MUSONIC 7001 - Music Creative Practice Major Project

North Terrace Campus - Semester 1 - 2023

The primary purpose of this course is to provide students with the skills and understanding to produce a significant portfolio of creative work across the fields of composition, sonic arts and popular music. The main emphasis of the portfolio is on practice-led research. The portfolio of original creative works is realised through means appropriate to the work presented; for example projects may be realised by technological means, either as compositions, performances, sound art works, multimedia works or other formats recognized within the field of sonic arts; as an album (LP) of recorded and notated songs; or as scored compositions. Creative portfolios will be of approximately 30 minutes duration (or equivalent) and be accompanied by an exegesis of 3000 words. Alternatively, a 12,000 word dissertation on an approved research topic in the fields of Sonic Arts, Popular Music and Creative Technologies or Composition could be negotiated. Projects must demonstrate familiarity with and skills in the formulation of appropriate creative ideas bearing upon the specialisation concerned and deemed to be at Masters level. Preparatory work will be supervised individually or in small groups as approved by the Conservatorium and will involve the student in considerable time spent developing specialist knowledge, skills and insights bearing upon the project to be completed. Focused research and the development of finessed creative output are at the heart of this project. To assist with the completion of the project student study will include individual or small group (maximum 4 students) supervisions/lessons directed by specialist conservatorium staff.

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