Dr Aaron Zecchin

Dr Aaron Zecchin
 Position Senior Lecturer
 Org Unit Environmental Engineering
 Email azecchin@civeng.adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone 831 33027
 Location Floor/Room 1 ,  Engineering North ,   North Terrace
  • Qualifications

    Academic Qualifications

    2010 Doctor of Philosophy (Civil Engineering) University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia.

    2003 Bachelor of Science (Maths and Computer Science) at the University of Adelaide, South Australia, Australia.

    2002 Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) with first class honours at the University of Adelaide, South Australia, Australia.

  • Awards & Achievements

    2012    Recipient of the Korea Brain 21 Award, Basic Science Research Program, The National Research Foundation of Korea.

    2011    Best Paper Award, The International Conference on Pipelines and Trenchless Technology, Beijing.

    2009    Australia-Germany Joint Research Co-operation Scheme Grant Recipient, co-funded by the Australian Group of Eight and the German Academic Exchange Service.

    2009    Invited Paper for the Fast Hydraulic Transients Special Session, The 33rd IAHR World Congress, Vancouver, Canada.

    2004    ARC Discovery Project Top-up Scholarship, The Australian Research Council, Brindabella Business Park, Canberra Airport, ACT, Australia.

    2004    Australian Postgraduate Award, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, Australia.

    2002    Optimatics Prize in Water Engineering, Optimatics Pty Ltd, Parkside, SA.

    2001    United Water Summer Research Top-up Scholarship, United Water International Pty Ltd, Adelaide, SA, Australia.

    2000-03, Deans Merit List, The Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, Australia.

    2000-01, The University of Adelaide Summer Research Scholarship, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, Australia, Summer 2000, 2001.

    2000    Bardavcol Prize in Civil Engineering, Bardavcol Pty. Ltd., Dry Creek, SA, Australia.  


  • Teaching Interests

    Undergraduate Teaching

    Environmental Engineering 4A. This subject is an honours level course and focuses on the modelling of environmental systems using the dynamic systems framework, and explores applications of more sophisticated land use models. My role for this course was to develop the course, and lecturer (2011, 2013).

    Water Distribution Systems. This subject is taught at both an honours and masters level and focuses on the theoretical and computational aspects of the steady-state simulation of water distribution systems. My role for this subject has been as a co-lecturer (2009).

    Water Engineering IIS1, IIA, and IIIB. These second and third year subjects cover the fundamentals of fluid mechanics with an emphasis on open channel and pressurised pipe flow. My role for these subjects has been: lecturer (2009-2011, 2013) for IIA and IIIB; tutor (2007-09) for IIS1 and IIA; and project supervisor (2007) for IIIB.

    Engineering Modelling & Analysis I and II. These first and second year subjects focus on numerical methods and programming skills in Matlab, Excel, Visual Basic, and Fortran 90/95. My roles for these subjects has been: tutor (2005-09) for I; teaching assistant (2002-03) for II.

    Engineering Planning & Design I. This first year subject focuses on engineering planning and design methodology, and covers creative problem solving, and economic, environmental and social issues of engineering projects. My roles for this subject has been: tutor (2005); and project supervisor (2005-07).

    Civil & Environmental Engineering I. This first year subject covers introductory material in the areas of hydrology, hydraulics, geotechnical and structural engineering design. My role for this subject has been as a tutor (2005-08).

    Statics I. This first year subject covers the fundamentals of rigid body static equilibrium. My role for this subject has been as a tutor (2006-07).

    Research Thesis Supervision

    Doctoral Students

    Mr. Edward Luong. "Pipe Condition Assessment Using Micro-Reflection Pressure Measurements from Multi-Sensor Arrays", (Ongoing). Co-supervised with Prof. A. R. Simpson, and M. F. Lambert

    Mr. Jinzhe Gong. “Condition Assessment of Pipelines Using Hydraulic Transients”, (Ongoing). Co-supervised with Prof. M F. Lambert, and A. R. Simpson.

