MEDIC ST 6000 - Final (Sixth Year) MBBS Assessment

North Terrace Campus - Semester 2 - 2017

  • General Course Information
    Course Details
    Course Code MEDIC ST 6000
    Course Final (Sixth Year) MBBS Assessment
    Coordinating Unit Medical Studies
    Term Semester 2
    Level Undergraduate
    Location/s North Terrace Campus
    Contact 4 x 4 week placements,16 wk afternoon seminar program, 1 week program in ENT; 4 x 4 placement
    Available for Study Abroad and Exchange N
    Restrictions Available to MBBS students only
    Assessment details provided at start of year
    Course Staff

    Course Coordinator: Professor Cherrie Galletly

    Course Timetable

    The full timetable of all activities for this course can be accessed from Course Planner.

  • Learning Outcomes
    Course Learning Outcomes

    The Year 6 MBBS course aims to prepare students for their role as interns the following year, and more broadly for their work as doctors, initially in junior positions then continuing the lifelong learning required to work in the medical profession.
    There are no formal examinations in Year 6, and the Year 6 course consists of a series of clinical placements. Students undertake clinical duties under supervision, working as part of the multi-disciplinary team. There is a focus on work ethic and professional behaviour. Students are expected to maintain 95% attendance, and any absences require pre-approved leave or a medical certificate.
    There are two semesters. The internship semester has three six week placements, specifically designed to enable students to learn to perform intern duties. These are an emergency internship (sometimes combined with ICU or acute medical unit); a medical internship; and a surgical internship. During the internship semester, students attend the Year 6 Teaching series. This series focusses on practical skills needed by interns.
    The second semester includes the Dean’s elective, and four selective placements. The Dean’s elective is a 4 week placement organised by individual students which allows them to pursue their specific interests within medicine. Many students travel overseas for the Dean’s elective. The four selective placements are in medicine, surgery, psychiatry and primary care. There is a wide range of selective placements available, working in the community as well as hospital-based medicine. In some cases students can create their own selective placement.
    Students are assessed by the clinical supervisor on each placement, in consultation with other medical staff, and where appropriate nursing and allied health staff. Assessment includes attendance and three domains – professional behaviour, clinical skills and practice, and medical knowledge and clinical reasoning.

    Learning Outcomes:  By the end of Year 6, and the MBBS Course, students will:
    1.  Demonstrate professional behaviours including advocacy and leadership in healthcare
    2.  Evaluate individual and population health status, and where necessary, formulate, implement and monitor management plans in consultation with other health professionals, patients, carers and communities
    3. Promote and optimise the health and welfare of individuals and populations
    4. Retrieve, critically evaluate, interpret and apply evidence in the performance of health-related activities
    5. Deliver safe and effective collaborative healthcare

    University Graduate Attributes

    This course will provide students with an opportunity to develop the Graduate Attribute(s) specified below:

    University Graduate Attribute Course Learning Outcome(s)
    Deep discipline knowledge
    • informed and infused by cutting edge research, scaffolded throughout their program of studies
    • acquired from personal interaction with research active educators, from year 1
    • accredited or validated against national or international standards (for relevant programs)
    Critical thinking and problem solving
    • steeped in research methods and rigor
    • based on empirical evidence and the scientific approach to knowledge development
    • demonstrated through appropriate and relevant assessment
    Teamwork and communication skills
    • developed from, with, and via the SGDE
    • honed through assessment and practice throughout the program of studies
    • encouraged and valued in all aspects of learning
    Career and leadership readiness
    • technology savvy
    • professional and, where relevant, fully accredited
    • forward thinking and well informed
    • tested and validated by work based experiences
    Intercultural and ethical competency
    • adept at operating in other cultures
    • comfortable with different nationalities and social contexts
    • able to determine and contribute to desirable social outcomes
    • demonstrated by study abroad or with an understanding of indigenous knowledges
    Self-awareness and emotional intelligence
    • a capacity for self-reflection and a willingness to engage in self-appraisal
    • open to objective and constructive feedback from supervisors and peers
    • able to negotiate difficult social situations, defuse conflict and engage positively in purposeful debate
  • Learning & Teaching Activities
    Learning & Teaching Modes

    No information currently available.


    No information currently available.

    Learning Activities Summary

    No information currently available.

  • Assessment

    The University's policy on Assessment for Coursework Programs is based on the following four principles:

    1. Assessment must encourage and reinforce learning.
    2. Assessment must enable robust and fair judgements about student performance.
    3. Assessment practices must be fair and equitable to students and give them the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned.
    4. Assessment must maintain academic standards.

