EDUC 4524B - Information Technology Curric & Method Part B (UG)
North Terrace Campus - Semester 2 - 2015
General Course Information
Course Details
Course Code EDUC 4524B Course Information Technology Curric & Method Part B (UG) Coordinating Unit School of Education Term Semester 2 Level Undergraduate Location/s North Terrace Campus Units 3 Contact 2 hours per week, in addition to a 2 hour common lecture focussing on Assessment and Reporting Available for Study Abroad and Exchange N Prerequisites Pass in 6 courses of Computer Science Restrictions Available to B Teaching students only Assessment Essay, unit of work, online tasks, designing pracs & investigations Course Staff
Leon MarsdenCourse Timetable
The full timetable of all activities for this course can be accessed from Course Planner.
Seminar/Workshop time: TBA
Seminar Room: TBA
The full timetable of all activities for this course can be accessed from the Course Planner at -
Learning Outcomes
Course Learning Outcomes
# On Successful completion of this course student will be able:
APST Standard
AQF7/8 GA Semester Two 1 Assemble a range of subject-appropriate resources, including online, that engage
a diversity of students in their learning.2.6 & 3.4 Application 2, 4, 5, 8 2 Develope a broad repertoire of subject-appropriate teaching and learning strategies, including use of ICT. 3.3 & 3.2 Skills 2,3,5 3 Demonstrate broad knowledge of strategies that can be used to evaluate teaching programs to improve student learning. 3.6 & 5.4 Knowledge 1, 2, 6 4 Identify and interpret student learning needs and design learning strategies so as to respond to student diversity. 5.1 & 5.2 Skill & Application 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 5 Formulate a range of feedback and assessment strategies, including informal and formal, diagnostic, formative and summative approaches to assess student learning in the subject area and for various curricula eg SACSA, SACE, ACARA, IB. 5.1,5.2,5.5 & 7.2 Knowledge, Skill & Application 1, 4, 5 6 Demonstrate understanding of assessment, moderation and its application to support consistent and comparable judgements of student learning. 5.3, 5.4 & 5.5 Knowledge 1,2 7 Demonstrate a commitment to work ethically and collaboratively so as to meet the professional expectations required of teachers 6.2, 6.3, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 Knowledge, Skills & Application 3,4,8 8 Demonstrate communication skills to present a clear and coherent exposition of knowledge and ideas to a diverse range of students 3.5, 4.2, 5.5 Knowledge, Skills & Application 2,4 Note:
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST):
Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF):
Graduate Attributes: University of Adelaide Graduate Attributes: Graduate Attributes
This course will provide students with an opportunity to develop the Graduate Attribute(s) specified below:
University Graduate Attribute Course Learning Outcome(s) Knowledge and understanding of the content and techniques of a chosen discipline at advanced levels that are internationally recognised. 3, 4, 5, 6 The ability to locate, analyse, evaluate and synthesise information from a wide variety of sources in a planned and timely manner. 1, 2,3, 4, 6,7 An ability to apply effective, creative and innovative solutions, both independently and cooperatively, to current and future problems. 2,4,7 Skills of a high order in interpersonal understanding, teamwork and communication. 1,4,5,7,8 A proficiency in the appropriate use of contemporary technologies. 1,2,5 A commitment to continuous learning and the capacity to maintain intellectual curiosity throughout life. 3 An awareness of ethical, social and cultural issues within a global context and their importance in the exercise of professional skills and responsibilities. 1, 4, 7 -
Learning Resources
Required Resources
These are mainly documents for Stage 1 and Stage 2 Information Technology set by the SACE which include information about the new SACE Information Technology curriculum, the subject outlines and assessment plans. The documents can be accessed through The AITSL Australian Professional Standards for Teachers will also be referred to frequently (document provided through MyUni).Recommended Resources
In addition to the documents for Stage 1 and Stage 2 physics published on the SACE website, the lecturer will provide students various topic-related articles / websites. Participants will be encouraged to explore every avenue and source of learning resources, publications and electronic resources. Examples of resources include, but not limited to, documents concerning the SACE (especially the curricula for information technology), the TIMSS and PISA studies, and the Australian National Curriculum: Technologies shaping paper.
