Dr Kencana Dharmapatni

 Position Postdoctoral Fellow
 Org Unit Medical Sciences
 Email a.dharmapatni@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone 831 35986
 Location Floor/Room 3 ,  Helen Mayo North ,   North Terrace
  • Qualifications

    MD(MBBS) The university of Udayana, Bali , Indonesia

    MSci (Immunology, Allergy and Arhritis, Flinders University , South Australia)

    PhD The University of Adelaide

  • Teaching Interests

    Pathology  of Diseases


    Basic medical sciences and preclinical  sciences

    medical and dental PBL tutorial

  • Research Interests


    Rheumatoid arthritis

    Bone and Joint pathology

  • Publications

    Google Scholar Link: http://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=l86anFgAAAAJ&hl=en

    1. Anak ASSK Dharmapatni1, Malcolm D Smith2, David M Findlay3, Christopher A Holding1, Andreas Evdokiou3, Michael J Ahern2, Helen Weedon2, Paul Chen4, Gavin Screaton5, Xiao N Xu4 and David R Haynes1

    Elevated expression of caspase-3 inhibitors, survivin and xIAP correlates with low levels of apoptosis in active rheumatoid synovium

    Arthritis Research & Therapy 2009, 11:R13 (doi:10.1186/ar2603)

    This article is online at: http://arthritis-research.com/content/11/1/R13

    2.Holding, CA, Findlay, DM, Stamenkov, R, Neale, SD, Lucas, H, Dharmapatni, ASSK, Callary, S, Shrestha, KR, Atkins, GJ, Howie, DW, Haynes, DR.

    The correlation of RANK, RANKL, and TNFa expression with bone loss volume and polyethylene wear debris around hip implants (2006), Journal of Biomaterials 27(30). 5212-9

    3. Walker JG, Stirling J, Beroukas D, Dharmapatni K, Haynes DR, Smith MD, Ahern MJ, Roberts-Thomson PJ. (2005) Histopathological and ultrastructural features of dermal telangiectasias in systemic sclerosis.
    . 37(3):220-5

    4.Dharmapatni AASSK; Findlay DM; Smith MD; Evdokiou A; Chen P; Screaton GR; Xu XN; Holding C; Haynes DR. (2005) Regulating the sensitivity of synovial fibroblasts to trail-induced apoptosis ANN RHEUM DIS. 64: 154-154

    5. Roberts–Thomson PJ, Jones MJ, Hakendorf P, Dharmapatni AASSK, Walker JG, Macfarlane JG, Smith MD, Ahern MD (2001). Scleroderma in South Australia: epidemiological observations of possible pathogenic significance, Internal Medicine Journal 31: 220-229.

    6.Dharmapatni AASSK, Smith MD, Ahern MJ, Simpson A, Cenggang, Li, Kumar S, Roberts-Thomson PJ (   ) The TGF b Receptor Endoglin in Systemic Sclerosis. Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology, 19: 275-82.


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Entry last updated: Friday, 18 Mar 2022

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