Sophie Wilkinson

B Des St 2008: B Com (Mgmt) 2009: Grad Cert Proj Mgmt & Org 2009
Elected Member - Faculty of Arts, Business, Law, and Economics
Sophie Wilkinson returned to Adelaide in 2020 after seven years working and living in New York City. Sophie was a founding member, leader and senior executive at a high-growth venture capital backed start-up, Common, which now has over 300 employees globally. She is a sought-after speaker on topics of design, innovation in real estate, and business growth. Sophie currently consults to business owners on strategy, growth, and process design and implementation. Before working with start-ups, Sophie gained world-class experience as a construction project manager, working on luxury retail and hospitality projects including as the project lead on Apple’s Madison Ave Flagship Store.
Sophie has served as the President of the New York City Alumni Network, and contributed to the University of Adelaide Business School study tours to New York in 2019, 2020 and 2023. She happily lives in Adelaide with her partner and two children and is passionate about climate change, plastic waste and equality.