The following examples also provide useful information about using ICTs in the classroom:
a. Bate, F. (2010). A Bridge Too Far? Explaining Beginning Teachers’ Use of ICT in Australian Schools. URL:
b. Ward, L. & Parr, J. M. (2010). Revisiting and reframing use: Implications for the use of ICT. Computers & Education, 54(1), 113-122. (Can be accessed through the University Library Resource Guides)
c. Gregory, S. & Lloyd, I. (2010). Accepting choices: To ICT or not to ICT: Engagement! In D. Gronn, & G. Romeo (Eds) ACEC2010: Digital Diversity. Conference Proceedings of the Australian Computers in Education Conference 2010, Melbourne 6-9 April. Carlton, Victoria: Australian Council for Computers in Education (ACEC).
d. Impact of ICT – Discourse
e. UNESCO ICT Handbook (2005)
f. Making Better Connections
g. Government of South Australia, Department of Education and Children’s Services (2010). South Australian Teaching for Effective Learning Framework Guide: A resource for developing quality teaching and learning in South Australia / Department of Education and Children’s Services. South Australia: Author.Online Learning
Any lecture notes/PowerPoint slides will be available on MyUni (See the address on the front of this document). In addition, links to online resources such as topic-related journal articles and multimedia materials will also be posted on MyUni. The MyUni Discussion Board will be utilized as a medium for online discussion to provide students the opportunity to share ideas and concerns that are related to teaching Information Technology in schools. -
Learning & Teaching Activities
Learning & Teaching Modes
Seminars/workshops will be held weekly commencing the week beginning 3 March 2014. The course will be delivered as 8×2 hour seminars/workshops in the first semester and 8x2 hour seminar workshops in the second semester.
Seminars/workshops are an important component of your learning in this course. The communication skills developed in seminars by regularly and actively participating in discussions are considered to be most important by the School and are highly regarded by employers and professional bodies.
I will be available for consultation at the following times: TBA
Please regularly check your email or the course’s MyUni announcements page for course-related announcements.Workload
The information below is provided as a guide to assist students in engaging appropriately with the course requirements.
The University expects full-time students (i.e. those taking 12 units per semester) to devote a total of 48 hours per week to their studies. A subject worth 2 points, therefore, should take 8 hours (incl 2 hours of formal classes) during the teaching weeks of the course. Students in this course are expected to attend all lectures/seminars throughout the semester. There are no tutorial sessions for this course Please refer to Access Adelaide for your timetable and enrolment details. Activities Summary
Please note that the actual schedule of weekly topics may change in consultation with the class to better meet your needs and interests. Any changes or additions will be sent to your email and/or will be posted on this course’s MyUni site.
• Information Technology (IT) Education and trends
• Learning Teaching Praxis in IT Education1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 1.6, 2.3 Week 2 • Curriculum Design and Models
• The Australian Curriculum: Technologies1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 1.6, 2.3, 2.4 Week 3 • The Australian Curriculum: Technologies (cont)
• Australian Learners
• Technology education for Indigenous students1.4, 2.3, 2.4, 6.1 Week 4 • SACE for Information Technology (Stage 1 and
Stage 2 – highlight topics covered)
• Other Information Technology curricula
• Research Project / PLP1.3, 2.3, 6.1 Week 5 • Teaching Theories and Frameworks (TPACK)
• Teaching styles and practices in school technology subjects
• Unit planning2.2, 2.3, 6.1 Week 6 • Lesson planning
• Teaching IT in schools2.6, 3.1, 3.2, 4.5 Week 7 • Assessment plans
• Assessment structure and strategies5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 Week 8 • Assessment plans
• Assessment structure and strategies
• Summary/ReviewAll standards 5 WEEK TEACHING PRACTICUM Specific Course Requirements
There are no additional course-specific requirements.Small Group Discovery Experience
Students will work collaboratively in small groups to design research-based IT teaching strategies. This also includes adopting new online and software-based teaching materials that are appropriate and relevant to IT topics. These strategies will be compliant to the requirements stipulated in the Australian National Curriculum for Information Technology, and the SACE Stage 1 and Stage 2 Information Technology Curricula. Students will have the chance to 'test' their teaching strategies during practicum. MyUni Discussion Board will be used to facilitate discussions (including feedback) outside the class sessions. -
The University's policy on Assessment for Coursework Programs is based on the following four principles:
- Assessment must encourage and reinforce learning.
- Assessment must enable robust and fair judgements about student performance.
- Assessment practices must be fair and equitable to students and give them the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned.
- Assessment must maintain academic standards.
