MEDIC ST 4018BHO - Musculoskeletal Medicine Part 2

Teaching Hospitals - Semester 2 - 2016

The course information on this page is being finalised for 2016. Please check again before classes commence.

The clinical attachments are a program of clinical education through a selection of placements so that students will be competent in history-taking, patient examination and management. This includes problem formulation, investigations, treatment (pharmacological and non-pharmacological), counselling, good communication skills, the practice of empathetic medicine, and a sound knowledge base that allows diagnosis and management of common disorders to be carried out under appropriate supervision. Some students will have the opportunity to undertake their training for an extended period of time in a rural or remote setting.

  • General Course Information
    Course Details
    Course Code MEDIC ST 4018BHO
    Course Musculoskeletal Medicine Part 2
    Coordinating Unit Medical Studies
    Term Semester 2
    Level Undergraduate
    Location/s Teaching Hospitals
    Units 4
    Contact attachments, common program & research
    Available for Study Abroad and Exchange N
    Prerequisites Year 3 MBBS Exam
    Restrictions Available to MBBS students only
    Assessment details provided at start of year
    Course Staff

    Course Coordinator: Professor Mellick Chehade


    A/Prof Mellick Chehade
    Course Coordinator
    Royal Adelaide Hospital
    Bice Building, Level 4, Room 31

    A/Prof Susanna Proudman
    Associate Course Coordinator / Senior Rheumatologist  
    Royal Adelaide Hospital
    Rheumatology Unit Level 4, Eleanor Harrald Bldg
    Telephone: 08 8222 5190

    A/Prof Vidya Limaye – Rheumatology
    Location: Rheumatology Unit
    Royal Adelaide Hospital
    Level 4, Eleanor Harrald Bldg
    Telephone: 08 8222 5190

    Dr Sam Whittle – Rheumatology
    The Queen Elizabeth Hospital
    Rheumatology Unit, 5C
    Telephone: 08 8222 6688

    Dr. Ruth Marshall – Rehabilitation
    Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre
    Orthopaedic, Amputee & Spinal Injury Rehabilitation Service
    Telephone: 08 8222 1630
    Course Timetable

    The full timetable of all activities for this course can be accessed from Course Planner.

  • Learning Outcomes
    Course Learning Outcomes
    With respect to musculoskeletal practice the graduating medical student will:

    1. Exhibit professionalism and effective communication skills towards patients and their families, colleagues, co-workers and the general community.

    2. Perform an adequate assessment of the range of common and serious MSK related presentations to distinguish normal from abnormal and develop a limited and reasonable differential diagnosis. This includes the ability to apply knowledge and understanding of normality and the characteristic distinguishing features of MSK conditions in order to take a focussed history, perform a targeted physical examination, select appropriate further investigations and use critical reasoning in the interpretation of findings and formulation of diagnoses.

    3. Develop a holistic, patient focussed and evidence informed management plan based on knowledge and understanding of the key principles of management of the broad spectrum of MSK conditions and the range of related issues that may influence individual management decisions. This includes therapeutic (operative and non- operative); rehabilitation; patient education and self-management; shared care and referral; prevention; and complementary and alternative medicine strategies.

    4. Diagnose and initiate treatment and referral in the management of emergency MSK conditions. This includes the correct and safe performance of basic procedures such as joint injection, limb realignment and splintage.

    University Graduate Attributes

    No information currently available.

  • Learning Resources
    Required Resources
    Apley A E, & Solomon L., 1988, Concise system of Orthopaedics and Fractures, Butterworth & Co Ltd 1988. (ISBN 0-407-00325-8)
    Recommended Resources
    1. Eizenberg, N, Briggs, C, Adams, C and Ahern, G, General Anatomy Principles and Applications, McGraw Hill Medical, Australia
    2. Slater, R B, 1999, Textbook of Disorders and Injuries of the Musculoskeletal System, 3rd Edition, (ISBN 0-683-07499-7)
    3. Therapeutic Guidelines: Rheumatology, version 2, 2010, URL Available:
    4. Sambrook P, Schrieber L, Taylor T.K. F , Ellis A, 2010 , The Musculoskeletal System (Systems of the Body), Churchill Livingstone – ISBN 0-443-07015-6.
    5. Kanoso, J.J, 1997, Rheumatology in Primary Care (W B Saunders and Co)
    6. Penington G.R , Burry H. C, 1990, Introduction to Medical Rehabilitation - An Australasian Perspective, Melbourne University Press, ISBN: 0-522-84391-3
    7. Grundy D, and Swain A, 1996, ABC of Spinal Cord Injury, 3rd Edition, BMJ Publishing Groups

