Children's University makes learning under lockdown more fun
Children’s University Australasia, first launched in Australia in 2013 by the University of Adelaide, is helping parents occupy inquisitive young minds while they are under COVID-19 lockdown.
Children’s University Australasia (CUA) is producing weekly challenges for kids as part of a Living in Lockdown educational series for families working and schooling from home.
Kiri Hagenus is Managing Director of Children's University Australasia.
“With most Australian children no longer attending school and staying with their families in coronavirus-inflicted isolation, many parents are wondering how to find the best balance of education, entertainment and quality family time," says Ms Hagenus.
The free home-based activities which stimulate creativity, critical thinking, self-reflection, and are fun family experiences, are being made available through Australian Community Media (Rural Press) which produces around 160 publications nationwide.
"We hope families around the country can use them as stepping stones to new discoveries in relaxed, family-friendly learning spaces.
For more information about this story visit the University’s Newsroom.