News: AF
Rajiv Mahajan wins APHRS 2013 Best Abstract Award
Rajiv Mahajan continues his winning runs for 2013 with a clean sweep of every major award. He received first place for his outstanding work demonstrating reversal of the AF substrate at the Asia-Pacific Heart Rhythm Society in Hong Kong. Well done Rajiv – a superb culmination of what will be the most outstanding PhD thesis.
[Read more about Rajiv Mahajan wins APHRS 2013 Best Abstract Award]
Darius Chapman wins APHRS 2013 Poster Award for Basic and Translation Research
Darius Chapman continues his winning run with a further award for his work on mapping AF at the Asia-Pacific Heart Rhythm Society in Hong Kong. All this within the first year of his PhD program at CHRD. Well done Darius – a great choice to move out of industry!
[Read more about Darius Chapman wins APHRS 2013 Poster Award for Basic and Translation Research]
CHRD team are first in the world to implant new injectable loop recorder

Prof Prash Sanders and the CHRD team implant the first percutaneous injectable loop recorder (Reveal LINQ). This technology opens the door to identifying episodes of AF to allow early anticoagulation and stroke prevention. In addition, it extends the existing capabilities of investigation of palpitations and syncope. Well done Vanessa Maxwell and Jonathon Foote from our clinical trials team and Medtronic Clinical Trials Staff for enabling this to be the first world-wide implant. Read the coverage by ABC News at:
[Read more about CHRD team are first in the world to implant new injectable loop recorder]