COMMERCE 7104 - Advanced Theory in Management (M)

North Terrace Campus - Semester 1 - 2015

This course is designed to fulfil the following student learning objectives: Gain an in-depth understanding of some of the main theoretical and research prospectives that have contributed to knowledge of management; Investigate some of the important debates to which theorising about these different issues has given rise; Explore the implications of these debates for both management research and management practice; Become familiar with academic publications in management; Develop an ability to critically analyse and evaluate such publications; Improve oral and written communications skills. Generally, the course aims to give students a greater familiarity with theoretical and philosophical perspectives used in management research in the current or recent management literature. Topics arise throughout the course from theoretical and research prospectives that have influenced (and continue to influence) scholarly thinking about issues of central importance to the practice of management. This is essentially a readings-based course in which students will critically review scholarly research articles each week in advance. Participation marks will be awarded for demonstration of effective reading and understanding the arguments presented.

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