    Mr. Xuyuan Li. “Improving Partial Mutual Information Based Input selection for Artificial Neural Networks Water Resource Models”, (Ongoing). Co-supervised with Prof. H. R. Maier.

    Dr. Fei Fei Zheng. “Advanced Hybrid Approaches Based on Graph Theory Decomposition, Modified Evolutionary Algorithms and Deterministic Optimisation Techniques for the Design of Water Distribution Systems”, (2012). Co-supervised with Prof. A. R. Simpson.

    Coursework Masters Student Projects

    J. Zhou. "Investigation of Numerical Methods for modelling Contaminant Intrusions Within Transient Pipelines", (2010).

    E. Arjomand, and Q. Chen. "Behavoural Analysis of Genetic Algorithms", (2012). Co-supervised with Dr. W. Wu.

    Honours Student Projects

    J. Cordner, M. Curran, R. Kane, T. Sykes. "Detection of Cross-connections in Dual Pipe Networks using Hydraulic Transients", (2010). Co-supervised with Prof Martin Lambert.

    J. Arthur, A. Ninan, T. Saunders, R. Williams. "Improved Characterisation of Fitness Landscapes in Water Engineering Optimisation Problems", (2011). Co-supervised with Prof. H. R. Maier

    D. Connell, P. Nedosyko, G. Ruth. "Detecting cross-connections between dual pipeline systems using water hammer transients", (2011)

    A. Crosley, D. English, H. Tieman. "Modelling contaminant intrusions within highly transient pipeline networks", (2011).


  • Research Interests

    I have a strong interest and passion for research in the field of fluid line netowork dynamics. I am actively undertaking research in the development and analysis of partial differential equation solvers, and the analysis of two-dimensional and fluid-structure interaction effects within pipe flow. I research Laplace-domain characterisations of hydraulic networks, and the utilisation of these characterisations for simulation and model identification. I am also working on the use of sparse linear solvers for the fast steady-state simulation of pipe networks.

    I am extremely interested in the broad area of system identification, and I am active in its theoretical and practical application to the condition assessment of hydraulic systems. In particular, I have focused on the use of statistical frequency- and time-domain methods for both parameter estimation and fault detection within pipeline networks.

     In addition to the areas mentioned above, I also have an active interest in evolutionary algorithms, or more generally, population-based metaheuristics such as genetic algorithms, ant colony optimisation, particle swarm optimisation, differential evolution and the dynamically dimensioned search algorithm Within this field, my interest is in not only the application of these algorithms to engineering and environmental problems, but also the analysis and quantification of the convergence behaviour of such algorithms.

  • Publications

    Book Chapters

    A. C. Zecchin, H. R. Maier, and A. R. Simpson, (2007). "Case Study Based Convergence Behaviour Analysis of ACO Applied to Optimal Design of Water Distribution Systems." Swarm Intelligence, Focus on Ant and Particle Swarm Optimization, F. T. S. Chan and M. K. Tiwari (Eds.), Automatic Robotic Systems, 28 pages. 

    Peer Reviewed Journal Publications

    A. C. Zecchin, L. B. White, M. F. Lambert, A. R. Simpson. Parameter identification of fluid line networks by frequency-domain maximum likelihood estimation, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, (In press, accepted 15-01-2013).

    J. Gong, M. F. Lambert, A. R. Simpson, and A. C. Zecchin. Single Event Leak Detection in a Pipeline Using the First Three Resonant Responses, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, (In press, accepted 15-12-2012).

    J. Gong, A. C. Zecchin, A. R. Simpson and M. F. Lambert. Frequency Response Diagram for Pipeline Leak Detection: Comparing the Odd and the Even Harmonics, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, (In press, accepted 13-06-2012).

    J. Gong, A. R. Simpson, M. F. Lambert, A. C. Zecchin, Y. Kim. Detection of distributed deteriorations in single pipes using transient reflections, Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, ASCE, (In press, accepted 16-05-2012).