    Assessment Summary
    Please see "Assessment Detail"
    Assessment Related Requirements



    The practice of medicine is a rewarding and complex vocation, which requires high-level interpersonal and professional skills, a rigorous scientific base and strong clinical skills. The MBBS Program has been designed to help students achieve competence in these three major domains: Medical Knowledge, Clinical Skills and Reasoning, and Professionalism.

    Given the privileged role where the community puts practitioners in a position of trust, the examining faculty has an obligation to determine that graduating doctors are competent and safe, and treat patients and colleagues with due consideration. The assessments planned during the Program are designed to guide student learning, to help students and Faculty identify any area of difficulty so that remediation can be undertaken and to provide the evidence base on which the Program’s accreditors and the wider community can be assured that newly graduating doctors have been adequately evaluated.


    1.1 Professional Standards

    1.1.1 Code of Conduct All students will be expected to adhere to a Code of Conduct, developed in consultation with the University and the Medical Board of Australia. This includes aspects of behaviour and attendance. Serious breaches of the Code of Conduct may lead to students being referred to the Professional Behaviour Panel and/or the Program Coordinator, who will arrange for the students to undergo appropriate remediation to improve their behaviour. Continuing failure to adhere to the Code of Conduct may result in the student being reported to the Medical Board of Australia. Conduct which breaches university regulations will be dealt with according to university policy and procedures.

    1.1.2 Unprofessional Behaviour Notwithstanding the contents of the Code of Conduct, certain behaviours are regarded as being unacceptable in medical students. Examples include (but are not limited to):

    inappropriate or inconsiderate behaviour towards patients, volunteers, university or hospital staff or other students, at any time including during group sessions/ lectures

    dishonesty, plagiarism, cheating

    breaches of confidentiality, such as chatting about patients in social media or settings


    intoxication during university activities

    failure to behave in a responsible manner in clinical situations

    1.1.3 Academic Honesty Students are advised to familiarise themselves with the University’s Academic Honesty Policy: The Policy describes the following as examples of plagiarism:

    presenting work that is not your own in any format, without appropriate attribution or reference to the original source

    paraphrasing or copying work that is not your own, without due acknowledgement by way of reference to the original work

    adopting the ideas of others, or the structure of an existing analysis, without due acknowledgement by way of reference to the original source.

    The work of others may be submitted ONLY when use of the work is appropriate and duly acknowledged. 

    Cheating in any task or assessment is also expressly forbidden in the University’s Academic Honesty policy. Examples of cheating include: 

    Presenting any data or results of laboratory, field or other work that are fabricated or falsified, as if they were genuine.

    Contributing towards other candidates’ individual assessed work, except in accordance with approved study and assessment schemes.

    Seeking or accepting other students’ assistance in a piece of assessed individual work, except in accordance with approved study and assessment schemes.

    Submitting the same piece of work for assessment in two different courses, except in accordance with approved study and assessment schemes.

    Copying or reproducing restricted examination items in any manner whatsoever, including by photography, screen capture, memorization, or any other form of reproduction.

    Using unauthorized copies of examination items, however and by whomever obtained, for study purposes. 

    The University takes plagiarism and cheating in any form of assessment seriously. All assignments need to be submitted with a cover sheet signed by the student, acknowledging an understanding of the University’s Academic Honesty Policy. As specified by the Policy, breaches of any of the above will incur penalties which may include receiving a result of zero for the assessment task and failing the course, and being recorded in the Central Plagiarism and Cheating Register of the University. If the breach is deemed by the Faculty to be serious enough, in addition to the above, it may proceed against the student under the University’s Student Misconduct Rules. The Board of Conduct has the authority to impose a penalty on a student including a reprimand, a fine of up to $200, cancellation of enrolment, suspension and/or expulsion from the University. The Student Misconduct Rules are available online at 

    1.1.4 Respecting intellectual property rights Course material over which copyright is held, when provided to students, is for individual study. Copyright material is not to be copied or distributed under any circumstances. Heavy penalties may apply if this legal requirement is breached. Examination questions are the property of the University of Adelaide. In some instances, they are owned by other organisations, who have the right to sue if copyright is breached. Some examination questions are quarantined, i.e. not made available to students. Memorisation and subsequent reproduction and/or distribution of these questions, in whole or in part, is cheating and will be dealt with according to the University’s Academic Honesty Policy, available at: 

    When the MBBS program provides examination questions for private study, such questions may be reproduced or distributed free of charge in electronic or paper format only to other students enrolled in the MBBS program in this University. Discussion of these questions with fellow students is actively encouraged. Reproduction or distribution to any person who is not currently enrolled as a student in the MBBS program or who is not a member of the academic or professional staff of the University is strictly prohibited. Charging a fee for these questions, or for material that includes parts of these questions, is strictly prohibited.

