FILM 3005 - Adaptation

North Terrace Campus - Semester 2 - 2023

Have you ever heard someone say 'Of course, the book is better than the film'? This course starts by interrogating such statements. What is 'of course' about it? What are the underlying assumptions? Undertaking this course, you will ask searching questions about fidelity, textual authority and cultural prestige. Working through a series of modules, you will consider adaptations between a range of media, including literature-to-feature film adaptations, but also other kinds of adaptations, including TV, video games and true events. You will be introduced to specific knowledge about the cultural, industrial, political, social, historic and technological circumstances surrounding adaptation, and you will engage with important critical and theoretical debates informing the development of adaptation studies as a scholarly field. This course has the capacity to transform your experience: you may never look at an adaptation the same way again

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