    Zheng, F., A. C. Zecchin, A. R. Simpson, and M. F. Lambert (2103). “Non-Crossover Dither Creeping Mutation Genetic Algorithm for Pipe Network Optimization.” J. Water Resour. Plann. Manage. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000351

    Zheng, F., A. C. Zecchin and A. R. Simpson (2012). “A self adaptive differential evolution algorithm applied to water distribution system optimization.” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000208.

    Zheng, F., A. R. Simpson, and A. C. Zecchin (2012). “A decomposition and multi-stage optimization approach applied to optimization of water distribution systems with multiple sources.” Water Resources Research, doi:10.1029/2012WR013160.

    A. C. Zecchin, A. R. Simpson, H. R. Maier, A. Marchi, and J. B. Nixon (2012). Improved understanding of the searching behavior of ant colony optimization algorithms applied to the water distribution design problem, Water Resources Research, vol. 48, W09505.                    

    A. C. Zecchin, M. F. Lambert, A. R. Simpson (2012). The inverse Laplace transform for transient-state fluid line network simulation, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, American Society of Civil Engineers, vol 138(1), 101-115.

    A. C. Zecchin, P. Thum, A. R. Simpson, and C. Tischendorf (2012). Steady-state behaviour of large water distribution systems: the algebraic multigrid method for the fast solution of the linear step, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 138(6), 639-650..

    F. Zheng, A. R. Simpson, and A. C. Zecchin, (2011). A Dynamically Expanding Choice Table Approach to Genetic Algorithm Optimization of Water Distribution Systems, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, vol. 137(6), 547-551.

    J. P. Vitkovsky, P. J. Lee, A. C. Zecchin, A. R. Simpson, and M. F. Lambert, (2011). Head- and flow based formulations for frequency domain analysis of fluid transients in arbitrary pipe networks, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, vol. 137(5), 556-568.

    F. Zheng, A. R. Simpson and A. C. Zecchin (2011). A combined NLP-differential evolution algorithm approach for the optimization of looped water distribution systems, Water Resources Research, vol. 47, W08531.

    A. C. Zecchin, A. R. Simpson, M. F. Lambert, and L. B. White, (2010) Transient modelling of pipe networks with compound nodes using a Laplace-domain admittance matrix, The Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, vol. 136(10), 739-755.

    B. A. Tolson, M. Asadzadeh, H. R. Maier , and A. C. Zecchin, (2009) Hybrid discrete dynamically dimensioned search algorithm for water distribution system design optimization, Water Resources Research, vol. 45, W12416.                   

    A. C. Zecchin, A. R. Simpson, M. F. Lambert, L. B. White, and J. P. Vitkovsky, (2009) Transient modelling of arbitrary pipe networks by a Laplace-domain admittance matrix, The Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, vol. 135(6), pp. 538-547.

    A. C. Zecchin, H. R. Maier, A. R. Simpson, M. Leonard, and J. B. Nixon, (2007). Ant colony optimization applied to water distribution system design: Comparative study of five algorithms, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, vol. 133, pp. 87-92.

    A. C. Zecchin, A. R. Simpson, H. R. Maier, M. Leonard, A. J. Roberts, and M. J. Berrisford, (2006). Application of two ant colony optimisation algorithms to water distribution system optimisation, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, vol. 44, pp. 451-468.

    H. R. Maier, A. C. Zecchin, L. Radbone, and P. Goonan, (2006). Optimising the mutual information of ecological data clusters using evolutionary algorithms, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, vol. 44, pp. 439-450.

    A. C. Zecchin, A. R. Simpson, H. R. Maier, and J. B. Nixon, (2005). Parametric study for an ant algorithm applied to water distribution system optimization, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, vol. 9, pp. 175-191.

    H. R. Maier, A. R. Simpson, A.C. Zecchin, C., W. K. Foong, K. Y. Phang, H. Y. Seah, and C. L. Tan, (2003). Ant colony optimisation for Design of Water Distribution Systems, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, vol. 129, pp. 200-209.

