Dr Tim Anson

Dr Tim Anson
 Position Faculty Research Development Officer
 Org Unit Division of Research and Innovation
 Email tim.anson@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone 831 35175
 Location Floor/Room 1.33 ,  Ingkarni Wardli ,   North Terrace
  • Publications


    1    Anson, T.J. and Trimble, M. 2007.  The role of the Biological Anthropologist in mass-grave investigations.  In, Forensic approaches to death, disaster and abuse. Oxenham, M. (Ed.). University of Western Australia Press.
    2    Anson, T.J. 2004.  Reconstruction of colonial lifeways: bioarchaeology of the St. Mary’s free ground burials.  PhD thesis, University of Adelaide South Australia.
    3    Pate, F.D. and T.J. Anson Stable nitrogen isotope values in arid-land kangaroos correlated with mean annual rainfall: Potential as a paleoclimatic indicator. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, In review.
    4    Anson, T.J. and Henneberg, M. 2004.  A solution for the permanent storage of historical skeletal remains for research purposes: a South Australian precedent that keeps most people happy.  Australian Archaeology. Vol. 58
    5    Anson, T.J., Henneberg, M., Rühli, F.  2003.  Major cranial trauma from an historical 19th century church burial-yard in Adelaide, South Australia: an accident or?  Bulletin de la Société d’Anthropologie. Vol. 2, 19-27.
    6    Henneberg, M., Anson, T.J., Veitch, D.  2004.  Lack of secular increase in body height of Australian women during the 20th Century. Homo- Journal of Comparative Human Biology. Vol 55, 155.
    7    Anson, T. J., F.D. Pate, M. Henneberg and B. Adams News from the Field and Laboratories. Research at St Mary’s Anglican Cemetery, Adelaide, South Australia.  Paleopathology Newsletter, 122.
    8    Coussens, C., Anson, T.J., Norris, R.M. and Henneberg, M. 2002.  Sexual dimorphism in the robusticity of long bones of infants and young children.  Anthropological Review Vol. 65, 3-16.
    9    Anson, T.J. and Matic, A. 2002.  Final report on the archaeology of the Treasury Building, Adelaide, South Australia.  Unpublished report for The Toga Group of Companies.
    10    Lumsdaine, N., T. Anson, B. Adams, F.D. Pate, M. Henneberg, R. Henneberg “Secrets of St. Mary’s”, Excavations at the St. Mary’s Anglican churchyard, Adelaide, South Australia: Reconstructing colonial lifeways from a 19th century burial population. Catalyst, ABC Science News Program, 30 minutes, aired in December 2001 and repeated in 2002. (Fieldwork associated with Anson PhD thesis). See:  http://www.abc.net.au/catalyst/stories/s431312.htm
    11    Murphy, A. and Anson, T.J. 2000.  Matlock Hill archaeological survey and monitoring program, Volume 1.  Unpublished report for NDC Ltd. Melbourne, Vic.
    12    Anson, T.J. 1999. The effect of climate on bone collagen stable nitrogen isotope enrichment in modern South Australian mammals.  Australian Archaeology 47.
    13    Pate, F.D. and Anson, T.J. 1999. Bone collagen stable nitrogen isotope values in Australian mammals correlated with mean annual rainfall and trophic level: potential as a paleoclimatic and palaeoecological indicator.  In preparation.
    14    Pate, F.D., Anson, T.J. and Schoeninger, M.J. 1999.  Bone collagen 15N depletion in Australian marsupials correlated with low metabolic rate.  In preparation.
    15    Pate, F.D., Anson, T.J., Noble, A.H. and Schoeninger, M.J. 1998.  Bone collagen stable carbon and nitrogen isotope variability in modern South Australian mammals: a baseline for palaeoecological inferences. Quaternary Australasia 16(1) 43-51.
    16    Anson, T.J. 1998. The use of a simulated dig site to teach archaeological field techniques.  Dig It.  Newsletter of the Flinders University Archaeology Society.
    17    Anson, T.J. 1997.  The effect of climate on bone collagen stable nitrogen isotope enrichment in modern South Australian mammals.  Masters Thesis, Flinders University Library.

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Entry last updated: Thursday, 3 Oct 2024

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