    Medical Journal of Australia, Practice Essentials in Rheumatology 96/97
    · Vol 165, Nos 6-10
    · Vol 166, Nos 1-8
    Harrisons (appropriate chapters 308-331)

    See Course Handbook for more details.
    Online Learning
    Each learning resource follows a specific format consisting of:
    • Module objectives: Each module will be prefixed with the relevant objectives that students should aim to achieve by completing the module.
    • Modules are located within the Topics Section of MyUni

    The on-line lectures and videos provided are essential pre-requisites before commencing any part of the Rheumatology component of the Musculoskeletal Medicine course. The lectures "Assessing the patient with joint pain" and "Immunology for Rheumatology" and the video on the musculoskeletal examination are especially important for developing your knowledge base in Rheumatology.
    Lecture 1: Assessing the patient with joint pain
    Lecture 2: Immunology for rheumatology
    Lecture 3: Clinical immunology and treatment in RA

    On-line discussions
    Online Discussion Boards will be used to facilitate asynchronous learning. Students may be asked to post any questions on any given topic. Each question should start a new thread. Please do not post questions that have already been submitted. However, please feel free to answer and contribute to any questions posted by other students that you would like to attempt. The questions posted will be reviewed via the discussion board and feedback will be provided online by a tutor shortly after.

    It is highly recommended that students register and access the Rheumatology Website,*. Go to ‘Approach to Patient’, to access the Musculoskeletal examination and watch the video for the Quick Screening Examination (GALS).
    •* (Australia Rheumatology association website). Go to Patient: patient information sheets for information about drugs used in rheumatology and information sheets for patients.Osteoporosis Australia
    • Arthritis UK:
    • Radiopolis
    • Other websites as directed by the e-learning modules.
  • Learning & Teaching Activities
    Learning & Teaching Modes
    See Online Learning above

    Anatomy teaching
    Anatomy sessions will be held at the Ray Last Laboratory in the Medical School Basement. Please note: students must wear white coats during these sessions in week one.

    Representative cases are used to direct your learning about the more common types of arthritis Clinical Tutorials will be scheduled on a weekly basis throughout the rotation. Students are expected to attend each tutorial offered, unless prevented from doing so by illness and or extenuating circumstances. At the RAH, all tutorials will be located in the Orthopaedics and Trauma Department Lecture Room unless otherwise advised.

    It is critical that students review the relevant tutorial content prior to attending tutorials. The success and strength of this program is dependent on the pre-tutorial preparation which is directed on-line. Student participation and interaction with the content on MyUni is monitored and staff are able to view a very detailed report of which sections have been accessed on an individual student basis.

    Clinical teaching

    Outpatient clinics
    Oupatient sessions in rheumatology and orthopaedics are scheduled at the Royal Adelaide, Modbury Hospital and The Queen Elizabeth Hospitals. All outpatient clinics are themed and you may be scheduled to attend one or more of the different themed clinics. It is expected that students attend all of their allocated OPD sessions, and non-attendance will require justification.

    Operating theatre 
    All students should get the opportunity to see the operations listed below. The trauma cases can usually be seen on one of the orthopaedic “takes” or alternatively on the “mop up” trauma lists on the day following the “take”.  Theatre sessions are rostered by Sarah Downey and placed on MyUni.  

    Students must ensure that they adhere to the Guidelines for Medical Students in RAH Operating Theatres.

