taught him the value of hard work, reliability, focusing on what's truly important, and having a great team by your side.
Dr Ross Williams and Andrew Hensel jumped out of a plane for O-Week 1986

“We Could Die!” announced the posters that two students plastered across the North Terrace Campus during O-Week 1986. Beneath this provocative heading, they printed a picture of a human figure under a parachute with the strings cut. The dramatic posters drew quite the crowd to the University oval to witness a “demonstration jump”...
[Read more about Dr Ross Williams and Andrew Hensel jumped out of a plane for O-Week 1986]
Kim Sparks

Kim Sparks is currently the Quality Manager at Udder Delights Australia, where she ensures the company’s products meet quality standards and customer expectations. She takes pride in having worked with iconic brands that feature in many people’s fridges and pantries.
Tan Sri Wan Zulkiflee bin Wan Ariffin

Tan Sri Wan Zulkiflee bin Wan Ariffin is a business leader and Chairman of DRB-HICOM Berhad, Gas Malaysia Berhad and Nestle (Malaysia) Berhad. Previously, he was Group Chairman of Malaysia Aviation Group and Malaysia Airlines Berhad, Director of Exxon Mobil Corporation and President and CEO of Petronas.
Associate Professor Craig Lockwood

Association Professor Craig Lockwood is a PhD qualified Registered Nurse, a staff member at the School of Public Health at the University of Adelaide, and Adjunct Associate Professor, Queen's School of Nursing, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. He has been Deputy Director at Joanna Briggs Institute of Implementation Science since 2002.
Tirana Hassan

Tirana Hassan is the Executive Director of Human Rights Watch. Now based in New York, she has spent decades defending the human rights of vulnerable people around the world. She received a Distinguished Alumni Award in November 2024.
Her Excellency Dr Serey Chea

Her Excellency Dr Serey Chea is the Governor of the National Bank of Cambodia. Under her leadership across this and other positions, Cambodia has seen the modernisation and regulation of payment and banking systems that have created significant impacts for people around the country. She received a Distinguished International Alumni Award at the Distinguished Alumni Awards in November 2024.
Talisha King

Talisha King is a Gurindji, Mudburra and Waanyi woman and a public health advocate working to improve the lives of indigenous peoples through health and reconciliation. She received a Tirkapena Indigenous Award at the Distinguished Alumni Awards in November 2024.
Peter Clark

Peter Clark is the Director of Monarto Safari Park and a vocal advocate for conservation of species. His work over a 50-year career in both Australia and Papua New Guinea earned him a UNESCO Achievement Award in 2021. He received a Distinguished Alumni Award in November 2024.