    1.1.5 Use of mobile phones and other electronic devices

    As is standard practice in many public places (including hospital wards where mobile phones may interfere with other electronic instruments) students are asked out of courtesy to staff, patients and other colleagues to ensure that mobile phones are always turned off before entering lectures, tutorials, examinations, clinical settings and all other learning environments where ringing phones may be disruptive.

    Bringing phones, pagers, portable devices, wireless equipment or any information retrieval system into an examination will result in a fail grade for that examination, except where such equipment is:

    required due to disability and has been specifically approved by the University’s Disability Service, OR

    specifically permitted in that examination.

    Using any digital image capturing equipment, including mobile phones, to capture and/or circulate any images of patients, anatomy and pathology laboratory specimens, and/or medical records, including ECGs, radiology images, laboratory results or de-identified material, may be a breach of privacy and/or copyright laws and is therefore forbidden. 

    1.1.6 Electronic communications

    Students are required to check their University-provided email account daily during teaching weeks. The University provides facilities to allow electronic communication between staff and students, and between students and their colleagues, through email, electronic bulletin boards and discussion boards. Both the University and the Faculty of Health Sciences have policies on the appropriate use of these facilities and students should familiarize themselves with these. (IT Acceptable Use and Security Policy Students are required to use these resources responsibly and those who misuse them (for example by using inappropriate language or engaging in electronic harassment) will be reported to the Program Coordinator. 

    1.2 Approved Dress Code

    Dress Standards for Medical Students in all Clinical Areas

    The medical profession is generally held in high esteem. Continuing enjoyment of this privilege implies certain basic rules of professionalism as to how to conduct oneself and how to dress when involved in patient care. While some rules may be seen to be conservative and/or the views of older colleagues, the major driver behind this dress code are the (published) expectations of patients paired with evidence-based recommendations with regards to infection control and Occupational Health & Safety rules.

    A significant proportion of patients are 70 years old or more. Patients and relatives are anxious. It has been estimated that it takes patients on average only 15 seconds to form an initial opinion regarding the competence of their doctor. Most initial opinion is formed through non-verbal cues. Therefore, to maximise a positive patient perception of doctors and medical students, it is mandatory to dress appropriately.

    It is difficult to be prescriptive and what counts is the overall picture. Nevertheless, here are some examples: 

    Formal attire Smart casual
Buttoned business shirts/ blouses Dresses or skirts of reasonable length Business trousers Tidy hair

    Not Acceptable
    Track suits, board shorts, jeans “Street Wear” (incl. large logos) T-shirts, fleeces Sandshoes, “sneakers”, thongs Very short pants or skirts Extreme or unruly hairstyles Extreme examples of body piercing and tattooing 

    A generally ‘unkempt’ appearance and/or offensive body odour are also unacceptable. Polls of patients clearly indicate what they and their relatives do not wish to see during their patient-doctor experience and this includes: exposed abdomens and/or hips, as often occurs with low-waisted pants or skirts; deep, “plunging” neck lines; mini skirts; rucksacks; and water bottles.

    There are also areas where breaches compromise patient safety or staff safety:

    Occupational Health & Safety requirements

    No open footwear and high-heeled shoes. Long hair needs to be tied back.

    Infection Control

    No nail polish and especially no acrylic fingernails. Jewellery also frequently harbours microorganisms and must be kept to a minimum, e.g. wedding band and wristwatch. However, during scrubbing all jewellery must be removed. If neck ties are worn they need to be prevented from coming into contact with the patient (e.g. tie clips).

    Hospital Administration and Security

    Valid ID badges must be displayed always. 

    1.3 Criminal History Checks  Many clinical attachment sites (e.g. hospitals and general practices) will not allow students to attend unless students have a valid criminal history check. Most of these placements are essential components for successful completion of the year. It is the responsibility of each student to ensure that they have a valid criminal history check when required, and to ensure that their documentation is current prior to relevant attachments. Expired criminal history checks will be rejected by the relevant organizations. Lack of attendance due to a lack of a current criminal history check, is not acceptable excuse and may result in a failure of a component of the course. It is strongly recommended that students make arrangements for this requirement well in advance, as it may take several weeks from submission of an application to receipt of a certificate. 