    Peer Reviewed Conference Publications

    J. Gong, M. F. Lambert, A. R. Simpson and A. C. Zecchin, (2012). Distributed deterioration detection in single pipes using the impulse response function, BHR Pressure Surge Conference 2012, Lisbon, Portugal.

    J. Gong, A. R. Simpson, M. F. Lambert, A. C. Zecchin and Y. Kim, (2011). Detection of distributed deteriorations in single pipes using transient reflections, Proceedings of the International Conference on Piping and Trenchless Technology, Beijing, China.

    J. Gong, M. F. Lambert, A. C. Zecchin and A. R. Simpson, (2011). Frequency response measurement of pipelines by using the inverse-repeat binary sequence, Proceedings of the 11th  International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, Exeter, UK.

    F. Zheng, A. C. Zecchin, and A. R. Simpson, (2011). Optimal rehabilitation for large water distribution systems using genetic algorithms, Proceedings of OzWater’11, Adelaide, Australia.

    A. C. Zecchin, and P. J. Lee, (2011). Sufficient conditions for the passivity of numerical unsteady friction operators for transient pipe flow, Proceedings of the 34th IAHR World Congress, Brisbane, Australia.

    F. Zheng, A. R. Simpson, and A. C. Zecchin, (2010). A method of assessing the performance of genetic algorithm optimization water distribution design, Proceedings of the 12th Water Distribution System Analysis Symposium, Tucson, US.

    A. C. Zecchin, A. R. Simpson, and M. F. Lambert, (2008) von Neumann stability analysis of a method of characteristics viscoelastic pipeline model, BHR SURGE 2008, Edinbourgh, UK.

    A. C. Zecchin, H. R. Maier, A. R. Simpson, M. Leonard, A. Roberts, and M. J. Berrisford, (2003) Max-min ant system applied to water distribution system optimisation, MODSIM 2003: International Congress of Modelling and Simulation, Townsville, Australia.

    A. C. Zecchin, L. B. White, M. F. Lambert, and A. R. Simpson, (2005). Frequency-domain hypothesis testing approach to leak detection in a single fluid line, CCWI 2005, Water Management for the 21st Century, Exeter, UK.

    M. Leonard, H. R. Maier, A. R. Simpson, A. C. Zecchin, A. J. Roberts, M. J. Berrisford, and J. B. Nixon, (2004) Hydraulic Risk Assessment of Water Distribution Systems, 8th National Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering, Gold Coast, Australia.

    Conference Publications Reviewed By Abstract 

    J. Gong, M. F. Lambert, A. R. Simpson, and A. C. Zecchin (2012). Distributed Deterioration Detection In Single Pipes Using the Impulse Response Function, Proceedings of the Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium, Adelaide, Australia.

    F. Zheng, A. R. Simpson, and A. C. Zecchin (2012). A New Hybrid Optimization Model for Water Distribution System Optimization, Proceedings of the Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium, Adelaide, Australia.

    F. Zheng, A. R. Simpson, and A. C. Zecchin, (2012). A performance comparison between differential evolution variants and genetic algorithms for water network optimization, Proceedings of the Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium, Adelaide, Australia.

    J. Gong, A. C. Zecchin, M. F. Lambert, A. R. Simpson, (2012). Signal separation for transient wave reflections in single pipelines, Proceedings of the World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2012, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 20-24 May 2012.

    F. Zheng, A. R. Simpson, and A. C. Zecchin, (2012). A performance comparison between differential evolution and genetic algorithm variants applied to water distribution system optimization, Proceedings of the World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2012, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 20-24 May 2012.

    J. Gong, M. F. Lambert, A. C. Zecchin and A. R. Simpson, (2011). Frequency response measurement of pipelines by using the inverse-repeat binary sequence, Proceedings of the 11th  International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, Exeter, UK.

    F. Zheng, A. R. Simpson, and A. C. Zecchin, (2011). The Performance Study of Differential Evolution with Various Mutation Strategies Applied to Water Distribution System, Proceedings of the 13th Water Distribution System Analysis Symposium, Palm Springs, US.