Assessment Summary
There are two written assignments required for this course. One is a Unit and Assessment Plan, and the other a Practicum Report. An additional requirement is student MyUni Discussion Board participation in the course.Assessment Related Requirements
Guidelines and suggested format for the assignments will be discussed in the seminars/workshops in Week 1. A weighted total of 50% must be obtained from the combined assessment task weighted scores in order to achieve an overall PASS in this course (provided all assessment tasks are submitted).Assessment Detail
Assignment 1: Planning for teaching and learning including assessment – 50%
This assignment consists or two parts. The first part focuses on a detailed plan for a unit of work for SACE Stage 1 or Stage 2, or the Australian National Curriculum:Technologies . A unit may consist of different components or sections. Select a topic/unit that can be delivered over 6 – 8 hours of contact time. The lessons within the unit must demonstrate different aspects of teaching and learning. ICT must be utilised in some way in most (if not all) of the unit’s lessons with the assumption that the school where the unit plan will be used has an “average” amount of ICT equipment and infrastructure available (e.g., networked computer suites with Internet access, interactive whiteboards, data projectors, etc.). It is therefore essential to include a rationale for using ICTs and how they could enhance student learning. The unit program should incorporate essential learning outcomes, suggested activities and appropriate support material that will allow another teacher to deliver the topic with little additional preparation.
The second part takes form of an assessment plan for the unit plan that involves ICT. The assessment plan will describe how the learning outcomes/objectives/competencies for each component/section of the unit will be assessed. It should contain a short explanation of the assessment instruments (quiz, test, practical test, project, assignment, observation schedule, portfolio, Web page, presentation, etc.) to be used for each component/section of the course. Part of this assessment plan is the creation of one or two assessment instruments that could be used. This is in addition to the collection of other resources found on the Internet or obtained from teachers in schools or other sources. Clear indication must be given of which items is your original work, and which are not. Therefore, it is important that you include references. The items that have been collected from other sources should have a short critical review attached to them. The critical comments should indicate the age groups or year levels, the curriculum content they assess and their sustainability/relevance to the students.
A draft of this assignment may be posted on the MyUni website for peer reviewing. More details will be provided in the first week.
Please NOTE:
• Your lesson should reflect most (if not all) of the AITSL National Professional Standards. For the sake of this assignment, indicate which sections of your unit plan will enable you to meet which particular AITSL standards.
• There is no prescribed lesson plan format, so be creative. However, limit the number of pages of your unit plan to 8 pages (excluding the coversheet). A 10% penalty will apply if you submit more than 8 pages of unit plan.
• If you have references, use the APA 5.0 or APA 6.0 style for in-text citations and reference list. A guide can be downloaded from the University of Adelaide website.
Total Possible Marks - 100
Graduate Attributes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8
AITSL: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Due Date: TBA (Assignments should include a signed Standard Assignment Cover Sheet and submitted as a hard copy).
Assignment 2: Practicum report – 40%
This is a report covering observations of the teaching practices using ICTs in the school where you did your first teaching practicum. The report also covers a description of the school’s existing ICT infrastructures and operating procedures.
Included in this report is an assessment and discussion of the useability of the unit plan you have developed considering the actual state of the ICT infrastructure in the school where you completed your teaching practicum. State of the ICT infrastructures includes the number of available equipment (e.g., how many computer labs, the number of computers, software available, web access, etc.), the condition of the available ICT equipment, and the school policies on the use of these ICT resources. Also include some recommendations on how the school can improve its ICT resources and how they can be fully utilised by teachers to facilitate student learning.
Make sure you properly acknowledge the works of other that you include in your report. For references, use the APA 5.0 or APA 6.0 style for in-text citations and reference list. A guide can be downloaded from the University of Adelaide website.
Number of words: Approx 1400 – 1500
Total Possible Marks - 100
Graduate Attributes: 1 – 8
AITSL: 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
Due Date: TBA (Assignments should include a signed Standard Assignment Cover Sheet and submitted as a hard copy).
Discussion Board Participation – 10%
All students in the course are expected to attend and participate in class discussions each week. Students are also expected to peer-review their class colleagues’ work. Everyone is expected to use the MyUni Discussion Board to share ideas about making unit/lesson plans incorporating the use of ICTs and review/critique other class colleagues’ work.
Graduate Attributes: 1 – 8
AITSL: 6 and 7
Unit and Assessment Plan
CriteriaDescriptionLittle or No Evidence (0 – 4 marks)Adequate Evidence (5 – 6 marks)Very Good Evidence (7 – 8 marks)Outstanding Evidence (9 – 10 marks)Description of rationale (20) The rationale clearly explains the nature of the lessons. It links to the topic content being taught and shows how you intend to use ICT to enhance your students’ learning.
• Where possible, rationale are substantiated with references (APA style) from reputable sources (journal articles, books, etc.)