    1.4 TB Screening Notification  Students who undertake clinical placements, internships or research projects involving children or people who are ill, elderly or vulnerable are required to demonstrate tuberculosis (TB) clearance by producing a TB Screening Notification obtained through a test at SA Tuberculosis Services. The placement coordinator will provide information on specific requirements for individual clinical attachments. Some of these placements and research activities are essential components for successful completion of the year. It is the responsibility of each student to ensure that they have TB clearance done when required. If a student does not have a valid TB Screening Notification they will not be allowed to attend the placement, or undertake the relevant research. 

    1.5 Compliance with Immunisation Requirements All medical students must ensure that they are compliant with the Immunisation Guidelines for Health Care Workers in South Australia Policy Guideline, available from the SA Health webpage: .

    1.6 Registration with the Medical Board of Australia All medical students must be registered with the Medical Board of Australia, which has the responsibility of ensuring that all persons permitted to practice medicine in Australia should be fit and proper persons who maintain appropriate professional standards. Currently, the staff of the Faculty of Health Sciences manage student registration by providing a list of enrolled medical students to the Australian Health Professionals Registration Agency. Students do not need to register individually. The Executive Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences is obliged to report serious cases of health impairment or unprofessional behaviour by students to the Medical Board, which may keep records of such instances. These records may contribute to the decision by the Board whether to grant provisional registration to graduates of the MBBS Program. Failure to achieve provisional registration will prevent a graduate from completing his or her internship within Australia and thus will impede the achievement of full registration as a medical practitioner. 


    Participation in the MBBS Program in the case-based and clinical activities, including all clinical attachments, is critical to adequate professional development. Commitment to part-time employment is not an acceptable reason for non-attendance at rostered times, which usually include any time from 0800 to 1800 hours, Monday to Friday. Some clinical activities WILL require attendance outside those times, including weekends. Unsatisfactory attendance or late submission of written work can preclude you from passing the Program at any year level. Specific attendance requirements related to structure learning activities are set out in the relevant course outlines. 

    2.1 Attendance policy

    Students should be aware that patients commonly go to considerable trouble and inconvenience to participate in teaching sessions. Likewise, teachers put considerable time and effort into preparing and presenting teaching sessions. Students are expected to attend at the rostered times and to meet professional standards of behaviour. Attendance and appropriate behaviour is expected at compulsory tutorials, clinical sessions and resource sessions. Attendance and appropriate behaviour is strongly encouraged at lectures. Apparent lack of interest and lack of respect on the part of students will jeopardise the goodwill of patients, teachers and others. A record will be kept in each student’s file of instances of unprofessional behaviour and non-attendance. 

    Reasons for absence must be provided and submitted in writing as outlined in section 2.2, ‘Notification of non-attendance.’ A substantial number of absences may result in a student to repeat the year.

    A choice to attend other activities, such as paid work, instead of Program activities is not an acceptable reason for non-attendance. 

    2.2 Notification of non-attendance

    If you have any medical, compassionate or other circumstances which may have prevented you from attending sessions or prevented the submission of written work you must notify the relevant course coordinator. Please see section 6 of this document for timelines and detailed guidelines of how to notify of absence and apply for leave. Failure to follow these procedures may jeopardize your progression in the MBBS Program. 


    3.1 Academic Language and Learning

    Effective communication is essential to the successful practice of medicine. Spoken and written skills develop with use, with increasing insight into the ways in which these skills are used in the study and practice of Medicine and with success in interactions with others. Learning skills similarly develop over time and with practice and training. 

    MBBS students have access to the Academic Language and Learning in Medicine program. This service is open to all students, regardless of whether or not English is their first language. Students wishing to improve their spoken or written language skills, or their learning strategies are encouraged to make an appointment with the Program Coordinator and by contacting, Ms Helen Fraser ( In addition, the Faculty encourages teaching staff to identify students whose command of English interferes with understanding in tutorials, submitted work, examinations or clinical activities. Where a report suggests a problem, which is not already being addressed, a student may be asked to meet with Ms Fraser to discuss the Faculty’s concerns. 

    3.2 Legibility

    Work submitted by students for assessment, including written examinations must be legible. Assessment of student’s performance can only be made where an assessor can read what a student has presented. This is particularly important with respect to examination scripts because there are no further opportunities for a student to rewrite/ type examination scripts. Thus, submitted material that is illegible will not be marked. Likewise, for examinations which use Answer Scanning Sheets, it is the students’ responsibility to indicate their answers clearly and fully as instructed on the Answer Scanning sheets. Students who have a condition that impairs their ability to write legibly in an examination should apply in advance for Alternative Examination Arrangements (AEA). 


    The University offers alternative examination arrangements (AEA) for students who require a variation to the location, duration, or conditions of centrally administered examinations based on some medical or non-medical grounds. AEA applications must be made to the Disability Advisor at the University’s Disability Service. It is your responsibility to read instructions are available at: Students must retain a copy of their approved application form, as written confirmation may not be provided. 