    A. C. Zecchin, M. F. Lambert, A. R. Simpson, And N. S. Arbon (2009) Numerically efficient transient-state model for a pipeline based on the Fourier-Crump inverse Laplace transform, to be presented at the 33rd IAHR World Congress, Vancouver, Canada.                             

    A. C. Zecchin, M. F. Lambert, and A. R. Simpson (2009) Damage detection of operating transmission mains with measured boundary conditions, 2009 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Kansas City, US.

    B. A. Tolson, M. A. Esfahani, A. C. Zecchin, H.R. Maier (2008) A new algorithm for water distribution system optimization: Discrete dynamically dimensioned search, Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008, Ahupua'a, Hawaii.

    A. C. Zecchin, M. F. Lambert, A. R. Simpson, and L. B. White, (2006). Laplace-domain comparison of linear models of a reservoir-pipe-valve system with a leak, 8th International Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium, Cincinnati, Ohio, US.

  • Professional Interests


    Member of the International Association for Hydro-Environmental Engineering and Research

    Reviewer for Journals

    Water Resources Research, American Geophysical Union

    Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineering

    Journal of Water Resources Management & Planning, American Society of Civil Engineering

    Journal of Hydroinformatics,

    Journal of Hydraulics Research, International Association of Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research

    Computers & Operations Research, Elsevier

    Engineering Optimization, Taylor & Francis Group

    Mathematical & Computer Modelling, Elsevier

    Journal of Information Systems, American Society of Civil Engineering

    International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids

    Water Science and Technology: Water Supply

    Conference Organisation and Reviews

    2012     Organising Committee Member, 14th Water Distribution System Analysis Conference, Adelaide, Australia

    2011     Reviewer and Session Chair, The 34th International Association of Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research World Congress, Brisbane, Australia

    2005     Reviewer, The International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, MODSIM 2005, Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand

    Seminars and Conference Presentations

    School Seminar Series, The School of Environmental Engineering, Pusan National University, January 2012, Pusan, South Korea.

    34th IAHR World Congress, International Association of Hydro-Environmental Engineering and Research, June 2011, Brisbane, Australia.

    33rd IAHR World Congress, International Association of Hydro-Environmental Engineering and Research, August 2009, Vancouver, Canada (Invited paper).

    Fraunhofer SCAI Seminar, The Mathematical Institute, The University of Cologne, June 2009, Cologne, Germany.

    2009 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, The American Society of Civil Engineering, May 2009, Kansas City, US.

    Surge Analysis - System Design, Simulation, Monitoring and Control, The British Hydraulic Research Group, May 2008, Edinburgh, UK.

    CASA September Seminar, Centre for Analysis, Scientific computing and Applications, The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology, June 2006, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

    8th International Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium, The American Society of Civil Engineering, August 2006, Cincinnati, Ohio, US.

    CCWI 2005, Water Management for the 21st Century, The Centre for Water Systems, The University of Exeter, September 2005, Exeter, UK.

    Industry Consultancy Projects

    2011-13, Performance analysis review of stormwater filtration devices, for Ecosol Pty Ltd, Pooraka, South Australia, Australia.

    2006-09, Hunting and stability analysis of rail wagons, for CFCL Australia, Pty. Ltd., Dawes Point, New South Wales, Australia.

    2008-09, Stress analysis of rail wagons, for CFCL Australia, Pty. Ltd., Dawes Point, New South Wales, Australia.

    2008     Trunion friction analysis of Port River Expressway, and Port River Railway bridge, for ABIGroup Contractors Pty. Ltd., Adelaide, Australia.

    2007     Ride performance assessment of Locomotives, for CFCL Australia, Pty. Ltd., Dawes Point, New South Wales, Australia.

    2006     Testing of stop valves on Morgan-Whyalla Pipelines 1 and 2, for SA Water Pty. Ltd., Adelaide, Australia.

    2005     Gold fields trunk main expansion assessment, Economic Regulation Authority, Perth, Australia.


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Entry last updated: Thursday, 12 Jan 2023

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