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Course Outlines
Study At Adelaide
Course Outlines
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Level of Study
Postgraduate Coursework
North Terrace Campus
Roseworthy Campus
Waite Campus
Regency Park
Teaching Hospitals
National Wine Centre
Bradford College
Thebarton Campus
Flinders University
Port Augusta
Tea Tree Gully
University of SA
Adelaide College of ArtsandDes
Ngee Ann Academy
Melbourne Campus
Subject Area
ABLEINT - Faculty of ABLE WIL Courses
ABORIG - Aboriginal (Foundation) Studies
ACCTFIN - Accounting and Finance
ACCTING - Accounting
ACUCARE - Acute Care Medicine
AGRIBUS - Agribusiness
AGRIC - Agriculture & Natural Resource
AGRONOMY - Agronomy
ANAES&IC - Anaesthesia & Intensive Care
ANAT SC - Anatomical Sciences
AN BEHAV - Animal Behaviour
ANIML SC - Animal Science
ANTH - Anthropology
APP BIOL - Applied Biology
APP DATA - Applied Data Analytics
APP MTH - Applied Mathematics
ARCH - Architecture
ARTH - Art History
ARTS - Humanities & Social Sciences
ARTSEXP - ARTS Work Experience
ASIA - Asian Studies
AUST - Australian Studies
BIOCHEM - Biochemistry
BIOINF - Bioinformatics
BIOLOGY - Biology
BIOMED - Biomedical
BIOMENG - Biomedical Engineering
BIOMET - Biometrics
BIOPRENG - Bioprocess Engineering
BIOSTATS - Biostatistics
BIOTECH - Biotechnology
BUSANA - Business Analytics
BUSINESS - Business
CEME - Civil, Enviro & Mining Eng
C&ENVENG - Civil & Environmental Eng
CHEM - Chemistry
CHEM ENG - Chemical Engineering
CHIN - Chinese
CIVILENG - Civil Engineering
CLAS - Classics
COMMERCE - Commerce
COMMGMT - Management
COMMLAW - Commercial Law
COMP SCI - Computer Science
CONMGNT - Construction Management
CORPFIN - Corporate Finance
CRARTS - Creative Arts
CRIM - Criminology
CRWR - Creative Writing
CULTST - Cultural Studies
CYBER - Cyber Security
DATA - Data Science
DEFSCI - Defence Science
DENT - Dentistry
DESST - Design Studies
DEVT - Development Studies
ECON - Economics
ECOTOUR - EcoTourism
EDUC - Education
ELEC ENG - Electrical & Electronic Eng
ENG - Engineering
ENGL - English
ENS - Ensemble - New Curriculum 2002
ENTREP - Entrepreneur & Innovation
ENV BIOL - Environmental Biology
ENV ENG - Environmental Engineering
EUST - European Studies
FILM - Film
FOOD SC - Food Science
FREN - French
GEND - Gender Studies
GENETICS - Genetics
GENMUS - General Music
GEN PRAC - General Practice
GEOG - Geography
GEOLOGY - Geology
GERM - German
GSSA - Gender Studies & Soc Analysis
HEALTH - Health
HIST - History
HLTH SC - Health Sciences
HONARTS - Honours Arts
HONECMS - Honours Eng, Comp & Math Sci
HONHLTH - Honours Health Sciences
HONPROF - Honours Professions
HONSCI - Honours Sciences
HORTICUL - Horticulture
INDO - Indonesian
INTBUS - International Business
ITAL - Italian
JAPN - Japanese
LARCH - Landscape Architecture
LAW - Law
LING - Linguistics
MANAGEMT - Management
MARKETNG - Marketing
MAT ENG - Materials Engineering
MATHS - Maths & Computer Science
MDIA - Media
MECH ENG - Mechanical Engineering
MEDICINE - Medicine
MEDIC ST - Medical Studies
MGRE - Modern Greek
MICRO - Microbiology
MINING - Mining Engineering
MUSCLASS - Classical Performance
MUSCOMP - Music Composition
MUSED - Music Education
MUSENS - Ensemble
MUSEP - Music Education & Pedagogy
MUSEUM - Curatorial and Museum Studies
MUSGEN - Music General
MUSHONS - Honours Music
MUSIC - Music - CASM
MUSICED - Music Education
MUSICOL - Musicology
MUSJAZZ - Jazz Performance
MUSONIC - Sonic Arts
MUSPED - Music Pedagogy
MUSPERF - Performance
MUSPFPED - Performance and Pedagogy
MUSPMACT - Popular Music & Creative Tech
MUSPOP - Popular Music
MUSST - Music Studies
MUSSUPST - Supporting Studies
MUSTHEAT - Music Theatre
NURSING - Nursing
OB&GYNAE - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
OCCTH - Occupational Therapy
ODONT - Odontology
OENOLOGY - Oenology
OH&S - Occupational Health & Safety
OPHTHAL - Ophthalmology&Visual Sciences
ORALHLTH - Oral Health
ORT&TRAU - Orthopaedics & Trauma
PAEDIAT - Paediatrics
PALAEO - Palaeontology
PATHOL - Pathology
PEACE - Peace & Conflict Studies
PERF - Performance
PETROENG - Petroleum Engineering
PETROGEO - Petroleum Geology & Geophysics
PETROL - Petroleum Geology & Geophysics
PHARM - Pharmacology
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYSICS - Physics
PHYSIOL - Physiology
PHYSIOTH - Physiotherapy
PLANNING - Planning
PLANT SC - Plant Science
POLICY - Public Policy
POLIS - Politics and Intl Studies
PPE - Philosophy, Politics & Econ
PROF - Professions
PROJMGNT - Project Management
PROP - Property
PSYCHIAT - Psychiatry
PSYCHOL - Psychology
PUB HLTH - Public Health
PURE MTH - Pure Mathematics
RUR HLTH - Rural Health
SCIENCE - Science
SOCI - Sociology
SOCSCI - Social Sciences
SOIL&WAT - Soil & Water
SPAN - Spanish
SPATIAL - Spatial
SPEECH - Speech Pathology
SPRH - School of Paediatrics & Reproductive Health
STATS - Statistics
STEM - Science, Tech, Eng & Math
SURGERY - Surgery
TECH - Technology
TECHCOMM - Sci & Tech Commercialisation
TRADE - Trade
TRANHLTH - Translational Health Sciences
UAC - University of Adelaide College
UACOL - University of Adelaide College
VET SC - Vet Science
VET TECH - Veterinary Technology
VITICULT - Viticulture
WINE - Wine
WINEMKTG - Wine Marketing
WRM - Water Resource Management
Course Type
Study Abroad / Exchange
Semester 1
Semester 2
Trimester 1
Trimester 2
Trimester 3
Quadmester 1
Quadmester 2
Quadmester 3
Quadmester 4
Online Teaching 1
Online Teaching 2
Online Teaching 3
Online Teaching 4
Online Teaching 5
Online Teaching 6
Melb Teaching Period 1
Melb Teaching Period 2
Melb Teaching Period 3
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2024 Courses
CRARTS 3002 - The Art of the Possible: Forging an Arts Career
North Terrace Campus | Semester 2 | 2024
2023 Courses
CRARTS 3002 - The Art of the Possible: Forging an Arts Career
North Terrace Campus | Semester 2 | 2023
2022 Courses
CRARTS 3002 - The Art of the Possible: Forging an Arts Career
North Terrace Campus | Semester 2 | 2022
2021 Courses
CRARTS 3002 - The Art of the Possible: Forging an Arts Career
North Terrace Campus | Semester 1 | 2021