Dr Mercy Mwangangi
Recipient of the Distinguished International Alumni Award 2022
Medical practitioner, health economist, and policy analyst Dr Mercy Mwangangi fundamentally believes in the crucial role that public health plays in Kenya’s economic and social development.
Mercy has an unwavering commitment to improving the health of all Kenyans, and her oversight and guidance in the implementation of health measures has significantly contributed to the advancement of health and welfare outcomes in her home country.
After completing her medical studies in Kenya, Mercy pursued postgraduate studies at the University of Adelaide, where she received a Graduate Certificate in Economics in 2014, and a Master of Health Economics and Policy the year after. When Mercy travelled to Australia to undertake her study, there were only four health economists in Kenya.
"Studying at the University of Adelaide gave me a wider lens with which I now view Kenya’s health sector," she said. "Observing a different culture laid the foundation of who I’ve become and taught me the value of integrity."
Studying at the University of Adelaide gave me a wider lens with which I now view Kenya’s health sector.Dr Mercy Mwangangi

During her time in Australia, Mercy received an Australian Leadership Award for her demonstration of exemplary leadership abilities and the potential to influence development in her home country.
After returning to Kenya, Mercy was appointed as the Head of Health Financing and Health Economics.
In 2019, she was appointed as the Chief Administrative Secretary of Kenya’s Ministry of Health. In the role she became the face of the nation’s COVID-19 pandemic response at just 32 years old.
Mercy has become a role model for young women aspiring to join the African public service and is a member of the African Women in Leadership Network, which offers female alumni a space to discuss issues and share valuable insights to promote their advancement.
"At every point in my career, mentorship has been incredibly important," said Mercy.
"Someone took a chance on me to get me to where I am now, and provided an enabling environment that has allowed me to pursue a career in public health leadership."