    The Program Coordinator, and the Year 1-3 Coordinator are formally notified if an AEA is granted and no further action is required by the student in Years 1 - 3. In Years 4 – 6, it is the student’s responsibility to directly notify their rotation supervisors within ONE week of the start of each rotation, should they require alternative arrangements for end of rotation assessments. Exams with AEA will usually be held on the same day and at the same time as scheduled in the main timetable. Students are not entitled to sit an examination at another time, and are not entitled to any other concession. Please note that an AEA is not applicable for clinical examinations (OSCEs) and the Disability Advisors are aware of this exemption. 


    There are two processes for monitoring academic progress – one is an internal MBBS Program process, which reviews student performance in each semester and identifies students at risk of a poor result at the end of the year. The other occurs at a University wide level at the end of each year and addresses students considered to have made unsatisfactory academic progress. 

    5.1.1 MBBS Program monitoring and support for students

    In the MBBS program, student performances are reviewed to identify students who are at risk of unsatisfactory academic performance. This includes performance in summative assessments in the three major Domains of the course in Years 1-3, and clinical attachments in Years 4-6. At mid-year, students considered to be at risk are notified in writing by the Year 1-3 Coordinator, or Year 4-6 Coordinator, and Program Coordinator and support from relevant academic staff will be offered. Similar notice and support will be provided at year-end. 

     5.1.2 Additional / Replacement (formerly Supplementary) Assessment The University’s policy, conditions and procedures for additional/ replacement assessments are available at 

    5.2.1 University Policy on Unsatisfactory Academic Progress by Coursework Students If a student's progress in an academic program is consistently unsatisfactory, conditions may be placed on the student's continued enrolment or the student may be excluded from continuing their studies in that program. The University’s Academic Progress by Coursework Students Policy specifies how unsatisfactory progress will be identified and addressed, and is available at

    5.2.2 Student Grievance Resolution Process The University has a Student Grievance Resolution Process to help students resolve grievances about an academic decision, administrative decision or unfair treatment. Students with a grievance may consult with a Student Grievance Adviser to assist with the resolution process. For information about the process, support available and the contact details, please refer to the following website:


    6.1. Overview

    This section sets out the policies and potential ramifications of taking leave of absence from the MBBS Program. 

    Absence is defined as missing one or more components of the MBBS Program without application and approval for leave of absence. Any absence must be supported by a medical certificate or by the granting of leave. 

    Leave of Absence is a formal application for approved non-attendance in all components of the individual’s MBBS program for a specified period for a defined reason. No approvals will be granted outside of this process. 

    MBBS Calendar Year: Attachments cannot be made up outside of the dates set in the calendar year for the MBBS. Students taking leave of absence should ensure that they have received prior approval from the relevant supervisor and have an agreed plan for making up missed work. 

    Assessment Implications: The implications of not meeting assessment requirements are set out in the relevant course outlines. 

    Please note the specific MBBS Academic Program Rules, which are available on the web:

    ‘Interruption of a program: Students must apply for permission from the Dean of Medicine or delegate before taking a Leave of Absence. Any extension of the leave without approval will result in the loss of place in the program but an application may be made to be re-admitted to the program subject to the admission procedures in place at the time.’

    6.2 Types of Leave of Absence Note that it is the responsibility of the student to notify the Course Coordinator, the clinical placement team and clinical attachment coordinators (in Years 4-6) of any absence as early as possible, and to ascertain the impact such leave will have on their academic standing. 

    6.2.1 Long-term Leave (more than 5 days)

    Under certain circumstances the Program Coordinator may approve a long-term leave of absence from the program. Students should be aware that taking extended leave of absence from any point during the year may require that the student repeat that year level of the MBBS program in full. For long breaks away from the MBBS program, students should note that they might be required to re-enter the program in an earlier year and repeat from that year.

    (1) Planned Long-term Leave

    Students planning to take long-term leave from the MBBS program must make an appointment to meet with and seek approval from the Program Coordinator beforehand. Students will be notified of the approval (by Program Coordinator signature on the “Leave of Absence” Form) for leave of absence after the meeting with the Program Coordinator.

    (2) Unplanned Extended Absence

    In some cases, a student may incur an unplanned extended absence from the MBBS Program, such that it would not be possible to pass the year. Students in this situation are advised to inform the Year Level Course Advisor as soon as possible. Approval must still be sought from the Program Coordinator, and a “Leave of Absence Form” must be completed and signed.

