Outcomes of the round 1 open funding call 2022: Centre for Advanced Defence Research in Robotics and Autonomous Systems

Update from the Centre for Advanced Defence Research in Robotics and Autonomous Systems

The Centre for Advanced Defence Research in Robotics and Autonomous Systems (CADR-RAS) is delighted to announce the successful applicants of its inaugural funding round, at a value of $1.8M:

Adversity‐ and Adversary ‐ Robust Adaptive Positioning Systems with Integrity

  • Professor Michael Milford, Queensland University of Technology
  • Helen Carson, Queensland University of Technology
  • Professor Iman Shames, Australian National University

Developing Robust Coordination and Communication Models for Multi-agent Human-Machine Teams

  • Associate Professor Rachel Kallen, Macquarie University
  • Professor Michael Richardson, Macquarie University
  • Associate Professor Mark Dras, Macquarie University

Robust Coordinated Autonomy through Dec-MCTS with Communicated Behavioural Intent

  • Dr Graeme Best, University of Technology Sydney
  • Professor Robert Fitch, University of Technology Sydney
  • Prof Ian Manchester, University of Sydney
Tagged in CADR-RAS, Funding