    Recommended Surgical Procedures to Have Been Observed

    Elective    Emergency
    Total Knee Arthroplasty Wrist fracture – closed reduction
    Total Hip Arthroplasty Intramedullary nailing of fractured tibia or femur
    Open reduction and internal fixation of ankle +/- forearm fracture
    Fixation of fractured NOF

    One-on-one case-taking (rheumatology)
    This is an opportunity for you to spend time taking a detailed history and examination focussed on all systems, drawing on your clinical skills training from previous years. This case needs to be written up and submitted via MyUni by the end of week 6.  

    RAH Orthopaedic “takes”
    During the six-week rotation students are expected to attend at least one weekend take and two weekday takes- students should arrange a roster amongst themselves to ensure no more than two students per take.

    Ward Rounds
    Ward rounds begin at 7.30 am every morning. Each student is expected to have two patients at all times (the intern will assist in finding suitable patients), and to follow their progress through their hospital stay. Students can take the patients history, examine them daily as appropriate, and document their findings in the patient’s notes. It is at the morning ward round that the student should present their patients to the registrars, informing them of pertinent (succinct) information on the patient’s progress.

    Trauma / X-ray Meeting
    Each morning, following the ward round, there is an x-ray/trauma meeting. These start at 08:30 except on Wednesday mornings when there is an 8:15 start.  The Trauma meetings on Thursday morning’s are optional.

    Consultant Rounds
    Consultant patient rounds at the RAH are conducted following the Grand Round presentations on Wednesdays at 10.30am for unit 051. For 052 it is a "computer round" that follows the presentations.The only exception being if they are rostered to Early Arthritis Outpatients (students only have one opportunity to attend this clinic, therefore should miss Grand Round and Consultant Round, in order to be at the clinic by 9.30am).

    Rehabilitation visit – Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre
    Activities relating to Rehabilitation are organised primarily at the QEH (in second week of each groups 2 week rotation) and Hampstead centre (weeks 3 and 4 or course).  There is an online tutorial and test
    At the QEH there is are focus sessions on:
    - Amputation Rehabilitation
    - Gait disorders
    At Hampstead there is exposure to:
    - Cases with amputations
    - post elective surgery (e.g. hip and knee replacements)
    - Post trauma surgery (e.g. fractured NOF)
    - Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI) (major focus)


    The information below is provided as a guide to assist students in engaging appropriately with the course requirements.

    The information below is provided as a guide to assist students in engaging appropriately with the course requirements.

    Workload for the individual students will vary from week to week but students can assume that on average they will work a 45 hour week which will include clinic sessions, lectures (both delivered and online), seminars, tutorials and private study but does not include after hours call.
    Learning Activities Summary
    See Learning and Teaching Modes

    More detailed information about learning activities and the course schedule is available via MyUni and the course handbook.
    Specific Course Requirements
    It is an MBBS entry requirement to obtain a police check as set out in letters of offer to prospective students. Other requirements will be advised at the start of the course.

    When participating in Theatre sessions, students must ensure that they adhere to the Guidelines for Medical Students in RAH Operating Theatres. Please see “Guidelines for Medical Students in RAH Operating Theatres” document available via MyUni.
  • Assessment

    The University's policy on Assessment for Coursework Programs is based on the following four principles:

    1. Assessment must encourage and reinforce learning.
    2. Assessment must enable robust and fair judgements about student performance.
    3. Assessment practices must be fair and equitable to students and give them the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned.
    4. Assessment must maintain academic standards.

    Assessment Summary
    You will be assessed based on participation and performance (including "professionalism") on a variety of activities throughout the course.
    These may include:
    1. Attendance at meetings (trauma and other meetings as directed)
    2. Attendance and participation at tutorials (Ortho, Rheumatology, Rehab)
    3. Ward attendance and involvement
    4. Patient Journal Entries (SOAPEs)
    5. Attendance and participation in OPD and theatre
    6. OPD and theatre reflections Journal Entry
    7. Participation in other online journals/discussions/forums etc
    8. Nailed in 90 Seconds, student presentation
    9. Completion of online formative* quizzes associated with on-line tutorials such as
    • a/ pain management
    • b/ Tumours
    • c/ Spinal Cord Injury
    • d/ others as posted
    10. Orthopaedic MCQ development assignment
    11. Rheumatology MCQ development assignment
    12. Rheumatology Case Write up
    13. End of rotation OSCE (Friday week 5)
    14. Online test (Thursday Week 6)

    More specific details will be available on-line in advance of assignments.