• The rationale are coherent with every facet of the lesson plans you designed following sections a to d.
a. Instructions to students (20)
Marks are awarded for clarity and coverage. How easy are the instructions to follow and do they cover everything needed.
b.The use of ICT to engage and stimulate student interest (20)
The use of ICT as part of the lesson delivery is stimulating and engaging to students.
• This includes a consideration for teaching students with different abilities and learning preferences (differentiated learning)
c.Enhancement of content learning through ICT usage (15)
The ICT used opens up new and effective pathways for learning that could not be achieved otherwise.
• Justify why this can only be achieved with the use of ICT.
d.Overall pedagogic usefulness (15)
The lesson plans expresses a highly integrated approach combining ICT in the attainment of subject learning. This is a measure of the overall power of learning made possible by the application of ICT.
Presentation (10)
The document is presented in a clear and structured manner, supported by common word-processing features such as styles, dot points, etc.
Marks may be deducted if presentation does not adhere to commonly accepted standards.Practicum Report
Criteria Description Little or No Evidence (0 – 4 marks) Adequate Evidence (5 – 6 marks) Very Good Evidence (7 – 8 marks) Outstanding Evidence (9 – 10 marks) General Description (20) A general overview/introduction on the following:
• School (name, size, location, sector, etc.)
• Any practicum experiences, issues, limitations relevant to assignment 2
• A brief description of Assignment 1.
Reporting (30)
As per assignment description.
Your report demonstrates your insight, awareness and understanding of deeper and more subtle aspects of your teaching experiences and your lesson plan in the context of your school and in general practice (i.e. the ability to consider topic in the broader context of the discipline)
Alternative solutions – making your lesson plan work! (30)
Should your school not have sufficient ICT resources to accommodate lesson plan, suggest and justify alternative arrangements (e.g., no Excel license – how about or other open source/free software; no lab materials – how about simulations, learning objects, etc.)...
Referencing (10)
Making clear that materials used are from external sources. (See Course Profile and Assignment Cover Sheet for details on what constitutes plagiarism or other forms of cheating).
The report uses APA referencing format (both for in-text citations and list of references)
Presentation (10)
The document is presented in a clear and structured manner, supported by common word-processing features such as styles, dot points, etc.
(The spell checker has been invented – try using it..;) )
Marks may be deducted if presentation does not adhere to commonly accepted standards.Submission
Assignments to be submitted as hard copy should be word-processed and double-spaced using word processing software (e.g. MS Word, MS Works, Open Office Word, iWork Pages, etc.) and printed on standard white A4 paper. Preferred fonts with sizes 11 to 12 are the following: Arial, Calibri, Cambria, Garamond and Times New Roman.
The quality of English expression is considered to be integral parts of the assessment process. Marks may be deducted for poorly organised and poorly presented work.
Assignments/Essays with no signed cover sheet will NOT be accepted.
Assessment marks will be displayed on the course website as they are available. Students are encouraged to check their marks and notify the lecturer-in-charge of any discrepancies.
Extensions for Written Assessment
Extensions are granted at the discretion of Course Coordinators or Assessment Officer in compliance with the Modified Arrangements for Coursework Assessment Policy. Extensions beyond the due date are usually only granted in the case of significant medical, compassionate or extenuating circumstances which affect a student’s capacity to demonstrate their demonstrate their true level of competence in an assessment task.
Students must apply for an extension by completing the online Application for Extension form. The application must give details of the extent and length of the student’s medical, compassionate or extenuating circumstances and the length of extension that is requested. The Course Coordinator or Assessment Officer will email the student regarding the outcome of their request as soon as possible after it is received. If an extension is granted it is provisional until formal evidence of the medical, compassionate or extenuating circumstances referred to in the online Application for Extension form is received. Where the application for extension is based on medical circumstances students must submit Attachment A available at the Modified Arrangements for Coursework Assessments website ( . Students must have an Australian registered medical practitioner complete Attachment A. The practitioner must clearly indicate the dates in which the student is deemed to be unfit to complete an examination and display their medical provider number or practitioner's official stamp on the Form. Students must attach this evidence as well as the email granting the extension to their written assessment when it is submitted. The evidence submitted must be consistent with details provided in the application requesting the extension. If the details of the request for an extension and the medical or other evidence verifying the reason for the extension are not consistent in all respects the extension may be nullified, and the Course Coordinator of Assessment Officer may in their discretion decide not to accept the assignment, or impose a penalty for late submission.