    6.2.2 Short-term Leave (less than 5 days)

    (1) Unplanned Short-term Leave

    Students who miss components of their MBBS program due to illness or unplanned non-medical reasons must complete the "Notification of Non-attendance" form and must be submitted within 3 business days of the end of the period of absence. 

    1a. Short-term Leave Of Absence on Medical Grounds

    Students who have missed components of their MBBS program due to illness must attach a medical certificate to the relevant "Non-attendance" form (Year 1-3 or Clinical Placement form). Students are reminded that they should have their own general practitioner who is NOT a relative, friend or family acquaintance. Medical Certificates will only be accepted from an independent medical practitioner. Short-term absence due to medical reasons, which are properly documented and notified, will not count against the attendance requirements for course components. It is the student’s responsibility to catch up on missed work within the MBBS calendar year.

    1b. Unplanned Short-term Leave Of Absence for Non-Medical Grounds - notification after absence

    Students who miss components of their MBBS program for unplanned non-medical reasons must notify the Year 1-3 or Year 4-6 Coordinator as soon as possible, with full details of the reasons for the absence documented as fully as possible in writing. The statement of reasons must also be attached to the relevant "Non-attendance" form. Unplanned absences of 3 days or less, do not require notification to the Program Coordinator but must still be documented and submitted directly to the Faculty as above. Short-term absences due to non-medical and appropriate reasons, which are properly documented and notified, will not count against the attendance requirements for course components. It is the student’s responsibility to catch up missed work within the MBBS calendar year.

    (2) Planned Short-term Leave of Absence for Non-Medical Grounds - leave in advance

    Strict attendance requirements are an important part of the MBBS course. One reason for this is to encourage from early days the concept of "professionalism" with respect to attendance and respect for patients, colleagues, teachers and supervisors.

    Students who are aware that they will miss components of their MBBS program for non-medical reasons for a specified period for a defined reason must, prior to being absent, make application for short-term leave in writing on the MBBS Program Short-term Leave of Absence Application which must be submitted to the relevant Year 1-3 or Year 4-6 coordinator at least fifteen (15) working days prior to the start of the proposed leave. For Years 4 to 6, prior to submitting the application, the leave must be discussed with the attachment supervisor/s and the supervisor must record their written approval on the application form.

    The Year 1-3 or Year 4-6 Coordinator will assess whether a student can academically cope with the proposed absence, after first reviewing an application for planned short-term leave. A student can be denied leave primarily on the grounds of being "at risk" academically. The final approval rests with the Program Coordinator, who will advise the student in writing of the outcome of their request. 

    For leave greater than 5 days, approval must be sought from the Program coordinator.

    The typical situations where short-term leave will be approved are:

    1. Attendance at conferences/meetings which are directly relevant to the MBBS studies

    2. Participation in elite sporting or musical activities

    3. Compelling compassionate reasons.

    Short-term leave will not be granted for:

    1. Planned/ Family holidays

    2. Attendance at events or courses not relevant to the MBBS studies.

    This policy is not intended to discourage students from exploring other life experiences, but as far as possible they should be confined to the university holiday breaks or the student's free time.

    Students should be aware that tutorials and clinical attachments require attendance and time away may not be able to be made up. A student who is granted approved leave is excused from the attendance requirements for that period, although the student is instructed to work out how to make up the missed work as best as possible. 

    Taking unapproved leave means that the student is not excused from the attendance requirements, and thus is at risk of not meeting the requirements for progressing through that year of the course. Students are strongly advised to ensure that they are not putting their successful completion of that year at risk by their planned absence. 

    6.2.3 Prolonged or Repeated Absences

    It should be noted that an extended absence may result in an inability to redeem work and may result in an unsatisfactory result. 

    6.2.4 Elite Athlete Support

    The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences is willing to assist elite athletes to balance their sport and study more effectively. Where the pursuit of athletic activities may interfere with academic performance, students are encouraged to prioritise their studies. Students participating in sports at an elite level must register with the University of Adelaide’s Elite Athlete Program, and should also contact the Program coordinator by email if they are required to develop a program based on their individual needs.

    6.2.5 Summary of Process for Student Leave in the MBBS Program

    There is an expectation that students in the MBBS program will behave professionally in terms of requesting and notifying relevant academic staff when needing to take leave that is unexpected or planned. Professional behaviour includes attendance at all learning activities offered as part of the MBBS program, although non-attendance at a large group session (e.g. whole class lecture) does not require formal notification. Failure to explain and notify relevant staff of absence from any small group sessions or placements will be considered as unprofessional conduct. Any student with a history of recurrent unexplained absences will be required to meet with the Year 1-3 Coordinator or Year 4-6 Coordinator to explain the absence, and depending on the reason for non-attendance, provide supporting documentation.

