DESST 4001B - Honours Design Studies Part 2

North Terrace Campus - Semester 2 - 2019

Students will be required to undertake supervised research in one or two advanced topics, thereby developing a thorough understanding of appropriate research techniques. The outcome of this research will be submitted in the form of a substantial essay or research report including a survey of the literature relevant to the topic(s) chosen. The range of topics to be offered in any year will depend on staff availability. Topics expected to be offered from time to time include: Architectural & Landscape Architectural History Australian Architectural & Landscape Architectural History Australian Urban Design History & Practice Computer-Aided Design Computer Applications in Architecture, Landscape Architecture or Urban Design Conservation in the Built Environment Criticism and Architecture & Landscape Architecture Cross-Cultural Architectural & Landscape Architectural Topics Dry-land Landscape Design Heritage Conservation & Cultural Landscapes Islamic Architecture & Garden Design Issues in Sustainable Architecture & Urban Design Plants in Design Project Management South East Asian Architecture & Landscape Architecture Theories in Modern Architecture & Landscape Architecture Thermal Design of Buildings Urban Design Histories & Theories Urban Design in Islamic or South East Asian Places Urban Ecology. Subject to the approval of the Head of the School of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design and with the agreement of the other Departments/Schools/Faculties concerned, a course equivalent to 12 units at Level IV taught in another department/ school/faculty may be taken as part of this program.

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