Students can apply for an extension at any time before the due date for an assignment. However, students are strongly advised to make extension applications as soon as their need becomes apparent. Delay in making an application obviously involves the risk that there will be insufficient time to complete the assessment (with consequential loss of marks) if the application for extension is refused.
If an application is made within five days of the due date, or after the due date has expired, it will not be granted unless the Course Coordinator or Assessment Officer is satisfied:
- that the circumstances warrant an extension; and
- the application was made as soon as was practicable, and with no unreasonable delay.
The duration of an extension is for the Course Coordinator or Assessment Officer to determine. However, unless there are exceptional circumstances an extension should not be granted for more than 10 business days or beyond the last day on which teaching may occur in the relevant teaching period, whichever is earlier.
If a request for an extension is rejected, the student can appeal via the Student Grievance Resolution Process within seven days of notification of rejection by the Course Coordinator or Assessment Officer.
Penalties for Late Submission
An assessment that is submitted after the due date, and without an extension, will incur a 5% deduction from the total mark for every 24 hours or part thereof that it is late, including each day on a weekend. For example, an essay that is submitted after the due date and time but within the first 24 hour period, and that has been graded at 63%, will have 5% deducted, for a final grade of 58%. An essay that is more than 24 hours late will lose 10%, etc. Hard copy submissions made after 5.00pm on a Friday will be assumed to have been submitted on the next business day and will be penalised 5% per day for every day including weekend days and public holidays. This penalty may be increased where the assignment is to be completed in a period of less than a week.Course Grading
Grades for your performance in this course will be awarded in accordance with the following scheme:
M10 (Coursework Mark Scheme) Grade Mark Description FNS Fail No Submission F 1-49 Fail P 50-64 Pass C 65-74 Credit D 75-84 Distinction HD 85-100 High Distinction CN Continuing NFE No Formal Examination RP Result Pending Further details of the grades/results can be obtained from Examinations.
Grade Descriptors are available which provide a general guide to the standard of work that is expected at each grade level. More information at Assessment for Coursework Programs.
Final results for this course will be made available through Access Adelaide.
Student Feedback
The University places a high priority on approaches to learning and teaching that enhance the student experience. Feedback is sought from students in a variety of ways including on-going engagement with staff, the use of online discussion boards and the use of Student Experience of Learning and Teaching (SELT) surveys as well as GOS surveys and Program reviews.
SELTs are an important source of information to inform individual teaching practice, decisions about teaching duties, and course and program curriculum design. They enable the University to assess how effectively its learning environments and teaching practices facilitate student engagement and learning outcomes. Under the current SELT Policy ( course SELTs are mandated and must be conducted at the conclusion of each term/semester/trimester for every course offering. Feedback on issues raised through course SELT surveys is made available to enrolled students through various resources (e.g. MyUni). In addition aggregated course SELT data is available.
Student Support
- Academic Integrity for Students
- Academic Support with Maths
- Academic Support with writing and study skills
- Careers Services
- International Student Support
- Library Services for Students
- LinkedIn Learning
- Student Life Counselling Support - Personal counselling for issues affecting study
- Students with a Disability - Alternative academic arrangements
- YouX Student Care - Advocacy, confidential counselling, welfare support and advice
Policies & Guidelines
This section contains links to relevant assessment-related policies and guidelines - all university policies.
- Academic Credit Arrangements Policy
- Academic Integrity Policy
- Academic Progress by Coursework Students Policy
- Assessment for Coursework Programs Policy
- Copyright Compliance Policy
- Coursework Academic Programs Policy
- Elder Conservatorium of Music Noise Management Plan
- Intellectual Property Policy
- IT Acceptable Use and Security Policy
- Modified Arrangements for Coursework Assessment Policy
- Reasonable Adjustments to Learning, Teaching & Assessment for Students with a Disability Policy
- Student Experience of Learning and Teaching Policy
- Student Grievance Resolution Process
Fraud Awareness
Students are reminded that in order to maintain the academic integrity of all programs and courses, the university has a zero-tolerance approach to students offering money or significant value goods or services to any staff member who is involved in their teaching or assessment. Students offering lecturers or tutors or professional staff anything more than a small token of appreciation is totally unacceptable, in any circumstances. Staff members are obliged to report all such incidents to their supervisor/manager, who will refer them for action under the university's student’s disciplinary procedures.
The University of Adelaide is committed to regular reviews of the courses and programs it offers to students. The University of Adelaide therefore reserves the right to discontinue or vary programs and courses without notice. Please read the important information contained in the disclaimer.