    Generally for the leave of absence process students should: 

    Contact their Supervisor/Tutor as soon as possible for unplanned leave such as a short illness, or in advance to inform them of any planned absence, and seek approval from Supervisor/Tutor

    Develop a “make-up” plan for time missed with the Supervisor/Tutor, and send with relevant form to approving academic

    Submit signed form and notify all those affected by your absence

    Forms can be accessed from the FHMS Website ( under 'Current students' --> 'Forms' -->

    Categories of Leave

    All Years: Semester/Year/Long term leave - Submit 'Leave of Absence' form

    Meeting with Coordinator of Medical Program - requires signature from Program Coordinator (Prof Nicky Hudson), as delegate of Dean of Medicine

    Note: International Students: For leave of absence of 1 or more semesters, students must ALSO submit 'International Student Centre Amendment to Enrolment Form" (for students studying on a student visa with active confirmation of enrolment and who wish to take a break from or discontinue their study)

    Year 1-3 Leave: < or = 3 days - Submit "MBBS Years 1-3 Non-Attendance Form" to Year 1-3 Coordinator ( within 3 business days of non-attendance

    Notify relevant tutor(s)

    No need for supporting documentation

    This includes planned short term leave of up to 3 days (which can be submitted in advance) as well as unexpected/unplanned absence.

    EXAMPLES: - Minor illness not requiring GP visit, but preventing student from attending hospital (risk to self and/or patients); Personal leave; Co-curricular Activity requiring a day's leave such as an Adelaide conference, job Interview, leadership event. 

    Year 1-3 Leave: >3 days - Submit "MBBS Years 1-3 Non-Attendance Form" to Year 1-3 Coordinator ( within 3 business days of non-attendance

    Notify relevant tutor(s)

    Need supporting documentation

    Requires signature from Year 1-3 Coordinator

    EXAMPLES - Extended illness >3 days requiring medical attention (hence medical certificate) - Presenting at an interstate or international conference - Attending a significant family/life event interstate or overseas 

    Year 4-6 Leave: < or = 3 days - Submit “Clinical Placement Non-Attendance Form” (Under name 'Clinical Placement') to within 3 business days of non-attendance

    Notify Supervisor/Tutor

    No need for supporting documentation

    This includes planned short term leave of up to 3 days (which assumedly can be submitted in advance) as well as unexpected/unplanned absence.

    EXAMPLES: - Minor illness not requiring GP visit, but preventing student from attending hospital (risk to self and / or patients) - Personal leave 

    Year 4-6 Leave 4 or more days - Submit “Clinical Placement Non-Attendance Form” (Under name 'Clinical Placement') to

    Notify Supervisor/Tutor

    Need supporting documentation

    Need signature from Clinical Supervisor and Year 4-6 Coordinator (4-5 days) or MBBS Coordinator (more than 5 days)

    (To be obtained by the faculty staff, not the students themselves - 'Office Use Only')

    Students are also required to contact their Course Coordinator, especially in the case where students may need to make up for time missed on placement

    EXAMPLES - Extended illness >3 days requiring medical attention (hence medical certificate) - Presenting at an interstate or international conference - Medical Student Convention OR Global Health Conference – Significant life event 

    Please note: Leave of Absence, Non-Attendance, Short Term Leaves and any medical certificates cannot be used for applications for replacement assessment - they only notify the Year 1-3 coordinator of the reason for non-attendance at CBL, MPPD, Clinical Skills and Resource sessions in Yrs 1-3 and Clinical Placements in Yrs 4-6. The forms and procedures for replacement assessment are available online from Minor or unsubstantiated reasons will not be accepted. Absences will be subject to approval at the discretion of the Program Coordinator. Please submit by email to Year 1-3 Coordinator or Year 4-6 Coordinator


    7.1 Provision and Maintenance of Contact Address and Telephone Number

    Students must advise of any changes in their contact address or telephone number as soon as possible by amending their details through Access Adelaide at

    7.2 Responsibility to read email regularly

    It is essential that students regularly read their University e-mail, as important information will be sent to you from both academic and administrative staff. E-mail contact from the Faculty of Health Sciences will be made ONLY to a student’s University allocated email address. 