    *Note that even though assessments are marked as “formative” they are all mandated and failure to complete will be graded as “Unsatisfactory”.

    Assessment breakdown for Rheumatology
    1. Formative assessment:
    • A formative on-line quiz is held in week 6. This is accessible for 24 hours only via the Assignments menu from 9.00 am on the Wednesday morning. A one hour tutorial to review the answers and to discuss any queries that have arisen during the course, not addressed elsewhere, is held on the Thursday of week 6.
    • Rheumatology MCQ development assignment (submit through Turnitin)
    • Online mini quizzes before attempting each case are planned (pending)

    2. Summative assessment:
    • Case – on line marking (up-load via Turnitin by end of week 6) Summative assessment forms can be accessed via the Grade Centre, usually the week after completion of the course.
    Assessment Related Requirements
    See Assessment Summary above
    Assessment Detail
    See Assessment Summary

    More detailed information about course assessment is available via MyUni and can be found in the course handbook.
    The Rheumatology case write up must be submitted via Turnitin on the MyUni website by 9.00am of the Monday following the end of week 6. Assessment results will be available via the Grade Centre on MyUni, usually the week after completion of the course.
    Course Grading

    Grades for your performance in this course will be awarded in accordance with the following scheme:

    GS8 (Coursework Grade Scheme)
    Grade Description
    CN Continuing
    FNS Fail No Submission
    NFE No Formal Examination
    F Fail
    NGP Non Graded Pass
    P Pass
    C Credit
    D Distinction
    HD High Distinction
    RP Result Pending

    Further details of the grades/results can be obtained from Examinations.

    Grade Descriptors are available which provide a general guide to the standard of work that is expected at each grade level. More information at Assessment for Coursework Programs.


    Grades for your performance in this course will be awarded in accordance with the following scheme: GS4


    Grade    Description
    A Above expected competency for year 4
    B Clearly at expected competency for year 4
    C Just reaches expected competency for year 4
    D Below expected competence for year 4
    E Far below expected competency for year 4

    Final results for this course will be made available through Access Adelaide.

  • Student Feedback

    The University places a high priority on approaches to learning and teaching that enhance the student experience. Feedback is sought from students in a variety of ways including on-going engagement with staff, the use of online discussion boards and the use of Student Experience of Learning and Teaching (SELT) surveys as well as GOS surveys and Program reviews.

    SELTs are an important source of information to inform individual teaching practice, decisions about teaching duties, and course and program curriculum design. They enable the University to assess how effectively its learning environments and teaching practices facilitate student engagement and learning outcomes. Under the current SELT Policy ( course SELTs are mandated and must be conducted at the conclusion of each term/semester/trimester for every course offering. Feedback on issues raised through course SELT surveys is made available to enrolled students through various resources (e.g. MyUni). In addition aggregated course SELT data is available.

    A Student Experience of Learning and Teaching (SELT) will be used to evaluate the course at the end of the attachment. Some online modules will have specific feedback surveys attached At any point feedback, constructive criticisms or other, can be directed to A/Prof Mellick Chehade.
  • Student Support
  • Policies & Guidelines
  • Fraud Awareness

    Students are reminded that in order to maintain the academic integrity of all programs and courses, the university has a zero-tolerance approach to students offering money or significant value goods or services to any staff member who is involved in their teaching or assessment. Students offering lecturers or tutors or professional staff anything more than a small token of appreciation is totally unacceptable, in any circumstances. Staff members are obliged to report all such incidents to their supervisor/manager, who will refer them for action under the university's student’s disciplinary procedures.

The University of Adelaide is committed to regular reviews of the courses and programs it offers to students. The University of Adelaide therefore reserves the right to discontinue or vary programs and courses without notice. Please read the important information contained in the disclaimer.