    7.3 Authorised Statements Concerning Examination Requirements

    The procedures and arrangements for the MBBS Examinations are available in the relevant course outlines. Any variation in these procedures will be notified in writing via email. It is the responsibility of the individual student to monitor their email address, and alternative addresses will be not be utilised. Proof of delivery by the University shall be sufficient evidence of notification.
    Assessment Detail
    Requirements for Year 6 of the MBBS Program

    To complete Year 6 students must achieve a Non-Graded Pass (NGP) in each of the following core courses:

    6015 AHO/BHO    Medicine Internship and Year 6 Teaching Series VI    

    6016 AHO/BHO    Surgery Internship VI Part 2    

    6017 AHO/BHO    Emergency Department Internship VI       

    6018 AHO/BHO    Medicine Selective VI Pt 2      

    6019 AHO/BHO   Primary Care Selective VI Pt 2  

    6020 AHO/BHO    Psychiatry Selective VI Pt 2    

    6021 AHO/BHO    Surgery Selective VI Pt 2       

    6022 AHO/BHO    Core Skills Prog VI Pt 2        

    Students are required to take both the Part A and the matching Part B course

    Requirements to achieve a NGP in courses

    (Clinical attachments)
    value of the course
    NGP Additional
    assessment to determine
    final result
    (NGP or Fail)*
    6015 AHO/BHO Medicine Internship and Year 6 Teaching Series VI 3

    Bands A, B, C

    Band D Band E
    6016 AHO/BHO Surgery Internship VI Part 2 3 Bands A, B, C Band D Band E
    6017 AHO/BHO Emergency Department Internship VI 3 Bands A, B, C Band D Band E
    6018 AHO/BHO Medicine Selective VI Pt 2 3 Bands A, B, C Band D Band E
    6019 AHO/BHO Primary Care Selective VI Pt 2 3 Bands A, B, C Band D Band E
    6020 AHO/BHO Psychiatry Selective VI Pt 2 3 Bands A, B, C Band D Band E
    6021 AHO/BHO Surgery Selective VI Pt 2 3 Bands A, B, C Band D Band E
    6022 AHO/BHO Core Skills Prog VI Pt 2 3 Bands A, B, C Band D Band E
    Total 24

    The Bands of achievement are:
    Band Descriptor Indicative % range
    A Above expected competency for Year 6 70+%
    B Clearly at expected competency for Year 6 56-69%
    C Just reaches expected competency for Year 6 50-55%
    D Just below expected competency for Year 6 45-49%
    E Far below expected competency for Year 6 <45%

    *The result of a passed additional assessment is 50% = C band

    **For year 6, students with a fail in one course may apply for an additional assessment as specified in the Modified arrangements for coursework Assessment policy.  This provision is only available for a student who receives a Fail grade in a last course within their program.


    No information currently available.

    Course Grading

    Grades for your performance in this course will be awarded in accordance with the following scheme:

    GS8 (Coursework Grade Scheme)
    Grade Description
    CN Continuing
    FNS Fail No Submission
    NFE No Formal Examination
    F Fail
    NGP Non Graded Pass
    P Pass
    C Credit
    D Distinction
    HD High Distinction
    RP Result Pending

    Further details of the grades/results can be obtained from Examinations.

    Grade Descriptors are available which provide a general guide to the standard of work that is expected at each grade level. More information at Assessment for Coursework Programs.

    Final results for this course will be made available through Access Adelaide.

  • Student Feedback

    The University places a high priority on approaches to learning and teaching that enhance the student experience. Feedback is sought from students in a variety of ways including on-going engagement with staff, the use of online discussion boards and the use of Student Experience of Learning and Teaching (SELT) surveys as well as GOS surveys and Program reviews.

    SELTs are an important source of information to inform individual teaching practice, decisions about teaching duties, and course and program curriculum design. They enable the University to assess how effectively its learning environments and teaching practices facilitate student engagement and learning outcomes. Under the current SELT Policy ( course SELTs are mandated and must be conducted at the conclusion of each term/semester/trimester for every course offering. Feedback on issues raised through course SELT surveys is made available to enrolled students through various resources (e.g. MyUni). In addition aggregated course SELT data is available.

  • Student Support
  • Policies & Guidelines
  • Fraud Awareness

    Students are reminded that in order to maintain the academic integrity of all programs and courses, the university has a zero-tolerance approach to students offering money or significant value goods or services to any staff member who is involved in their teaching or assessment. Students offering lecturers or tutors or professional staff anything more than a small token of appreciation is totally unacceptable, in any circumstances. Staff members are obliged to report all such incidents to their supervisor/manager, who will refer them for action under the university's student’s disciplinary procedures.

The University of Adelaide is committed to regular reviews of the courses and programs it offers to students. The University of Adelaide therefore reserves the right to discontinue or vary programs and courses without notice. Please read the important information contained in the disclaimer.